Revisiting the French Didactic Tradition through Technological Lenses
:1. Introduction
2. The French Didactic Tradition: Some Important Characteristics
3. A Tradition Seen through the Lens of Dynamic Geometry
4. A Tradition Seen through the Lens of Calculators and Computer Algebra Systems
- An artefact/instrument dialectic: each artefact, defined as a product and means of human activity, is engaged by the subject in the course of their situated activity; the instrument is developed, from this artefact, by the subject. It is defined as a hybrid entity, composed of the part of the artefact actually used and the scheme of use;
- An instrumentation/instrumentalization dialectic: instrumentation is the process by which the use of the artefact influences the activity of the subject; instrumentalization is the process by which the subject adapts/enriches the artefact to make it more efficient and more suited to their needs.
- That of instrumental orchestrations, defined by Trouche [50] and further developed in a joint work with Drijvers [51] as “the systematic arrangement by an intentional agent of the elements (artefacts and humans) of an environment in order to implement a didactical situation”, taking up the notion of “didactical exploitation scenario” already introduced by Chevallard [48];
- That of double didactic and mathematical genesis [52], expressing the fact that, for a teacher and a given digital artefact, two instrumental geneses take place, the first one transforming it into a mathematical instrument and the second one transforming it into a didactical instrument;
- That of genesis of technology uses by teachers [53], taking account of the fact that the teacher’s activity combines the use of diverse artefacts, digital or not, as well as the fact, in line with the double approach mentioned above, that the analysis of teachers’ instrumented practices cannot be isolated from a more global approach to their practices.
5. A Tradition Seen through the Lens of Digital Resources
- For many different mathematical contents, she prepared lesson frames comprising texts with empty slots, particularly when a new formula is presented;
- She reported that she had taught the same lesson for 3 years, using word processing software, several websites, the digital textbook, the interactive whiteboard, and a paper form to be filled in by students.
- The DAD develops a holistic point of view on the teacher’s work, embracing not only some predominant artefacts, but all the resources in this work: material and symbolic; coming from Internet, as well as from the interactions with colleagues or students; resources already “there” or collected for addressing a new issue. These views lead to the productive notion of resource system embracing the diversity of resources a teacher interacts with;
- It recognizes as essential the process of instrumentalization, considering that adopting a resource is always adapting it (whereas it was not, at the beginning at least, the case in the instrumental approach, as the adaptation of environments such as CAS was not so obvious). In the documentational approach, the processes of usage and design appear as intrinsically linked, as announced by the seminal lecture by Folcher [65];
- Lastly, the DAD is interested in “ordinary” classes, trying to take into account, as much as possible, the institutional conditions constraining teacher activity.
- The connection still alive with the three main frameworks grounding the French didactics (the dialectic scheme/situation from the TCF, the institutional constraints of teacher work from the ATD, and the analysis of task design for TDS);
- The application of DAD in various cultural contexts beyond the French one, for example, in China [77], making it possible to deepen the conditions of teachers’ collective work;
- The interaction with other traditions of research, for example, with Ruthven [78] for deepening the notion of resource system, with the field of research on textbooks [79], for better understanding the critical role of “traditional” resources, or, more generally, with the field of research on curricular resources [80], for taking into account the institutional conditions of teacher documentation work.
6. Discussion
- The Aplusix project initiated by Jean-François Nicaud [87], a computer scientist of the EIAH community, and continuously developed over three decades, already mentioned in the introduction;
- The Pépite project that emerged from the Grugeon doctoral thesis [88] and the multidimensional diagnostic tool of students’ competences in elementary algebra developed in it, transformed into a digital diagnostic tool, Pépite [89], thanks to the collaboration between didacticians and computer scientists, continuously refined until today.
- The cKc (conception, knowing, concept) framework, created by Balacheff [90], drawing out Vergnaud’s frame of conceptualization, for an efficient design of teaching situations and learning environments, be they digital or not, with the additional ambition to build a bridge between research in mathematics education and research in educational technology;
- The modeling of the learner and their relationship with knowledge, developed in the frame of the ATD, throughout the notion of personal praxeology [91], evidencing the emergence of the cognitive subject inside the ATD;
- The “media–milieu dialectic” (dialectique media–milieu, in French), developed by Chevallard [92], for questioning the interactions, in the frame of a given institution, between existing media and the milieu (§ 2), a medium being a system constituted for representing a part of the world to a given audience, including, but not restricted to, the digital environments.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Short Biography of Authors
| Michèle Artigue: Michèle Artigue is an Emeritus Professor at the Université de Paris and an associate researcher of the Laboratoire de Didactique André Revuz. She gained a doctorate in mathematical logic (1972) and then a habilitation in the didactics of mathematics (1987) at the University Paris 7, where she spent most of her academic career. After her doctorate, she progressively engaged in didactic research. Her main research areas have been the didactics of calculus and analysis, as well as the teaching and learning of mathematics with technology. She has offered theoretical contributions on different themes concerning epistemology and didactics, didactical engineering, the instrumental approach, and the networking of theories. She has had and still has many editorial and scientific responsibilities. From 1998 to 2009, she was Vice President and then President of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). She was awarded the ICMI Felix Klein Medal in 2013 and the Luis Santaló Medal in 2015. |
| Luc Trouche: Luc Trouche is an Emeritus Professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and an associate researcher of the S2HEP Laboratory. He gained a doctorate in didactics of mathematics (1996) at the University Montpellier 2 and then a habilitation (2003) at the University Paris 7. He spent his academic career first in Montpellier (Research Institute for the Teaching of Mathematics) and then in Lyon, at the French Institute of Education. His main research areas have been the teaching and learning of mathematics with technology and teacher professional development, seen particularly through their interactions with resources. He has offered theoretical contributions on different themes, mainly the instrumental approach and the documentational approach to didactics. From 2012 to 2016, he was President of the French Commission on Mathematical Instruction |
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Artigue, M.; Trouche, L. Revisiting the French Didactic Tradition through Technological Lenses. Mathematics 2021, 9, 629.
Artigue M, Trouche L. Revisiting the French Didactic Tradition through Technological Lenses. Mathematics. 2021; 9(6):629.
Chicago/Turabian StyleArtigue, Michèle, and Luc Trouche. 2021. "Revisiting the French Didactic Tradition through Technological Lenses" Mathematics 9, no. 6: 629.
APA StyleArtigue, M., & Trouche, L. (2021). Revisiting the French Didactic Tradition through Technological Lenses. Mathematics, 9(6), 629.