Fluid Modeling of a Non-Thermal Plasma with Dielectric Barrier Discharge and Argon as a Diluent Gas
:1. Introduction
2. Theory
2.1. Experimental Reactor
2.2. Modeling Approach
2.3. Modeling Geometry
3. Model
3.1. Governing Equations
3.1.1. Fluid Model
3.1.2. Plasma Model
3.2. Plasma Chemistry
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Example Case Analysis
4.1.1. Electron Density
4.1.2. Mass Fraction of Excited Argon Atoms and Argon Ions
4.1.3. Mean Electron Energy
4.1.4. Velocity, Vorticity, Pressure, and Dynamic Viscosity
4.2. Case Study Analysis
4.2.1. Influence of Volumetric Inflow Rate
4.2.2. Influence of Dielectric Barrier Material
4.2.3. Influence of Dielectric Thickness
4.2.4. Influence of Reactor Length
4.2.5. Fluid and Plasma Properties
5. Conclusions
- Firstly, the impact of volumetric inflow rate is noted from a pure fluid flow perspective as well as from a plasma perspective. The fluid flow is directly equivalent to the previous CFD contributions. Once the plasma reactions are introduced, the average velocity decreases in the reactor. The plasma behavior compares the experimental yield to the simulations, showing that yield can be linked to increasing electrons and excited species. Some discrepancies are noted due to the experiments including CO2-Ar mixtures, while simulations are of pure argon.
- Secondly, the simulations indicate that changing the dielectric barrier material can be of interest. Generally, a higher dielectric constant is recommended; however, when introducing a new material, the effect of secondary emission coefficient and mean energy of secondary electrons must be included.
- Thirdly, apart from the dielectric material, changing the dielectric thickness can be beneficial. Smaller discharge gaps have shown significant benefits in simulation convergence. Future experiments could consider a dielectric thickness of 1 mm. In addition, including an additional concentric dielectric barrier, as in other works [41], could be of interest.
- Fourthly, the increased reactor length has shown an improvement in plasma generation, which could also be introduced. Future works could aim at studying the optimized length of the reactor prior to introducing a new experimental set-up.
- Finally, the fluid and plasma properties are compared to allow further understanding of the reactor behavior. A correlation between the electrons, excited species, and ions is found with the fluid behavior per case.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Study Case | Cases | Total Inlet Volume Rate (L/min) | Total Inlet Volume Rate (m3/s) | Argon Volumetric Composition (%) | Yield (%) |
1 | 1.1 | 1.045 | 1.74167 × 10−5 | 0.9569 | 4.55 |
1.2 | 1.036 | 1.72667 × 10−5 | 0.9653 | 6.11 | |
1.3 | 1.030 | 1.71667 × 10−5 | 0.9709 | 8.80 | |
1.4 | 1.021 | 1.70167 × 10−5 | 0.9794 | 14.31 | |
1.5 | 1.015 | 1.69167 × 10−5 | 0.9852 | 23.42 | |
1.6 | 1.015 | 1.69167 × 10−5 | 0.9852 | 20.98 | |
1.7 | 1.009 | 1.68167 × 10−5 | 0.9911 | 40.24 | |
1.8 | 1.009 | 1.68167 × 10−5 | 0.9911 | 49.32 | |
1.9 | 1.006 | 1.67667 × 10−5 | 0.9940 | 55.40 | |
1.10 | 1.006 | 1.67667 × 10−5 | 0.9940 | 64.45 | |
1.11 | 1.003 | 1.67167 × 10−5 | 0.9970 | 74.17 | |
1.12 | 1.003 | 1.67167 × 10−5 | 0.9970 | 75.49 | |
2 | 2.1 | 0.865 | 1.44167 × 10−5 | 0.9827 | 13.49 |
2.2 | 0.859 | 1.43167 × 10−5 | 0.9895 | 39.00 | |
2.3 | 0.856 | 1.42667 × 10−5 | 0.9930 | 51.00 | |
2.4 | 0.853 | 1.42167 × 10−5 | 0.9965 | 59.10 | |
3 | 3.1 | 0.765 | 1.27500 × 10−5 | 0.9804 | 11.70 |
3.2 | 0.759 | 1.26500 × 10−5 | 0.9881 | 32.42 | |
3.3 | 0.756 | 1.26000 × 10−5 | 0.9921 | 34.55 | |
3.4 | 0.753 | 1.25500 × 10−5 | 0.9960 | 43.85 | |
4 | 4.1 | 0.715 | 1.19167 × 10−5 | 0.9790 | 8.37 |
4.2 | 0.709 | 1.18167 × 10−5 | 0.9873 | 27.88 | |
4.3 | 0.706 | 1.17667 × 10−5 | 0.9915 | 24.04 | |
4.4 | 0.703 | 1.17167 × 10−5 | 0.9957 | 35.06 | |
5 | 5.1 | 0.665 | 1.10833 × 10−5 | 0.9774 | 6.00 |
5.2 | 0.659 | 1.09833 × 10−5 | 0.9863 | 21.72 | |
5.3 | 0.656 | 1.09333 × 10−5 | 0.9909 | 20.77 | |
5.4 | 0.653 | 1.08833 × 10−5 | 0.9954 | 30.03 | |
6 | 6.1 | 0.615 | 1.02500 × 10−5 | 0.9756 | 4.81 |
6.2 | 0.609 | 1.01500 × 10−5 | 0.9852 | 18.25 | |
6.3 | 0.606 | 1.01000 × 10−5 | 0.9901 | 18.01 | |
6.4 | 0.603 | 1.00500 × 10−5 | 0.9950 | 18.91 | |
7 | 7.1 | 0.515 | 8.58333 × 10−6 | 0.9709 | 3.78 |
7.2 | 0.509 | 8.48333 × 10−6 | 0.9823 | 13.02 | |
7.3 | 0.506 | 8.43333 × 10−6 | 0.9881 | 9.82 | |
7.4 | 0.503 | 8.38333 × 10−6 | 0.9940 | 13.67 |
Input Variable | Value | Reference |
Molar Mass | M = 39.948 [g/mol] | [49] |
Potential char. Length | σ = 3.401 [Å] | |
Dispersive Energy | ε/kB = 117.1 [K] | |
Dipole Moment | μD = 0 [C·m] |
Input Variable | Value | Reference |
Voltage (maximum) | 1 kV | [47] |
Frequency (minimum) | 20 kHz | [47] |
Plasma Temperature (oven) | 60 °C | [47] |
Reactor Length | 160 mm | [47] |
Total Inlet Volumetric Rate | 0.503–1.045 L/min | [47] |
Relative Permittivity Quartz | εr = 4.2 | [55] |
Model | Location | Description |
Fluid | Inlet | Volumetric Flow Rate |
Outlet | Ambient Pressure | |
Plasma | Wall (Anode) | Powered Electrode V(t) |
Wall (Cathode) | Grounded Electrode 0 V | |
Wall (all) | Electron Flux | |
Wall (all) | Electron Energy Flux | |
Wall (Anode and Cathode) | Surface Reactions | |
Wall (Dielectric) | Surface Charge Accumulation |
Reaction | Formula | Type | ΔE (eV) | Rate (m2/s·mol) |
R1 | e + Ar ⇒ e + Ar | Elastic | mR = 0.0000136 | - |
R2 | e + Ar ⇒ e + Ar* | Excitation | 11.5 | - |
R3 | e + Ar* ⇒ e + Ar | Superelastic | −11.5 | - |
R4 | e + Ar ⇒ 2e + Ar+ | Ionization | 15.8 | - |
R5 | e + Ar* ⇒ 2e + Ar+ | Ionization | 4.427 | - |
R6 | Ar* + Ar* ⇒ e + Ar + Ar+ | Penning ionization | - | 3.3734 × 108 |
R7 | Ar* + Ar ⇒ Ar + Ar | Metastable quenching | - | 1807 |
Location | γp | Ref. | εp | Ref. |
Wall (left) | 0.08 | [62] | 6.580 | [63] |
Wall (right) | 0.2 | [64] | 6.154 | [65] |
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Share and Cite
Mas-Peiro, C.; Llovell, F.; Pou, J.O. Fluid Modeling of a Non-Thermal Plasma with Dielectric Barrier Discharge and Argon as a Diluent Gas. Processes 2024, 12, 1405. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12071405
Mas-Peiro C, Llovell F, Pou JO. Fluid Modeling of a Non-Thermal Plasma with Dielectric Barrier Discharge and Argon as a Diluent Gas. Processes. 2024; 12(7):1405. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12071405
Chicago/Turabian StyleMas-Peiro, Cristina, Fèlix Llovell, and Josep O. Pou. 2024. "Fluid Modeling of a Non-Thermal Plasma with Dielectric Barrier Discharge and Argon as a Diluent Gas" Processes 12, no. 7: 1405. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12071405
APA StyleMas-Peiro, C., Llovell, F., & Pou, J. O. (2024). Fluid Modeling of a Non-Thermal Plasma with Dielectric Barrier Discharge and Argon as a Diluent Gas. Processes, 12(7), 1405. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12071405