Unlocking Market Transformation Through Circular Procurement: The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area Experience
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Theory
3.1. Explanation of Section Structure
3.2. Defining Circular Procurement
3.3. Scope of Circular Procurement
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- Procurement of improved products and services by adding circular criteria for products and services, such as recyclability, reuse of materials, and use of recycled materials.
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- Procurement of services and new business concepts;
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- Procurement of new and innovative products, services, and materials promoting circular economy-based business;
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- Procurement promoting industrial symbiosis and circular ecosystems, which requires significant investments, as well as cooperation and commitments from various stakeholders to support closed-loop systems.
- Micro-level—focusing on the procurer’s internal organization. This includes strategic aspects (strategy formulation, top management awareness, and commitment, including finance) and executional practices (buying power, company procurement processes, skills and knowledge, operational tools, internal coordination, and organizational culture) [5,12,22].
- Meso-level—dealing with factors related to the entities with which and how the procurer interacts in the supply chain or eco-industrial parks [1]. This may involve consulting the market, collaborating with top-performing actors in the market, working with market actors on innovative, circular solutions, or actively participating in transforming the supply chain or eco-industrial park.
- Macro-level—encompassing various types of political support, such as legislation, procurement specifications, or financial incentives, along with social obligations rooted in moral legitimacy and cultural-cognitive expectations of stakeholders [12].
3.4. Barriers and Enablers
4. Results
4.1. Research Design and Execution
4.2. Evolution of the Circular Procurement Experiment in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area
4.2.1. Activity 1: Preparing the Circular Procurement Experiment (2015–2016)
4.2.2. Activity 2: Building Knowledge and Competencies (2016–2019)
4.2.3. Activity 3: Reflective Pause (Late 2019–2020)
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- The participants identified the shift in mindset within their organizations as the most challenging aspect, viz.;
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- Transitioning from procurement solely managed by procurement officers to a model owned by multiple departments;
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- Shifting from one-time transactions to long-term relationships between buyers and suppliers.
- Internal resources (time, personnel, and money);
- Commitment of key actors, viz. CEOs/directors and middle management;
- Accountable targets;
- Adaptation of accountancy rules;
- Successful showcases
4.2.4. Activity 4: Establishing a Coordinated Circular Procurement Execution Plan (2020–2022)
4.2.5. Activity 5: Forming Innovative Alliances Within Three Product Chains (2020–2021)
4.2.6. Activity 6: Consolidating the Program (2023–Ongoing)
4.2.7. Summary of the Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
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- Building knowledge and competencies within the organizations involved;
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- Establishing a coordinated CP execution plan to collectively create a market for circular products and services;
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- Forming innovative alliances within three product chains to transform these chains more fundamentally.
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
AMA | Amsterdam Metropolitan Area |
AMEC | Amsterdam Economic Board (regional triple-helix organization, representing business, educational organizations, and local government) |
CP | circular procurement |
GDP | gross domestic product |
GP | green procurement |
LEAP | Lower Energy Acceleration Program |
MRA | Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam (regional board of local governments) |
OECD | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development |
PIANOo | national expertise center for sustainable procurement |
RVO | Netherlands Enterprise Agency |
SDG | Sustainable Development Goal |
SP | sustainable procurement |
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Cramer, J. Unlocking Market Transformation Through Circular Procurement: The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area Experience. Urban Sci. 2024, 8, 225. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci8040225
Cramer J. Unlocking Market Transformation Through Circular Procurement: The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area Experience. Urban Science. 2024; 8(4):225. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci8040225
Chicago/Turabian StyleCramer, Jacqueline. 2024. "Unlocking Market Transformation Through Circular Procurement: The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area Experience" Urban Science 8, no. 4: 225. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci8040225
APA StyleCramer, J. (2024). Unlocking Market Transformation Through Circular Procurement: The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area Experience. Urban Science, 8(4), 225. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci8040225