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Adv. Respir. Med., Volume 75, Issue 4 (October 2007) – 17 articles , Pages 311-408

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155 KiB  
Patogeneza i klinika nieastmatycznego eozynofilowego zapalenia oskrzeli
by Anna Dor-Wojnarowska and Bernard Panaszek
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 389-393; - 10 Nov 2007
Viewed by 473
The introduction of induced sputum, as the diagnostic and research tool allowed to define nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis characterized as a chronic cough in patients with no symptoms or objective evidence of variable airflow obstruction, with normal airway hyperresponsiveness and sputum eosinophilia. Eosinophilic bronchitis [...] Read more.
The introduction of induced sputum, as the diagnostic and research tool allowed to define nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis characterized as a chronic cough in patients with no symptoms or objective evidence of variable airflow obstruction, with normal airway hyperresponsiveness and sputum eosinophilia. Eosinophilic bronchitis is an important cause of chronic cough. Studies in which the assessment of airway inflammation has been undertaken in chronic cough patients have shown that nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis accounts for 10 to 30% of cases referred for specialist investigation. Eosinophilic bronchitis, like asthma, is characterized by eosinophilic airway inflammation, but unlike asthma, there is no airway hyperresponsiveness or bronchoconstriction. The airway immunopathology of asthma and eosinophilic bronchitis are almost identical. An obvious question is why an apparently similar pattern of airway inflammation is associated with different functional abnormalities in patients with nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis and asthma. The differences in functional association may be related to differences in the localization of mast cells within the airway wall, with airway smooth muscle infiltration occurring in patients with asthma, and epithelial infiltration in patients with nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis. Full article
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Opieka paliatywna u chorych na zaawansowan? posta? przewlek?ej obturacyjnej choroby p?uc
by Ewa Jassem
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 311-312; - 30 Oct 2007
Viewed by 468
Przewlek?a obturacyjna choroba p?uc (POChP) jest jedn? z najcz?stszych chorób w rozwini?tych krajach i 4. przyczyn? zgonów na ?wiecie [...] Full article
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Jubileusz pozna?skiej pulmonologii akademickiej
by Szczepan Cofta
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 405-408; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 381
W dniu 1 grudnia 2006 roku odby?y si? w Poznaniu obchody jubileuszu 60-lecia pulmonologii akademickiej oraz 55-lecia Kliniki Ftyzjopneumonologii Akademii Medycznej [...] Full article
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Case Report
Malakoplakia p?uca i zaka?enie Rhodococcus equi Opis dwóch przypadków i przegl?d pi?miennictwa
by Małgorzata Szołkowska, Renata Langfort, Ewa M. Szczepulska, Iwona Bestry and Jarosław Religioni
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 398-404; - 26 Oct 2007
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 502
Malakoplakia is a rare, chronic, granulomatous disease seen in immunocompromised patients, caused by multiple infectious agents, most often bacteria. Microscopically, accumulations of macrophages with granular cytoplasm and intra- or extracellular structures, called Michaelis-Gutmann bodies are characteristic. Main cause of pulmonary malakoplakia is Rhodococcus [...] Read more.
Malakoplakia is a rare, chronic, granulomatous disease seen in immunocompromised patients, caused by multiple infectious agents, most often bacteria. Microscopically, accumulations of macrophages with granular cytoplasm and intra- or extracellular structures, called Michaelis-Gutmann bodies are characteristic. Main cause of pulmonary malakoplakia is Rhodococcus equi infection. We report two cases of pulmonary malakoplakia, in one case R. equi infection was confirmed. We also present a summary of recent knowledge about the pathogenesis, morphology and clinical course of the disease. Full article
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Case Report
Organising Pneumonia and Lung Cancer—Case Report and Review of the Literature
by Elżbieta Radzikowska, Urszula Nowicka, Elżbieta Wiatr, Lila Jakubowska, Renata Langfort, Mariusz Chabowski and Kazimierz Roszkowski
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 394-397; - 26 Oct 2007
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 460
Organizuj?ce si? zapalenie p?uc jest chorob? wynikaj?c? z reakcji p?uc na szereg czynników uszkadzaj?cych, zarówno pochodzenia egzo-, jak i endogennego. Notowane s? równie? przypadki o nieustalonej etiologii. Ogniska organizuj?cego si? zapalenia p?uc mog? stosunkowo cz?sto towarzyszy? naciekom nowotworowym w p?ucach, w tym szczególnie [...] Read more.
Organizuj?ce si? zapalenie p?uc jest chorob? wynikaj?c? z reakcji p?uc na szereg czynników uszkadzaj?cych, zarówno pochodzenia egzo-, jak i endogennego. Notowane s? równie? przypadki o nieustalonej etiologii. Ogniska organizuj?cego si? zapalenia p?uc mog? stosunkowo cz?sto towarzyszy? naciekom nowotworowym w p?ucach, w tym szczególnie rakowi p?uca. Organizuj?ce si? zapalenie p?uc u chorych na raka p?uca mo?e by? indukowane równie? przez chemio- lub radioterapi?. Autorzy pracy przedstawiaj? przypadek 65-letniego chorego przyj?tego do Kliniki z powodu gor?czki, suchego kaszlu, duszno?ci wysi?kowej i stwierdzanych w obrazie radiologicznym klatki piersiowej zacienie? w dolnym polu p?uca prawego. W badaniu tomokomputerowym uwidoczniono naciek zapalny z powietrznym bronchogramem ??cz?cy si? z wn?k?. Bronchoskopowo stwierdzono obturacj? oskrzela segmentu 9. p?uca prawego przez kalafiorowaty guz. W wycinkach stwierdzono utkanie raka p?askonab?onkowego p?uca. Z wydzieliny oskrzelowej nie wyhodowano flory patogennej, nie wykryto równie? w surowicy przeciwcia? w kierunku patogenów atypowych (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chalamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila). Chorego leczono operacyjnie, dokonuj?c resekcji p?ata dolnego p?uca prawego. W badaniu histologicznym specimenu pooperacyjnego wykryto w oskrzelu niewielkie ognisko nowotworu p?uca oraz rozleg?e nacieki organizuj?cego si? zapalenia p?uc. W opinii autorów pracy leczenie operacyjne by?o wystarczaj?ce zarówno w stosunku do raka p?uca, jak i indukowanego nowotworem organizuj?cego si? zapalenia p?uc. W 6 miesi?cy po zabiegu stan chorego by? bardzo dobry i nie stwierdzono wznowy opisywanych procesów chorobowych. Reasumuj?c, autorzy przedstawiaj? przypadek chorego na raka p?askonab?onkowego p?uca (T1N0M0) z towarzysz?cym rozleg?ym naciekiem organizuj?cego si? zapalenia p?uc. Full article
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Opieka paliatywna w przewlek?ej chorobie obturacyjnej p?uc (POChP)
by Aleksandra Modlińska, Tomasz Buss and Monika Lichodziejewska-Niemierko
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 383-388; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 579
Traditionally focusing on terminally ill cancer patients, palliative care services have recently attempted to involve patients with other chronic, life—threatening diseases, e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this group of patients both quality of life and life expectancy is poor. Unfortunately, patients [...] Read more.
Traditionally focusing on terminally ill cancer patients, palliative care services have recently attempted to involve patients with other chronic, life—threatening diseases, e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this group of patients both quality of life and life expectancy is poor. Unfortunately, patients with COPD don’t receive adequate special medical service, although this progressive disease causes almost as many deaths as lung cancer. The suffering of patients dying from COPD is not smaller than cancer patients. The major symptoms are usually dyspnoe, cough, fatigue, depression, emotional and psychosocial problems. In fact, their needs are really palliative, so we try to pay attention to the quality of life of people suffering from COPD. It is important to underline that medical palliation of these patients falls not only to the management of the main clinical symptoms, but also to adopt a holistic, multiprofessional approach and working with their families and caregivers. Full article
217 KiB  
Sygnalizacja zale?na od histonów w farmakoterapii przewlek?ej obturacyjnej choroby p?uc
by Robert Marek Mróz, Jacek Noparlik, Elżbieta Chyczewska, Jan Józef Braszko and Adam Hołownia
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 375-382; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 479
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a 4th major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Cigarette smoking and oxidative/nitrosative stress leading to chronic inflammation is considered as a major cause of COPD but up to now, details of molecular pathways responsible for development [...] Read more.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a 4th major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Cigarette smoking and oxidative/nitrosative stress leading to chronic inflammation is considered as a major cause of COPD but up to now, details of molecular pathways responsible for development of disease are unknown. Recent reports indicate the role of disruption in histone function in promoting synthesis of inflammatory cytokines through increased gene transcription which underlies disease development. Core histone acetylation/deacetylation regulate their transcription activity and drug induced changes of its intensity may be an interesting field of further research. In this article the opinions about the role of steroids as inhibitors of the inflammatory process as well as resistance to steroids have been presented. Findings from studies which aimed to explore the anti-inflammatory activity of drugs such as theophylline and N-acetylcysteine and their ability to suppress oxidative stress may suggest the usefullness of these drugs in causative treatment of COPD. However, further studies are necessary to confirm these findings. Full article
159 KiB  
Zespó? z?o?onego bezdechu ?ródsennego
by Tomasz J. Kuźniar and Kamilla Kasibowska-Kuźniar
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 370-374; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 435
Some patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) develop persistent central sleep apnea activity when started on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). This recently recognized syndrome, complex sleep apnea syndrome (CompSAS), is thought to be due to dysfunction of the respiratory center in a [...] Read more.
Some patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) develop persistent central sleep apnea activity when started on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). This recently recognized syndrome, complex sleep apnea syndrome (CompSAS), is thought to be due to dysfunction of the respiratory center in a setting of an obstructive sleep apnea. We present the current knowledge on epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment options in CompSAS. We review the current literature on CompSAS, and present our own data on this interesting condition. Full article
337 KiB  
Zwi?zek pomi?dzy wybranymi wska?nikami zapalenia dróg oddechowych a grubo?ci? b?ony podstawnej u chorych na astm?
by Katarzyna Górska, Rafał Krenke, Justyna Kościuch, Tadeusz Przybyłowski, Joanna Domagała-Kulawik, Katarzyna Hildebrand, Wojciech Baran, Marek Kujawa and Ryszarda Chazan
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 363-369; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 610
Introduction: Airway inflammation and remodeling are well recognized features of asthma. Remodeling is usually regarded as a consequence of chronic inflammation, however there are also data suggesting that remodeling is a relatively independent process in asthma. Neither inflammation nor remodeling is a [...] Read more.
Introduction: Airway inflammation and remodeling are well recognized features of asthma. Remodeling is usually regarded as a consequence of chronic inflammation, however there are also data suggesting that remodeling is a relatively independent process in asthma. Neither inflammation nor remodeling is a uniform process. Thus the precise relationship between markers of inflammation and different patterns of remodeling are still matter of investigations. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between total and differential cell count in induced sputum (IS) and BALF, and thickness of the basement membrane (BM) in patients with stable asthma. Material and methods: 18 patients with asthma (M/F 9/9, mean age 36 ± 15 yrs). Duration of symptoms amounted to 12.7 ± 11.5 years. Patients who have not been treated with steroids for at least 3 months were enrolled to the study. All patients underwent sputum induction and fiberoptic bronchoscopy with BAL and bronchial biopsies. Total and differential cell counts were measured in induced sputum and BALF. Light-microscopic measurements of BM thickness were performed in hematoxylin-eosin stained slides of bronchial wall specimens with semi-automatic software analysis. Results: Mean BM thickness was 12.9 ± 2.8 ?m (range: 8.5–20.7 ?m). Total sputum cell count was 3.4 ± 2.7 × 106 cells/mL, whereas in BALF 9.7 ± 10.2 × 106 cells/mL. There was no correlation between differential cell count in induced sputum and BALF. No significant correlations between BM thickness and total and differential cell count in IS and BALF were observed. There also was no correlation between BM thickness and length of asthma duration or degree of the disease. Conclusions: There was no relationship between BM thickness and total number of cells nor number of eosinophils in BALF and/or IS. Full article
211 KiB  
Ocena odpowiedzi humoralnej przeciwko antygenom pr?tka w pop?uczynach oskrzelowo-p?cherzykowych u chorych na gru?lic? p?uc potwierdzon? bakteriologicznie i metodami genetycznymi
by Iwona Kozłowska, Małgorzata Filewska, Adriana Roży, Ewa Augustynowicz-Kopeć, Dorota Krawiecka, Beata Broniarek-Samson and Urszula Demkow
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 355-362; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 514
Introduction: The resistance to TB is cells-mediated but humoral response is common and may be correlated with the lack of effective local cellular defence mechanisms. The goal of the study was to evaluate IgG, IgA and IgM mediated humoral immune response against [...] Read more.
Introduction: The resistance to TB is cells-mediated but humoral response is common and may be correlated with the lack of effective local cellular defence mechanisms. The goal of the study was to evaluate IgG, IgA and IgM mediated humoral immune response against 38kDa plus 16kDa and 38kDa plus lipoarabinomannan (LAM) mycobacterial antigens in BALF from patients with culture confirmed and PCR positive pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) compared to non-tuberculous controls (NTB). Material and methods: 79 BALF samples (46 TB and 30 NTB) were examined. In 25 BALF samples from TB patients nucleic acids from M. tuberculosis were detected by PCR method. Commercially available ELISA—based assays against proteins 38kDa and 16kDa or 38kDa plus LAM were used. Three different dilutions of BALF: 1:1 and 1:10 were tested. Mean IgG level against 38 + LAM was significantly higher in TB group compared to control (p < 0.0001). No difference was observed between TB and NTB group in titer of IgM antibodies. Results: Sensitivity of the tests based on IgG anti38kDa + 16kDa was 49%, IgG anti38kDa + LAM—33%, IgA anti38kDa + LAM—100%, IgM anti38kDa + LAM—35%. Specificity of examined assays: IgA anti38kDa + LAM—13%, IgM anti38kDa + LAM—75%, IgG anti38kDa + 16kDa—87%, IgG anti38kDa + LAM—93%. The findings of the study indicate that TB is associated with the presence of detectable levels of antibodies in the BALF. Conclusions: Examined tests detecting IgG in BALF can be used in combination with other diagnostic methods to increase diagnostic accuracy of pulmonary TB. Full article
186 KiB  
Ocena zaburze? procesów pami?ciowych u chorych na obturacyjny bezdech senny
by Małgorzata Farnik and Władysław Pierzchała
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 349-354; - 26 Oct 2007
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 456
Introduction: Hypoxia, reduced cerebral perfusion and sleep fragmentation as the result of recurrent apnea-related episodes in sleep apnea patients may have impact on mental performance such as memory and concentration. Increased number of traffic accidents has been observed in OSAS patients. Patients [...] Read more.
Introduction: Hypoxia, reduced cerebral perfusion and sleep fragmentation as the result of recurrent apnea-related episodes in sleep apnea patients may have impact on mental performance such as memory and concentration. Increased number of traffic accidents has been observed in OSAS patients. Patients often complain of concentration and memory problems, as well as sleepiness. The diagnosis of perception processes requires neuropsychological diagnosis. Material and methods: 22 sleep apnea patients were involved in the study. Results: Correlation between the number of mistakes in Benton Test and AHI has been observed (r = 0.63; p < 0.005), as well as between AHI and memory in Number Repeating Test based on Wechsler-R (r = 0.49; p < 0.05). No correlations have been found between results of Benton Test and sleepiness scale. Mean saturation and lowest saturation didn’t show any correlation with neuropsychological tests. Qualitative analysis of mistakes in both Benton and Bender-Gestalt Tests did not suggest any organic changes in the brain. AHI seems to be more important predictor of memory dysfunction than sleepiness scale score. Conclusions: Specific tests, specially used in neuropsychological diagnosis, could be useful in the diagnosis of memory perception disorders and treatment effectiveness assessment in OSAS patients. Full article
263 KiB  
Ocena wp?ywu chemioterapii na czas prze?ycia i wybrane objawy wp?ywaj?ce na jako?? ?ycia chorych na niedrobnokomórkowego raka p?uca w IIIB i IV stopniu zaawansowania
by Janusz Rolski, Tomasz Zemełka, Marek Jasiówka, Grzegorz Czyżewicz and Ewelina Kojs-Pasińska
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 343-348; - 26 Oct 2007
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 612
Introduction: The study presents treatment results of 168 patients with non small cell lung cancer in stage IIIB and IV treated since year 2002 to 2006 in Oncological Center in Cracow. Material and methods: Four regimens of chemotherapy: EP (cisplatin, vepesid), [...] Read more.
Introduction: The study presents treatment results of 168 patients with non small cell lung cancer in stage IIIB and IV treated since year 2002 to 2006 in Oncological Center in Cracow. Material and methods: Four regimens of chemotherapy: EP (cisplatin, vepesid), MVP (mitomycin C, vinblastin, cisplatin), PN (cisplatin,vinorelbin) and PG (cisplatin, gemcytabin) were used. Results: Average survival time in group treated with MVP regimen was 7.8 months (median 4.3 months), PG 7.1 months (median 7.3 months), EP 10.2 months (median 7.5 months), PN 14.1 months (median 9.8 months). Differences in median survival time were not significant. Average time to progression in group treated with MVP regimen was 3.5 months (median 2.6 months), PG 5.2 months (median 5.8 months): EP 6.6 months (median 5.2 months), PN 6.7 months (median 5.6 months). Improvement in control of symptoms regarding dyspnea, pain and cough was reached in 60%, 38.7% and 60% of patients respectively. There were no significant differences between chemotherapy regimens regarding improvement in symptoms control. Conclusions: Cisplatin + vinorelbin regimen can be recommended as standard method because of the best treatment results. Full article
285 KiB  
Domowe leczenie tlenem (DLT) w Polsce w latach 1986–2005
by Wojciech Szafrański, Jan Zieliński and Kierownicy Ośrodków Domowego Leczenia Tlenem w Polsce
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 331-342; - 26 Oct 2007
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 815
Introduction: Long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy (LTOT) is part to of pulmonary care system. Uniform qualification criteria and methods of follow-up for patients undergoing LTOT have been adopted. There are 63 LTOT centres located in Poland run by specialists in pulmonology. On the [...] Read more.
Introduction: Long-term domiciliary oxygen therapy (LTOT) is part to of pulmonary care system. Uniform qualification criteria and methods of follow-up for patients undergoing LTOT have been adopted. There are 63 LTOT centres located in Poland run by specialists in pulmonology. On the occasion of 20 years of LTOT in Poland, an analysis of its development, number of patients treated, diagnoses, survival and equipment was performed. Material and methods: Data were taken from structurized LTOT centres reports. Results and conclusions: A history of LTOT may be divided into 3 periods, steady grow in the years 1986–1991, stagnation between 1992–2000 and rapid grow in the last 3 years. On 01.01.2006 there was 2601 patients receiving LTOT therapy. The most common diagnosis was COPD (85%) followed by kyphoscolisis (5%), TB sequels (4.6%), IPF (3.6%) and other rare diseases. Treatment is reimbursed by the National Health System. Oxygen is administered via an oxygen concentrator. Due to insufficient resources from the NHS the needs for LTOT treatment are not fulfilled. There are 8.4 patients treated with LTOT per 100,000 people, with large regional differences ranging from 3.7 to 14.9/100 000. The most frequent cause of death in patients receiving LTOT treatment was exacerbation of respiratory failure (71.3%), followed by sudden death (5.1%), myocardial infarction or pulmonary embolism (4.4%), lung cancer (4%) and other or not known causes (15.2%). Survival in patients receiving LTOT treatment from the years 1986–1995 was rather short: 54.6% survived less than 3 years, 3–4 years survived 13.3%, 4–5 years 11.3% and more than 5 years survived 19.7% of treated patients. Full article
328 KiB  
Zmienno?? szczytowego przep?ywu wdechowego (PIF) na zastawkach imituj?cych opory inhalatorów proszkowych w zaostrzeniu astmy i POChP
by Marcin Grabowski, Wojciech Barg, Beata Chmielowicz, Agnieszka Kopeć and Bernard Panaszek
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 324-330; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 530
Introduction: Drugs used in asthma or COPD exacerbation are delivered to the lungs by inhalation. This is facilitated, among other factors, by the use of dry powder inhalers (DPIs). Lung deposition from DPI depends predominantly on peak inspiratory flow (PIF). The aim [...] Read more.
Introduction: Drugs used in asthma or COPD exacerbation are delivered to the lungs by inhalation. This is facilitated, among other factors, by the use of dry powder inhalers (DPIs). Lung deposition from DPI depends predominantly on peak inspiratory flow (PIF). The aim of the study was to asses the variability of PIF generated by patients using different types of DPI inhalers during asthma or COPD exacerbation and to trace possible relationships between PIF value and some spirometric values. Material and methods: There were 28 patient fulfilling inclusion criteria, among them 17 (4 women) were suffering from COPD and 11 (8 women) from asthma. Spirometry, PEF and PIF measurements were performed in the first and the last day of hospitalisation. Peek inspiratory flow was obtained using In-Check DIAL—a device which simulated airflow resistances equivalent to Turbuhaler, Diskus and Aeroliser respectively. Results: The significant improvement in PIF was observed only in patients with COPD. There were no statistically significant correlations between PIF and both FEV1 and PEF except those in the first day of hospitalization in COPD patients (r = 0.66–0.81). Optimal PIF was achieved in all patients only with Diskus. Conclusions: Measurements of peek inspiratory flow are useful in choosing the most suitable DPI for patients with COPD and asthma exacerbations. We conclude that in those patients, PIF measurement should complement a standard spirometry Full article
720 KiB  
Prognostyczne znaczenie stopnia ekspresji cytokeratyny 19 w niedrobnokomórkowym raku p?uca
by Monika Kosacka and Renata Jankowska
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 317-323; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 492
Introduction: Cytokeratins are important part of cytoskeleton. Cytokeratin 19 (CK 19) belongs to type I cytokeratins. Lung cancer is currently most frequently diagnosed neoplasm in males in many developed countries and in Poland. The prognosis in lung cancer remains unfavourable. The aim [...] Read more.
Introduction: Cytokeratins are important part of cytoskeleton. Cytokeratin 19 (CK 19) belongs to type I cytokeratins. Lung cancer is currently most frequently diagnosed neoplasm in males in many developed countries and in Poland. The prognosis in lung cancer remains unfavourable. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic value of cytokeratin 19 expression in non-small cell lung cancer. Material and methods: We examined the degree of cytokeratin 19 expression in 94 patients with non-small cell lung cancer, who had undergone surgery. The group consisted of 64 men and 30 women. The mean age was 59.12 ± 8.61 years. Histological diagnosis was squamous cell carcinoma in 59 patients, adenocarcinoma in 26 patients, large cell carcinoma in 5 patients and non-small cell lung cancer without determination of the subtype in 4 patients. Cytokeratin 19 expression was examined immunohistochemically with Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Cytokeratin 19 Clone BA 17 DAKO M 0772. All patients were observed for 24 months. 45 patients (48%) survived, 49 died. Results: In all examined tumors we observed positive cytoplasmatic staining of cytokeratin 19. In 41 cases (44%) it was weak staining (CK 1), in 35 (37%) medium (CK 2) and in 18 (19%) strong one (CK 3). We demonstrated higher expression of cytokeratin 19 in these patients, who survived 2 years (p = 0.003). We also observed relationship between higher expression of CK 19 and survival in patients with squamous cell cancer, but there was no correlation with survival in patients with adenocarcinoma. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the degree of cytokeratin 19 expression could be a new prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer. Cytokeratin 19 expression has prognostic value in patients with squamous cell lung cancer but not in patients with adenocarcinoma. Full article
101 KiB  
Cytokeratyny jako tkankowe i surowicze markery niedrobnokomórkowego raka p?uca
by Monika Szturmowicz
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 315-316; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 480
Cytokeratyny (CK) s? to w?ókna o po?redniej d?ugo?ci stanowi?ce szkielet komórek nab?onkowych [...] Full article
97 KiB  
Domowe leczenie tlenem
by Paweł Śliwiński
Adv. Respir. Med. 2007, 75(4), 313-314; - 26 Oct 2007
Viewed by 476
Pierwsze doniesienia, w których opisywano korzystne efekty przewlek?ego leczenia tlenem chorych z utrwalon? obturacj? oskrzeli i przewlek?? niewydolno?ci? oddychania [...] Full article
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