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Adv. Respir. Med., Volume 76, Issue 1 (January 2008) – 11 articles , Pages 1-73

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168 KiB  
Commentary for the Work Tomasz Grodzki: Dilemmas of Lung Transplantation in Poland
by Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska Editorial Office
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 71-73; - 14 Dec 2007
Viewed by 456
W ubieg?ym roku ukaza? si? w “Pneumonologii i Alergologii Polskiej” artyku? prof. Tomasza Grodzkiego pt. “Dylematy tranplantacji p?uc w Polsce” (nr 3/2007) [...] Full article
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Commentary for the Work Tomasz Grodzki: Dilemmas of Lung Transplantation in Poland
by Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska Editorial Office
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 68-70; - 14 Dec 2007
Viewed by 374
Z zaciekawieniem przeczyta?em artyku? Pana Profesora dotycz?cy sytuacji transplantacji p?uc w Polsce [...] Full article
164 KiB  
Wspomnienie o prof. Stanis?awie Filipeckim (1927–2007)
by Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska Editorial Office
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 66-67; - 14 Dec 2007
Viewed by 408
25 grudnia 2007 roku zmar? Profesor Stanis?aw Filipecki [...] Full article
1020 KiB  
Case Report
Chronic Granulomatous Disease Recognised in 42-Years-Old Patient
by Justyna Fijołek, Elżbieta Wiatr, Dariusz Gawryluk, Iwona Bestry, Ewa Bernatowska, Waldemar Jabłoński and Kazimierz Roszkowski-Śliż
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 58-65; - 14 Dec 2007
Viewed by 602
Przewlek?a choroba ziarniniakowa (PChZ) jest heterogenn? grup? chorób zwi?zanych z defektem enzymu oksydazy NADPH odpowiedzialnej za produkcj? nadtlenków przez granulocyty oboj?tnoch?onne, których brak lub niedobór uniemo?liwia zabijanie sfagocytowanych przez nie drobnoustrojów. Typowymi objawami PChZ s? bakteryjne lub grzybicze nawracaj?ce ci??kie, cz?sto zagra?aj?ce ?yciu [...] Read more.
Przewlek?a choroba ziarniniakowa (PChZ) jest heterogenn? grup? chorób zwi?zanych z defektem enzymu oksydazy NADPH odpowiedzialnej za produkcj? nadtlenków przez granulocyty oboj?tnoch?onne, których brak lub niedobór uniemo?liwia zabijanie sfagocytowanych przez nie drobnoustrojów. Typowymi objawami PChZ s? bakteryjne lub grzybicze nawracaj?ce ci??kie, cz?sto zagra?aj?ce ?yciu infekcje g?ównie p?uc, skóry, w?z?ów ch?onnych oraz przewodu pokarmowego (w?troby). Rozpoznanie jest ustalane na podstawie wywiadów, objawów oraz testów wykazuj?cych upo?ledzon? funkcj? fagocytozy granulocytów (testy NBT, RDH czy bezpo?rednie testy, których wynik wskazuje na deficyt produkcji nadtlenków). Objawy wyst?puj? zwykle w pierwszych latach ?ycia, prowadz? cz?sto do zgonu w 2. lub 3. dekadzie. Poni?ej przedstawiono przypadek chorej, u której rozpoznanie PChZ ustalono dopiero w 42. roku ?ycia. Full article
749 KiB  
Case Report
Lung Carcinoma in Patient with Previously Excised Tuberculoma
by Izabela Jaraczewska and Jerzy Usiekniewicz
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 53-57; - 14 Dec 2007
Viewed by 479
W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego, u którego 7 lat po resekcji gru?liczaka prawego p?uca stwierdzono raka gruczo?owego w tym samym p?ucu. Diagnoz? postawiono w wyniku zaobserwowania powi?kszania si? niebudz?cej podejrze? zmiany. Nie wiadomo, czy nowotwór by? wynikiem przebudowy nowotworowej jednego z gru?liczaków, czy [...] Read more.
W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego, u którego 7 lat po resekcji gru?liczaka prawego p?uca stwierdzono raka gruczo?owego w tym samym p?ucu. Diagnoz? postawiono w wyniku zaobserwowania powi?kszania si? niebudz?cej podejrze? zmiany. Nie wiadomo, czy nowotwór by? wynikiem przebudowy nowotworowej jednego z gru?liczaków, czy te? zmian? pierwotn?, uznan? za gru?liczak. Zastosowano leczenie operacyjne, z dobrym efektem w 4-letniej obserwacji. Full article
157 KiB  
Systemic Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer—Recommendations Based on the Results of Reliable Clinical Trials
by Jacek Jassem, Kazimierz Drosik, Rafał Dziadziuszko, Radzisław Kordek, Jerzy Kozielski, Dariusz Kowalski, Maciej Krzakowski, Jacek Nikliński, Włodzimierz Olszewski, Tadeusz Orłowski, Rodryg Ramlau and Kazimierz Roszkowski-Śliż
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 44-52; - 14 Dec 2007
Viewed by 483
Lung cancer is in Poland the most common malignancy. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately 80% of all lung tumors. In the multidisciplinary treatment of non-small cell lung cancer patients the role of chemotherapy and, most recently, molecular targeted therapy is [...] Read more.
Lung cancer is in Poland the most common malignancy. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately 80% of all lung tumors. In the multidisciplinary treatment of non-small cell lung cancer patients the role of chemotherapy and, most recently, molecular targeted therapy is increasing. In 2005 we published recommendations for systemic treatment of non-small cell lung cancer and mesothelioma. As many new studies have been published since, it was necessary to update this document. We present here a consensus statement on this topic, prepared by a panel of experts in oncology, thoracic surgery, pathology and pneumonology. Full article
287 KiB  
Role of Ciclesonide in Asthma Therapy
by Izabela Kupryś-Lipińska and Piotr Kuna
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 37-43; - 14 Dec 2007
Viewed by 512
Ciclesonide is a modern inhaled corticosteroid registered for asthma treatment. It is delivered as an inactive prodrug and undergoes conversion to an active metabolite in the lungs. Ciclesonide has been formulated as an aerosol solution in a metered dose inhaler with hydrofluoralkane which [...] Read more.
Ciclesonide is a modern inhaled corticosteroid registered for asthma treatment. It is delivered as an inactive prodrug and undergoes conversion to an active metabolite in the lungs. Ciclesonide has been formulated as an aerosol solution in a metered dose inhaler with hydrofluoralkane which characterizes a high deposition rate over 50%. Lots of clinical trials show that ciclesonide is effective in asthma control in a wide range of doses from 40 do 1280 ?g/day in a dose-dependent manner. It reduces the need for systemic corticosteroids. Due to the unique pharmacokinetics, ciclesonide has a favorable safety profile both in the low and in the high doses. It is recommended by GINA in every case when the glucocorticosteroids are indicated, as a drug with reduced local and systemic side effects. This article is a review of clinical trials on efficacy and safety of ciclesonide as the resume of authors’ clinical experience. Full article
183 KiB  
The Influence of Sensitivity to Fungal Allergens on the Development and Course of Allergic Diseases of the Respiratory Tract
by Aleksandra Semik-Orzech, Adam Barczyk and Władysław Pierzchała
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 29-36; - 14 Dec 2007
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 442
Several epidemiological and diagnostic studies reported increasing prevalence of allergic reactivity to fungi assessed with the use of skin testing or IgE detection. The role of sensitization to fungi in relation to the prevalence and clinical importance in atopic patients remains largely unknown. [...] Read more.
Several epidemiological and diagnostic studies reported increasing prevalence of allergic reactivity to fungi assessed with the use of skin testing or IgE detection. The role of sensitization to fungi in relation to the prevalence and clinical importance in atopic patients remains largely unknown. Although an allergic reaction to fungal allergens is suggested as an important contributing factor in the development of respiratory symptoms, other mechanisms, such as increased exposure to fungal metabolites, mycotoxins and other compounds of immuno-supressant or irritant properties, may also be important. Sensitivity to fungal allergens has been recognized as a risk factor for the development and persistence of asthma, asthma severity and potentially fatal asthma exacerbations, the increased number of episodes of respiratory arrest and admissions to intensive care unit. Thus far, the role of fungi as the dominant exogenous trigger of asthma has not been completely explored. Some authors suggest, that sensitization to fungal allergens is related with specific phenotype of severe asthma. It remains to be clarified, whether this association is caused by colonization of the airways with fungi or an extreme response to exogenous spores.This review critically discusses the present state of knowledge on the prevalence of IgE-mediated allergy to fungi, as well as the contribution of sensitization to fungi to the allergic manifestations, on the basis of the recent literature. We also try to assess the importance of these connections for the future treatment of allergic disorders of the respiratory tract. Full article
335 KiB  
Lung Cancer in Poland in 1970–2004
by Ireneusz Szczuka and Kazimierz Roszkowski-Śliż
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 19-28; - 14 Dec 2007
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 516
Introduction: The aim of this paper was to evaluate time trends of incidence and mortality from lung cancer by sex and age in Poland since 1970 to 2004. Materials and methods: Basing on the data from National Cancer Registry—incidence and mortality due to [...] Read more.
Introduction: The aim of this paper was to evaluate time trends of incidence and mortality from lung cancer by sex and age in Poland since 1970 to 2004. Materials and methods: Basing on the data from National Cancer Registry—incidence and mortality due to lung cancer in Poland 2004 and time trends in the period 1970–2004 were analyzed. Results: The were 20,359 cases of lung cancer in Poland in 2004: 15,741 cases in men (crude rate—85.2/105) and 4618 cases in women (crude rate—23.8/105). Sex ratio was 3.4. Since 1971 lung cancer is the most frequent cancer in males: in 2004—25.2% of total male cancers, in female there are less frequently—7.8% total cancers and took third place after breast cancer—20.5% and colorectal cancer—10.4%. Incidence rate of lung cancer in males peaked in 1996—89.1/105 and then stabilized or event slightly decreased while corresponding rates in women steadily increased in whole period 1970–2004. The incidence of lung cancer for both men and women showed an increase with age and reached peak both in elderly men and women (age group 70–79) respectively—516.9/105 in males and 81.2/105 in females. Median age of registered cases was as men as women in age group 60–69. In the reviewed period of time crude rate of incidence increased in men—231.5% in women—390% while standardized rates increased less—172% in men and 282% in women. There were 16,565 deaths due lung cancer in men—crude rate 89.6/105 and 4641 deaths in women, crude rate—23.6/105. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in men—32.3% of all cancer deaths and took second position in women—12.2% (after breast cancer—12.9%) of total cancers deaths in women. In the analyzed periods of time—trend mortality was similar as times—trends incidence lung cancer. Both incidence and mortality lung cancer varies by regions: incidence in males from 73.2 to 109.9; in females from 14.5 to 33.8; mortality: in males from 73.9 to 99.8; in females from 13.0 to 30.9. Conclusions: Lung cancer incidence and mortality rate in men has been on the stable level, even with the tendency to decline in last decade in Poland. Incidence and mortality rates among women have continued to increase, although the trend of increase has slowed in last years. Demographic distribution of lung cancer shows decline of the rates in young and middle age population and continuation of increase in old age people. Despite of some improvement of epidemiological situation in lung cancer in Poland it still remains the most common malignancy in men and is on the third position in most frequent cancers in woman. Lung cancer in Poland remains serious medical and social problem. Full article
255 KiB  
Safety of Sputum Induction in Interstitial Lung Disease
by Małgorzata Sobiecka and Jan Kuś
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 11-18; - 14 Dec 2007
Viewed by 503
Introduction: Sputum induction (SI) is a safe and effective technique to study airway inflammation in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, it has the potential to induce bronchospasm and fall in arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) in some patients and [...] Read more.
Introduction: Sputum induction (SI) is a safe and effective technique to study airway inflammation in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, it has the potential to induce bronchospasm and fall in arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) in some patients and the safety of the method in interstitial lung disease (ILD) has not been determined. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of SI procedure on spirometric results and SaO2 in patients with ILD. Materials and methods: We studied prospectively 59 patients (33 males, 26 females) with different ILD (36—sarcoidosis, 16—hypersensitivity pneumonitis, 7—idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis). Sputum was induced by 4 sequential 5 min inhalations of 5% saline solution and FEV1, FVC and SaO2 were measured at 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes of induction. Results: The procedure was well tolerated, and none of the patients experienced excessive bronchoconstriction, defined as a fall in FEV1 of ?20%. Nine patients (15%) had a fall in FEV1 of ?10% from the baseline; a drop in FVC of ?10% from the baseline was observed in 10 subjects. The mean (SD) maximum per cent fall in FEV1 was 6.3 ± 4.4%, and in FVC—6.4 ± 4.6%. The maximum per cent fall in FEV1 did not correlate with baseline FEV1% predicted (r = ?0.099). SaO2 was measured in 42 patients. There was a very small fall in SaO2 at 5, 10, 15 and 20 min of induction, although statistically significant (baseline SaO2 = 96.7 ± 1.9% vs. 95.8 ± 2.4%, p = 0.002; vs. 96.1 ± 2.2%, p = 0.0114; vs. 95.7 ± 2.4%, p = 0.0016; vs. 95.9 ± 2.0%; p = 0.0038, respectively). No significant relationship was found between fall in FEV1, FVC or SaO2 after induction and diagnosis or smoking history. Conclusions: Sputum induction is safe and well tolerated in patients with ILD. Full article
261 KiB  
Analysis of Prognostic Factors and Efficacy of Surgical Treatment for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Department of Surgery Ntldri (1998–1999)
by Mariusz Chabowski, Tadeusz M. Orłowski and Daniel Rabczenko
Adv. Respir. Med. 2008, 76(1), 1-10; - 14 Dec 2007
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 523
Wprowadzenie: Post?powanie chirurgiczne stanowi podstawow? metod? leczenia niedrobnokomórkowego raka p?uca. Materia? i metody: W pracy przeprowadzono retrospektywn? analiz? skuteczno?ci tego leczenia w grupie 431 chorych operowanych w Klinice Chirurgii Instytutu Gru?licy i Chorób P?uc w Warszawie w latach 1998–1999. W 218 [...] Read more.
Wprowadzenie: Post?powanie chirurgiczne stanowi podstawow? metod? leczenia niedrobnokomórkowego raka p?uca. Materia? i metody: W pracy przeprowadzono retrospektywn? analiz? skuteczno?ci tego leczenia w grupie 431 chorych operowanych w Klinice Chirurgii Instytutu Gru?licy i Chorób P?uc w Warszawie w latach 1998–1999. W 218 (50%) przypadkach wykonano lobektomi?, w 21 (5%)—bilobektomi?, w 188 (44%)—pneumonektomi?, a w 4 (1%)—resekcj? klinow?. U 70 (16%) chorych rozpoznano stadium zaawansowania pIA, u 112 (26%)—pIB, u 22 (5%)—pIIA, u 110 (26%)—pIIB, u 88 (20%)—pIIIA, u 13 (3%)—pIIIB i u 16 (4%)—pIV. Wyniki: Wska?nik 5-letniego prze?ycia dla ca?ej grupy wynosi? 49.1%. Analiza statystyczna wykaza?a wy?szy odsetek odleg?ych prze?y? w grupie wiekowej do 50. r?. (p = 0.03), u p?ci ?e?skiej (p = 0.01, HR = 0.63), w przypadku mniej rozleg?ego zabiegu (lobektomia) (p < 0.005). Wska?niki odleg?ych prze?y? wykazywa?y znamienn? zale?no?? od stadium zaawansowania choroby nowotworowej (p < 0.005). Pi?cioletnie prze?ycie pacjentów w stadium IA wynosi?o 81.7%, IB—62.2%, IIA—59.1%, IIB—38%, IIIA—21.3%, IIIB—8.3% oraz IV—8.3%. Typ histopatologiczny mia? równie? znamienny wp?yw na odleg?e prze?ycia chorych (p < 0.005). Pi?cioletnie prze?ycie chorych na raka p?askonab?onkowego wynosi?o 53.4%, na raka gruczo?owego—38.3%, na raka wielkokomórkowego—37.5%, na rakowiaka—94.7%, a na pozosta?e typy raka—39.1%. Wska?nik odleg?ego prze?ycia zale?a? znamiennie od cechy T (p < 0.005). Obni?one wyj?ciowe st??enie hemoglobiny (p < 0.005, HR = 1.52) oraz przetoczenie masy erytrocytarnej w okresie pooperacyjnym (p = 0.03) by?y niekorzystnymi czynnikami rokowniczymi. Znamiennie gorsze rokowanie wykazano w przypadku cechy R1 lub R2 (p = 0.01) oraz cechy M1 (p < 0.005). Dodatkowo, w analizie wielowymiarowej Coxa warto?? FEV1 poni?ej 80% (HR = 1.46) by?a zmienn? negatywnie wp?ywaj?c? na odleg?e prze?ycie, a brak objawów klinicznych choroby, z wyj?tkiem kaszlu (HR = 0.73)—zmienn? wp?ywaj?c? korzystnie. Wnioski: W analizie jednowymiarowej wy?oniono nast?puj?ce czynniki ryzyka: p?e? m?ska, wiek powy?ej 50. r?., obni?one st??enie Hb, zabieg operacyjny o poszerzonym zakresie, zaawansowane stadium, utkanie raka gruczo?owego i wielkokomórkowego, cecha T, N, R i M oraz przetoczenie ME w okresie pooperacyjnym. Analiza wielowymiarowa Coxa wykaza?a nast?puj?ce negatywne czynniki prognostyczne: obni?one wyj?ciowe st??enie Hb, warto?? FEV1 poni?ej 80%, zabieg operacyjny o poszerzonym zakresie (pneumonektomia), zaawansowane stadium raka, utkanie raka gruczo?owego oraz nast?puj?ce korzystne rokowniczo czynniki: p?e? ?e?ska i brak objawów klinicznych, z wyj?tkiem kaszlu. Full article
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