Thermomechanical Treatment of SRF for Enhanced Fuel Properties
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Input Material
2.2. Pelletisation Process Description
2.3. Determination of the Physical Properties
2.3.1. Particle Size Distribution and Particle Shape
2.3.2. Ultimate and Proximate Analysis
2.3.3. Wettability Index Determination
2.3.4. Pellet Durability Index
2.3.5. Hardness
2.3.6. Bulk Density
2.3.7. Particle Density
3. Results
3.1. Characterisation of Raw Input Material and Pelletisation Process
3.1.1. Particle Size Distribution of SRF
3.1.2. The Ultimate and Proximate Analysis
3.1.3. Pelletisation Process
3.2. Physical Properties of Pellets
3.2.1. Particle Size Distribution of Pellets
3.2.2. Particle Shape
3.2.3. Wettability Index
3.2.4. Hardness and Pellet Durability Index
3.2.5. Bulk Density and Particle Density
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
List of Abbreviations
HDPE | High density polyethylene |
LHV | Lower heating value |
MSW | Municipal solid waste |
PCDD/F | Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans |
PDI | Pellet durability index |
PE | Polyethylene |
PP | Polypropylene |
PVC | Polyvinyl chloride |
q3 | Volume fraction |
Q3 | Cumulative fraction |
SPHT | Sphericity |
SRF | Solid recovered fuel |
SW | Softwood |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
WI | Wettability index |
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d10 | Standard Deviation | d50 | Standard Deviation | d90 | Standard Deviation | |
[µm] | [µm] | [µm] | [µm] | [µm] | [µm] | |
Length | 4541 | 341 | 9389 | 724 | 15,749 | 1716 |
Width | 3588 | 265 | 8494 | 662 | 12,808 | 1063 |
Thickness | 3588 | 265 | 8494 | 662 | 12,808 | 1063 |
Parameter | Unit | SW | SRF | Standard | Uncertainty |
Lower heating value (LHVr) | [MJ·kg−1] | 17.41 | 30.5 | EN 18125 [35] | 3.0% |
Volatile matter (Vr) | [wt.%] | 75.75 | 83.13 | EN ISO 22167 [42] | 1.9% |
Water (Wr) | [wt.%] | 7.12 | 1.59 | EN ISO 18134-2 [43] | 3.1% |
Ash (Ar) | [wt.%] | 0.24 | 10.27 | EN ISO 18122 [44] | 9.0% |
Carbon (Cr) | [wt.%] | 47.09 | 66.9 | EN ISO 16948 [45] | 4.6% |
Oxygen (Or) | [wt.%] | 39.70 | 10.42 | EN ISO 16993 [36] | - |
Hydrogen (Hr) | [wt.%] | 5.63 | 8.61 | EN ISO 16948 [45] | 3.1% |
Nitrogen (Nr) | [wt.%] | 0.20 | 0.57 | EN ISO 16948 [45] | 6.1% |
Total sulphur (Sr) | [wt.%] | <0.02 | 0.09 | EN ISO 16994 [46] | 6.4% |
Chlorine (Clr) | [wt.%] | <0.01 | 1.18 | ISO 11724:2019 [47] | 37% |
Fluorine (Fr) | [wt.%] | <0.02 | <0.02 | ISO 18806:2019 [48] | - |
Mercury (Hgr) | [mg·kg−1] | <0.1 | 0.1 | ISO 15237:2016 [49] | 0.01% |
d10 | Standard Deviation | d50 | Standard Deviation | d90 | Standard Deviation | ||
[µm] | [µm] | [µm] | [µm] | [µm] | [µm] | ||
SW pellets | Length | 7892 | 497 | 10,004 | 710 | 13,433 | 1236 |
Thickness | 6069 | 73 | 6182 | 69 | 6349 | 84 | |
Width | 6069 | 73 | 6182 | 69 | 6349 | 84 | |
SRF pellets | Length | 9264 | 723 | 13,911 | 1141 | 15,538 | 1461 |
Thickness | 6826 | 89 | 8162 | 171 | 9641 | 231 | |
Width | 6826 | 89 | 8162 | 171 | 9641 | 231 |
Sphericity SPHT [–] | Circularity C [–] | Aspect Ratio b/l [–] | ||||
Mean | Standard Deviation | Mean | Standard Deviation | Mean | Standard Deviation | |
SRF pellets | 0.37 | 0.06 | 0.61 | 0.05 | 0.67 | 0.06 |
SW pellets | 0.68 | 0.09 | 0.82 | 0.06 | 0.70 | 0.07 |
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Prokeš, R.; Diviš, J.; Ryšavý, J.; Jezerská, L.; Niedźwiecki, Ł.; Vilas, D.P.; Mościcki, K.; Mlonka-Mędrala, A.; Yan, W.-M.; Žurovec, D.; et al. Thermomechanical Treatment of SRF for Enhanced Fuel Properties. Fire 2025, 8, 57.
Prokeš R, Diviš J, Ryšavý J, Jezerská L, Niedźwiecki Ł, Vilas DP, Mościcki K, Mlonka-Mędrala A, Yan W-M, Žurovec D, et al. Thermomechanical Treatment of SRF for Enhanced Fuel Properties. Fire. 2025; 8(2):57.
Chicago/Turabian StyleProkeš, Rostislav, Jan Diviš, Jiří Ryšavý, Lucie Jezerská, Łukasz Niedźwiecki, David Patiño Vilas, Krzysztof Mościcki, Agata Mlonka-Mędrala, Wei-Mon Yan, David Žurovec, and et al. 2025. "Thermomechanical Treatment of SRF for Enhanced Fuel Properties" Fire 8, no. 2: 57.
APA StyleProkeš, R., Diviš, J., Ryšavý, J., Jezerská, L., Niedźwiecki, Ł., Vilas, D. P., Mościcki, K., Mlonka-Mędrala, A., Yan, W.-M., Žurovec, D., & Čespiva, J. (2025). Thermomechanical Treatment of SRF for Enhanced Fuel Properties. Fire, 8(2), 57.