Combined Web-Based Visualisation of 3D Point Clouds and Acoustic Descriptors: An Interdisciplinary Challenge
:1. Introduction
- From the operational point of view, it questions the integration of visualisation practices and promotes a vision of sensemaking in large 3D datasets through the use of visualisation paradigms that complement scientific visualisation approaches per se.
- From an interdisciplinary point of view, it questions the way 3D environments can be adapted to the analysis of acoustic datasets, where parameters such as time and frequency play a central role.
- From the societal point of view, it provides feedback on approaches intended to be frugal. Methods, protocols, and tools are adapted to small-scale buildings, left aside from major sources of funding, encouraging us to reflect on the utility and added value of our results for local communities.
- Finally, from a methodological point of view, it places the notion of comparability and reproducibility at the heart of the research.
2. Background and Strategy
- Scientific visualisation, where what is primarily seen relates to and represents visually a physical “thing” [17].
- Two self-levelling laser levels are used to project laser beams onto the building surfaces (Figure 1a).
- A systematic spatial grid comprising three speakers and four microphones (Figure 1b) is positioned with respect to the primary function of the chapels (celebrant vs. listener opposition).
- Intersections of the laser beams on surfaces and positions of the eight grid components are registered using a laser-rangefinder that outputs point-to-point distances.
- The acoustic survey consists of the recording on each of the four microphone positions of a sine wave (sweep) emitted from each of the speakers (iterated several times to spot and eliminate outliers).
- The photogrammetric acquisition is carried out with a 360 panoramic camera (pyramidal sequence in each position).
3. Components of the Prototype
3.1. Visualisation of the Survey’s Raw Outputs
3.2. Measurements and Naming (DXF Points)
3.3. Visualisation of the Laser Beams
3.4. Volume Calculation
3.4.1. Voxel-Based Volume Estimation
3.4.2. Convex Hull Method Volume Estimation
3.5. Acoustic Descriptors
- Energy descriptors: Strength Factor, Lateral Strength, Root Mean Square (RMS);
- Reverberation descriptors: Reverberation Time, Early Decay Time, Central Time, Bass Ratio, Trebble Ratio, Frequency barycenter, Schroeder frequency;
- Intelligibility descriptors: Direct-to-Reverberant Ratio, Clarity (C50 and C80), Speech Transmission Index;
- Spatial descriptors: Inter-Aural Cross-correlation Coefficient, Lateral Fraction.
3.5.1. C50 Computation
3.5.2. RMS Computation through PWD
- 6 time frames of length 5 ms from t = 0 s to t = 30 ms;
- 6 time frames of length 10 ms from t = 30 ms to t = 90 ms;
- 6 time frames of length 20 ms from t = 90 ms to t = 210 ms;
- 1 time frame from t = 210 ms to the end of the impulse response (the length of the time frame depends on the length of the impulse response).
- The time t = 0 is defined as the time of the arrival of the direct sound.
3.6. Visualisation of Acoustic Descriptors
3.6.1. Visualisation of the 32-Channel C50 Clarity Descriptor
3.6.2. Visualisation of the PWD Descriptor
4. Results and Interpretation
4.1. On Visual Metaphors
4.2. On the Need to Complement the 3D Visualisations
4.3. The C50 Clarity Descriptor Visualisations: Use Cases and Interpretation
4.4. The PWD Descriptor Visualisations: Use Cases and Interpretation
4.5. Limitations and Future Works
- Only two out of the dozen acoustic descriptors resulting from the acquisition campaigns have been visualised: there is clearly room for future work here.
- Existing solutions prove relatively efficient when trying to identify patterns for this or that interior, but the comparison of behaviours across interiors is not supported enough. Two visual solutions have been implemented that allow a global reading of collections, contrasts, and resemblances. Yet more can be conducted to enhance comparative analyses, and this is a key point as far as our research programme is concerned. The work we have conducted has helped us pinpoint families of patterns (intensity, geometric distribution, variation, consistency patterns) that we intend to re-examine using other visual solutions.
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Overview of the Components Combined in the 3D Integrator
Appendix B. Extraction of Dimensional Features
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Bergerot, L.; Blaise, J.-Y.; Dudek, I.; Pamart, A.; Aramaki, M.; Fargeot, S.; Kronland-Martinet, R.; Vidal, A.; Ystad, S. Combined Web-Based Visualisation of 3D Point Clouds and Acoustic Descriptors: An Interdisciplinary Challenge. Heritage 2022, 5, 3819-3845.
Bergerot L, Blaise J-Y, Dudek I, Pamart A, Aramaki M, Fargeot S, Kronland-Martinet R, Vidal A, Ystad S. Combined Web-Based Visualisation of 3D Point Clouds and Acoustic Descriptors: An Interdisciplinary Challenge. Heritage. 2022; 5(4):3819-3845.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBergerot, Laurent, Jean-Yves Blaise, Iwona Dudek, Anthony Pamart, Mitsuko Aramaki, Simon Fargeot, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Adrien Vidal, and Sølvi Ystad. 2022. "Combined Web-Based Visualisation of 3D Point Clouds and Acoustic Descriptors: An Interdisciplinary Challenge" Heritage 5, no. 4: 3819-3845.
APA StyleBergerot, L., Blaise, J.-Y., Dudek, I., Pamart, A., Aramaki, M., Fargeot, S., Kronland-Martinet, R., Vidal, A., & Ystad, S. (2022). Combined Web-Based Visualisation of 3D Point Clouds and Acoustic Descriptors: An Interdisciplinary Challenge. Heritage, 5(4), 3819-3845.