Young Investigator Award

The Biomolecules Young Investigator Award was established in 2019 to acknowledge the achievements of young investigators in the field studying the structures and functions of bioactive and biogenic substances, molecular mechanisms with biological and medical implications, and biomaterials and their applications. Nominations will be accepted from May to December each year, with winners notified by the end of March in the following year.

The Prize:
– CHF 2000;
– An Electronic Certificate;
– A free voucher for article processing fees which is valid for one year.

Number of Winners: 1

Biomolecules 2024 Young Investigator Award
Nomination deadline: 31 December 2024
Winner announcement: 31 March 2025

Eligibility and Requirements

– The recipient must have received their PhD no more than 10 years prior to 31 December, 2024;
– The receipient must have produced ground-breaking research and made a significant contribution to the advancement of biochemistry and molecular biology development;
– Candidates must be nominated by senior scientists.

List of Documents for Application

– A detailed curriculum vitae, including an updated publication list and a list of the researcher’s own research grants;
– A scanned copy of the candidate’s doctoral degree;
– Signed nomination letters from two established senior scientists.

Past Winners


Kevin McHugh
Rice University, USA

Award Committee

Prof. Lukasz Kurgan Chairman
Lukasz Kurgan
Prof. Dr. Natália Cruz-Martins
Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto
Prof. Dr. Sang-Han Lee
Kyungpook National University
Prof. Dr. Carl A. Pinkert


Fuwen Yuan
Shanghai University of Chinese Traditional Medicine, China

Award Committee

Prof. Vladimir N. Uversky Chairman
University of South Florida
Prof. Dr. Undurti N Das
Prof. Piero Crespo Baraja


Mateusz Maciejczyk
Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
Sonia Medina Escudero
Spanish National Research Council (CEBAS-CSIC), Spain

Award Committee

Prof. Vladimir N. Uversky Chairman
University of South Florida
Dr. Marc Maresca
Aix Marseille University
Dr. Valentyn Oksenych
University of Bergen
Dr. Barbara Canonico
Prof. Dr. Natália Cruz-Martins
Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto


Azzurra Stefanucci
University G. d'Annunzio, Italy

Award Committee

Prof. Vladimir N. Uversky Chairman
University of South Florida
Prof. Dr. Peter E Nielsen
University of Copenhagen
Prof. Dr. Marcus Otto Walter Grimm
Saarland University
Dr. Eric Kremer
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