Biomacromolecules: Nucleic Acids

A section of Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X).

Section Information

The section of "Biomacromolecules: Nucleic Acids” covers all aspects of nucleic acid chemistry, structure and function, in particular with relevance for molecular biology and medical aspects, novel analytical technologies and tools, as well as non-natural nucleic acid analogues and mimics and their properties.

Manuscripts must be of high scientific quality and should significantly advance scientific understanding of the biological functions of nucleic acids and/or expand their applications in novel analytical techniques and medicinal innovation.

We aim to publish reviews and original research articles on, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Gene expression and regulation;
  • Functional and structural RNA (mRNA, miRNA, siRNA, ncRNA, rRNA, tRNA, etc.);
  • Alternatively structured/functional nucleic acids (e.g., triple helix, ribozymes, DNazymes, RNA loops);
  • Functional nucleic acid modification (e.g., DNA methylation, alternative nucleobases, etc.);
  • Gene editing, mRNA editing;
  • Medicinal exploitation of siRNA, mRNA, antisense oligonucleotide, CRISPR and other nucleic acid technologies;
  • Nucleic acid derivatives and mimics;
  • Nucleic acid analysis and detection;
  • Cellular delivery of nucleic acids;
  • Ancient DNA;
  • DNA repair;
  • Chromatin structure and function;
  • Medical biomarkers;
  • Replication.

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