
27 June 2024
Brain Sciences | Interview with Asst. Prof. Dr. Keehoon Lee, the Committee Member of the 4th International Electronic Conference on Brain Sciences

Introducing Asst. Prof. Dr. Keehoon Lee, from the TGen Integrated Microbiomics Center. In this interview, we delve into the fascinating world of microbiome research and its impact on neurological health through an in-depth conversation with Asst. Prof. Dr. Lee. We explore the latest advancements, challenges, and future directions of his research, as well as gain insights into his role as a Committee Member for IECBS 2024.

Join us at the 4th International Electronic Conference on Brain Sciences to uncover valuable perspectives on the evolving field of brain sciences.

For more information, please visit the following website:

1. Could you introduce your current research direction and provide an update on your progress?
My research is centered on the human microbiome and its impact on health. Currently, I am investigating the links between the gut microbiome and epilepsy, as well as the nasal microbiome and Alzheimer's disease.

2. Have you encountered any challenges in your research? How did you overcome them? Could you share your experience?
There have been several challenges in my research on the human microbiome. One significant hurdle has been the collection of samples. This challenge has been addressed through collaborations with other researchers and research centers. Notably, we have partnerships with a rare childhood disease research center and an Alzheimer’s disease testing laboratory, which have been instrumental in facilitating the collection of necessary samples.

3. Looking ahead, what do you believe will be the hot topics in the field of brain sciences research in the next few years? Please share the topics and the reason for it.
The microbiome study is poised to become a hot topic in brain sciences research due to its potential to uncover the intricate connections between gut and brain health, often referred to as the gut-brain axis. Emerging evidence suggests that the microbiome can influence neurological conditions such as epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease, offering new avenues for understanding and treating these disorders. Advances in sequencing technologies and bioinformatics are making it easier to analyze complex microbial communities, leading to groundbreaking discoveries. Additionally, the microbiome’s role in modulating immune and inflammatory responses provides insights into its impact on brain function and pathology. As researchers continue to explore these links, the potential for novel therapeutic strategies targeting the microbiome is generating significant excitement in the field.

4. As the committee member of IECBS 2024, could you briefly describe what kind of meeting you are looking forward to?
I am eagerly looking forward to seeing more microbiome-related brain science research at the IECBS 2024 conference. This can showcase the latest advancements and discoveries in the field, particularly the growing understanding of the microbiome's influence on neurological health.

5. With numerous conferences being organized each year, do you have any suggestions for making our conference more meaningful for scholars and students?
Since IECBS is an electronic conference, fostering close connections with each participant can be challenging. To address this, it would be beneficial to create a dedicated networking platform for participants. This platform could feature virtual breakout rooms, discussion forums, and interactive sessions to facilitate meaningful interactions and collaborations. Additionally, incorporating features like profile matching, interest groups, and scheduled networking events can help participants connect with others who share similar research interests. By enhancing networking opportunities, we can ensure that the conference remains engaging and productive despite the virtual format.

6. Could you share some of your past conference experiences? Did these conferences assist you in promoting your research results, expanding your network, finding potential collaborators, advancing your career, etc.?The Conference on Beneficial Microbes has been successful due to its focused research agenda and specific topic, making networking more effective and facilitating numerous collaborations.

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