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Journal Browser


17–19 October 2022, Kansas City, USA
EAI SecureComm 2022—18th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks

SecureComm is a conference in the EAI core conference portfolio focusing on cybersecurity. The aim of SecureComm is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government in security, networking, communication, and other related communities to explore important research directions in the field. The 18th SecureComm conference seeks submissions of high-quality research contributions. Topics of interest encompass all areas of secure communications and networking. Topics in less-related areas will be considered if a clear connection to secure communication and networking is demonstrated. Topics addressing interdisciplinary challenges in different application domains are welcome.


  • Security and privacy in computer networks (e.g., wired, wireless, mobile, hybrid, sensor, vehicular, satellite, 5G, 6G, ad hoc, peer-to-peer, and software-defined networks).
  • Security and privacy in systems with a strong secure communication and networking element (e.g., security in the cloud, the IoT, cyber–physical systems, edge and fog computing, and teleconferencing).
  • Physical layer security (e.g., jamming, GPS spoofing).
  • Web and mobile security as well as privacy.
  • Security protocols at all network layers and for different applications (e.g., for secure routing, naming/addressing, network management, remote authentication, and attestation).
  • Network attacks (e.g., DDoS, MitM, malware, botnets, side-channel attacks, phishing/pharming, and cybersquatting) and defenses (e.g., network intrusion detection and prevention, firewalls, packet filters, and moving target defense).
  • Network, Internet, and cloud forensics.
  • Cybercrime investigation and attribution.
  • Cyber threat intelligence and cyber incident responses.
  • Anonymous and privacy-aware communications (e.g., Tor, darknet).
  • Internet censorship and circumvention.
  • Secure communication and networking applications (e.g., Industry 4.0, energy, transportation, and smart cities).
  • Quantum key distribution and other quantum-based secure communications.
  • Visualization of secure communications and networking.
  • Privacy-preserving computing in secure communication and networking (e.g., privacy-preserving machine learning).
  • Distributed ledger technologies (e.g., blockchain and cryptocurrencies).
  • Resilience of computer networks and critical infrastructures.
  • Defending false information online (e.g., mis-, dis-, and malinformation).
  • Sociotechnical aspects of secure communications and networking (e.g., usability, human behaviors, legal issues, cybercrime, and economics).
  • Security and privacy of contact tracing and other COVID-19-related digital interventions with a core element in telecommunications or networking.


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