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Journal Browser


2–6 September 2024, Exeter, UK
The Conference on Complex Systems 2024 (CCS’24)

The Conference on Complex Systems is the flagship annual meeting for the complex systems research community, operating within the framework of the Complex Systems Society. This special 20th anniversary conference is jointly organised by Northeastern University London and the University of Exeter. We welcome participants looking to appreciate the connection with the multidisciplinary community that CCS brings together. In this 20th edition of the conference we welcome young researchers for a warm-up session in beautiful London, followed by the main conference just a train ride away in Exeter.

The Conference on Complex Systems encompasses a diverse array of topics, featuring an extensive list that spans various facets of complexity. While the following topics provide a solid framework, our exploration is not limited to this list:

  • Foundations of complex systems. Basic sciences. Quantum complexity
  • Complex networks
  • Data Science, machine learning and artificial intelligence in the context of complex systems
  • Computation and information processing in complex systems
  • Economics and finance
  • Social systems
  • Ecological systems
  • Cognition, psychology and neurosciences
  • Complexity in biology and health sciences
  • City science, mobility and transport
  • Energy, environment, sustainability, climate and global change


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