
12 September 2024
Hydrology | Editor’s Choice Articles from 2023

Editor's Choice Articles are selected based on suggestions from Academic Editors of Hydrology (ISSN: 2306-5338). The Editors select a small number of recently published articles that they consider particularly interesting to our readers or important in their respective fields of research. The aim in highlighting and promoting this research is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in the various topical areas of hydrology.

You are welcome to read the Editor's Choice Articles published in Hydrology from 2023. The full list of Editor's Choice Articles can be viewed via the following link:

The list of relevant papers can be seen below:

1. “Combined Well Multi-Parameter Logs and Low-Flow Purging Data for Soil Permeability Assessment and Related Effects on Groundwater Sampling”
by Francesco Maria De Filippi and Giuseppe Sappa
Hydrology 2023, 10(1), 12;
Available online:

2. “Assessing the Impact of the Urban Landscape on Extreme Rainfall Characteristics Triggering Flood Hazards”
by Yakob Umer, Victor Jetten, Janneke Ettema and Gert-Jan Steeneveld
Hydrology 2023, 10(1), 15;
Available online:

3. “Environmental Risk Assessment of Wetland Ecosystems Using Bayesian Belief Networks”
by Bahram Malekmohammadi, Cintia Bertacchi Uvo, Negar Tayebzadeh Moghadam, Roohollah Noori and Soroush Abolfathi
Hydrology 2023, 10(1), 16;
Available online:

4. “An Assessment of Uncertainties in Flood Frequency Estimation Using Bootstrapping and Monte Carlo Simulation”
by Zaved Khan, Ataur Rahman and Fazlul Karim
Hydrology 2023, 10(1), 18;
Available online:

5. “Establishing and Operating (Pilot Phase) a Telemetric Streamflow Monitoring Network in Greece”
by Katerina Mazi, Antonis D. Koussis, Spyridon Lykoudis, Basil E. Psiloglou, Georgios Vitantzakis, Nikolaos Kappos, Dimitrios Katsanos, Evangelos Rozos, Ioannis Koletsis and Theodora Kopania
Hydrology 2023, 10(1), 19;
Available online:

6. “Proposing a Wetland-Based Economic Approach for Wastewater Treatment in Arid Regions as an Alternative Irrigation Water Source”
by Mohamed Elsayed Gabr, Nadhir Al-Ansari, Ali Salem and Ahmed Awad
Hydrology 2023, 10(1), 20;
Available online:

7. “Uncertainty of Kozeny–Carman Permeability Model for Fractal Heterogeneous Porous Media”
by Jianting Zhu
Hydrology 2023, 10(1), 21;
Available online:

8. “Assessment of a Smartphone App for Open Channel Flow Measurement in Data Scarce Irrigation Schemes”
by Menwagaw T. Damtie, Marshet B. Jumber, Fasikaw A. Zimale and Seifu A. Tilahun
Hydrology 2023, 10(1), 22;
Available online:

9. “Iron and Manganese Oxidation States, Bonding Environments, and Mobility in the Mining-Impacted Sediments of Coeur d’Alene Lake, Idaho: Core Experiments”
by Gaige Swanson, Jeff B. Langman, Andrew W. Child, Frank M. Wilhelm and James G. Moberly
Hydrology 2023, 10(1), 23;
Available online:

10. “Determination of Environmental Flows in Data-Poor Estuaries—Wami River Estuary in Saadani National Park, Tanzania”
by Amartya K. Saha, Japhet Kashaigili, Fredrick Mashingia, Halima Kiwango, Mercy Asha Mohamed, Michael Kimaro, Mathias Msafiri Igulu, Patroba Matiku, Rosemary Masikini, Rashid Tamatamah et al.
Hydrology 2023, 10(2), 33;
Available online:

11. “Fuzzy Unsteady-State Drainage Solution for Land Reclamation”
by Christos Tzimopoulos, Nikiforos Samarinas, Kyriakos Papadopoulos and Christos Evangelides
Hydrology 2023, 10(2), 34;
Available online:

12. “Use of UAV Monitoring to Identify Factors Limiting the Sustainability of Stream Restoration Projects”
by Jakub Langhammer, Theodora Lendzioch and Jakub Šolc
Hydrology 2023, 10(2), 48;
Available online:

13. “Spatial Evaluation of a Hydrological Model on Dominant Runoff Generation Processes Using Soil Hydrologic Maps”
by Hadis Mohajerani, Mathias Jackel, Zoé Salm, Tobias Schütz and Markus C. Casper
Hydrology 2023, 10(3), 55;  
Available online:

14. “A Novel Multipurpose Self-Irrigated Green Roof with Innovative Drainage Layer”
by Behrouz Pirouz, Stefania Anna Palermo, Gianfranco Becciu, Umberto Sanfilippo, Hana Javadi Nejad, Patrizia Piro and Michele Turco
Hydrology 2023, 10(3), 57;
Available online:

15. “Probabilistic Approach to Tank Design in Rainwater Harvesting Systems”
by Maria Gloria Di Chiano, Mariana Marchioni, Anita Raimondi, Umberto Sanfilippo and Gianfranco Becciu
Hydrology 2023, 10(3), 59;
Available online:

16. “On the Sensitivity of Standardized-Precipitation-Evapotranspiration and Aridity Indexes Using Alternative Potential Evapotranspiration Models”
by Aristoteles Tegos, Stefanos Stefanidis, John Cody and Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Hydrology 2023, 10(3), 64;
Available online:

17. “Compound Climate Risk: Diagnosing Clustered Regional Flooding at Inter-Annual and Longer Time Scales”
by Yash Amonkar, James Doss-Gollin and Upmanu Lall
Hydrology 2023, 10(3), 67;  
Available online:

18. “IWRM Incorporating Water Use and Productivity Indicators of Economic Clusters Using a Hydro-Economic SDSS”
by Gerald Norbert Souza da Silva, Márcia M. G. Alcoforado de Moraes, Laíse Alves Candido, Carlos Alberto G. de Amorim Filho, Nilena B. M. Dias, Marcelo Pereira da Cunha and Lourdinha Florêncio
Hydrology 2023, 10(3), 72;
Available online:

19. “Modeling a Metamorphic Aquifer through a Hydro-Geophysical Approach: The Gap between Field Data and System Complexity”
by Francesco Chidichimo, Michele De Biase, Francesco Muto and Salvatore Straface
Hydrology 2023, 10(4), 80;
Available online:

20. “Development of Multi-Inflow Prediction Ensemble Model Based on Auto-Sklearn Using Combined Approach: Case Study of Soyang River Dam”
by Seoro Lee, Jonggun Kim, Joo Hyun Bae, Gwanjae Lee, Dongseok Yang, Jiyeong Hong and Kyoung Jae Lim
Hydrology 2023, 10(4), 90;
Available online:

21. “Evaluation of Various Resolution DEMs in Flood Risk Assessment and Practical Rules for Flood Mapping in Data-Scarce Geospatial Areas: A Case Study in Thessaly, Greece”
by Nikolaos Xafoulis, Yiannis Kontos, Evangelia Farsirotou, Spyridon Kotsopoulos, Konstantinos Perifanos, Nikolaos Alamanis, Dimitrios Dedousis and Konstantinos Katsifarakis
Hydrology 2023, 10(4), 91;
Available online:

22. “Application of Running Water-Type Retarding Basin to Old Kinu River Floodplain, Japan”
by Tadaharu Ishikawa and Ryosuke Akoh
Hydrology 2023, 10(4), 94;
Available online:

23. “Examination of Measured to Predicted Hydraulic Properties for Low Impact Development Substrates”
by Satbir Guram and Rashid Bashir
Hydrology 2023, 10(5), 105;
Available online:

24. “Fuzzy Analytical Solution of Horizontal Diffusion Equation into the Vadose Zone”
by Christos Tzimopoulos, Nikiforos Samarinas, Basil Papadopoulos and Christos Evangelides
Hydrology 2023, 10(5), 107;
Available online:

25. “Impacts of Max-Stable Process Areal Exceedance Calculations to Study Area Sampling Density, Surface Network Precipitation Gage Extent and Density, and Model Fitting Method”
by Brian Skahill, Cole Haden Smith, Brook T. Russell and John F. England
Hydrology 2023, 10(6), 121;
Available online:

26. “Smart Data Blending Framework to Enhance Precipitation Estimation through Interconnected Atmospheric, Satellite, and Surface Variables”
by Niloufar Beikahmadi, Antonio Francipane and Leonardo Valerio Noto
Hydrology 2023, 10(6), 128;
Available online:

27. “ANN-Based Predictors of ASR Well Recovery Effectiveness in Unconfined Aquifers”
by Saeid Masoudiashtiani and Richard C. Peralta
Hydrology 2023, 10(7), 151;
Available online:

28. “Flood Inundation and Depth Mapping Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Combined with High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery”
by Kevin J. Wienhold, Dongfeng Li, Wenzhao Li and Zheng N. Fang
Hydrology 2023, 10(8), 158;
Available online:

29. “Improvements and Evaluation of the Agro-Hydrologic VegET Model for Large-Area Water Budget Analysis and Drought Monitoring”
by Gabriel B. Senay, Stefanie Kagone, Gabriel E. L. Parrish, Kul Khand, Olena Boiko and Naga M. Velpuri
Hydrology 2023, 10(8), 168;
Available online:

30. “Decoupling of Ecological and Hydrological Drought Conditions in the Limpopo River Basin Inferred from Groundwater Storage and NDVI Anomalies”
by Kyung Y. Kim, Todd Scanlon, Sophia Bakar and Venkataraman Lakshmi
Hydrology 2023, 10(8), 170;
Available online:

31. “Urban Flood Modelling under Extreme Rainfall Conditions for Building-Level Flood Exposure Analysis”
by Christos Iliadis, Panagiota Galiatsatou, Vassilis Glenis, Panagiotis Prinos and Chris Kilsby
Hydrology 2023, 10(8), 172;
Available online:

32. “Assessing Terrestrial Water Storage Variations in Southern Spain Using Rainfall Estimates and GRACE Data”
by Eulogio Pardo-Igúzquiza, Jean-Philippe Montillet, José Sánchez-Morales, Peter A. Dowd, Juan Antonio Luque-Espinar, Neda Darbeheshti and Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Tovar
Hydrology 2023, 10(9), 187;
Available online:

33. “A Soil Moisture Profile Conceptual Framework to Identify Water Availability and Recovery in Green Stormwater Infrastructure”
by Matina Shakya, Amanda Hess, Bridget M. Wadzuk and Robert G. Traver
Hydrology 2023, 10(10), 197;
Available online:

34. “Nutrient Loadings to Utah Lake from Precipitation-Related Atmospheric Deposition”
by Mitchell M. Brown, Justin T. Telfer, Gustavious P. Williams, A. Woodruff Miller, Robert B. Sowby, Riley C. Hales and Kaylee B. Tanner
Hydrology 2023, 10(10), 200;
Available online:

35. “Efficient Flood Early Warning System for Data-Scarce, Karstic, Mountainous Environments: A Case Study”
by Evangelos Rozos, Vasilis Bellos, John Kalogiros and Katerina Mazi
Hydrology 2023, 10(10), 203;
Available online:

36. “Locating Potential Groundwater Pathways in a Fringing Reef Using Continuous Electrical Resistivity Profiling”
by Becker, Matthew W., Francine M. Cason and Benjamin Hagedorn
Hydrology 2023, 10(11), 206;
Available online:

37. “Calibration of Land-Use-Dependent Evaporation Parameters in Distributed Hydrological Models Using MODIS Evaporation Time Series Data”
by Markus C. Casper, Zoé Salm, Oliver Gronz, Christopher Hutengs, Hadis Mohajerani and Michael Vohland
Hydrology 2023, 10(12), 216;
Available online:

38. “Stream-Aquifer Systems in Semi-Arid Regions: Hydrologic, Legal, and Management Issues”
by Neil S. Grigg, Ryan T. Bailey and Ryan G. Smith
Hydrology 2023, 10(12), 224;
Available online:

39. “Evaluating Non-Stationarity in Precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas, USA”
by Binita Ghimire, Gehendra Kharel, Esayas Gebremichael and Linyin Cheng
Hydrology 2023, 10(12), 229;
Available online:

40. “Evaluating Non-Stationarity in Precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex, Texas, USA”
by Felipe Duque, Greg O’Donnell, Yanli Liu, Mingming Song and Enda O’Connell
Hydrology 2023, 10(12), 238;
Available online:

41. “Spatial Estimation of Snow Water Equivalent for Glaciers and Seasonal Snow in Iceland Using Remote Sensing Snow Cover and Albedo”
by Andri Gunnarsson and Sigurdur M. Gardarsson
Hydrology 2024, 11(1), 3;
Available online:

42. “Agricultural Water Footprints and Productivity in the Colorado River Basin”
by George B. Frisvold and Dari Duval
Hydrology 2024, 11(1), 5;
Available online:

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