Reviewer Board
Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Infrastructures reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.
Interests: building materials; cementitious composites; recycling; sustainability; infrastructure
Interests: smart/green cities; LED lighting; autonomous solar lighting; renewable energies; digital control; microcontrollers; project management; power grids
Interests: construction project complexities; knowledge management; project management; data analytics; data visualization; building information modeling; sustainability
Interests: concrete and asphalt materials; pavement; fiber reinforced concrete
Interests: structural engineering; earthquake engineering; structural health monitoring
Interests: infrastructure asset management; asset management, risk management, life cycle engineering, change management, and infrastructure resilience; delivery methods; risk management; change management; infrastructure resilience; disaster-loss mitigating
Interests: transport service quality; air transport; sustainable mobility
Interests: structural health monitoring; modal identification; scour; real time structural damage detection
Interests: peripheral and ultra-peripheral territories; land uses changes; landscape planning; sustainable development; regional studies; norderlands
Interests: infrastructure engineering systems; sustainable and resilient infrastructure; pavement design, evaluation and management
Interests: fatigue behaviour of asphaltic materials; maturity concepts in cold-mix asphalts; behaviour of cold-mix reclaimed asphalt mixtures; hot-mix asphalts; cement and concrete
Interests: urban traffic infrastructure (optimisation, capacity analyses, non-motorized traffic, micromobility); traffic safety (vulnerable users, operational speed); pavement design (friction analyses)
Interests: fiber reinforced concrete; textile reinforced concrete; supplementary cementitious materials; cement based composites; concrete testing
Interests: infrastructure resilience; multihazard analysis; Markov models; machine learning; finite elements; uncertainty quantification
Interests: sustainability development; sustainability construction; sustainability management; sustainability assessment; recycling; life cycle assessment (LCA); maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) management; circularity of road materials
Interests: sustainable urban development; urban resilience; smart cities; urban agenda; sustainable development goals (SDGs); sustainability indicators; corporate social responsibility (CSR); circular economy; sustainable tourism; social inclusion; green energy; disaster risk reduction; rural areas development; construction management; project management
Interests: transportation; air transportation; operational research; air safety and security; aircraft operations; air transportation economy and management
Interests: road and airport pavement management systems (PMS); road user costs; pavement life-cycle-cost analysis; road work zones; road safety; GIS applied to road management and operation; urban sustainable/soft mobility
Interests: highway and pavement engineering; pavement performance modeling; pavement sustainability and life cycle analysis
Interests: deep foundations; shallow foundations; soil-structure-interaction
Interests: road pavements; rmart roads; smart cities; intelligent transportation system; structural health monitoring; traffic noise; environmental monitoring; wireless sensor network; fem simulation; data processing; energy harvesting; renewable energy-based systems; sustainability and safety
Interests: statistical modeling; machine learning algorithms; geographic information systems; InSAR; pavement management systems; road monitoring; non-destructive techniques; falling weight deflectometer; PS-InSAR; radar interferometry
Interests: engineering seismology; Earthquake Engineering; reinforced concrete bridges; integral bridges; soil-structure interaction
Interests: tunnelling; urban excavations; deep foundations; soil-structure interaction; smart Infrastructures; risk and damage
Interests: point cloud; TLS; displacement and deformation; construction monitoring; bridge monitoring; control networks; BIM
Interests: railways and airports; transport infrastructures design; construction; management and maintenance; road pavement for concrete bridge decks; materials for transport infrastructures; bitumen; bituminous mixtures; cement bound mixtures; laboratory tests; building information modeling applied to the transport infrastructures (I-BIM)
Interests: transportation planning; Spatial Analysis; gis
Interests: geotechnics; soil mechanics; soil; triaxial test; cyclic loading; shakedown; creep
Interests: sustainability; construction; buildings; life cycle assessment
Interests: risk and reliability assessment; infrastructure interdependencies’ modelling; resilience; vulnerability and risk assessment of critical infrastructure