Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is considered a highly applicable composite material due to its exceptional mechanical properties, such as high compressive strength and ductility. UHPC deep beams are structural elements suitable for short spans, transfer girders, pile caps, offshore platforms, and bridge applications where
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Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is considered a highly applicable composite material due to its exceptional mechanical properties, such as high compressive strength and ductility. UHPC deep beams are structural elements suitable for short spans, transfer girders, pile caps, offshore platforms, and bridge applications where they are designed to carry heavy loads. Several key factors significantly influence the shear behavior of UHPC deep beams, including the compressive strength of UHPC, the vertical web reinforcement (
ρsv), horizontal web reinforcement (
ρsh), and longitudinal reinforcement (
ρs), as well as the shear span-to-depth ratio (
λ), fiber type, fiber content (
FC), and geometrical dimensions. In this paper, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to evaluate factors influencing the shear behavior of UHPC deep beams, with the aim of identifying research gaps and enhancing understanding of these influences. The findings from the literature were systematically classified and analyzed to clarify the impact and trends associated with each factor. The analyzed data highlight the effect of each factor on the shear behavior of UHPC deep beams, along with the overall trends. The findings indicate that an increase in compressive strength,
ρs, and
ρsh can enhance the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs by up to 63.36%, 63.24%, 38.14%, 19.02%, and 38.14%, respectively. Additionally, a reduction of 61.29% in
λ resulted in a maximum increase of 49.29% in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs.
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