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Young Investigator Award

Dear Colleagues,

As the Editor-in-Chief of Materials, I am pleased to announce the two winners of the 2022 Materials Guest Editor Award.

Dr. Grzegorz Chladek is the Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Composite and Polymeric Materials for Dentistry: Enhancing Antimicrobial and Mechanical Properties”, and he is a professor at Silesian University of Technology. He obtained his DSc, PhD and MSc degrees from the Silesian University of Technology. Dr. Grzegorz’s research interests focus on the engineering of materials, biomaterials, dental materials, composites and polymers, mechanical and performance properties.

Dr. Hyeon-Cheol Kim is the Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Contemporary Endodontic Materials”. He obtained his DDS, MSD and PhD from Pusan National University. Dr. Kim is an active member of the international endodontic society and is now the President at the APEC (Asian Pacific Endodontic Confederation). He has been actively lecturing on contemporary clinical Endodontics and materials based on his research evidence in many countries that hold global dental societies.

With so many high-quality applicants, the evaluation process and achieving a final decision were challenging. We would like to thank all applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics. On behalf of the Award Committee, I congratulate the winners on their accomplishments.

Prof. Dr. Maryam Tabrizian
Editor-in-Chief, Materials

Materials 2022 Young Investigator Award
Past Winners


Bharat Gwalani
North Carolina State University

Award Committee

Dr. Maryam Tabrizian Chairman
McGill University
Prof. Sung Bo Lee
Seoul National Univ.
Dr. Sebastian Lech
AGH University of Science and Technology
Dr. Gaetano Giunta
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology


Grzegorz Chladek
Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Award Committee

Ms. Divena Dai Chairman
Section Materials
Ms. Abby Wang
MDPI Branch Office, Beijing


Massuchusetts Institute of Technology

Award Committee

Dr. Maryam Tabrizian Chairman
McGill University
Dr. Thomas Fiedler
The University of Newcastle
Prof. Gigliola Lusvardi
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Prof. Pawel Pawlus
Prof. Vlassis Likodimos
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Prof. Klara Hernadi
Dr. F. Pacheco Torgal
Dr. Daolun Chen
Prof. Guillermo Requena
German Aerospace Center


Mathieu Bauchy
University of California, Los Angeles

Award Committee

Dr. Maryam Tabrizian Chairman
McGill University
Prof. Dr. Javier Narciso
Prof. Federico Bella
Politecnico di Torino
Dr. Vincenzo Baglio
Dr. Laszlo Toth
Prof. Dr. Marek Kowalczuk
Prof. Dr. Luyi Sun
University of Connecticut
Prof. Sofoklis Makridis
University of Patras
Prof. Jonathan Phillips
Naval Postgraduate School


Andrea Alù
City University of New York, USA
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