Editorial Board

Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.


Section Board Member
Department of Applied Mathematics, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Interests: applied and computational mathematics; fluid mechanics; landslides; geotechnical engineering; finite element method; numerical modeling; soil mechanics; geology; slope stability; constitutive modelling
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Section Board Member
Computational Mechanics and Reliability Group (CMRG), Centre for Numerical Modelling and Process Analysis, University of Greenwich, 30 Park Row, London SE10 9LS, UK
Interests: computational modelling; computational fluid dynamics; computational science and engineering; computational fire modelling

Section Board Member
Department of Chemistry, Williams College, Williamstown, MA 01267, USA
Interests: nonlinear dynamic chemical systems; nonequilibrium statistical thermodynamics

Section Board Member
Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering, University of Cádiz, 11519 Puerto Real, Spain
Interests: group decision making; consensus; fuzzy logic; linguistic modeling
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Section Board Member
Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling, University of Ostrava, 701 03 Ostrava, Czech Republic
Interests: fuzzy logic; fuzzy modeling; image processing; computer graphics
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Section Board Member
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (DeMaCS), University of Calabria, 87036 Rende, Italy
Interests: artificial intelligence; logic programming; nonmonotonic reasoning

Section Board Member
School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK
Interests: financial risk management and insurance; actuarial machine learning methodology; time series and state-space modelling; spatial statistics; stochastic processes in financial applications
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Section Board Member
Department of Policy and Planning Sciences, Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba 305-8573, Ibaraki, Japan
Interests: operations research; stochastic models; queues; performance analysis
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Section Board Member
Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, University of L'Aquila, Via Vetoio, Loc. Coppito, 67010 L’Aquila, Italy
Interests: control theory; evolution equations; delay equations; stabilization; modeling

Section Board Member
Institute of Applied Mathematics, Vilnius University, 03225 Vilnius, Lithuania
Interests: elliptical and parabolic equations; Navier-Stokes equations; theoretical hydrodynamics; function theory; vector analysis

Section Board Member
Department of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Salaria 113, 00198 Rome, Italy
Interests: knowledge graphs; graph languages; social networks; privacy

Section Board Member
Department of Mathematics, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
Interests: stochastic differential and partial differential equations and their applications; interpolation and extrapolation of random fields; physical processes in random media; median filtering of random processes and fields; estimating parameters in SDEs and SPDEs
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Section Board Member
Department of Statistics, Lund University, 22007 Lund, Sweden
Interests: stochastic processes; random spatio-temporal fields; non-gaussian stochastic models; applications to engineering; mathematical finance; environmental sciences; statistical models of ocean waves dynamic

Section Board Member
Computational Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Interests: inverse problems; data sketching; randomised computing; digital twins
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Section Board Member
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras, GR-26500 Patras, Greece
Interests: wave propagation and scattering; materials with microstructural effects; non destructive testing; boundary element method; Meshl

Section Board Member
Department of Didactics of Mathematics, University of Granada, 18010 Granada, Spain
Interests: data science education; statistics education; mathematics education; primary and secondary teachers' education
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Section Board Member
Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Computer Science, University of Silesia in Katowice, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
Interests: classifiers; machine learning; biometrics; spectral analysis

Section Board Member
Theoretical Physics Department of the Research Center for Condensed Matter Physics, Kursk State University, Radishcheva St. 33, 305000 Kursk, Russia
Interests: mathematical and theoretical physics; biophysics
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Section Board Member
Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 119333 Moscow, Russia
Interests: discrete optimization; global optimization; parallel programming; multi-objective optimization; complex systems
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Section Board Member
Department of Mathematics, Escola d’Enginyeria de Barcelona Est (EEBE), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Campus Diagonal-Besòs (CDB), Eduard Maristany, 16, 08019 Barcelona, Spain
Interests: structural health monitoring; condition monitoring; piezoelectric transducers; PZT; data science; wind turbines
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Website1 Website2
Section Board Member
1. "Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Calea 13 Septembrie 13, 050711 Bucharest, Romania
2. "Costin C. Kiriţescu" National Institute of Economic Research, Calea 13 Septembrie 13, 050711 Bucharest, Romania 3. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Str. Academiei 14, 010014 Bucharest, Romania
Interests: statistics; decision theory; operational research; variational inequalities; equilibrium theory; generalized convexity; information theory; biostatistics; actuarial statistics; functional analysis; approximation theory
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Section Board Member
Department of Computer Science, University of Bradford, Bradford BD7 1DP, West Yorkshire, UK
Interests: visual computing; satellite/space imaging; remote sensing; digital health and imaging

Section Board Member
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale A. Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy
Interests: optimization; Nash equilibrium problems; variational inequalities; network games

Section Board Member
Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control, University of Stuttgart, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Interests: systems biology; systems theory molecular networks; dynamics of feedback interactions; bayesian inference

Section Board Member
LPHI, University of Montpellier, CNRS, 34095 Montpellier, France
Interests: systems biology; mathematical biology; dynamical systems; stochastic processes
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Section Board Member
Department of Logistics and Transportation Systems Management, Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, 455000 Magnitogorsk, Russia
Interests: mining transport; modeling and simulation; linear programming; sustainable development; SCM; logistics; MCDM
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Section Board Member
1. Scientific Computing Group, Universidad de Salamanca, Plaza de la Merced, 37008 Salamanca, Spain
2. Escuela Politécnica Superior de Zamora, Universidad de Salamanca, Campus Viriato, 49029 Zamora, Spain
Interests: numerical solution of differential equations; numerical analysis
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Section Board Member
School of Mathematical Sciences, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dong Chuan Road, Shanghai 200240, China
Interests: geometric mechanics; symmetry, integrable systems; bifurcation theory; stability, momentum maps; reduction theory; infinite dimensional systems

Section Board Member
Prague University of Economics and Bussiness, Prague, nám. W. Churchilla 4, 130 67 Prague 3, Czech Republic
Interests: data mining and KDD; applications of domain knowledge in KDD; association rules; GUHA method; observational calculi
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