Parasitic Pathogens

A section of Pathogens (ISSN 2076-0817).

Section Information

Parasitic diseases are caused by numerous and diverse infectious organisms, ranging from protozoa to helminths. Many of these pathogens have complex life cycles and require transmission by vectors, or may involve intermediate hosts. If only some of these parasites can be acutely lethal, many result in chronic infections that often cause severe morbidity, and thus they represent major global burdens on both human and animal health. Current research efforts are thus driven by the need to discover and develop novel antiparasitic drugs, but also by sheer curiosity, with the aim of unravelling the most original biological features of these fascinating pathogens.

This section welcomes contributions that include original research and review papers, covering all aspects of parasitology and host–parasite relationships in the context of the biological, medical, and veterinary sciences. This includes the latest findings in biochemical, molecular and cellular parasitology, but also immunology, genetics, epidemiology, and vectors of parasitic diseases. However, it should be noted that case reports will only be considered if they bring considerable novelty to the field.

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