Topical Advisory Panel for section 'Hydrology'
- Hydrology Section
- Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Section
- Water Resources Management, Policy and Governance Section
- Water Quality and Contamination Section
- Urban Water Management Section
- Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics Section
- Biodiversity and Functionality of Aquatic Ecosystems Section
- Oceans and Coastal Zones Section
- Water Erosion and Sediment Transport Section
- Water Use and Scarcity Section
- Water, Agriculture and Aquaculture Section
- Water and One Health Section
- Water-Energy Nexus Section
- New Sensors, New Technologies and Machine Learning in Water Sciences Section
- Hydrogeology Section
- Soil and Water Section
- Water and Climate Change Section
- Ecohydrology Section
Please see the section webpage for more information on this section.
Interests: karst hydrology; water resources; surface and underground water in the karst; karst lakes; ecohydrology; climate changes
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: hydrology; rivers; numerical modeling; tidal flat morphodynamics
Interests: debris flow; flash flood; monitoring; catchment hydrology; landslides; sediment transport
Interests: concrete; sensors; optics; civil engineering materials; structural analysis; sensor technology; measurement; nondestructive testing; civil engineering technology; earthquake engineering
Interests: rock masses; rock fracture; permeability; coupled multiphysics processes; coupled THMC processes; pressure dissolution; microscopic pore structure; chemical reaction between water and rock; multiscale percolation; geotechnical seepage mechanics; groundwater environment and control
Interests: hydrology and water resources; watershed hydrology; hydrological processes and modeling; flood forecasting and warning
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: hydrothermal systems; island and coastal aquifers; geophysical research; numerical modeling; groundwater management
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: remote sensing; water cycle; evapotranspiration; soil moisture
Interests: lake-catchment coupling simulation; lake-floodplain hydrological processes; wetland surface-groundwater interactions
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: hydrometeorology; disaster risk assessment; satellite soil moisture; agent-based modelling; infrastructure resilience
Interests: flood modelling; river hydraulic engineering; assessment of the geometric uncertainty of hydraulic flood models; water sustainability; water resource management; drought; hydrological modelling; Bayesian causality analysis
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: groundwater pollution; isotopes; groundwater modelling; coastal aquifer; arsenic; karst aquifer; evaluation of aquifer recharge; groundwater monitoring
Interests: hydrology; remote sensing
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: fluid mechanics; fluid dynamics; mathematical physics; reservoirs
Interests: numerical simulation and calculation of groundwater; soil and groundwater pollution control and remediation
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: watershed hydrology; regional frequency analysis; flood risk management; hydrologic modeling; integrated water resource management; geomorphology; climate-land-water interaction; ecohydrology; machine learning
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: hydrogeology of arid zones and urban areas; isotope hydrology; groundwater modeling; trace element hydrochemistry; watershed and wetlands hydrology
Interests: watershed flood forecating; deep learning; remotely sensed observations
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: air temperature estimation; remote sensing of snow; snow changes
Interests: groundwater remediation; contaminant fate and transport; subsurface gas movement; computational modelling
Interests: hydrogeology; groundwater; numerical simulation of groundwater flow and solute transport; groundwater resource assessment; contaminant migration
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: environmental non-newtonian-fluid mixtures; debris-flow; mud-flow; rheology of granular fluid mixtures and suspension; debris flows modeling; debris-flow hazard and risk modeling; river morphology; river sediment transport
Interests: small-scale hydraulic problems; mathematical models of flooding; deterministic flow and transport models in groundwater; stochastic models of transport in groundwater; solution of inverse problems in groundwater; impacts of climate change on water resources; surrogate models for groundwater
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: surface water; watershed; runoff; monitoring and assessment method; biomass; water quality; modelling; land use and climate change; GIS/remote sensing application in surface hydrology; fecal indicator bacteria; water resource management
Interests: snow hydrology; mountain hydrology; hydrometeorology; climate change; water availability; snow chemistry; atmospheric deposition
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
2. Michael Baker International, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, USA
Interests: watershed modeling; hydrologic and water quality modeling; statistical analysis and data assimilation; water quality credit trading
Interests: hydrological simulation; land surface process modeling; crop modeling; crop water use efficiency; climate-water-energy-food nexus
Interests: water-related disaster investigation; engineering geology; computational modeling; remote sensing; deep learning
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: landscape ecology; fire ecology; land use and land cover; global change ecology
Interests: hydrologic modeling; watershed-scale transport modeling; application of deep learning in hydrology