
9–13 July 2018, Wroclaw, Poland
Viruses of Microbes V: Biodiversity and future applications

The central theme of the meeting is ‘Biodiversity and future applications’ of viruses infecting microbes (algae, archaea, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses). Viruses have always been a key element of microbial diversity and evolution, as well as a tool for a molecular biologist to learn more about how the host cell functions. This information has also been put to productive use in latter days to control infections and fouling in many areas of our modern life.
The conference talks are grouped into sessions covering key areas of ecology, host-virus dynamics, biotechnological, medical aspects, and structural biology. A main objective of the meeting is to stimulate new understanding of the role that viruses of microbes play in ecosystems and in the sustainable development of human technologies.

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