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Molecular Mechanisms of the Stripe Rust Interaction with Resistant and Susceptible Wheat Genotypes

Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6430, USA
US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Wheat Health, Genetics, and Quality Research Unit, Pullman, WA 99164-6430, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25(5), 2930;
Submission received: 31 January 2024 / Revised: 20 February 2024 / Accepted: 29 February 2024 / Published: 2 March 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Plant–Pathogen Interactions: 3rd Edition)


Rust fungi cause significant damage to wheat production worldwide. In order to mitigate disease impact and improve food security via durable resistance, it is important to understand the molecular basis of host–pathogen interactions. Despite a long history of research and high agricultural importance, still little is known about the interactions between the stripe rust fungus and wheat host on the gene expression level. Here, we present analysis of the molecular interactions between a major wheat pathogen—Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst)—in resistant and susceptible host backgrounds. Using plants with durable nonrace-specific resistance along with fully susceptible ones allowed us to show how gene expression patterns shift in compatible versus incompatible interactions. The pathogen showed significantly greater number and fold changes of overexpressed genes on the resistant host than the susceptible host. Stress-related pathways including MAPK, oxidation–reduction, osmotic stress, and stress granule formation were, almost exclusively, upregulated in the resistant host background, suggesting the requirement of the resistance-countermeasure mechanism facilitated by Pst. In contrast, the susceptible host background allowed for broad overrepresentation of the nutrient uptake pathways. This is the first study focused on the stripe rust pathogen–wheat interactions, on the whole transcriptome level, from the pathogen side. It lays a foundation for the better understanding of the resistant/susceptible hosts versus pathogenic fungus interaction in a broader sense.

1. Introduction

Wheat is a major food source for the human population and the second most produced cereal crop in the world (, accessed on 8 January 2024). It provides more than 20% of the protein and calories for the world’s population and holds the top position for global crop trade and amount of land used for its production [1]. Being one of the first domesticated crops, wheat has approximately a 10,000-year history of selection and breeding improvements [2]. Despite such a long history of agronomic and breeding practice, the demand for effective wheat production still poses significant scientific and technological challenges. Along with climatic challenges, biotic stress, including bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens, is a major constraint to wheat production.
Leaf, stem, and stripe rusts of wheat, caused by Puccinia triticina (Pt), P. graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), and P. striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), respectively, are major wheat pathogens associated with regular and significant yield losses [3]. Despite decades of systematic work on resistance genetics and breeding, rust remains a major biotic threat to global wheat production [4]. Of all wheat rust diseases, stripe rust occurs most frequently in the United States, mainly due to favorable conditions for early infection, long-distance spore dispersal, and possible recent adaptation to warmer temperatures. It is especially destructive in temperate and humid wheat growing regions and characterized by yield losses up to 100% in susceptible cultivars [5]. Although fungicide applications to prevent yield losses are widely used and effective, they are expensive and have negative environmental impact. Genetic resistance is a more economical and environmentally friendly way to control stripe rust.
There are two major types of genetic resistance to stripe rust in wheat: race-specific all-stage resistance (ASR) and adult plant resistance (APR). ASR is easy to detect in seedling tests and it remains effective through all stages of the plant lifecycle. It is usually conferred by single genes with strong effects. Widely adopted by breeders during the 20th century, these genes were the fastest way to introduce resistance into wheat cultivars. However, introduction of such strong resistance genes increased selective pressure on the pathogen and led to multiple cases of rapid emergence of the highly virulent Pst races. APR, on the other hand, provides broad-spectrum defense, while compromising on the degree of response. Plants carrying APR genes or QTL are susceptible in seedling tests but express varying levels of resistance in post-seedling stages in both field and greenhouse environments [6]. One of the most efficient types of APR is high-temperature adult-plant resistance (HTAP), which is durable, nonrace-specific, and triggered in the late developmental stages [7].
Studying the mechanisms of interaction between highly virulent Pst races and durable resistant germplasms could lead to a better understanding of factors influencing resistance and aid in elucidation of biotrophic pathogenic processes. Simultaneous transcriptome sequencing of plant and pathogen can provide insights into genome-wide Pst–wheat interactions [8,9,10,11,12]. Several attempts have been made, up to date, to understand stripe rust gene expression: urediniospores cDNA library characterization [13], isolated haustoria and infected tissue analysis [14], germinated urediniospores versus haustorial transcriptome [15], and microarray transcript analysis of compatible versus incompatible Pst–wheat interactions [16], as well as the analysis of whole-genome transcriptomes of both wheat and stripe rust pathogen during infection using a dual RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) method [17,18].
Few findings from studying rust expression patterns suggest that fungus depends on host metabolism via an expanded repertoire of amino acid and peptide transporters along with loss of nitrate and sulfate assimilation pathways [19]. The most commonly predicted upregulated genes are associated with rust colonization code for energy production and hydrolytic enzymes, effector-like secreted proteins, and other proteins of unknown functions. Many of the latter proteins are specific to different rust fungus species. Furthermore, the majority of rust genes do not have homologs with known functions in the GO database. Among known homologues, there are few functional groups, including transporters, kinases, carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZY), and secreted proteins (SPs), which are represented by higher proportion compared to other genes. This overrepresentation of SPs is consistent with observations in other obligate biotrophic plant pathogenic fungi [17,20].
Despite discoveries of expression levels and gene families for specific stages of the pathogen lifecycle, there are no reports on the whole Pst transcriptome, affected by durable broad-range-resistant versus susceptible host germplasms. Here, we present gene expression analysis of the highly virulent Pst race PST-100 using the next-generation sequencing method. To understand the influence of effective plant resistance on rust pathogen development, we used combined transcriptome from interactions between Pst and resistant versus susceptible wheat cultivars. Importantly, this study was aimed at better understanding of the mechanisms of wheat–Pst interactions by determining gene expression patterns and identifying upregulated/downregulated targets in an economically important HTAP resistance host background.

2. Results and Discussion

2.1. Sequencing, Mapping, and Expression Profile

A total of 6.6 million reads were obtained from both treatments, including the resistant and susceptible bulks, with 3.6 million reads for resistant bulk and 3.0 million reads for susceptible bulk (Supplementary Table S1). Out of both transcriptome sets, 10% of resistant and 11% of susceptible reads were mapped to the PST-78 reference genome. In total, 6791 genes showed significant expression with more than 10 TPM (transcripts per million), and 3425 of those genes were significantly expressed in both treatments. Out of total genes, 3366 showed differential expression with more than a 2-fold change between treatments; 2808 overexpressed in the resistant background and 558 overexpressed in the susceptible background; 1039 genes were unique (not expressed in another dataset) in the resistant background and 269 genes in susceptible background (Figure 1). The average fold change for the unique genes, expressed in the resistant background, was 3.8, ranging from 2.5 to 28. For the unique genes, expressed in the susceptible background, the average fold change was 3.2, ranging from 2.4 to 42. There were 69 genes with >10-fold upregulation (maximum fold change is 45) from resistant background and 4 genes with >10-fold upregulation (maximum fold change is 81) from susceptible background. The top 20 upregulated genes for each background are presented in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively.
In this study, five times the number of overexpressed genes and almost four times the number of uniquely expressed genes were induced in rust pathogen by resistant wheat host compared to the susceptible wheat host. Previous studies also indicated that greater numbers of genes were induced in resistant wheat plants in response to wheat rust infection [21,22,23]. Our findings indicate that an even broader repertoire of genes was induced in the resistant bulk wheat lines carrying nonspecific HTAP resistance, compared to the race-specific, all-stage resistant. These results may suggest that the observed upregulation pattern could be the result of the efficient plant resistance response facilitated via multiple resistance genes activation, which, in turn, induce coping mechanisms from the fungus side in a form of the broader expression of the defense- and pathogenicity-related genes.

2.2. Annotation Summary

Among 3366 differentially expressed genes, 3364 had significant BLAST scores (e-value cutoff = 1.0 × 10−5) and 1961 mapped to GO terms, out of which 1833 were functionally annotated. A total of 99.5% transcripts of the top BLAST hits were from the Pst genome. Overall, the 4 species with the most hits were Pst (48%), Puccinia graminis f. sp. Tritici (21%), Puccinia sorghi (13%), and Melampsora larici-populina (9%) (Figure 2). Notably, along with 99.5% of the top hits belonging to the same species, 98% of total hits belonged to the order of Pucciniales, suggesting a highly specialized repertoire of gene expression specific to members of this order. Indeed, previous observations suggested large proportions of species-, family-, and order-specific candidate secreted effector proteins in rust fungi [24,25].

2.3. Commonly Expressed Genes

Out of 3425 Pst genes significantly expressed in both host conditions, 2332 did not show significantly differential expression (<2-fold change). Common for both backgrounds, the Pst genes with the highest level of expression (>100 TPM) belonged to cellular and metabolic processes, regulation, localization, and response to stimulus in GO terms for biological process (Figure 3). Genes with the most specific annotations were related to ribosome biogenesis, translation, protein folding, ubiquitin-related catabolism, and transcriptional regulation. Most general annotations for common molecular functions were represented by binding (ATP, nucleic acid, metal, GTP), catalytic activity, and structural molecule activity (Figure 3).

2.4. Differentially Expressed Genes

The most highly upregulated Pst genes in the susceptible background, compared to the resistant background, were PSTG_02354 and PSTG_03920, with 81- and 42-fold upregulation, respectively. Both genes code for putative proteins with unknown functions without similarity in InterPro databases (Table 2). In the resistant background, the most upregulated Pst genes were PSTG_08955, PSTG_06581, PSTG_00606, PSTG_12286, PSTG_03460, and PSTG_02011, ranging from 45- to 19-fold changes. All of them code for hypothetical proteins, with PSTG_08955 (the most upregulated) and PSTG_12286 having no further annotation. PSTG_06581, PSTG_00606, PSTG_03460, and PSTG_02011 were annotated as integral components of membranes. PSTG_03460 is associated with protein transport and PSTG_02011 with the oxidation–reduction process (Table 1).
The putative Pst gene PSTG_02011, which was highly (19-fold) upregulated and involved in oxidative stress response (OSR) in the resistant host background, indicates expectedly higher pressure on the pathogen. Along with the well-established role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plant defense response [26], there is a growing body of evidence for ROS-associated OSR importance for the pathogenic fungi, especially in the initial stage of the infection [27,28].
Another putative Pst gene, PSTG_02239, with 15-fold upregulation in the resistant host background, was annotated as thyroid receptor, which interacts and was involved in palmitoyltransferase activity. Although its function is unknown, previous findings suggest that at least one fungus (Glomus intraradices) codes for mammal-like thyroid-interacting protein, which belongs to archetypal regulatory proteins involved in intracellular hormonal signaling [29]. Additionally, palmitoyltransferases have been reported to play an important role for hyphal morphogenesis, cell wall integrity, and virulence of Aspergillus fumigatus [30].
The only annotated and highly upregulated putative gene in susceptible background compared to resistant background was PSTG_18287, with a 12-fold increase, which codes for ATP synthase.
Several putative genes, which were among the most upregulated in both resistant and susceptible backgrounds, were annotated as integral membrane components. In order to understand their functions, further investigation is needed, since they can play diverse roles from the involvement in signaling and effector secretion in the initial infection phase to hexose transport metabolism after successful colonization [31].

2.5. Overrepresentation Analysis

To estimate the difference between two host backgrounds on the systemic level, we performed two-sided Fisher’s exact test on predicted GO terms. Predicted molecular functions of the genes overrepresented in the susceptible background include structural constituent of ribosome, structural molecule activity, ubiquitin–protein transferase activity, and transferase activity (transferring acyl groups). In the resistant background, the most overrepresented molecular function of genes was binding, which includes organic cyclic compound binding, heterocyclic compound binding, macromolecular complex binding, and identical proteins binding (Table 3).
The most abundantly overrepresented biological processes in the susceptible background include sulfur compound metabolic process, cytoplasmic translation, cofactor metabolic process, sulfur compound biosynthetic process, coenzyme metabolic process, monocarboxylic acid metabolic process, monosaccharide biosynthetic process, hexose biosynthetic process, glucose metabolic process, gluconeogenesis, peptide metabolic process, ribosome biogenesis, translation, cofactor biosynthetic process, and nucleus organization. In the resistant background, the most overrepresented biological processes include regulation of molecular functions, regulation of catalytic activity, cellular response to stimulus, nucleic acid metabolic process, regulation of hydrolase activity, positive regulation of catalytic activity, molecular function, and hydrolase activity (Table 4).
We hypothesize that overrepresentation of monosaccharide biosynthetic process, hexose biosynthetic process, glucose metabolic process, and gluconeogenesis in susceptible plants is a result of successfully established pathogenicity and hyphal proliferation [17,32], which allows fungus to induce a broader repertoire of feeding-related pathways. On the other hand, overrepresentation of hydrolase-related pathways in the resistant wheat background could be an indication of an additional need in a cell wall degrading machinery since resistant wheat activates penetration-protective mechanisms via phenylalanine ammonia-lyase-induced lignin production [16].

2.6. Enzyme Profile

Enzyme coding genes distribution did not show significant differences between two host backgrounds except for relative higher abundance of isomerases and ligases in the susceptible dataset and transferases in the resistant dataset (Figure 4). The total percentages of predicted enzymes were 17.8 and 13.6 for the resistant and susceptible background, respectively. The three largest classes of the enzymes for both conditions were hydrolases, with 44.5% and 42.1% for the resistant- and susceptible-host-associated genes, followed by transferases 30.9% and 26.3%, and oxidoreductases 13.4% and 11.8%, respectively. Lyases, isomerases, and ligases comprised 4.2%, 3.4%, and 3.6% for the resistance-associated genes and 5.3%, 7.9%, and 6.6% for the susceptible set.

2.7. Stress Response

To compare stress effects of potentially more unfavorable resistant versus susceptible host background, we ran a multilevel annotation search on stress-related GO terms (Table 5). Out of 39 stress-related genes, 34 were upregulated in the resistant background. Fold change was also greater in the resistant background, with 11 genes showing >5-fold upregulation (9.5 max), while in the susceptible background, upregulation fold ranged from 2.4 to 4.8. PSTG_14185 was the most upregulated putative Pst gene in the resistant background, coding for PAKA kinase, associated with an MAPK stress response cascade. PAKAs, or p21-activated kinases, have a wide range of cellular functions, including a control of cytoskeletal organization, cell growth, and cell survival [33]. Specifically, PAKA kinases are reported as a major component in ROS scavenging in the grass pathogen Claviceps purpurea [34]. Along with three other putative Pst genes (PSTG_16900, PSTG_09637, and PSTG_00069) that were upregulated in the resistant background, PSTG_14185 is a part of an MAPK cascade which is reported to play an important role in the establishment of various infection strategies for plant pathogenic fungi [35,36]. We hypothesize that upregulation of such genes could be, partially, due to the initial response from the resistant host, which prevents fungal penetration and rapid establishment of feeding structures. Indeed, MAPK pathways have been reported to play an important role for appressorial formation in Cochliobolus heterostrophus [37], Colletotrichum orbiculare [38,39,40], and Pyrenophora teres [41]. An MAPK expression is also required for the induction of cellulase-encoding genes and controlling host tissue penetration [42]. Interestingly, fungicide treatment, in addition to osmotic and oxidative stress, have been reported to activate MAPK pathways in some plant pathogenic fungi: Cochliobolus heterostrophus, Neurospora crassa [43], and Botrytis cinerea [44]. High upregulation levels of Pst MAPK-associated genes in the resistant plants from our experiments could be an indication of the compensatory reaction to the efficient plant pattern triggered immunity (PTI). It might work in, at least, two directions: to form more penetration structures and to activate ROS scavenging mechanisms for the prevention of further damage to the pathogen.
PSTG_07441 is the other putative Pst gene upregulated in the resistant host that could play a counterdefense role against plant initial PTI. It showed a 6.3-fold increase and belongs to the ABC transporter family. Along with a predicted roles in active transmembrane transport, ion channels, and receptor functions; [45,46,47], ABC transporters play roles in coping with host-plant-induced cytotoxicity and oxidative stress within appressoria during early stages of infection in Magnaporthe grisea [48].
A set of putative genes including PSTG_01011, PSTG_11190, PSTG_02449, and PSTG_07071 related to stress granule formation were upregulated exclusively in the resistant host. Although functionality of stress granules is poorly understood, they are reported to be formed in response to stress and generally are not observable under normal growth [49]. Furthermore, stress granule formation is related to endoplasmic reticulum (ER), oxidative, and osmotic stresses, and plays an important role in the survival of Aspergillus oryzae cells exposed to stress [50]. Overexpression of the genes related to stress granule formation only in the resistant host might be an additional indicator of PTI-induced stress coping reaction that is not required in the case of successful colonization of the susceptible plant.
The majority of putative stress-related genes belonged to oxidative stress response pathways. Out of 16 differentially expressed OSR related genes, 13 were upregulated in the resistant host, which included PSTG_03524, PSTG_07441, PSTG_15614, PSTG_06116, PSTG_06546, PSTG_11344, PSTG_12053, PSTG_00788, PSTG_16670, PSTG_07945, PSTG_02845, PSTG_07189, and PSTG_09261. Although the number of such genes was greater in the resistant plant background, three out of five stress-related genes upregulated in the susceptible host, PSTG_20181, PSTG_12250, and PSTG_10795, were also related to oxidative stress response. The oxidative burst is widely reported as a basal plant defense against pathogens [51,52]. It is one of the fastest and the most ubiquitous PAMP-recognition-triggered responses. A major share of the ROS-related pathway upregulation in our experiments aligns with the previous findings that it is directly related to fungal pathogenicity metabolic processes [27]. It serves as a source of pathogen-produced oxidative stress, defense reaction, and signaling to induce cell differentiation as a part of a colonization strategy [53]. Due to the ubiquitous nature of the oxidative burst as a basal plant defense, genes related to ROS in our experiments were upregulated in both resistant and susceptible host backgrounds, suggesting a quantitative nature of the initial resistance reaction from the plant side. Despite greater proportion of ROS-related genes upregulated in the susceptible host background, the resistant plants triggered higher fold changes and total number of such genes.
Several putative genes related to salt and osmotic stress response were upregulated in the resistant plant background, which were PSTG_06288, PSTG_07422, PSTG_11998, PSTG_13165, and PSTG_09157, and one gene, PSTG_05154, in susceptible plants. Osmotic pressure stress affects fungi upon cell wall lysis and plant cell penetration; additionally, osmotic stress response is intertwined with the MAP kinase signaling pathway and the high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway [54]. Combined with OSR, they comprise a broad network of stress responses [55]. Expectedly putative Pst genes related to osmotic stress response were expressed in both experimental conditions, although a greater number was observed in the resistant host. A possible combination of a stronger oxidative burst response from the resistant plants and OSR/osmotic stress response pathway contributed to the observed upregulation.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Host and Pathogen Materials

A population of F5:6 spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was used as the host material resources [56]. The seeds of the RILs were provided by the winter wheat breeding program, department of crop and soil science, Washington State University, Pullman, WA USA. The RILs, including 188 individuals, were developed from a single F1 plant derived from the cross of Louise (PI 634865) and Penawawa using the single-seed descent method. Penawawa, a soft white spring cultivar, shows susceptibility to most current races of Pst, while a soft spring wheat cultivar, Louise, carries a potentially novel HTAP gene for stripe rust resistance [56]. Such selection of host materials allowed us to design experiments with both compatible and incompatible interactions between wheat and Pst. Stripe rust race, PST-100, was used as a fungal component which was preserved and reproduced following the standard procedure in the wheat stripe rust research lab at USDA ARS, Pullman WA [57]. It is highly virulent and the most distributed Pst race in the US in recent years [58].

3.2. Greenhouse Experiments

Two bulk experimental sets comprised 11 resistant RILs and 10 susceptible RILs which were selected from 188 F5:6 RILs based on their HTAP reactions in the field, inoculated with PST-100 for compatible and incompatible interactions, respectively. Each experimental treatment had 3 replicates to normalize for gene expression analysis. Eight seeds of each RIL were planted in a round gallon pot of 15 cm in diameter and grown in a greenhouse with a diurnal cycle: 16 h light at 25 °C; 8 h dark at 15 °C. After 42 days, plants with fully emerged flag leaf (Feekes stage 9) were inoculated with a urediniospore/talc mixture (1:10 ratio) following the standard procedure of inoculating [57]. Plants were sprayed with sterile water, and the urediniospore/talc mixture was evenly applied to both sides of the flag leaf using a cotton swap. Control plants underwent the same process except for the absence of the urediniospores in talc application. To promote effective spore germination and penetration, plants were placed for 24 h in a dew chamber set to 10 °C and 100% relative humidity in dark. Plants were subsequently incubated in a growth chamber, set for diurnal cycles of 16 h light at 25 ± 1 °C, and 8 h dark at 15 °C.

3.3. Library Preparation and Sequencing

Flag leaves of each RIL were collected at 48 h post inoculation and instantly frozen using liquid nitrogen. Such exposure time showed a peak in transcript accumulation, associated with HTAP resistance. A total of 63 samples (21 lines × 3 replicates, 8 leaves per replicate) were collected for analysis. Total RNA was extracted with TRIzol® Reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Carlsbad, CA, USA) using triplicated combined tissue from each inoculated RIL. MicroPoly(A)Purist™ mRNA purification kit and Dynabeads® mRNA DIRECT™ Purification Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Carlsbad, CA, USA) were used to isolate mRNA from total RNA. Equal quantities of purified RNA samples from 11 resistant and 10 susceptible lines were pooled to create two bulk sets, respectively. RNA-seq libraries were constructed using Ion Total RNA-Seq Kit and Ion Total RNA-Seq Kit v2 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Libraries were barcoded using Ion Xpress™ RNA-Seq Barcode 1-16 Kit and sequenced on the Ion Torrent PGM™ semiconductor sequencer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Carlsbad, CA, USA) with Ion 318™ chips at USDA ARS Western Regional Small Grains Genotyping laboratory, Pullman, WA, USA.

3.4. Bioinformatics Pipeline

Initial raw read processing, including trimming of adaptors, barcodes, and library-specific separation of barcoded reads, was performed using Ion Torrent Browser software 5.2 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Trimmed, library-specific reads were exported to CLC Genomics Workbench (, accessed on May 2016) with further quality trimming (PHRED score to error probability = 0.05) and mapped to the PST-78 genome (Puccinia Group Sequencing Project, Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT). PST-78 supercontigs, genes, and mRNA tracks were used for the mapping, with the following settings: mismatch cost = 2; insertion cost = 3; deletion cost = 3; minimum alignment length fraction = 0.8; similarity fraction = 0.8; and 5 maximum allowed hits for a read. Expression values were calculated in TPM—transcripts per million mapped reads [59] and normalized using Baggerly’s test [60,61]. Differential expression analysis performed on resistant versus susceptible reaction sets with minimum fold change ≥ 2 and FDR corrected p-value < 0.05.
Annotation was performed using NCBI blastx (, accessed on May 2016 ) of the total nonredundant protein sequence database with e-value 1.0 × 10−5 and 5 best hits parameters. EBI InterProScan was run on blast results using BlastProDom, FPrintScan, HMMPIR, HMMPfam, HMMSmart, HMMTigr, ProfileScan, PatternScan, SuperFamily, HMMPanther, and Gene3dD components in Blast2GO PRO (, accessed on May 2016). Gene Ontology terms were assigned using NCBI, PIR, and GO databases. GO terms were annotated using the following parameters: annotation cutoff = 55; GO weight = 5; computation analysis evidence codes = 0.8 (ISS, ISO, ISA, ISM, IBA, IBD, IKR, RCA) and 0.7 (IGC, IRD); and experimental evidence codes = 1.
Overrepresentation analysis for the annotated transcripts was performed with two-sided Fisher’s exact test on predicted GO terms with p-value cutoff = 0.05.

4. Conclusions

This study presents a comparative analysis of Pst gene expression in partially resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars. Applying next-generation transcriptomics allowed us to show genome-wide Pst differential expression patterns, while overcoming restrictions of the previous microarray and cDNA-AFLP studies [62,63], which were limited to the already-known probes or polymorphism. The analysis of both gene count and upregulation level shows higher levels of Pst gene expression in the resistant host background. An observed 5:1 ratio of the significantly expressed putative Pst genes in the resistant versus susceptible host indicates a possible need of the plant resistance-countermeasure mechanisms for the fungus functionality. This is supported by an even greater (7:1) ratio of the stress-related genes induced by the resistant plants. A broad repertoire of stress-related coping responses included MAPKs, oxidation stress reduction, osmotic stress, and stress granule formation pathways. In addition, hydrolase production pathways were also overrepresented in the resistant background, suggesting that auxiliary requirements to mitigate cell wall reinforcement machinery were upregulated in resistant plants. The susceptible reaction, on the other hand, induced overrepresentation of the several nutrient-uptake-related pathways, indicating effective establishment of the pathogenicity. The most upregulated genes from both conditions did not provide any insight about their functions, suggesting the need for further investigation. Overall, the results of this study lay a foundation for a better understanding of the wheat–Pst interactions, from the pathogen side, especially mediated by durable plant resistance.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:,

Author Contributions

D.R.S. and T.N. designed the experiment, performed research work, analyzed the data, and drafted the original manuscript. X.C. and Y.L. critically revised the manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The authors acknowledge the support by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Data Availability Statement

The raw datasets from the RNA-seq may be reached by request through Taras Nazarov, email: [email protected], or Deven R. See, email: [email protected]. The data are not publicly available due to the size of the files.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Differentially expressed PST genes. The white circle represents Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST) genes significantly (>10 TPM) and differentially (>2 fold) expressed in resistant host background, while the grey circle represents the differentially expressed PST genes in susceptible background. Numbers in parentheses represent uniquely expressed PST genes (expressed only in one condition). The intersection represents significantly expressed PST genes (>10 TPM) in both host backgrounds and the number in parentheses represents PST genes without significantly differential expression in both backgrounds (<2 fold).
Figure 1. Differentially expressed PST genes. The white circle represents Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (PST) genes significantly (>10 TPM) and differentially (>2 fold) expressed in resistant host background, while the grey circle represents the differentially expressed PST genes in susceptible background. Numbers in parentheses represent uniquely expressed PST genes (expressed only in one condition). The intersection represents significantly expressed PST genes (>10 TPM) in both host backgrounds and the number in parentheses represents PST genes without significantly differential expression in both backgrounds (<2 fold).
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Figure 2. The distribution of blast hits per species. The Y axis represents total number of blast hits, and the X axis represents species in descending order by number of hits.
Figure 2. The distribution of blast hits per species. The Y axis represents total number of blast hits, and the X axis represents species in descending order by number of hits.
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Figure 3. The annotation of commonly differential expressed PST genes. The top section represents the annotation for biological process (BP). The bottom section represents the annotation for molecular function (MF). Terms arranged in descending order by number of sequences shown on the X axis. The Y axis describes the annotation terms.
Figure 3. The annotation of commonly differential expressed PST genes. The top section represents the annotation for biological process (BP). The bottom section represents the annotation for molecular function (MF). Terms arranged in descending order by number of sequences shown on the X axis. The Y axis describes the annotation terms.
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Figure 4. Enzyme coding gene distribution. Upper cluster represents enzyme classes from resistant host associated genes; lower—from susceptible, X axis represents a percentage of a given enzyme.
Figure 4. Enzyme coding gene distribution. Upper cluster represents enzyme classes from resistant host associated genes; lower—from susceptible, X axis represents a percentage of a given enzyme.
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Table 1. The information of the top 20 Pst genes that were upregulated in the resistant host background.
Table 1. The information of the top 20 Pst genes that were upregulated in the resistant host background.
Gene ID aFoldDescriptionGO Names List b
PSTG_0895545hypothetical protein
PSTG_0658128hypothetical proteinC: integral component of membrane
PSTG_0060625hypothetical proteinC: integral component of membrane
PSTG_1228625hypothetical protein
PSTG_0346020hypothetical proteinP: protein transport; C: integral component of membrane
PSTG_0201119hypothetical proteinC: integral component of membrane; F: oxidoreductase activity, flavin adenine dinucleotide binding; P: oxidation-reduction process
PSTG_1562816hypothetical protein
PSTG_0223915thyroid receptor-interacting 13F: ATPase activity, ATP binding, zinc ion binding, protein-cysteine S-palmitoyltransferase activity; P: acyl-carrier-protein biosynthetic process; C: integral component of membrane
PSTG_1992915hypothetical protein
PSTG_1677115hypothetical proteinF: metal ion binding
PSTG_0092414[Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82]P: tRNA methylation; F: tRNA (guanine) methyltransferase activity
PSTG_0507514hypothetical proteinP: metabolic process
PSTG_0857214adenosinetriphosphataseC: U2-type post-spliceosomal complex; F: ATP binding, poly(A) RNA binding, ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity; P: spliceosomal complex disassembly;
PSTG_1257014hypothetical protein
PSTG_1585214hypothetical proteinC: membrane, integral component of membrane
PSTG_1642214hypothetical proteinF: GTPase activator activity; P: positive regulation of GTPase activity
PSTG_0970414hypothetical protein
PSTG_0647013hypothetical protein
PSTG_1405813hypothetical protein
PSTG_1565313AB-hydrolase associated lipaseC: integral component of membrane; F: hydrolase activity; P: lipid metabolic process;
Note: a: Gene ID, which represents top BLAST result and is arranged via descending fold change order. b: GO names list contains the combined GO terms; C means cellular component, F means molecular function, and P means biological process.
Table 2. The information of the top 20 Pst genes that were upregulated in the susceptible host background.
Table 2. The information of the top 20 Pst genes that were upregulated in the susceptible host background.
Gene ID aFoldDescriptionGO Names List b
PSTG_0235481hypothetical protein
PSTG_0392042signal peptide
PSTG_1828712ATP synthase subunit 6C: integral component of membrane; F: hydrogen ion transmembrane transporter activity; P: ATP synthesis coupled proton transport
PSTG_1084211hypothetical protein
PSTG_1993010hypothetical protein
PSTG_134599hypothetical protein
PSTG_044029hypothetical proteinC: integral component of membrane; P: transmembrane transport
PSTG_112908hypothetical protein
PSTG_125138hypothetical protein
PSTG_159378hypothetical protein
PSTG_119028hypothetical protein
PSTG_049737helicase-like 2C: replication fork; F: ATP binding, ATP-dependent helicase activity; P: box C/D snoRNP assembly, histone exchange, rRNA processing, regulation of transcription
PSTG_088767hypothetical proteinF: phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate binding, unfolded protein binding, phosphatidic acid binding; P: posttranslational protein targeting to membrane
PSTG_088877hypothetical proteinP: regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
PSTG_119937hypothetical proteinF: hydrolase activity; P: metabolic process
PSTG_117656hypothetical protein
PSTG_118066hypothetical protein
PSTG_129106hypothetical protein
PSTG_139516hypothetical protein
Note: a: Gene ID, which represents top BLAST result and arranged via descending fold change order. b: GO names list contains the combined GO terms; C means cellular component, F means molecular function, and P means biological process.
Table 3. Molecular function of predicted GO terms of overrepresented genes.
Table 3. Molecular function of predicted GO terms of overrepresented genes.
GO:0003735structural constituent of ribosome0.00Susceptible
GO:0005198structural molecule activity0.00Susceptible
GO:0004842ubiquitin-protein transferase activity0.01Susceptible
GO:0019787ubiquitin-like protein transferase activity0.01Susceptible
GO:0016886ligase activity, forming phosphoric ester bonds0.02Susceptible
GO:0016868intramolecular transferase activity, phosphotransferases0.02Susceptible
GO:1990050phosphatidic acid transporter activity0.02Susceptible
GO:0070273phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate binding0.02Susceptible
GO:0008242omega peptidase activity0.02Susceptible
GO:0003878ATP citrate synthase activity0.02Susceptible
GO:0046912transferase activity, transferring acyl groups0.03Susceptible
GO:0097159organic cyclic compound binding0.02Resistant
GO:1901363heterocyclic compound binding0.02Resistant
GO:0044877macromolecular complex binding0.04Resistant
GO:0042802identical protein binding0.04Resistant
GO:0016772transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups0.05Resistant
Note: Top section represents gene ontology molecular function classes overrepresented in susceptible host background; bottom section represents molecular function in resistant host background. Terms arranged in ascending order by p-value.
Table 4. Biological process of predicted GO terms of overrepresented genes.
Table 4. Biological process of predicted GO terms of overrepresented genes.
GO IDTermp-ValueBackground
GO:0006790sulfur compound metabolic process0.00Susceptible
GO:0002181cytoplasmic translation0.00Susceptible
GO:0051186cofactor metabolic process0.01Susceptible
GO:0044272sulfur compound biosynthetic process0.01Susceptible
GO:0006637acyl-CoA metabolic process0.01Susceptible
GO:0035383thioester metabolic process0.01Susceptible
GO:0006998nuclear envelope organization0.01Susceptible
GO:0006732coenzyme metabolic process0.01Susceptible
GO:0042255ribosome assembly0.02Susceptible
GO:0032787monocarboxylic acid metabolic process0.02Susceptible
GO:0071616acyl-CoA biosynthetic process0.02Susceptible
GO:0002188translation reinitiation0.02Susceptible
GO:0035384thioester biosynthetic process0.02Susceptible
GO:0006085acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process0.02Susceptible
GO:0009107lipoate biosynthetic process0.02Susceptible
GO:0009106lipoate metabolic process0.02Susceptible
GO:0046364monosaccharide biosynthetic process0.03Susceptible
GO:0019319hexose biosynthetic process0.03Susceptible
GO:0006006glucose metabolic process0.03Susceptible
GO:0006518peptide metabolic process0.03Susceptible
GO:0042254ribosome biogenesis0.03Susceptible
GO:0051188cofactor biosynthetic process0.04Susceptible
GO:0006997nucleus organization0.04Susceptible
GO:0015976carbon utilization0.05Susceptible
GO:0010876lipid localization0.05Susceptible
GO:0065009regulation of molecular function0.01Resistant
GO:0050790regulation of catalytic activity0.02Resistant
GO:0051716cellular response to stimulus0.02Resistant
GO:0043085positive regulation of catalytic activity0.02Resistant
GO:0044093positive regulation of molecular function0.02Resistant
GO:0051345positive regulation of hydrolase activity0.04Resistant
GO:0090304nucleic acid metabolic process0.04Resistant
GO:0051336regulation of hydrolase activity0.05Resistant
Note: Top section represents gene ontology biological process of predicted genes overrepresented in susceptible host background; bottom section represents biological process of predicted genes overrepresented in resistant host background. Terms arranged in ascending order by p-value.
Table 5. Information of 39 stress-related Pst genes among the differential expressed genes in both backgrounds.
Table 5. Information of 39 stress-related Pst genes among the differential expressed genes in both backgrounds.
SeqNameDE aDescriptionGO Names List b
Resistant host background
PSTG_141859.47STE STE20 PAKA kinaseP: regulation of MAPK cascade; P: stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade;
PSTG_118858.84histone chaperone ASF1P: positive regulation of histone acetylation; P: regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to stress;
PSTG_047467.58hypothetical proteinF: protein binding; P: protein import into nucleus; P: mRNA export from nucleus in response to heat stress
PSTG_035246.32hypothetical proteinP: cell redox homeostasis; P: response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
PSTG_174666.32hypothetical proteinP: response to stress
PSTG_074416.3ABC transporter E family member 2F: ATPase activity; P: cellular response to oxidative stress; P: translational initiation
PSTG_162905.37transcription elongation factor SPT6P: regulation of histone H3-K36 methylation; P: regulation of posttranscriptional gene silencing; P: regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to stress
PSTG_010115.05G2 M transition checkpoint Sum2P: stress granule assembly; F: mRNA binding
PSTG_111905.05translation initiation factor eIF-3 subunit 9C: cytoplasmic stress granule; P: regulation of translational initiation;
PSTG_156145.05hypothetical proteinF: flavin adenine dinucleotide binding; P: cellular response to oxidative stress; P: oxidation-reduction process
PSTG_062885.04hypothetical proteinP: fungal-type cell wall polysaccharide biosynthetic process; P: response to salt stress; P: sphingolipid catabolic process;
PSTG_061164.42hypothetical proteinF: protein disulfide isomerase activity; P: cell redox homeostasis; P: response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
PSTG_119984.42AGC NDR NDR kinaseP: cellular response to osmotic stress
PSTG_065464.21hypothetical proteinP: signal transduction; P: protein export from nucleus; P: cellular response to oxidative stress
PSTG_113443.79hypothetical proteinP: response to oxidative stress
PSTG_120533.79hypothetical proteinP: response to oxidative stress; P: cellular oxidant detoxification; P: oxidation-reduction process
PSTG_007883.78hypothetical proteinF: protein tyrosine phosphatase activity; P: cellular response to oxidative stress
PSTG_041843.78H3 K56 histone acetylation RTT109P: regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to stress
PSTG_091923.78hypothetical proteinC: integral component of membrane; P: response to stress
PSTG_131653.78peptidylprolyl isomeraseP: response to osmotic stress; P: protein peptidyl-prolyl isomerization;
PSTG_166703.78AFG1-like ATPaseF: ATP binding; P: protein import into peroxisome matrix; P: cellular response to oxidative stress
PSTG_169003.58STE kinase [Puccinia graminis tritici CRL 75-36-700-3]F: SAM domain binding; P: invasive growth in response to glucose limitation; P: signal transduction involved in filamentous growth; P: activation of MAPKK activity; P: stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade; P: pseudohyphal growth; P: regulation of apoptotic process
PSTG_091573.47cell division cycle 14P: cellular response to osmotic stress; C: RENT complex; F: protein tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity
PSTG_024493.28translation initiation factor eIF-3 subunit 8C: multi-eIF complex; C: cytoplasmic stress granule; F: translation initiation factor binding
PSTG_079453.16hypothetical proteinF: peroxidase activity; P: response to oxidative stress; P: cellular oxidant detoxification
PSTG_096372.89STE STE20 FRAY kinaseP: regulation of MAPK cascade; P: stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade; P: regulation of apoptotic process
PSTG_074222.84CMGC MAPK kinaseP: positive regulation of calcium-mediated signaling involved in cellular response to salt stress; P: peptidyl-threonine phosphorylation
PSTG_000692.76STE STE20 PAKA kinaseP: regulation of MAPK cascade; P: stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade; P: regulation of apoptotic process
PSTG_028452.53glutamate decarboxylaseP: cellular response to oxidative stress; P: alanine metabolic process
PSTG_087782.53translation initiation factor eIF-2P: regulation of cytoplasmic translational initiation in response to stress
PSTG_172572.52hypothetical proteinP: regulation of mRNA export from nucleus in response to heat stress; F: protein binding
PSTG_070712.32ATP-dependent RNA helicase dhh1P: stress granule assembly; C: cytoplasmic stress granule; F: protein kinase activity
PSTG_071892.11cytochrome c peroxidaseP: cellular oxidant detoxification; P: cellular response to oxidative stress; P: oxidation-reduction process
PSTG_092612.11regulator-nonsense transcripts 1P: regulation of mRNA stability involved in response to oxidative stress; P: protein ubiquitination
Susceptible host
PSTG_051544.75translation initiation factor eIF-3 subunit 2F: protein binding; P: cellular response to osmotic stress
PSTG_107953.96hypothetical proteinF: protein disulfide isomerase activity; P: cell redox homeostasis; P: protein folding; P: response to endoplasmic reticulum stress
PSTG_122503.17thioredoxin [Melampsora medusae deltoidis]F: protein disulfide oxidoreductase activity; F: antioxidant activity; P: cell redox homeostasis; P: cellular oxidant detoxification; P: cellular response to reactive oxygen species
PSTG_201812.37hypothetical proteinP: response to oxidative stress
PSTG_019102.37hypothetical proteinF: ATP binding; F: unfolded protein binding; P: protein folding; P: response to stress
a DE means fold of differential expression; b GO names list represents combined GO terms: cellular component (C), molecular function (F), and biological process (P).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Nazarov, T.; Liu, Y.; Chen, X.; See, D.R. Molecular Mechanisms of the Stripe Rust Interaction with Resistant and Susceptible Wheat Genotypes. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25, 2930.

AMA Style

Nazarov T, Liu Y, Chen X, See DR. Molecular Mechanisms of the Stripe Rust Interaction with Resistant and Susceptible Wheat Genotypes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(5):2930.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Nazarov, Taras, Yan Liu, Xianming Chen, and Deven R. See. 2024. "Molecular Mechanisms of the Stripe Rust Interaction with Resistant and Susceptible Wheat Genotypes" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, no. 5: 2930.

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