Characteristics of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Their Impact on Dividend Payments in the Moroccan Stock Exchange
:1. Introduction
- -
- How do the chairman’s age, tenure, gender, nationality, and founder status influence dividend distribution decisions?
2. The Concept of Behavioral Finance
3. Characteristics of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Their Relationships with Financial Decisions
3.1. Age of the Chairman of the Board of Directors
3.2. Gender Approach
3.3. Founder Status of the Chairman of the Board
3.4. Nationality of the Chairman of the Board
3.5. Tenure of the Chairman of the Board
4. Variables, Sample, and Regression Model
4.1. Variables
4.1.1. Dividend Payments
- Dividend Yield: This represents the ratio of dividend per share to the share price (Damodaran, 2010), as used in prior studies (Odak, 2006; Singhania & Gupta, 2012; Al-Amarneh & Yaseen, 2014; Setia Atmaja, 2016; Mili et al., 2017; Bataineh, 2020).
- Payout Ratio: This represents the ratio of dividend per share to earnings per share, also widely applied in the literature (Gupta & Banga, 2010; Adjaoud & Ben-Amar, 2010; Attig et al., 2015; Shahid et al., 2016; Sari, 2018). This ratio can be independent of external factors (Penman, 2010), given the use of book data.
4.1.2. Age of the Chairman of the Board
4.1.3. Gender Variable
- 1 if the chairman is male;
- 0 if the chairman is female.
4.1.4. Founder Status of the Chairman of the Board
- 1 if the chairman is the founder of the firm;
- 0 otherwise.
4.1.5. Nationality of the Chairman of the Board
- 1 if the chairman is Moroccan;
- 0 if the chairman is of another nationality.
4.1.6. Tenure of the Chairman of the Board
4.1.7. Control Variables
- Firm Age: Measured as the actual age of the firm.
- Growth Opportunities: Represented by the Price-to-Book ratio.
- Firm Size: Measured as the natural logarithm of total assets.
- Board Size: The number of directors on the board.
- Female Directors: Measured using two proxies—the actual number of female directors and the percentage of female directors on the board.
- Foreign Ownership: A dummy variable that equals 1 if the main shareholder is foreign and 0 otherwise.
4.2. Sample and Regression Model
- a: The constant term.
- B: The coefficients of the independent variables.
- ϵ: The error term.
4.3. Expected Correlations Between the Independent Variables and Dividend Payments
4.4. Descriptive Statistics
4.5. Correlation Matrix
4.6. Hausman Test
4.6.1. Hausman Tests Using the Dividend Yield Proxy
4.6.2. Hausman Tests Using the Payout Ratio Proxy
5. Empirical Results
5.1. Empirical Results Using Dividend Yield
5.2. Robustness Tests Using the Second Proxy of Dividend Distribution: Payout Ratio
6. Discussion of Empirical Results
6.1. Discussion of the Dividend Yield Regressions
- Age of the chairman: This variable exhibits a positive correlation with the dependent variable, aligning with our hypothesis that older chairmen are more risk-averse. Studies by Hambrick and Mason (1984), McKnight et al. (2000), Barker and Mueller (2002), Matta and Beamish (2008), Yim (2013), and Serfling (2014) support this positive relationship, suggesting that older chairmen focus on retirement planning and financial security. The findings of McGuinness et al. (2015) further confirm a positive correlation between dividend payments and CEO age. Younger chairmen, being less risk-averse, may prefer to retain more cash internally to finance riskier investment projects. In the Moroccan market, characterized by a relatively small number of listed firms and a conservative financial culture, this result is particularly relevant. Older chairmen may adopt policies that reassure investors through consistent dividend payouts, reinforcing the trust and stability that are crucial in emerging markets like Morocco, where volatility can deter investor confidence.
- Tenure of the Chairman: A negative correlation is observed, as predicted by our hypothesis, indicating that longer-tenured chairmen, with increased power over the company and board, are less likely to distribute dividends. This behavior may stem from overconfidence bias, leading chairmen to prioritize aggressive investment strategies over dividend payouts (Al-Ghazali, 2014). Onali et al. (2016) similarly reported a negative relationship between tenure and dividend payments. The negative correlation between the chairman’s tenure and dividend policy indicates that long-tenured chairmen are more likely to retain earnings for internal investments. This behavior could stem from increased decision-making power, potentially leading to overconfidence and a focus on aggressive growth strategies. In the Moroccan context, where family businesses and closely held companies dominate the corporate landscape, long-tenured chairmen often exercise substantial control over firm operations and financial decisions. Their tendency to prioritize reinvestment over dividends may reflect an ambition to strengthen their firm’s competitive position in a relatively small and concentrated market.
- Gender: The low representation of women in top corporate leadership positions (only 21 out of 511 observations involve female chairmen) may limit the ability to detect gender-based differences in decision-making. This reflects broader gender disparities in Morocco’s corporate governance structures.
- Nationality: The predominance of domestic chairmen in Moroccan listed firms (only 88 out of 511 observations involve foreign chairmen) may explain the lack of variation and significance in the nationality variable. Unlike more globally integrated markets, Morocco’s stock exchange is less exposed to foreign influence, potentially reducing the role of international managerial styles in shaping dividend policies.
- Founder status: While founder-led firms in other markets often exhibit distinct managerial behaviors, the lack of significance in Morocco might be due to the relatively uniform governance practices among founder-led and non-founder firms in the region, shaped by traditional business cultures.
6.2. Robustness Tests
6.3. Implications for the Moroccan Market
- Corporate governance practices: The findings highlight the need to incorporate leadership characteristics into governance frameworks to better understand financial decisions. Boards could consider these traits when evaluating dividend strategies.
- Investor confidence: Older chairmen’s tendency to prioritize dividends may appeal to risk-averse investors, such as institutional investors or pension funds, looking for stable returns in a developing market.
- Leadership development: The influence of tenure on dividend policy suggests the importance of balancing long-term leadership continuity with mechanisms to avoid overconfidence and excessive risk-taking.
6.4. Limitations of This Study and Avenues for Future Research
7. Conclusions
- Age: A positive correlation was observed between the chairman’s age and dividend payments. This finding supports the hypothesis that older chairmen, influenced by risk aversion and a focus on retirement and financial security, are more likely to prioritize dividend distribution.
- Tenure: A negative correlation emerged between the chairman’s tenure and dividend policy. Chairmen with longer tenure often hold greater power within the firm and the board, which may lead to overconfidence and a preference for retaining earnings to finance aggressive investment strategies, resulting in reduced dividend payouts.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Databases | ||
Number of firms and observations |
| Bloomberg, financial statements, information notes, annual reports, official website of «Autorité Marocaine du Marché de Capitaux», official website of listed firms, official website of the Casablanca stock exchange: (accessed on 6 June 2022 and 13 March 2023). |
Period | From 2003 to 2018 (16 years) |
Independent Variable | Main Hypothesis Based on Behavioral Finance | Expected Correlation Between the Dependent Variable and the Independent One |
Age of the chairman of the board | Limited rationality of the chairman of the board may lead to a significant correlation between chairman of the board characteristics and dividend payments. | Positive: Previous studies suggest that older CEOs are more risk-averse, leading to higher dividends. |
Gender of the chairman | Negative: Female chairmen may prefer lower-risk strategies, potentially reducing dividends. | |
Founder status of the chairman | Negative: Founder chairmen are more likely to maintain high internal cash flows for investments. | |
Nationality of the chairman | Positive: Some studies indicate foreign CEOs may have different dividend distribution preferences. | |
Tenure of the chairman | Negative: Longer-tenured chairmen may reduce dividends to finance aggressive investment strategies. |
Variable | Number of Observations | Mean | Median | Standard Variation |
Age the chairman of the board | 511 | 59.61 | 58.00 | 10.77 |
Gender of the chairman of the board | 511 | 0.96 | 1.00 | 0.20 |
Chairman is the founder of the firm | 511 | 0.24 | 0.00 | 0.43 |
Nationality of the chairman of the board | 511 | 0.83 | 1.00 | 0.38 |
Tenure of the chairman of the board | 511 | 11.77 | 9.00 | 9.82 |
Firm’s age | 511 | 47.91 | 43.69 | 25.29 |
Growth opportunities (P/B) | 511 | 2.98 | 2.15 | 5.36 |
Firm’s size | 511 | 22.28 | 22.23 | 2.04 |
Board size (number of directors) | 511 | 8.32 | 9.00 | 2.79 |
Number of female directors | 511 | 0.77 | 0.00 | 0.97 |
Percentage of female directors | 511 | 9.78% | 0.00 | 12.38% |
Foreign ownership (dummy variable) | 511 | 0.33 | 0.00 | 0.47 |
Variables | Firm’s Age | Growth Opportunities (P/B) | Firm’s Size | Age of the Chairman | Gender of the Chairman | The Chairman Is the Founder | Nationality of the Chairman | Tenure of the Chairman | Board Size | Number of Female Directors | Percentage of Female Directors | Foreign Ownership |
Firm’s age | 1.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Growth opportunities (P/B) | 0.059 | 1.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Firm’s size | 0.116 | −0.035 | 1.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Age of the chairman | −0.025 | −0.0512 | 0.036 | 1.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Gender of the chairman | −0.021 | 0.043 | −0.156 | −0.105 | 1.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
The chairman is the founder | −0.475 | −0.039 | −0.269 | 0.106 | 0.115 | 1.000 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Nationality of the chairman | 0.009 | 0.095 | 0.281 | −0.169 | −0.094 | 0.010 | 1.000 | - | - | - | - | - |
Tenure of the chairman | −0.216 | −0.073 | −0.222 | 0.292 | 0.059 | 0.684 | 0.062 | 1.000 | - | - | - | - |
Board size | 0.250 | −0.026 | 0.491 | 0.186 | −0.079 | −0.265 | 0.087 | −0.157 | 1.000 | - | - | - |
Number of female directors | 0.129 | −0.050 | −0.151 | 0.015 | −0.111 | 0.128 | −0.029 | 0.144 | 0.115 | 1.000 | - | - |
Percentage of female directors | 0.078 | −0.027 | −0.301 | −0.015 | −0.070 | 0.157 | −0.073 | 0.195 | −0.129 | 0.917 | 1.000 | - |
Foreign ownership | −0.017 | −0.060 | 0.018 | 0.197 | −0.191 | −0.145 | −0.608 | −0.143 | 0.195 | −0.044 | −0.065 | 1.000 |
Dependent Variable: Dividend Yield | Regression I (Female Director Proxy: Percentage of Female Directors) | Regression II (Female Director Proxy: Number of Female Directors) | ||
Independent Variables | p-Values | Coefficient Estimates | p-Values | Coefficient Estimates |
Age of the chairman of the board | 0.014 ** | 0.003 ** | 0.016 ** | 0.003 ** |
Gender of the chairman of the board | (0.950) | (0.003) | 0.915 | 0.004 |
Chairman is the founder of the firm | (0.435) | (0.033) | (0.509) | (0.028) |
Nationality of the chairman of the board | (0.102) | (0.110) | (0.122) | (0.104) |
Tenure of the chairman of the board | (0.087) * | (0.002) * | (0.079) * | (0.002) * |
Firm’s age | 0.771 | (0.001) | (0.874) | (0.000) |
Growth opportunities (P/B) | (0.042) ** | (0.002) ** | (0.031) ** | (0.002) ** |
Firm’s size | (0.000) *** | (0.101) *** | (0.000) *** | (0.100) *** |
Board size (number of directors) | 0.000 *** | 0.020 *** | 0.000 *** | 0.022 *** |
Female directors on the board (the used proxy is detailed in the columns of this table) | (0.009) *** | (0.156) *** | (0.010) *** | (0.019) *** |
Foreign ownership (dummy variable) | (0.000) *** | (0.113) *** | (0.001) *** | (0.109) *** |
Constant | 0.000 *** | 2.153 *** | 0.000 *** | 2.112 *** |
Coefficient of determination (R2 within) | 25.55% | 25.52% | ||
Number of observations | 511 | 511 | ||
Number of firms | 64 | 64 | ||
Fisher test | F = 4.02 Prob > F = 0.000 *** | F = 4.00 Prob > F = 0.000 *** |
Dependent Variable: Payout Ratio | Regression III (Female Director Proxy: Percentage of Female Directors) | Regression IV (Female Director Proxy: Number of Female Directors) | ||
Independent Variables | p-Values | Coefficient Estimates | p-Values | Coefficient Estimates |
Age the chairman of the board | 0.006 *** | 0.054 *** | 0.006 *** | 0.054 *** |
Gender of the chairman of the board | 0.736 | 0.227 | 0.654 | 0.302 |
Chairman is the founder of the firm | (0.535) | (0.423) | (0.569) | (0.362) |
Nationality of the chairman of the board | (0.338) | (1.012) | (0.372) | (0.944) |
Tenure of the chairman of the board | (0.034) ** | (0.041) ** | (0.031) ** | (0.041) ** |
Firm’s age | 0.819 | 0.006 | 0.743 | 0.009 |
Growth opportunities (P/B) | (0.092) * | (0.020) * | (0.076) * | (0.021) * |
Firm’s size | (0.000) *** | (1.545) *** | (0.000) *** | (1.544) *** |
Board size (number of directors) | 0.000 *** | 0.222 *** | 0.000 *** | 0.244 *** |
Female directors on the board (the used proxy is detailed in the columns of this table) | (0.063) * | (1.750) * | (0.062) * | (0.217) * |
Foreign ownership (dummy variable) | (0.010) ** | (1.294)** | (0.012) ** | (1.251) ** |
Constant | 0.000 *** | 31.774 *** | 0.000 *** | 31.324 *** |
Coefficient of determination (R² within) | 20.39% | 20.39% | ||
Number of observations | 509 | 509 | ||
Number of firms | 64 | 64 | ||
Fisher test | F = 4.09 Prob > F = 0.000 *** | F = 4.02 Prob > F = 0.000 *** |
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Louziri, R.; Oubal, K. Characteristics of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Their Impact on Dividend Payments in the Moroccan Stock Exchange. J. Risk Financial Manag. 2025, 18, 70.
Louziri R, Oubal K. Characteristics of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Their Impact on Dividend Payments in the Moroccan Stock Exchange. Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2025; 18(2):70.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLouziri, Reda, and Khadija Oubal. 2025. "Characteristics of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Their Impact on Dividend Payments in the Moroccan Stock Exchange" Journal of Risk and Financial Management 18, no. 2: 70.
APA StyleLouziri, R., & Oubal, K. (2025). Characteristics of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Their Impact on Dividend Payments in the Moroccan Stock Exchange. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 18(2), 70.