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Productivity and Profitability of Maize-Mungbean and Maize-Chili Pepper Relay Intercropping Systems for Income Diversification and Soil Fertility in Southern Benin

World Vegetable Center, West and Central Africa, Tri Postal, Cotonou 08 BP 0932, Benin
World Vegetable Center, Tainan 74199, Taiwan
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2025, 17(3), 1076;
Submission received: 6 December 2024 / Revised: 20 January 2025 / Accepted: 22 January 2025 / Published: 28 January 2025
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Achieving Sustainable Agriculture Practices and Crop Production)


Low vegetable consumption in sub-Saharan Africa partly arises from limited availability across cereal-based zones. A field experiment in southern Benin (April to September 2023) evaluated four maize–chili and five maize–mungbean relay intercropping. Growth and yield data and farmers’ perceptions were analyzed using analysis of variance with the least significant difference test, land equivalent ratio (LER) and monetary indexes. Maize grain yield was statistically similar across patterns, whereas chili and mungbean yields differed significantly. All sowing patterns achieved LER > 1. Pattern (1:1) maize–chili had a modest LER (1.15), while treatment (1:3) had a high LER (1.60) for mungbean–maize. Both patterns showed high actual yield gain and intercropping advantage. Pattern (2:2) for maize–chili and pattern (1:3) for maize–mungbean yielded the greatest gross return (7796.6 USD/ha and 1301.2 USD/ha, respectively). Sole mungbean and all intercropping sowing patterns significantly increased mineralizable carbon. Pattern (1:3) maize-mungbean slightly increased total nitrogen and potassium. Farmers ranked the highest pattern (2:2) for maize–chili and (1:3) for maize–mungbean due to sup erior weed, water, and soil management and increased yields. These findings suggest that diversified maize systems incorporating chili pepper and mungbean offer economic benefits and better soil health in southern Benin.

1. Introduction

Relay intercropping practices offer opportunities for sustainable intensification of conventional agricultural systems through spatial and temporal diversification [1,2]. For instance, relay intercropping is an important agroecological management technique that can provide (agro) ecosystem services such as ecological weed and pest control, reduction of soil erosion, optimization of nutrient cycling, and soil resource conservation through increased functional biodiversity in the cropping system [3]. Relay intercropping is practiced because it can potentially enhance resource use efficiency worldwide [4]. This sustainable agricultural practice involves cultivating two or more crops sown and harvested at different times during the same season. Relay intercropping is an efficient cropping system to ensure food and environmental security in climate change conditions [5,6].
Rooted in ecological diversity, relay intercropping maximizes land and resource use by harnessing the complementary traits of different crops. It improves access to solar radiation, water, and nutrients compared to other simultaneous intercropping patterns (strip, row, and mixed cropping) [7,8,9,10]. Successful relay intercropping relies on careful planning, timely sowing, appropriate fertilization, effective weed and pest management, and efficient harvesting [10]. This cropping system promotes agricultural biodiversity, reduces pollution by minimizing chemical inputs [11,12,13], and increases productivity per unit area through better resource utilization. It also mitigates risks, decreases weed competition, stabilizes yield [14,15,16], and provides monetary benefits via enhanced resource utilization [17].
Cereal-legume relay intercropping systems are more productive and profitable than solitary cropping systems, particularly for smallholder farmers in low-income or degraded soil environments, as legumes help to address declining soil fertility levels [18,19]. Legume root systems bind soil particles, reducing erosion caused by water runoff [20]. Additionally, legumes provide nitrogen to associated crops and increase soil humus through decaying crop remains. It allows lower inputs by reducing fertilizer and pesticide requirements and expanding the land equivalent ratio, significantly benefiting farmers’ incomes and food security [15]. For example, maize-mungbean intercropping increased profits by up to 45% compared to monoculture [21], and maize-cowpea intercropping raised income by 332–440% [22]. Similarly, maize-groundnut and maize-soybean intercropping improved revenues by 69% and 125%, respectively, compared to sole cropping systems [23]. Maize–soybean relay intercropping ranging from 1.6 to 2.36, higher than many intercropping systems worldwide [4,20].
Moreover, cereal-legume relay intercropping improves resource use efficiency and provides significant ecological benefits. For instance, suitable cereal-legume relay intercropping reduced weed biomass by up to 90% [3]. While maize-soybean relay intercropping enhanced total resource use efficiency for both crops [24], no significant difference in soybean seed weight was observed between relay intercropping and sole cropping systems [25]. Legume crops, including black gram, mungbean, cowpea, groundnut, rice bean, adzuki bean, and soybean, are particularly compatible intercrop with maize. They are relatively shade tolerant, important characteristics that make them suitable for intercropping with maize, sorghum, and other cereals [26,27,28].
In addition to cereal-legume relay intercropping, cereal-vegetable intercropping could be an alternative system to increase farmers’ profitability and availability of vegetables for consumers across cereal-based zones. Vegetable production across cereal-based production zones in Sub-Saharan Africa is often limited by insufficient land allocation for cultivation [29]. Farmers can diversify cereal-based production by intercropping vegetables to address subsistence and commercial objectives because it ensures diversified and continuous yield at low-risk levels [30,31]. Intercropped vegetables have minimal negative effects on maize production while significantly boosting the second crop’s productivity. For instance, maize-tomatoes intercropping increased the number, weight, and total yield of tomato fruits, while maize-okra intercropping improved okra yield without affecting maize yield [32,33]. Furthermore, maize-chili and maize-tomato intercropping systems reduced pest and disease pressure [34,35].
Diversifying income sources through intercropping offers significant advantages that contribute to reduced income vulnerability, increased resilience to market fluctuations, and enhanced livelihood security. In intercropping, farmers spread their financial risks across different crops, mitigating the impact of market fluctuations on their overall income [19]. This cropping strategy stabilizes income streams and provides a buffer against external economic uncertainties [36].
While maize and chili intercropping were reported to have a significant effect on reducing aphid infestations across Sub-Saharan Africa [37,38,39], there is a lack of information on maize and chili pepper in relay intercropping to identify suitable sowing patterns to increase the system productivity and economic return. Also, mungbean seems unknown in Sub-Saharan African agriculture, especially in West Africa. In this study, we assessed the growth and yield of maize, chili pepper, and mungbean in relay intercropping systems compared to sole cropping systems; evaluated the economic viability and income diversification potential of maize-mungbean and maize-chili pepper intercropping for farmers; and investigated the impact of maize-mungbean intercropping on soil fertility. We hypothesized that (H1) relay intercropping sowing patterns increase overall land use compared to their respective sole cropping systems; (H2) intercropping maize with mungbean or chili pepper provides high gross returns and offers greater income diversification for farmers compared to sole cropping systems and (H3) maize–mungbean intercropping significantly improves soil fertility indicators compared to sole maize cropping.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

Trials were conducted in farmers’ fields across five villages, with five farmers involved in maize–chili intercropping and nine farmers in maize–mungbean intercropping in the municipality of Allada (Southern Benin). Allada bordered Toffo (north), Tori-Bossito (south), Zè (east), Kpomassè, and Bopa (west). The average annual rainfall is 979 mm. Extreme temperature varies from 34 °C to 38 °C while the minimums range between 29 °C and 31 °C. Soil is mainly ferralitic (90%), with lateritic, clay, and hydromorphic soil patches [40]. The baseline soil analysis across the nine locations (Allada) for maize-mungbean intercropping showed slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.73 ± 0.15) and moderate nutrient levels, with total nitrogen at 0.96 ± 0.38 g/kg, assimilable phosphorus at 14.95 ± 2.04 ppm, and organic carbon at 1.28 ± 0.42%. Cation exchange capacity (4.67 ± 0.60 Cmol(+)/kg) and potassium (0.29 ± 0.39 meq/100 g) indicated moderate nutrient retention. Available calcium (2.42 ± 0.64 meq/100 g), magnesium (0.92 ± 0.22 meq/100 g), sodium (0.98 ± 0.19 meq/100 g) and zinc (3.16 ± 3.82 mg/kg) were sufficient for normal plant growth while the available iron (0.79 ± 0.47 mg/kg) was very low. The study area enjoys a Sudanian climate with four different seasons: two rainy seasons [long rainy season (mid-April to early July) and short rainy season (September to November)] and two dry seasons [long dry season (December to early April) and short dry season (late July to early September)]. From April to early July (long rainy season), farmers mainly grow staple crops, including maize, rice, cowpea, peanuts, cassava, and soybeans. Key vegetables, including tomato and pepper, are also produced in smaller quantities. During the short rainy season (September to November), farmers mainly grow maize. However, it should be noted that such planting patterns have been disturbed in recent years due to climate change.

2.2. Experimental Design, Treatments, and Trials Management

A randomized complete block design with three replications was used for both intercropping systems (four treatments for maize–chili and five for maize–mungbean). Trials were implemented on five maize–chili intercropping sites and nine maize–mungbean intercropping sites. Maize–chili trials were established on 1794 m2 area per site while maize–mungbean were installed on 2262 m2 area per site. Blocks were separated by 3 m, and two plots in the same block were separated by 2 m. Plot size was 100 m2. Sole maize contained 62,500 plants/ha, sole chili had 40,000 plants/ha, and sole mungbean had 250,000 plants/ha. One line of maize intercropped with one line of chili pepper (1:1) and two lines intercropped with two lines of chili pepper (2:2) had 50,000 maize plants per hectare and 20,000 chili plants per hectare. One line of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean (1:2), one line of maize intercropped with three lines of mungbean (1:3), and two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean (2:2) had 50,000 maize’s plants per hectare. Additionally, treatment (1:2) contained 100,000 mungbean plants per hectare, treatment (1:3) had 150,000 mungbean plants per hectare, and treatment (2:2) had 60,000 mungbean plants per hectare (Table 1). Schematic descriptions of different crops’ spatial arrangements are presented in Figure 1 (maize-chili pepper) and Figure 2 (maize-mungbean). The second crop (chili pepper or mungbean) was established one month after the sowing of maize (the main crop). Trials were manually weeded, and 10 t/ha of poultry manure was applied to chili plants. For maize, the agronomic recommended rates of NPK (100 kg/ha) and urea (50 kg/ha) were applied 3 weeks after sowing. An additional 50 kg/ha of urea was applied six weeks after sowing to support optimal maize growth and grain production per local guidelines [41].

2.3. Data Collection

2.3.1. Determination of Soil Parameters

Soil samples were collected before and at the end of the experiment to establish soil nutrient balance. Total soil nitrogen (g/kg) was determined using the Kjeldahl method [42]. Soil total carbon (g/kg) was measured using the Walkley and Black oxidation method [43]. Assimilable phosphorus (ppm) was determined using the Bray I method [44], total phosphorus ((g/kg) using wet digestion of soil samples with nitric acid method [45], and phosphorus concentration using colorimetry. Potassium (meq/100 ger) was extracted with 1M neutral ammonium acetate and estimated by atomic absorption spectrometer. Soil pH was determined using Mathieu and Pieltain’s protocol by mixing in a 50 mL beaker, 10 g of ground and sieved soil (0.2 mm mesh), and 25 mL of demineralized water and stirring the solution (soil water) using an agitator for 30 min [46]. pH was measured using a pH meter. The Laboratory of Microbiology, Microbial Ecology, Water, and Soil Conservation of the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi (Republic of Benin) conducted the soil analysis.

2.3.2. Determination of Agronomic Parameters and Farmers’ Perceptions

Plant height (using a measuring tape) and stem diameter (using a digital caliper) for the three crops. The number of branches was recorded for chili and mungbean, while the number of leaves was counted for maize. Data were collected at three phenological stages (vegetative, flowering, and fruiting/harvest) of the plants. Fruit and grain yield were determined using a digital scale. Data were collected from six plants selected randomly on central lines for each replication per treatment to avoid the border effects. Farmers’ perceptions of the performances of each intercropping were collected using a pairwise ranking approach during field days. A total of 217 maize farmers evaluated each sowing system, focusing on plant growth, weed control, moisture conservation, soil fertility regeneration, and crop yield. A printed questionnaire was used to conduct formal semi-structured interviews at the end of the field visits.

2.4. Statistical Analysis

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with least significant difference (LSD) was performed using the “agricolae” package [47] to assess the statistical grouping in plant height, stem diameter, number of branches/leaves, grain/fruit yield, and the estimated gross return. The normality and homogeneity of variances were respectively checked using Shapiro-Wilk and chi-square tests respectively. To evaluate the performance of intercropping, the following indices were calculated:
  • Land Equivalent Ratio (LER)
L E R = Y a m Y a s + Y b m Y b s
Yam and Ybm are the yields of two crops in intercropping, and Yas and Ybs are the individual crop yields in sole cropping [48]. An LER above one means a higher land-use efficiency of the intercropping system compared to monocropping systems [49].
  • Actual Yield Loss or Gain (AYL)
A Y L = A Y L a + A Y L b
A Y L a = L E R × 100 Z a b 1
A Y L b = L E R × 100 Z b a 1
AYLa is the sown partial actual yield loss or gain of species a, AYLb is the sown partial actual yield loss or gain of species b, Zab is the sown proportion of species a in intercropping, and Zba is the sown proportion of species b in intercropping. A positive AYL indicates a yield gain, while a negative AYL indicates a yield loss [50].
  • Intercropping Advantage (IA)
I A = [ P a P a + P b × A Y L a + P b P a + P b × A Y L b ]
Pa is the price of species a, Pb is the price of species b, AYLa is the partial actual yield loss or gain of species a, and AYLb is the partial actual yield loss or gain of species b; IA > 0 indicates a significant advantage of the intercropping, while an IA < 0 means there is less intercropping advantage [51].
  • Monetary Advantage Index (MAI)
MAI = value of combined intercrops × L E R 1 L E R
The higher the MAI value, the more profit the cropping system [52].
  • Estimated Gross return (EGR)
E G R = Y a × P a + ( Y b × P b )
Ya and Yb are, respectively, the yield of species a and b, while Pa and Pb are, respectively, the prices of species a and b [53].
The calculated land equivalent ratio, actual yield loss, intercropping advantage, and monetary advantage index were subjected to ANOVA with LSD test for maize–mungbean intercrops while student’s t-test for maize–chili intercrop using “tidyverse” package [54]. Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance (KCC) was computed using the “irr” package [55] to test the level of agreement among the ranking from farmers’ appreciation. Plots were visualized using the “ggplot2” package [56]. All statistical analyses were performed using R software (version 4.1.2) [57].

3. Results

3.1. Growth Performance of Maize, Mungbean, and Chili Pepper in Relay Intercropping and Monocropping Systems

Plant height, stem diameter, and number of leaves for maize were not significantly affected by the tested sowing patterns [sole maize, (1:1), (2:2) and (1:3)] for maize–chili and maize–mungbean intercropping (p > 0.05). However, the growth of the intercrops (chili and mungbean) was significantly influenced across the sowing patterns. For instance, the intercropping of two lines of maize with two lines of chili showed the highest mean value for plant height (p < 0.0001), stem diameter (p < 0.0001), and number of branches (p < 0.0001) for chili pepper. Sole cropping of chili pepper followed this sowing pattern. The intercropping of one line of maize and one line of chili provided the weakest growth performance for chili. Sole mungbean and two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean presented the highest mean values of plant height, stem diameter, and branches for mungbean. These two sowing patterns were followed by intercropping one maize line with three mungbean lines. One line of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean showed the weakest plant growth performance for mungbean (Table 2).

3.2. Productivity and Efficiency in Land Use of the Sowing Patterns

3.2.1. Fruits and Grain Yield

Grain yield for maize was not significantly influenced across the sowing patterns for maize-chili and maize-mungbean (p > 0.5). The average yield of maize was 1.72 t/ha (sole maize), 1.56 t/ha (1:1), and 1.42 t/ha (2:2) in maize-chili intercropping (Figure 3), while 2.08 t/ha (sole maize), 1.82 t/ha (1:2), 1.79 t/ha (1:3) and 1.72 (2:2) for maize-mungbean intercropping (Figure 4). However, the yield of the intercrops (chili pepper and mungbean) was significantly affected across sowing patterns (p < 0.0001) for both intercropping systems (maize–chili and maize–mungbean). For instance, sole chili provided the highest fruit yield (23.16 t/ha), followed by two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of chili (7.16 t/ha) and one line of maize with one line of chili (5.67 t/ha) for maize-chili pepper intercropping (Figure 3). Sole mungbean and one line of maize with three lines of mungbean showed the highest mungbean grain yield, respectively 1.13 t/ha and 0.83 t/ha compared to other sowing patterns (Figure 4).

3.2.2. Land Equivalent Ratio

LER for all intercropping (maize-chili and maize–mungbean) is greater than 1 with a significant difference across treatments (p < 0.0001). One line of maize intercropped with one line of chili had a slightly higher LER (1.15) than two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of chili (1.13). In maize-mungbean intercropping, treatment (1:3) showed the highest LER, followed by treatment (2:2). Treatment (1:2) had the lowest LER (Table 3).

3.2.3. Actual Yield Loss or Gain

Actual yield loss or gain across all the intercropping patterns was positive with high significance (p < 0.001). Two lines of maize intercropped with two chili lines provided the highest value. AYL for one line of maize intercropped with three lines of mungbean was 2.42, while 1.18 and 1.11, respectively, for one line of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean and two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean (Table 3).

3.2.4. Intercropping Advantage

A negative intercropping advantage was found for treatment (1:1), while treatment (2:2) had a positive IA in maize-chili intercropping. IA was positive for maize–mungbean intercropping, with treatment (1:3) having the highest value, followed by treatments (2:2) and (1:2) (Table 3).

3.3. Economic Viability and Income Diversification Potential of Maize-Mungbean and Maize-Chili Pepper Relay Intercropping

3.3.1. Monetary Advantage Index

Treatment (2:2) exhibited a higher monetary advantage index (925.74) compared to treatment (1:1) (833.32) in maize–chili intercropping. In maize–mungbean intercropping system, treatment (1:3) had the highest and significantly different MAI (485.46), followed by treatments (2:2) and (1:2), respectively. In sum, the MAI was significantly affected by the sowing patterns in maize–chili and maize–mungbean treatments (p < 0.0001) (Table 4).

3.3.2. Gross Returns from Maize, Mungbean, and Chili Pepper Production in Both Intercropping and Monocropping Systems

The estimated gross return for all the intercropping and sowing patterns exceeded the sole maize cropping system (p < 0.0001). Treatment (2:2) provided a high gross return (7796.59 USD) compared to treatment (1:1) (6323.08 USD) for maize-chili intercropping per hectare. Treatments including (1:3) and (2:2) showed the highest total gross return of 1301.23 USD and 986.76 USD, respectively, while treatment (1:2) had the lowest gross return of 971.17 USD for maize–mungbean (Table 4).

3.4. Impact of Intercropping on Soil Fertility Compared to Monocropping in the Maize–Mungbean Intercropping System

Sowing patterns significantly affected total nitrogen, assimilable phosphorus, mineralizable carbon, potassium, and soil pH (p < 0.0001), while the locations did not exhibit any significant difference. On average, the total nitrogen was slightly increased for sole mungbean and treatment (1:3) and decreased for other treatments (Figure 5a). Intercropping sowing systems significantly increased assimilable phosphorus compared to sole maize cropping (Figure 5b). Total phosphorus was not improved across all sowing patterns (Figure 5c). Sole mungbean and all intercropping sowing patterns significantly increased mineralizable carbon compared to sole maize (Figure 5d). Potassium only increased in treatment (1:3). In contrast, almost stable for sole mungbean, sole maize, treatments (1:2) and (2:2) (Figure 5e). Soil pH was significantly increased by treatment (2:2) compared to other treatments (Figure 5f).
Pearson correlation matrix between 12 traits (plants’ growth, yield, and soil parameters) indicated a high and positive relation between plant height and stem diameter for mungbean (r = 0.88), plant height mungbean and pH of soil (r = 0.8 *), stem diameter mungbean and pH of soil (r = 0.74 *), mungbean yield and potassium content (r = 0.84 ***), plant height maize and total phosphorus (r = 0.68). High negative correlations were found between mungbean yield and assimilable phosphorus (r = −0.78 ***), mungbean yield and potassium (r = −0.84 **), and plant height mungbean and assimilable phosphorus (r = −0.71 *). Positive moderate correlations were found between stem diameter maize and total phosphorus (r = 0.3 *), maize yield and total nitrogen (r = 3 ***) while a negative moderate correlation between plant height of maize and total nitrogen (r = −0.34 **), maize yield and pH of soil (r = −0.36), maize yield and total phosphorus (r = −0.44 *), mungbean yield and total nitrogen (r = −0.4 *), mungbean stem diameter and total nitrogen and assimilable phosphorus and total phosphorus respectively (r = −0.51 *), (r = −0.44 *) and (r = −0.34 **) (Figure 6).

3.5. Farmers’ Perception of the Treatments

Farmers pointed out treatment (2:2) in maize-chili intercropping as the most appropriate sowing pattern that provides the best growing conditions and ensures good weed control, soil moisture conservation, and yield production. Sole cropping of both crops appeared to be the least-performing sowing pattern (Table 5). For maize-mungbean intercropping, one line of maize intercropped with three lines of mungbean (1:3) was identified by farmers as a more efficient intercropping system to restore soil fertility, control weeds, and conserve soil moisture with good growing conditions (Table 5). In sum, farmers agreed moderately with the ranking. Kindall coefficient for concordance was 0.60 for maize-chili intercropping and 0.67 for maize-mungbean intercropping (Table 6).

4. Discussion

4.1. Growth and Yield Production of Maize, Mungbean, and Chili Pepper in Intercropping

Maize plants’ growth and grain yield are almost stable across all maize–chili, and maize–mungbean relay intercropping patterns. Previous studies reported similar results. For instance, research on the agronomic and yield performance of maize intercropped with mungbean using different mungbean seed rates, spacing, and spatial arrangement reported that the cropping systems did not affect maize growth and yield [58,59]. In a three-crop association research study involving maize, mungbean, and common bean, maize performance was unaffected [60]. The same trend was also found in maize-pigeon pea intercropping research, indicating that the yield of maize was not reduced under this intercropping system [61]. Similarly, a non-significant loss of grain yield of maize in intercrop with lablab bean study [62]. Our results supported the assertion that legume species like mungbean fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, minimizing competition in the intercropping system [63,64]. Additionally, treatments (1:1) and (2:2) for maize–chili pepper and treatments (1:2) and (1:3) for maize–mungbean had 50,000 plants per hectare and treatments (2:2) for maize–mungbean contained 60,000 plants per hectare. The sole maize had 62,500 plants per hectare for both relay intercropping. This slight variation in the number of plants per hectare across the different sowing systems aligned with the non-significant difference in maize yield for these treatments. This demonstrated the mathematical relationship between plant density and yield, which was widely reported [65,66,67]. Although maize’s plant densities across these treatments varied from 50,000 to 62,500 plants per hectare, the differences were not substantial enough to disrupt the resource partitioning (light, water, nutrients) among maize plants. Within this moderate density range, maize exhibited notable morphological and physiological compensation adjusting traits such as ear size, kernel number, and overall biomass allocation to maintain comparable grain yields. As a result, each treatment, despite slight differences in plant population, produced statistically similar yields for maize. On average, sole cropping of mungbean presented the highest growth characteristics and yield compared to intercropping treatments. Sole cropping of mungbean provided a high average of plant height, number of leaves, and root nodules in mungbean-melon-maize intercropping [68]. The highest grain yield of mungbean in this study was observed for the sole cropping system and could be linked to the plant density adopted for this treatment. Similar to sole mungbean, the sole cropping of chili gave a higher yield compared to intercropping systems, corroborating with recent studies [69,70,71]. Indeed, sole mungbean and chili pepper crops had more plants per hectare than the intercropping treatments. In addition, there may be a slight competition between the maize and the intercrops, which explains the gap in yield of the sole cropping system compared to the intercropping treatments [60,72].
Treatments (2:2) and (1:3) of maize–mungbean intercropping provided high growth and yield performance compared to treatment (1:2). These treatments presented different spacing and crop spatial arrangements, leading to a difference in plant density per unit area. The spacing and the spatial arrangement contributed to creating specific microclimatic conditions, including light interception, temperature, humidity, and wind patterns for each sowing pattern, which could explain the difference in mungbean growth and yield performances. In addition, treatment (1:3) provided good ground coverage, enhancing soil moisture conservation and microbial activities, which likely led to the observed performances. These findings corroborated with recent studies. For example, the maize-mungbean intercropping study showed high relative light interception of mungbean for the intercropping system over the sole cropping system, leading to a high photosynthetic rate [58]. Likewise, soil temperature is optimized in an intercropping system, increasing plant growth and yield per unit area [73]. However, some recent studies on mungbean intercropped with maize in an alternate double-row pattern resulted in mungbean with a higher leaf area than the alternate single-row pattern [21,72,74]. This may be extended to other legume crops where two lines of soybean intercropped with two lines of maize gave a high grain yield [75]. Similar trends were reported in double rows of maize intercropping with double rows of groundnut [76].
Double rows of chili pepper intercropped with two rows of maize exhibited high growth and yield for both crops compared to one row of chili intercropped with one row of maize. Indeed, both sowing patterns presented the same number of plants per hectare for maize and chili pepper, but the spacing and crop arrangement varied for both treatments. Treatment (2:2) could provide optimal shade during the growth of pepper plants with significant benefits compared to treatment (1:1). An optimal shade from maize plants to pepper plants protected them from stress associated with excessive solar radiation and temperature, leading to significant growth compared to sole cropping [77]. A study showed that pepper yield was increased with a 25% reduction in clear light conditions [78]. Another study reported a beneficial shade effect of maize on capsicum, reducing the atmospheric temperature and protecting the crop from hot, dry wind and high light intensity [79]. However, the species being shaded to some extent could suffer from lower quantity and quality of the incident light with a significant effect on growth and yield production supporting treatment (1:1) performance. For example, a negative impact of shading on pepper plants’ architecture and yield was reported when intercropped with maize [80]. It was also indicated that intercropping pepper with finger millet reduced pepper yields by 88% compared to pepper sole cropping [81]. Changes in morphological aspects, including changes in internode length, plant height, leaf size, and branching of soybeans due to shading from maize, were reported [80,82,83,84]. In addition, an etiolation effect on chili plants was also noted when intercropped with chaya [85]. The study recommended pruning the shoots of chaya plants, which positively impacted the growth and yield of chili.

4.2. Productivity and Profitability of the Sowing Patterns

The intercropping patterns provided great LER (>1), indicating higher productivity and efficiency of land use for maize–chili and maize–mungbean intercropping. The maximum LER equals 1.15 (1:1) and 1.60 (1:3), respectively, for maize–chili and maize–mungbean intercropping. This means land use efficiency improved by up to 15% and 60% compared to sole cropping. These findings are consistent with previous research that reported greater LER when intercropping maize with mungbean or chili pepper [86,87]. LER represents the land area required by sole crops to produce the yields of component species obtained in a unit area of intercrop. Having an LER greater than 1 also contributes to the sustainability of agriculture by promoting greater efficiency in soil resource utilization while suppressing diseases, pests, and weeds [86]. For instance, a recent maize-based intercropping study underscores the advantages of intercropping in terms of resource utilization and land use efficiency, including the need to increase the land area by 18–26% in monoculture to achieve the same yield in intercropping [87]. The present study found that both intercropping treatments for maize-chili had the same plant density for both crops but provided different LER, which could be attributed to the spacing and spatial arrangement of crops. The lower LER was obtained for treatment (2:2) due to the decreased yield of maize compared to treatment (1:1). Recent studies reported that crop arrangements in the intercropping system also influenced LER. For example, in maize-chili intercropping, LER varied depending on the planting pattern [88]. Narrow spacing between maize and chili rows led to greater resource competition with a significant effect on LER [86], while an optimized crop arrangement, such as row width and plant density, maximized complementarity and synergies between the component crops, thereby enhancing the LER [88].
MAI which integrates yield advantages and market prices, was higher for the (2:2) maize-chili pepper and (1:3) maize-mungbean intercropping treatments. This highlights the significant financial benefits associated with these intercropping systems. A high MAI reflects superior profitability compared to monocropping, as it allows farmers to diversify their cropping systems, reducing vulnerability to market price fluctuations and pest infestations [89]. These financial advantages also create opportunities for reinvesting in advanced agricultural technologies or diversifying farm enterprises, thereby strengthening economic resilience and promoting sustainability. Furthermore, MAI and LER demonstrate the dual advantage of enhancing both productivity and profitability. Together, they enable farmers to optimize resource utilization, improve financial stability, and adopt sustainable agricultural practices, ensuring long-term economic and environmental benefits.
Actual yield loss or actual yield gain was positive for all intercropping treatments. This index is used to evaluate the performance of intercropping systems compared to solidarity cropping and represents the proportionate yield loss or gain of intercrops. The positive AYL value indicates that the intercropping system has a yield advantage over the sole crop, while a negative value indicates a yield disadvantage [87,90]. For instance, the AYL equals 0.24 obtained with treatment (2:2), suggesting that this treatment has a 24% yield advantage over sole cropping. The highest AYL for maize–mungbean intercropping was 2.42, meaning that the sowing system (1:3) has a 242% yield advantage compared to the monoculture. The AYL is a key metric for evaluating the performance of intercropping systems by considering the actual yields of both intercrop and sole crops rather than relative yields [87,90].

4.3. Economic Viability and Income Diversification Potential of Maize-Mungbean and Maize-Chili Pepper Intercropping for Farmers

The positive monetary advantage index for all intercropping treatments showed that the relay intercropping of maize–chili pepper and maize–mungbean was economically viable compared to monoculture. Similar findings were reported on maize–mungbean and maize–soybean intercropping under supplementary irrigation [91], maize-rapeseed intercropping [92], maize-black gram [93], and maize-legume intercropping [94]. It was reported that maize-cowpea intercropping provided more profit than sole cropping [95]. Overall, maize-based intercropping generated a higher net return than sole cropping [28,96,97], representing a good income opportunity for maize farmers. In addition, treatment (2:2) for maize–chili and treatment (1:3) for maize–mungbean intercropping indicated the highest monetary advantage index and the total gross returns, meaning they are more profitable to farmers than other intercropping treatments. Our findings corroborated with pair rows study of cowpea intercropping with millet, indicating significant economic benefit compared to single-row and mixed cropping systems [98]. In addition, it was found that pair rows intercropping cowpea and sorghum gave higher economic returns than other planting arrangements and sole cropping [99]. These results followed a similar trend as the land equivalent ratio. For instance, when LER values are higher, there is also an economic advantage regarding monetary returns [89].

4.4. Impact of Intercropping on Soil Fertility, Nutrient Cycling, and Soil Structure

Our findings indicated an increase of assimilable phosphorus for the intercropping treatments compared to sole maize cropping, which could be attributed to the ability of mungbean to enhance phosphorus availability in the soil. Legumes release organic acids and phosphatases into the rhizosphere, contributing to the solubilization of phosphorus bound in insoluble compounds. For instance, maize-legume intercropping improved phosphorus availability by modifying the rhizosphere environment and increasing phosphorus solubilization [100]. Similarly, the mineralizable carbon was increased for sole mungbean and all intercropping sowing systems. The mineralizable carbon results from the decomposition of residues from plants, including roots, leaves, and stems [101]. The intercropping probably produced high crop residues compared to sole maize cropping, which could explain the variation of mineralizable carbon content. Also, total nitrogen and soil pH were slightly increased for intercropping treatments compared to maize solidarity cropping, corroborating previous studies on cereal–legume intercropping, which reported that cereal-legume cultivation improves soil pH and fertility [102]. This is due to legumes’ capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen and transfer it to the soil through rhizobia. Relay intercropping maize with soybean improved soil fertility compared to monoculture maize. A significant soil fertility improvement in maize–pigeon pea intercropping [103]. Cereal-legume intercropping improved the chemical, biological, and physical environment of the soil [104]. Cereal–legume intercropping was recommended as one of the integrated soil fertility management practices [17]. In intercropping, Legumes production is considered a sustainable and alternative way of introducing N into lower-input agroecosystems [105]. In addition, the roots of the legume component are decomposed and release nitrogen and other nutrients into the soil to be made available to subsequent crops [106].

5. Conclusions

The study assessed the growth and yield of maize, chili pepper and mungbean in relay intercropping systems compared to sole cropping, evaluated their economic viability, and investigated the impact of maize-mungbean intercropping on soil fertility. Maize’s growth and productivity were stable across sowing patterns, while significant differences in fruit and grain yields of chili and mungbean were observed in the intercropping systems. Specifically, treatment (2:2) produced higher chili yield in maize-chili while treatment (1:3) maize–mungbean recorded the highest grain yield of mungbean and exhibited high LER compared to other intercropping treatments. These treatments also provided the greatest actual yield gain, intercropping advantage, and the total estimated gross return demonstrating the economic viability and income diversification potential of these systems for farmers. Field visit revealed that farmers found these sowing patterns efficient for weeds and water management and yield optimization. For soil fertility, treatment (1:3) in maize-mungbean intercropping significantly improved total nitrogen and potassium level addressing the objective of assessing its impact on soil health. These findings crucial for identifying optimal intercropping practices under Benin’s agronomic and climatic conditions, offering practical recommendations for farmers’ income diversification and sustainable soil fertility management. Future research should focus on assessing the long-term effect of mungbean on soil fertility in maize-mungbean systems to further strengthen these outcomes.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: E.C.L., L.D. and J.H. methodology: E.C.L., L.D. and J.H.; software: E.C.L.; validation: L.P. and R.S.; implementation: E.C.L., L.D. and J.H.; formal analysis: E.C.L.; original draft preparation: E.C.L. and L.D., review and editing: J.H.; L.P. and R.S.; supervision: L.P. and R.S.; funding acquisition: R.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The World Vegetable Center implemented this experiment as part of the OneCGIAR Fruit and Vegetables for Sustainable Healthy Diets (FRESH) initiative (Contract no: INIT033-WVC-2022), which is supported by contributors to the CGIAR Trust Fund. We thank the long-term strategic donors to the World Vegetable Center: Taiwan, the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Thailand, South Korea, the Philippines, and Japan. Any findings, conclusions, and recommendations from this work do not necessarily reflect the views of the donors.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author/s.


We thank Marius M. EDOH, the agriculture extension officers, and the maize farmers of the municipality of Allada for their invaluable contributions to the fieldwork.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Spatial arrangement of crops in maize-chili pepper intercropping [(1:1): one line of maize intercropped with one line of chili pepper and (2:2): two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean].
Figure 1. Spatial arrangement of crops in maize-chili pepper intercropping [(1:1): one line of maize intercropped with one line of chili pepper and (2:2): two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean].
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Figure 2. Spatial arrangement of crops in maize-mungbean [(1:2): one line of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean, (1:3): one line of maize intercropped with three lines of mungbean and (2:2): two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean].
Figure 2. Spatial arrangement of crops in maize-mungbean [(1:2): one line of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean, (1:3): one line of maize intercropped with three lines of mungbean and (2:2): two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean].
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Figure 3. Yield variation for maize and chili pepper across sowing patterns for maize-chili pepper intercropping. Boxes with a different letter(s) in a single plot are statistically different at p = 0.05 (LSD test).
Figure 3. Yield variation for maize and chili pepper across sowing patterns for maize-chili pepper intercropping. Boxes with a different letter(s) in a single plot are statistically different at p = 0.05 (LSD test).
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Figure 4. Yield variation for maize and mungbean across sowing patterns for maize-mungbean intercropping. Boxes with a different letter(s) in a single plot are statistically different at p = 0.05 (LSD test).
Figure 4. Yield variation for maize and mungbean across sowing patterns for maize-mungbean intercropping. Boxes with a different letter(s) in a single plot are statistically different at p = 0.05 (LSD test).
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Figure 5. Soil nutrient levels across maize-mungbean intercropping before and at the end of the experiment: (1:2): one maize line and two lines of mungbean; (1:3): one line of maize and three lines of mungbean; (2:2): two lines of maize and two lines of mungbean and VBA: value before the analysis. Boxes with a different letter(s) in a single plot are statistically different at p = 0.05 (LSD test).
Figure 5. Soil nutrient levels across maize-mungbean intercropping before and at the end of the experiment: (1:2): one maize line and two lines of mungbean; (1:3): one line of maize and three lines of mungbean; (2:2): two lines of maize and two lines of mungbean and VBA: value before the analysis. Boxes with a different letter(s) in a single plot are statistically different at p = 0.05 (LSD test).
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Figure 6. Pearson correlation between plants’ growth, yield and soils parameters and soil parameters.
Figure 6. Pearson correlation between plants’ growth, yield and soils parameters and soil parameters.
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Table 1. Sowing patterns across intercropping systems.
Table 1. Sowing patterns across intercropping systems.
Maize-chili pepperSole maizeSpacing: 40 cm × 80 cm
Plant density: 62,500 plants/ha
Sole chiliSpacing: 50 cm × 50 cm
Plant density: 40,000 plants/ha
(1:1)One line of maize intercropped with one line of chili pepper
  • Plant density for maize: 50,000 plants/ha
  • Plant density for chili: 20,000 plants/ha
(2:2)Two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of chili pepper
  • Plant density for maize: 50,000 plants/ha
  • Plant density for chili: 20,000 plants/ha
Maize-mungbeanSole maizeSpacing: 20 cm × 20 cm
Plant density: 62,500 plants/ha
Sole mungbeanSpacing: 40 cm × 80 cm
Plant density: 250,000 plants/ha
(1:2)One line of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean
  • Plant density for maize: 50,000 plants/ha
  • Plant density for mungbean: 100,000 plants/ha
(1:3)One line of maize intercropped with three lines of mungbean
  • Plant density for maize: 50,000 plants/ha
  • Plant density for mungbean: 150,000 plants/ha
(2:2)Two lines of maize intercropped with two lines of mungbean
  • Plant density for maize: 50,000 plants/ha
  • Plant density for mungbean: 60,000 plants/ha.
Table 2. Plants’ height, stem diameter, and number of branches or leaves for the crops across treatments per species.
Table 2. Plants’ height, stem diameter, and number of branches or leaves for the crops across treatments per species.
IntercroppingTreatmentsPlant Height (cm)Stem Diameter (cm)Number of Branches
Maize Crop (Maize)2nd CropMain Crop (Maize)2nd CropMain Crop (Maize)2nd Crop
Maize-chili pepperMono crop192.84 ± 35.1432.42 ± 13.32 (b)2.04 ± 0.430.65 ± 0.25 (a)10.94 ± 1.603.20 ± 0.90 (a)
(1:1)196.36 ± 32.1132.24 ± 11.73 (b)1.90 ± 0.460.55 ± 0.17 (b)10.72 ± 1.452.25 ± 1.07 (b)
(2:2)186.64 ± 31.4441.36 ± 11.32 (a)1.97 ± 0.470.71 ± 0.17 (a)10.61 ± 1.373.43 ± 0.68 (a)
Significancep > 0.5p < 0.0001p > 0.5p < 0.0001p > 0.5p < 0.0001
Maize-mungbeanMono crop183.73 ± 41.4934.47 ± 11.97 (b)1.74 ± 0.380.46 ± 0.14 (a)10.46 ± 1.582.40 ± 1.38 (a)
(1:2)184.05 ± 36.2333.24 ± 11.66 (b)1.73 ± 0.440.39 ± 0.10 (c)10.78 ± 1.322.11 ± 1.21 (ab)
(1:3)186.85 ± 36.9436.04 ± 12.26 (ab)1.71 ± 0.470.41 ± 0.11 (ab)10.69 ± 1.452.01 ± 1.20 (b)
(2:2)187.20 ± 32.7438.14 ± 11.84 (a)1.73 ± 0.420.47 ± 0.11 (a)10.73 ± 1.442.43 ± 1.13 (a)
Significancep > 0.5p < 0.01p > 0.5p < 0.0001p > 0.5p < 0.01
Means with a different letter(s) for column values within the same row are statistically different at p = 0.05 (LSD test).
Table 3. Land equivalent ratio, actual yield loss, and intercropping advantage of maize intercropping with chili and maize intercropping with mungbean.
Table 3. Land equivalent ratio, actual yield loss, and intercropping advantage of maize intercropping with chili and maize intercropping with mungbean.
Maize and chili pepper(1:1)1.150.13−0.11
Significancet = 25.16, df = 3.62, p < = 0.0001t = −23.745, df = 2.25, p < 0.001t = −192.05, df = 3.53, p < 0.0001
Maize and mungbean(1:2)1.24 (b)1.18 (b)0.88 (b)
(1:3)1.60 (a)2.42 (a)1.14 (a)
(2:2)1.25 (b)1.11 (c)0.74 (c)
Significancep < 0.0001p < 0.0001p < 0.0001
Means with a different letter(s) for column values within the same row are statistically different at p = 0.05 (LSD test).
Table 4. Monetary advantage index, gross return for each crop, and total gross return per treatment.
Table 4. Monetary advantage index, gross return for each crop, and total gross return per treatment.
IntercroppingTreatmentsMAIEstimated Gross Return
for Each Crop (USD/ha)
Total Estimated Gross Return Per Treatment (USD/ha)
Main Crop (Maize)2nd Crop
Maize-chili pepperMono crop-588.34 ± 3.26 (a)23648 ± 16.83 (a)-
(1:1)833.32533.61 ± 2.06 (b)5789.47 ± 22.06 (c)6323.08 ± 8.60 (b)
(2:2)925.74485.72 ± 7.17 (c)7310.87 ± 4.86 (b)7796.59 ± 64.25 (a)
Significancet = −44.40, df = 3.48, p < 0.0001p < 0.0001p < 0.0001p < 0.0001
Maize-mungbeanMono crop-711.48 ± 2.54 (a)937.96 ± 5.39 (a)-
(1:2)192.17 (b)622.54 ± 2.88 (b)348.62 ± 4.40 (d)971.17 ± 9.37 (b)
(1:3)485.46 (a)612.28 ± 3.83 (c)688.95 ± 3.28 (b)1301.23 ± 19.29 (a)
(2:2)198.43 (b)588.33 ± 3.92 (d)398.43 ± 3.70 (c)986.76 ± 4.21 (b)
Significancep < 0.0001p < 0.0001p < 0.0001p < 0.0001
Means with a different letter(s) for column values within the same row are statistically different at p = 0.05 (LSD test).
Table 5. Ranking of the tested sowing patterns and intercropping systems.
Table 5. Ranking of the tested sowing patterns and intercropping systems.
IntercroppingTreatmentsPlants DevelopmentWeed Control and Soil Moisture ConservationSoil Fertility RegenerationMaize YieldChili YieldMungbean YieldOverall Ranks
Maize-chili pepper(1:1)22-12-1.67
Sole maize34-3--3.33
Sole chili33- 3-2
Sole maize4551--3
Sole mungbean311--11.2
The lower the value of the overall rank, the better the sowing system.
Table 6. Kindall concordance coefficient for ranking during the treatment performances assessment by farmers’ sessions.
Table 6. Kindall concordance coefficient for ranking during the treatment performances assessment by farmers’ sessions.
IntercroppingKCC (W)Chi-Square (x2)p-ValueRatersSubjects
Maize-chili0.604.82p < 0.05864
Maize-mungbean0.6713.5p < 0.011315
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MDPI and ACS Style

Legba, E.C.; Dossou, L.; Honfoga, J.; Pawera, L.; Srinivasan, R. Productivity and Profitability of Maize-Mungbean and Maize-Chili Pepper Relay Intercropping Systems for Income Diversification and Soil Fertility in Southern Benin. Sustainability 2025, 17, 1076.

AMA Style

Legba EC, Dossou L, Honfoga J, Pawera L, Srinivasan R. Productivity and Profitability of Maize-Mungbean and Maize-Chili Pepper Relay Intercropping Systems for Income Diversification and Soil Fertility in Southern Benin. Sustainability. 2025; 17(3):1076.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Legba, Eric C., Laurence Dossou, Judith Honfoga, Lukas Pawera, and Ramasamy Srinivasan. 2025. "Productivity and Profitability of Maize-Mungbean and Maize-Chili Pepper Relay Intercropping Systems for Income Diversification and Soil Fertility in Southern Benin" Sustainability 17, no. 3: 1076.

APA Style

Legba, E. C., Dossou, L., Honfoga, J., Pawera, L., & Srinivasan, R. (2025). Productivity and Profitability of Maize-Mungbean and Maize-Chili Pepper Relay Intercropping Systems for Income Diversification and Soil Fertility in Southern Benin. Sustainability, 17(3), 1076.

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