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Enhancing Building Information Modeling on Green Building Practices in China: A Conceptual Framework

Department of Construction and Real Estate, School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
School of Management, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
Institute of Regional and Urban Development of Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
Department of Engineering Management, School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Buildings 2024, 14(6), 1509;
Submission received: 21 March 2024 / Revised: 7 May 2024 / Accepted: 21 May 2024 / Published: 23 May 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Construction Management, and Computers & Digitization)


This study presents an in-depth investigation into the intersection of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and green building practices within China’s rapidly evolving construction industry. As China intensifies its efforts to mitigate environmental impacts and promote sustainable growth, the integration of BIM into green building practices emerges as a crucial area of study. A qualitative research method was adopted in this research. In the first step, utilizing semi-structured interviews with a diverse array of industry professionals, this research provides nuanced insights into the current state and prospects of BIM in the green building landscape. Secondly, thematic analysis is used to formalize the views and points from interviewees. Finally, a novel conceptual framework is proposed, addressing these challenges through technological innovation, supportive policies, cultural and educational reform, economic incentives, and collaborative dynamics. This study contributes a systematic approach to amalgamate BIM with sustainable construction, offering insights for industry professionals and policymakers to promote environmentally conscious building practices in China.

1. Introduction

Sustainability has become a global imperative in the 21st century, propelled by increasing concerns about environmental degradation, climate change, and the urgency for resource conservation. This trend is reflected across various industries worldwide, with the construction sector playing a vital role given its significant contribution to global carbon emissions [1]. Green building, an approach that minimizes the environmental footprint of construction activities and maximizes resource efficiency, has, thus, emerged as a key strategy to address the environmental challenges associated with the construction sector [2].
China, known for its rapid urbanization and being the world’s largest construction market, is also one of the most prolific carbon emitters globally [3]. In response to both internal environmental pressures and international calls for sustainability, the Chinese government has embarked on numerous policies and initiatives over the past decade aimed at promoting green building practices. This has resulted in a burgeoning green building sector within the country, presenting China with a unique opportunity to transform its massive construction industry towards sustainability [4]. Despite this positive trajectory, the widespread implementation of green building practices in China is beset with challenges. Technological barriers, a deficit of skilled professionals, high implementation costs, and the need for effective management and coordination of intricate building processes pose significant hurdles [5]. These challenges underscore the need for innovative solutions that can facilitate the adoption of green building practices.
Building Information Modeling (BIM), an intelligent 3D model-based process that gives architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals the insight and tools to efficiently plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure, is viewed as a game-changing technology in this context [6]. By providing a shared knowledge resource for information about a building across its life cycle, BIM offers substantial advantages, including improved collaboration, enhanced design quality, reduced errors, and facilitated project management [7]. More importantly, when integrated with green building practices, BIM holds promise for optimizing energy efficiency, reducing environmental impacts, and achieving sustainability targets [8,9]. Despite its immense potential, the adoption and implementation of BIM in China, particularly in the context of green building, remain limited and face significant challenges, including issues related to interoperability, lack of standardization, insufficient BIM training, and reluctance to change traditional practices [10]. While recent studies have explored various aspects of BIM and green building practices in China, our research synthesizes these insights into a holistic conceptual framework. This framework specifically addresses implementation challenges and integrates the latest policy shifts and technological advancements not fully covered in earlier works.
Utilizing a qualitative research method based on semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, our study provides a comprehensive understanding of the role, potential benefits, and challenges of BIM in China’s green building sector. We develop this conceptual framework to systematically explore the current state of BIM adoption and its influence on green building, highlighting both the challenges and opportunities associated with its implementation, as well as future trends. This approach enables us to offer new insights into the dynamic interplay between BIM and green building practices in China, contributing valuable perspectives that inform effective integration and implementation strategies. Our findings provide practical implications for industry professionals, policymakers, and academia, advancing sustainable construction practices.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents a literature review on BIM and green building practices; Section 3 explains the qualitative research methodology; Section 4 presents the findings from the interviews and introduces the proposed conceptual framework; Section 5 integrates the analysis, discussion, and implications of the findings; and, finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Green Building Practices

Green building, often also referred to as sustainable construction or eco-construction, seeks to minimize the environmental impact of constructing and maintaining buildings [11]. These practices aim to utilize resources more efficiently and create healthier, more energy-efficient spaces for people to live and work [12]. The key principles of green building include energy efficiency, resource efficiency, environmental conservation, and the health and well-being of occupants [13]. According to Cao et al., despite the late start, China’s green building domain has developed rapidly recently [14].
Energy efficiency in green building often involves the use of renewable energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines, as well as high-efficiency HVAC systems and appliances to minimize the energy needs of a building [15]. In line with these technologies, recent advancements include the integration of biomass boilers and solar energy solutions in residential settings, demonstrating potential for enhancing sustainability [16].
Resource efficiency is another cornerstone, achieved through careful material selection and construction methods that reduce waste and minimize the use of non-renewable resources. This can involve using recycled materials, sustainable sourcing practices, and modular construction techniques [17]. Furthermore, the practical application of carbon sink calculations in urban settings, as demonstrated in a case study from Zhengzhou, China, highlights innovative approaches to environmental management in construction [18].
Environmental conservation is also a key focus. Here, the goal is to minimize the environmental impact of a building throughout its life cycle, from construction to demolition. This involves considerations, such as reducing land use, conserving water, and limiting pollution [19]. Health and well-being considerations extend to the indoor air quality (IAQ) of the building, improving it through better design, construction, and material choices. This might include the use of materials that emit low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to ensure a healthier living environment [20].
Moreover, the long-term sustainability of the building is taken into account, focusing on factors, like durability, adaptability, and the potential for the reuse or recycling of materials, after the building’s life cycle has ended [21].
The drive towards sustainable construction is fueled by a combination of regulatory pressures, increased public awareness of environmental issues, and the economic benefits related to reduced energy and resource consumption [22]. As climate change and other environmental crises become more urgent, the principles of green building are increasingly viewed as essential to modern construction practices [23].

2.2. Policy and Implementation of Green Building in China

Green building in China is an evolving landscape, shaped by various policies, regulations, and market dynamics. The Chinese government has actively promoted sustainable construction through a range of incentives and regulations aimed at encouraging the adoption of green building practices [24]. Initiatives like the “Three-Star System”, which is China’s green building evaluation standard [25], and various financial incentives have been introduced to encourage both developers and homeowners to adopt sustainable construction methods. Studies such as Tian et al. (2023) [26] have explored how these policies influence BIM adoption in green building projects, highlighting the complex interplay between governmental directives and industry practices.
However, the adoption rate has been uneven, with green building practices more prevalent in some regions compared to others. This is partly because of the varying economic conditions across the country and the local governments’ differing levels of commitment to sustainability [27]. Challenges include a lack of awareness among builders and consumers, high initial costs, and the need for technical expertise, which are obstacles to wider implementation [28].
The market for green building materials and technologies in China is also rapidly growing, fueled by both governmental policy and increasing consumer demand for healthier and more sustainable living environments [29]. Various reports and studies suggest that the green building market in China is projected to grow significantly over the coming years, making it an important sector for both domestic and foreign investment [30].
Despite the challenges and the current rate of adoption, there is a generally positive outlook for the expansion of green building practices in China, especially as they become more closely aligned with China’s broader sustainability and carbon neutrality goals [31]. However, there is a need for more research to understand the specific barriers and opportunities unique to the Chinese context, which can inform policy recommendations and practical strategies for accelerating the adoption of green building in China [32].

2.3. Intersection of BIM and Green Building

The intersection of BIM and green building has become an area of burgeoning research and practical interest. Various studies have investigated how BIM can enhance green building practices. Lu et al. synthesized the relationship between BIM and green building development, establishing a “Green BIM Triangle” taxonomy that categorizes the nexus of BIM and green buildings into project phases, green attributes, and BIM attributes [33].
One of the key advantages of BIM is its ability to provide a detailed, three-dimensional representation of a building, allowing for more accurate energy modeling and simulation [34]. This feature enables architects, engineers, and other stakeholders to optimize the energy efficiency of a building using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method, often resulting in substantial energy and cost savings over the building’s life cycle [35]. For example, Cao et al. demonstrated that BIM can enhance project quality, optimize collaboration, and improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness during the construction phase of green buildings [36]. Liu et al. developed a green BIM-based method for evaluating and enhancing the green performance of university buildings, achieving significant reductions in annual energy loads by up to 47.4% [37]. Cheng et al. (2022) provided a methodology for assessing the embodied environmental impacts of buildings using BIM, which helps in making more informed decisions that align with green building principles [38]. Previous research also underscored the need for decisive action from governments, policies, and private sector stakeholders to develop a successful BIM-based LCA approach for the construction sector [39].
Additionally, BIM is also an effective tool for resource management. For instance, a previous study demonstrated how BIM can reduce the waste in concrete formwork through prefabrication, illustrating BIM’s potential to streamline resource efficiency in construction practices [40]. It can aid in material selection by providing detailed information about the environmental impacts of different materials, thus guiding the use of more sustainable alternatives [41]. Additionally, BIM can improve construction waste management by helping to optimize the use of materials, thereby minimizing waste [42].
While BIM offers these advantages for enhancing green building practices, its adoption is not without challenges. Huang et al. (2021) analyzed the contributions and obstacles of applying BIM to promote green buildings, offering a comprehensive view of the operational challenges encountered [43]. Also, Chen et al. (2023) discussed the evaluation of BIM implementation values and barriers from a stakeholder perspective in China, providing insights into the diverse impacts of BIM across different stakeholder groups [44]. These challenges include the need for specialized training and the potential for increased initial costs. However, these challenges are often outweighed by the long-term benefits of sustainable building practices [45]. Moreover, previous studies further examined the policies, applications, and future trends of BIM for sustainability and informatization in China, reflecting on the barriers to BIM adoption and the required strategies for overcoming these challenges [46,47].
Despite substantial advancements detailed in recent studies, the synergy between BIM and green building in China still presents areas for further exploration. This integration promises significant enhancements in sustainability and efficiency in construction practices. While we reviewed impactful research within China, ongoing adaptations to new technological and regulatory shifts remain crucial. Continued research is essential to fully leverage BIM’s potential and effectively address the specific challenges of China’s dynamic construction landscape, ensuring sustainable development practices with innovation.

2.4. Research Gaps

While the literature provides comprehensive insights into green building practices, policy implementation, and the integration of BIM in China, there remains a crucial gap in synthesizing these elements into a holistic approach. Studies often treat these aspects separately or only superficially touch upon their potential synergies. Moreover, the existing research tends to focus on isolated case studies or specific technological and policy impacts without addressing the broader systemic challenges and opportunities. The dynamic interplay between policy, technology, and market forces requires a more integrated analysis to effectively guide the sustainable transformation of the construction industry.
To bridge these gaps, our study introduces a comprehensive conceptual framework that not only interlinks BIM and green building practices but also provides a clear, systematic process map for their integration. This framework is designed to address the unique challenges and leverage the opportunities within China’s construction sector, offering contributions to both academic research and practical applications in sustainable construction practices. Our proposed framework is novel in integrating multiple dimensions of BIM and green building practices, which previous studies have often handled separately. It aims to create a structured roadmap that captures and addresses the fragmented factors impacting the implementation of sustainable practices in the construction industry.
In conclusion, while the body of existing research provides a solid foundation, our framework seeks to fill the identified gaps by offering a structured, actionable guide that is both comprehensive and adaptable to different regional contexts within China and potentially other global settings. This approach not only advances the academic discourse but also provides practical insights that are critical for advancing sustainable construction practices on a broader scale.

3. Methodology

In this study, we adopted a qualitative research method to delve deeply into the complexities and nuances of integrating BIM into green building practices in China. Qualitative research is particularly effective for exploring intricate human behaviors, attitudes, and practices that are critical to understanding the multifaceted barriers and facilitators in the construction industry [48]. Given the dynamic and context-specific nature of BIM implementation challenges, a quantitative approach alone may not capture the depth of insights required for this investigation. Thus, by combining semi-structured interviews with thematic analysis, this methodology enables a comprehensive examination of the subject matter. Figure 1 shows the steps of this research.

3.1. Semi-Structured Interviews

This study employs semi-structured interviews to explore the intricacies of integrating BIM into green building practices in China. Semi-structured interviews were selected for their flexibility, allowing interviewees to express their thoughts freely while adhering to a structured inquiry framework, thus facilitating the collection of comprehensive data [49]. Such interviews are particularly adept at capturing a wide array of perspectives on complex issues like BIM adoption, making them ideal for this study’s aims. Seventeen industry professionals were selected for interviews based on their expertise and involvement in BIM, green building, or both. The roster included a balanced representation of architects, civil engineers, policymakers, project managers, BIM coordinators, and consultants. Each participant’s professional experience ranged from 5 to 20 years, thereby providing a broad spectrum of perspectives. Table 1 shows the profiles of selected interviewees.
In line with ethical research practices, all participants were informed about the study’s objectives and assured of the confidentiality of their responses. Written informed consent was obtained from each participant prior to their involvement in the study. Interviews were structured around the following key research questions, which are presented in Table 2 below.

3.2. Thematic Analysis

Thematic analysis method was employed as the coding and analysis method for data analysis in this study, given its effectiveness in extracting and interpreting patterns within qualitative data. This method is particularly adept at revealing the complexities and understanding of the data, making it ideal for studies that seek to uncover underlying themes across a diverse range of responses.
The analysis followed the process adopted by Zainal and Barlas [50]. It began with a thorough familiarization of the data, where all seventeen interview transcripts were read multiple times to fully grasp the content discussed. Then, in the initial coding phase, an open-coding technique was applied. This involved segmenting the data into discrete parts and labeling each segment with a code that succinctly described the essence of that data piece. Following the initial coding, the next step involved collating these codes into potential themes. This process entailed grouping codes that shared a common thread, thus forming preliminary themes. Each of these potential themes was then reviewed and refined iteratively to ensure they were coherent, distinct, and truly representative of the dataset. This iterative process involved refining, merging, or discarding themes as necessary, to ensure each theme was robust and well supported by the data. The findings of this study are based on responses from at least three participants and have been further validated by reviewing relevant literature, thereby enhancing the reliability of the results [51]. Furthermore, the point of data saturation was considered to be reached after conducting interviews with these seventeen participants, as additional interviews did not yield new or significantly different insights, reinforcing the sufficiency of the sample size for this research [52].
The interviews lasted between 60 and 90 min and were conducted either in person or via video conferencing. They were audio-recorded and subsequently transcribed to facilitate a thorough data analysis. The data were analyzed using a thematic approach, with codes generated based on recurring themes and patterns. These codes were organized into broader categories that illustrated the complexities and nuances involved in integrating BIM into green building projects in China. By employing this qualitative method, this study aims to fill identified gaps in the existing literature. It seeks to offer a well-structured, practical framework for effectively incorporating BIM technologies into green building practices in the Chinese context.

4. Findings from Interviews and the Proposed Framework

4.1. Barriers and Challenges to BIM–Green Building Integration

The integration of BIM and green building is evidently not without its challenges. Through the course of our interviews, several barriers to this integration in the Chinese context were identified, ranging from technological to regulatory and cultural obstacles.

4.1.1. Technological Challenges

The advent of BIM has brought about a revolutionary change in the construction industry’s approach to project management and execution. However, integrating this technology with the nuanced requirements of green building practices has introduced a set of technological challenges. These challenges stem from the complexity of aligning BIM software with the tools necessary for analyzing and implementing sustainable design. From interoperability issues to data management, the professionals we interviewed shed light on the multifaceted technological hurdles that currently impede the seamless fusion of BIM with green building principles in the Chinese construction industry.
Interviewee 1 explained: “The primary technological hurdle we encounter is the lack of interoperability between the diverse range of BIM software and the specialized tools used for green building analysis. Often, this leads to a fragmented workflow where crucial sustainability metrics are lost or misconstrued. Furthermore, the additional time and resources required to reconcile data between platforms can significantly delay project timelines”. Interviewee 3 shared similar concerns: “The challenges go beyond mere software compatibility. There’s a broader issue with the absence of industry-wide standards for BIM in green construction. This lack of standardization often results in the duplication of efforts and hinders the streamlined exchange of information across different project stages”. Interviewee 7 highlighted data handling issues: “Data exchange bottlenecks are more than just an inconvenience; they lead to a tangible loss of critical information. It’s not uncommon for key sustainability features to be downgraded or omitted entirely because the BIM environment could not accurately interpret the green specifications”. Interviewee 6, who specializes in IT solutions for construction, pointed out systemic issues: “The integration of BIM into existing construction systems is fraught with compatibility problems. When BIM software doesn’t communicate effectively with other in-house tools, it undermines the potential of BIM to enhance green building practices”.
In conclusion, the insights from the interviewees collectively underscore the technological impediments that currently hinder the effective integration of BIM into green building practices within China. The challenges identified span from the lack of interoperability between various BIM platforms and green building tools to a broader systemic issue of lacking standardized protocols across the industry. These barriers contribute to inefficient workflows, data loss, and, ultimately, a compromise on the potential sustainability outcomes of construction projects. The interviewees’ experiences suggest a pressing need for industry-wide standards and better technological integration to unlock the full potential of BIM in driving forward the green building movement. Addressing these technological challenges is crucial for streamlining processes, ensuring the retention of sustainability data and facilitating a more coherent approach to green construction.

4.1.2. Regulatory Barriers

While technological advancements offer promising avenues for sustainable construction, the regulatory environment has not always kept pace, presenting its own set of barriers. The professionals interviewed highlighted various regulatory challenges that obstruct the integration of BIM and green building practices.
Interviewee 2 elucidated: “The regulatory framework is currently lagging, with few incentives or mandates to integrate BIM in green building projects. Without clear directives and standards, there is hesitation and inconsistency in the adoption of BIM for sustainability purposes across the industry”. Interviewee 8 concurred: “We are in dire need of regulations that specifically address and promote the use of BIM in sustainable construction. The general vagueness and lack of enforcement in current policies create a significant roadblock to innovation and progress”. Interviewee 11 pointed out: “The absence of comprehensive legal guidelines for BIM in green construction projects often leaves companies navigating in the dark, unsure of how to proceed with BIM implementation while remaining compliant”. Interviewee 14 emphasized the need for enhanced regulatory clarity: “We need regulations that clearly support BIM integration into green projects, particularly through detailed guidelines and effective risk management strategies”. Interviewee 9 stressed the impact of this on the ground: “Without robust regulatory support, the true potential of BIM to contribute to China’s green building goals remains largely untapped. The industry requires detailed, actionable policies to move forward”.
In summary, the insights from these industry professionals paint a picture of a regulatory landscape in need of urgent reform. Clear, actionable regulations, specific to the integration of BIM and green building practices, are essential. Such regulations would not only provide the necessary clarity and structure for practitioners but would also serve as a catalyst for wider adoption and innovation in sustainable construction. Bridging the gap between technological capabilities and supportive regulations could unlock significant advancements in the field.

4.1.3. Cultural and Educational Gaps

Cultural and educational frameworks significantly influence the adoption and effective use of innovative technologies like BIM in green building projects. Insights from industry experts reveal that these non-technical aspects are as important as the technological and regulatory factors.
Interviewee 5 commented on the cultural inertia: “The construction industry is traditionally conservative, and the shift towards BIM, especially for green building, requires a change in mindset which is happening slowly. Many practitioners are still anchored to conventional methods and are apprehensive about the transition to BIM”. Interviewee 12 discussed the educational aspect: “There is a gap in the educational curricula that fails to adequately prepare new engineers and architects for the complexities of BIM in the context of green construction. Educational institutions need to update their programs to reflect the current industry needs”. Interviewee 1 highlighted the impact of these gaps on collaborative efforts: “BIM’s potential is maximized when different disciplines work together seamlessly. However, the lack of BIM education and the prevailing cultural mindset mean that cross-disciplinary collaboration is often a challenge”. Interviewee 9 emphasized the importance of education in driving change: “Innovation in construction methods, particularly those involving BIM for green building, will only be as effective as the industry professionals’ understanding and willingness to apply them. Educational institutions play a crucial role in nurturing this understanding”.
In summary, the cultural resistance to change and the educational lags in current curricula are significant barriers to the integration of BIM into green building practices. These gaps underscore the need for cultural shifts within the industry and a reformation of educational programs to foster a new generation of construction professionals, adept in BIM and committed to sustainability. Promoting a culture that values continuous learning and interdisciplinary collaboration could bridge these gaps and facilitate a smoother integration of BIM in green construction.

4.2. Future Prospects and Suggested Strategies

As we navigate through the complexities of integrating BIM with green building practices in China, it becomes increasingly clear that addressing current challenges is only part of the equation. Looking to the future, it is imperative to explore and identify forward-thinking strategies and transformative approaches that can facilitate this integration more effectively. The following sections delve into the potential prospects for technological innovations, policy reforms, cultural shifts, educational advancements, and collaborative dynamics. These elements are not only crucial in overcoming the existing barriers, as highlighted by our interviewees, but are also crucial in shaping a sustainable, technology-driven future in the construction industry. By examining these key areas, we aim to outline a roadmap of strategies that can help realize the full potential of BIM in green building, setting the stage for the comprehensive conceptual framework.

4.2.1. Integrating Technological Innovations and Policy Reforms

The integration of technological advancements with supportive policy reforms is essential for harnessing the full potential of BIM in green building practices. This synergy is echoed through the insights of industry professionals, who suggest a roadmap for bridging current gaps and paving the way for future integration.
Interviewee 3 stressed the importance of technological evolution in BIM, especially in interoperability and data analytics, to enhance green building design and execution. They envision future BIM software being more intuitive and integrated with sustainable design tools. This perspective is complemented by Interviewee 6 who sees emerging technologies like AI and machine learning as potential game-changers, making construction more data-driven and efficient. Parallel to these technological needs, Interviewee 2 underlined the necessity for regulatory evolution to keep pace with these technological advancements. They advocate for regulations that encourage BIM adoption in green projects while fostering an environment ripe for innovation. Echoing this sentiment, Interviewee 9 suggested practical policy measures such as incentivizing BIM usage through subsidies or tax rebates and establishing standards for BIM application in sustainable projects. Interviewee 15 emphasized the importance of such regulatory measures being adaptable and flexible to keep up with the fast-evolving technology and market demands in sustainable construction. The perspectives shared by these professionals underline a symbiotic relationship between technological advancements and policy reforms. Advancements in technology, such as BIM, can be truly effective and transformative only when they are backed by strong, informed policies. Likewise, policy initiatives aimed at encouraging sustainable practices in construction are more likely to succeed when they are aligned with the capabilities and limitations of current technologies.
In summary, the future of sustainable construction in China hinges on this dual approach: ongoing innovation in BIM technology, supported by dynamic and forward-thinking policies. This approach ensures that technological capabilities are harmoniously aligned with regulatory frameworks, creating a conducive environment for the effective and widespread adoption of BIM in green building projects.

4.2.2. Cultural Shifts and Educational Developments

The successful integration of BIM into green building practices is not solely dependent on technological advancements and policy reforms; it also hinges significantly on cultural shifts within the construction industry and advancements in educational approaches. Insights from the interviews emphasize the importance of these human and institutional factors.
Interviewee 5 mentioned, “There is a prevailing resistance within the construction sector to move away from traditional methods. Embracing BIM for green building requires not just new skills, but a new way of thinking about design and construction itself. This cultural shift towards embracing technology and sustainability as integral components of construction is vital”. Adding to the cultural aspect, Interviewee 12 discussed the role of education: “Current educational curricula in construction and architecture are lagging behind the industry’s technological advancements. We need educational institutions to incorporate BIM and green building principles into their programs, which will equip new professionals with the necessary skills and mindset to embrace these technologies”. Interviewee 1 highlighted the challenges in collaborative efforts due to these gaps: “Effective use of BIM in green building projects is not just about individual knowledge; it’s about how different professionals—architects, engineers, contractors—work together. The current lack of shared understanding and collaborative skills across disciplines is a hurdle”. Interviewee 9 and Interviewee 16 suggested, “Educational reform should go beyond just adding new courses. It should foster an interdisciplinary approach, where students learn to collaborate on projects that simulate real-world scenarios involving BIM and sustainability”. Interviewee 13 also emphasized the critical role of advanced BIM training and development programs. He highlighted that such programs are vital for equipping professionals with the skills needed to implement BIM effectively, thereby maximizing its benefits in green building initiatives.
These perspectives collectively underline the need for an industry-wide cultural evolution and an educational overhaul. Such changes are crucial not only for equipping professionals with the necessary technological know-how but also for instilling a mindset that values sustainability, collaboration, and innovation. Cultivating this culture within the industry, coupled with a reformed educational system, will be important in successfully integrating BIM into green building practices, ultimately leading to more sustainable and efficient construction methodologies.

4.2.3. Economic Incentives and Collaborative Dynamics

The effective integration of BIM into green building practices not only requires technological and educational shifts but also hinges on the establishment of suitable economic incentives and the fostering of collaborative dynamics within the industry. These factors play a crucial role in motivating and facilitating the widespread adoption of sustainable practices.
Interviewee 4 highlighted the importance of financial incentives: “The introduction of economic incentives can significantly motivate firms to adopt BIM in their green building projects. Subsidies, tax credits, or even public recognition programs could drive more companies to invest in this technology, offsetting initial costs and showcasing the long-term financial and environmental benefits”. Echoing this sentiment, Interviewee 10 suggested, “Government-led incentive programs, alongside financial assistance for training and implementation, would not only encourage the adoption of BIM but also support smaller firms that might otherwise be hesitant due to cost concerns”. Interviewee 17 also emphasized a similar idea. The role of collaboration was emphasized by Interviewee 8: “BIM’s full potential in green building is realized when there is seamless collaboration across various stakeholders—architects, engineers, contractors, and even policymakers. Creating platforms for knowledge sharing, joint ventures, and collaborative project management is essential”. Interviewee 11 discussed the legal and contractual frameworks: “To foster this collaborative spirit, we need to rethink our contractual frameworks to be more conducive to joint efforts and shared responsibilities. This would encourage a more integrated approach to project planning and execution”.
In conclusion, economic incentives and collaborative dynamics are key to catalyzing the broader application of BIM in green building projects. Economic measures can provide the necessary motivation and means, while a collaborative approach ensures the optimal use of BIM capabilities, leading to more efficient, sustainable, and cost-effective construction practices. These elements are crucial in creating an ecosystem where BIM can thrive as a tool for sustainable construction.

4.3. A Conceptual Framework to Enhance BIM in China’s Green Building Industry

After analyzing the results of semi-structured interviews, a conceptual framework was formalized to overcome the identified difficulties. As shown in Figure 2, the developed conceptual framework is predicated on the integration of five main elements that catalyze the enhancement of BIM within China’s green building sector.
Technological integration serves as the bedrock of this framework, advocating for the fusion of interoperable systems, the adoption of standardized BIM protocols, and the employment of advanced data management and modeling practices. These technological foundations are critical for the facilitation of BIM’s expansive capabilities.
Policy and regulatory support is articulated as a driving force that operationalizes technological advances through the monitoring of compliance, the delineation of BIM application guidelines, the creation of certification benchmarks, and the promulgation of supporting legislation.
Cultural and educational shifts are imperative for nurturing an ecosystem receptive to BIM. This involves transforming the industry’s mindset to embrace BIM, cultivating a skilled workforce through targeted training and education, raising awareness of BIM’s merits through strategic campaigns.
Economic incentives underscore the necessity of aligning BIM adoption with financial viability through fundings provision for eligible projects and companies, tax relief, and bolstering investment in BIM-centric research and development.
Collaborative dynamics emphasize the importance of cross-disciplinary cooperation, comprehensive stakeholder engagement, and the establishment of robust communication networks. These are essential for fostering a collaborative culture that supports BIM implementation.
This framework envisages a symbiotic relationship between its components, wherein technological advancements are fortified by supportive policies, culturally ingrained practices, financially motivated participation, and collaborative synergies. Each element not only bolsters the other but is also enhanced in return, creating a dynamic feedback loop that propels the adoption and optimization of BIM in green building initiatives.

5. Discussion

In exploring the integration of BIM into green building practices within China’s construction industry, our study has underlined the transformative potential of BIM technologies. What sets this research apart is its comprehensive examination of the interplay between technological advancement, policy development, cultural shifts, educational reform, and economic incentives within a rapidly developing economy. This multidimensional approach provides a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities that are often overlooked in more narrowly focused studies.

5.1. Further Discussion of Results

Our study developed a comprehensive conceptual framework that integrates BIM with green building practices, addressing the complex interplay of technological, policy, cultural, educational, and economic elements. Such frameworks are essential as they provide structured approaches to effectively implement sustainability principles across the life cycle of construction projects. The necessity of conceptual frameworks in driving sustainable construction practices is well documented. Sev (2009) underscores that, without a robust framework, the construction industry struggles to systematically apply sustainability principles throughout project life cycles, which is essential for achieving sustainable development goals [53]. Furthermore, Akadiri et al. (2012) propose a conceptual framework emphasizing resource conservation and cost efficiency, which aligns with our approach in considering economic and environmental sustainability in construction [54].
This framework is structured around five main elements: technological integration, policy and regulatory support, cultural and educational shifts, economic incentives, and collaborative dynamics. Each of these elements is designed to catalyze the enhancement of BIM within China’s green building sector. Technological integration focuses on the adoption of standardized BIM protocols and advanced data management. Similar to previous studies, which noted the benefits of BIM in sustainability [55], our framework highlighted the importance of advanced sustainability analysis tools directly within BIM software to promote the workflow—a gap highlighted by Carvalho et al. (2021) [56]. Moreover, policy and regulatory support aims to operationalize these technological advances through clear guidelines and supportive legislation. While existing studies have discussed the gradual implementation of BIM policies in South Korea [57], our framework advocates for immediate, robust policy measures tailored to China’s readiness for such changes, thus providing a proactive approach to policy integration. This proactive policy advocacy marks a significant advancement from the gradual, often reactive approaches seen in the existing literature, proposing a more aggressive strategy to expedite the adoption of BIM in China’s green building sector. Also, cultural and educational shifts aim to transform industry mindsets and prepare the workforce through targeted training, ensuring that technological advances are effectively utilized. These align with the challenges outlined by [58] regarding cultural resistance in Brazil. We extend this by suggesting comprehensive educational reforms that more closely integrate BIM with green building standards, which fills the educational gaps they identified. Economic incentives align financial viability with sustainable practices, encouraging investment in BIM-centric developments. Our framework emphasizes structured incentives like tax rebates, echoing the successful impact seen in a study by [59] but adapted for the Chinese economic context, offering innovative and context-specific economic strategies and expanding beyond the generic suggestions often found in the literature. Collaborative dynamics enhance a cooperative environment across all stakeholders, enhancing communication and project management. This relationship between the framework’s elements ensures that each enhances and bolsters the others, creating a dynamic feedback loop that drives the successful implementation of BIM in green building initiatives. These resonate with an existing study that emphasized stakeholder collaboration in European BIM projects [60] and ensure that all stakeholders are engaged from the outset, enhancing a culture of cooperation, essential for the successful integration of BIM in green building projects. Our emphasis on the ongoing, real-time collaboration throughout the project life cycle introduces a dynamic element to stakeholder interaction, which is often overlooked in more traditional approaches, where collaboration is limited to the initial stages.
Through this comparative analysis, our research not only reaffirms the relevance of the proposed framework within the established body of knowledge but also underscores its innovative approach to bridging the identified gaps in technology, policy, education, economy, and collaboration. This comprehensive perspective illustrates our framework’s potential to advance sustainable construction practices.

5.2. Global Implications of Proposed Framework

China’s role as a major player in the global construction market is strategic, not only due to its massive scale but also because of its significant carbon emissions from the sector. Studying green building practices in China is not merely a local concern but a critical element in reducing global environmental impacts. As China aggressively promotes BIM and green building technologies to meet its sustainability goals, the challenges and solutions emerging from this push are paralleled in many countries facing similar transitions. This positions China’s experience as a valuable case study for other nations. Wang (2014) highlights how China’s construction practices are crucial to global sustainability efforts [61]. Additionally, Wu et al. (2019) discuss how China’s innovative construction approaches could serve as models for reducing global carbon emissions [62], underscoring the potential of Chinese strategies to inform global practices.
The international relevance of our study is underscored by the framework’s adaptability beyond the Chinese context. While the framework is developed within and for the Chinese market, its underlying principles are designed to be applicable globally. This adaptability makes it a valuable model for other countries seeking to integrate BIM with green building practices to enhance sustainability in the construction sector. Gagnon et al. (2009) discuss the broader implications of sustainable engineering practices [63], and Cruz et al. (2019) advocate for a ‘sustainable sustainability’ approach in the construction sector [64], both of which resonate with the findings of our study. By marrying BIM with green building practices, this research not only advances the discourse within China but also serves as a blueprint for international adaptation, promoting a sustainable future for the global construction industry. The framework offers a structured approach that could help other nations with similar challenges to streamline their construction practices and enhance sustainability, making it a significant contribution to the global field.

5.3. Limitations and Future Research

While this study offers a detailed exploration of BIM’s integration into green building, it is important to recognize its limitations. The reliance on semi-structured interviews with a selected group of professionals primarily from China, while yielding in-depth insights, may also introduce subjectivity and limit the generalizability of the findings to other global contexts. The perspectives gathered, though rich and informative interviews, represent a specific subset of experiences within the Chinese construction industry and may not fully encapsulate the diversity of challenges and strategies that might be present in different cultural or regulatory environments. Moreover, qualitative research often involves smaller sample sizes, which provides a detailed view but may not capture the full spectrum of industry-wide practices. Furthermore, given the rapidly evolving nature of technology and policy in this field, the findings, while current and relevant, represent a snapshot in time and should be re-evaluated as conditions change.
Future research in this area could benefit from diversifying research methodologies. Adopting quantitative research methods, for example, could provide a broader statistical understanding of the prevalence and impact of BIM in green building practices. Surveys or large-scale data analysis could offer insights into trends, patterns, and correlations that the current qualitative approach may not capture. Additionally, incorporating technical research, such as studies on the specific technological capabilities and limitations of BIM tools in green building, would deepen our understanding of the practical and operational aspects. Investigating these areas could provide a more balanced and comprehensive view of BIM’s role in sustainable construction. Exploring these dimensions in a broader geographic context and through longitudinal studies would also contribute to a richer, more nuanced understanding of how BIM integration in green building evolves and performs over time and across different regions. This multifaceted approach, combining quantitative and technical research, would address some of the current study’s limitations and open up new avenues for understanding the economic, technical, and practical implications of BIM in the ever-evolving landscape of green building.

6. Conclusions

This study utilized qualitative interviews to develop a novel conceptual framework integrating BIM with green building practices in China, revealing challenges and opportunities. These insights underscore the vital aspects necessary for the integration and advancement of BIM in sustainable building practices. The key findings and outputs of this research include the following:
The need for enhanced interoperability, standardized practices, and stronger policy support to promote BIM usage effectively.
Educational reforms and economic incentives emerged as crucial in encouraging the adoption of BIM, highlighting the importance of training and financial support for fostering sustainable construction practices. Additionally, collaborative dynamics across various stakeholders were identified as essential for maximizing the potential of BIM in green building.
A conceptual framework was proposed through this research, which provides a structured approach to navigating the complexities of sustainable construction, emphasizing the interconnectedness of technology, policy, culture, education, and economics. It offers a comprehensive framework for advancing BIM in green building practices, with potential applicability both within China and globally.
As China’s construction industry continues to evolve, the insights from this study suggest actionable strategies that could be adapted for enhancing sustainable construction practices worldwide. In summary, the successful integration of BIM in green building requires a coordinated approach that addresses technological, policy, and cultural changes. This study contributes to the field’s dialogue and provides a basis for future research and practical application, aiming to advance sustainable construction practices globally.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.X. and Q.L.; methodology, H.X., G.C., X.L., G.Z., J.Z. and Q.L.; data curation, X.L., G.Z. and J.Z.; formal analysis, G.C., X.L. and Q.L.; investigation, G.C., X.L., G.Z. and J.Z.; resources, H.X. and Q.L; writing—original draft preparation, H.X., G.C., X.L., G.Z., J.Z. and Q.L.; writing—review and editing, G.C., G.Z., Q.L.; supervision, Q.L.; project administration, H.X.; funding acquisition, H.X. and Q.L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (KYCX22_0218).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are available within the article.


We sincerely appreciate all the experts who participated in this research interview.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Workflow of the qualitative research method.
Figure 1. Workflow of the qualitative research method.
Buildings 14 01509 g001
Figure 2. Conceptual framework to enhance BIM in China’s green building sector.
Figure 2. Conceptual framework to enhance BIM in China’s green building sector.
Buildings 14 01509 g002
Table 1. Profiles of selected interviewees.
Table 1. Profiles of selected interviewees.
No.ProfessionYears of Experience
3Civil Engineer8
4Project Manager12
7Civil Engineer14
11Civil Engineer5
12Project Manager13
13BIM Coordinator12
14Project Manager14
15BIM Coordinator16
16Civil Engineer18
Table 2. Research questions for interviews.
Table 2. Research questions for interviews.
No.Research Questions
1What technological challenges have you encountered when integrating BIM into green building practices?
2Can you identify any regulatory barriers that have impacted the adoption of BIM in green construction?
3How has the culture within the construction industry influenced the acceptance and use of BIM for green building projects?
4What educational gaps exist that affect professionals’ ability to implement BIM in green building?
5Based on your experience, what strategies or policies could support better integration of BIM and green building in the future?
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MDPI and ACS Style

Xie, H.; Chen, G.; Li, X.; Zhang, G.; Zhang, J.; Li, Q. Enhancing Building Information Modeling on Green Building Practices in China: A Conceptual Framework. Buildings 2024, 14, 1509.

AMA Style

Xie H, Chen G, Li X, Zhang G, Zhang J, Li Q. Enhancing Building Information Modeling on Green Building Practices in China: A Conceptual Framework. Buildings. 2024; 14(6):1509.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Xie, Hong, Guangchong Chen, Xuewei Li, Guodong Zhang, Jiashu Zhang, and Qiming Li. 2024. "Enhancing Building Information Modeling on Green Building Practices in China: A Conceptual Framework" Buildings 14, no. 6: 1509.

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