Unconstrained Bilingual Scene Text Reading Using Octave as a Feature Extractor
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
- Following [22], we prepare large syntactically generated bilingual (English and Amharic) scene text datasets. Additionally, we collect real datasets that have different shapes and written using the two scripts.
- Our proposed model extracts feature by factorizing based on their frequencies (low and high), which helps to reduce both storage and computation costs. This also helps each layer gain a larger receptive field to capture more contextual information.
- The proposed system can detect and read texts from an image that has arbitrary shapes, containing oriented, horizontal, and curved text.
- The performance of the time-restricted attention encoder-decoder module is examined to predict words based on the extracted and segmented features.
- Using the prepared dataset and well-known datasets, we perform several experiments and our model shows promising results.
2. Related Work
2.1. Scene Text Detection
2.2. Scene Text Recognition
2.3. Scene Text Spotting
3. Methodology
3.1. Overall View of the Architecture
3.2. Feature Extraction Layer
3.3. Text Region Detection Layer
3.4. Segmentation and Recognition Layer
4. Ethiopic Script and Dataset Collection
4.1. Ethiopic Script
4.2. Dataset Collection
4.2.1. Synthetic Scene Text Dataset
4.2.2. Real Scene Text Dataset
5. Experiments and Discussions
5.1. Implementation Details
5.2. Experiment Results
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Method | Model | Detection | Recognition | Year |
Liao et al. [11] | TextBoxes | SSD-based framework | CRNN | 2017 |
Bŭsta et al. [19] | Deep TextSpotter | Yolo v2 | CTC | 2017 |
Liu et al. [34] | FOTS | EAST with RoI Rotate | CTC | 2018 |
Liao et al. [8] | TextBoxes++ | SSD-based framework | CRNN | 2018 |
Liao et al. [9] | Mask TextSpotter | Mask R-CNN | Character segmentation + Spatial attention module | 2019 |
Dataset | Language | Total Images | Training | Testing | Type | |
Ours | Real | Bilingual | 1200 | 600 | 600 | Irregular |
Synthetic | Bilingual | 500,000 | 500,000 | - | Regular | |
ICDAR2013 [44] | English | 462 | 229 | 233 | Regular | |
ICDAR2015 [40] | English | 1500 | 1000 | 500 | Regular | |
Synthetic [22] | English | 600,000 | - | - | Regular | |
Total-Text [45] | English | 1555 | 1255 | 300 | Irregular |
Method | ICDAR2013 | ICDAR2015 | Total-Text |
TextProposals+DicNet * [47] | 68.54% | 47.18% | - |
DeepTextSpotter * [19] | 77.0% | 47.0% | - |
FOTS * [34] | 84.77% | 65.33% | - |
TextBoxes * [8] | 84.65% | 51.9% | - |
E2E-MLT ** [48] | - | 71.4% | - |
Mask Text Spotter ** [9] | 86.5% | 62.4% | 65.3% |
Ours | 86.8% | 62.15% | 67.6% |
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Tadesse, D.A.; Liu, C.-M.; Ta, V.-D. Unconstrained Bilingual Scene Text Reading Using Octave as a Feature Extractor. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 4474. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10134474
Tadesse DA, Liu C-M, Ta V-D. Unconstrained Bilingual Scene Text Reading Using Octave as a Feature Extractor. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(13):4474. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10134474
Chicago/Turabian StyleTadesse, Direselign Addis, Chuan-Ming Liu, and Van-Dai Ta. 2020. "Unconstrained Bilingual Scene Text Reading Using Octave as a Feature Extractor" Applied Sciences 10, no. 13: 4474. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10134474
APA StyleTadesse, D. A., Liu, C.-M., & Ta, V.-D. (2020). Unconstrained Bilingual Scene Text Reading Using Octave as a Feature Extractor. Applied Sciences, 10(13), 4474. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10134474