A Model to Simulate Gas Dissolution into/through Metals and Its Application to Deuterium in a 316L Steel Chamber with Pb-Li in a Quasi-2D Geometry †
:1. Introduction
2. Background for Modelling Gas Dissolution into and through Metals
- the gas can be always considered in equilibrium for the purpose of evaluating thermodynamic properties (pressure, density, …) that affect the gas-metal interaction; and
- the diffusion is mainly determined by surface dynamics, and not gas availability outside of the metal.
- diffusivity, by verifying time-related properties of a pressure curve characterization;
- Sieverts’ constant, by comparing initial and final states of a pressure curve characterization;
3. A Methodology to Differentiate Dissolution from Gas Losses in Gas-Metal Systems
3.1. Modelling Approach and General Assumptions
- Low pressure regimes imply that Sieverts’ Law may be applied. Subsequently, in these conditions the gas concentration in a metal is low enough to allow one to approximate chemical-activity to concentration, with the purpose of computing the diffusion process in a single medium [7].
- Concentration gradients only exist in the direction of the diffusion channels, and temperature gradients along them are negligible. This way the diffusivity and Sieverts’ constant do not vary along the diffusion channel. This can be assumed if the width of the metal barriers, along the dimension of the diffusion process, is considerably smaller than its other dimensions [14].
3.2. Boundary Conditions (BC) on a Double Metallic Barrier for the Dissolution of a Diatomic Gas
- Coupled BC: gas-metal interfaces exposed to a finite amount of gas experience a BC that changes in time, since the flow of particles through the metal surface alters the gas density outside the metal. If more than one diffusion channel is simulated, all BCs must be altered in unison, taking into account the amount of gas flowing through the boundary node of each channel. For this reason, these BCs are effectively coupled.
- Co-Dependent BC: metal-metal interfaces only present a change in medium properties and no other process is assumed (e.g., recombination/dissociation); that is, fluxes are not determined by surface-controlled aspects.
- Fixed BC: gas-metal interfaces exposed to a gas reservoir of infinite supply experience a BC constant in time. In the particular case that the BC is equal to zero (as shown in the example in Figure 3), the model represents a surface that acts as a perfect sink (i.e., that metallic surface is constantly and efficiently ventilated).
3.3. Measurement of Diffusivity and Sieverts’ Constant from Experimental Gas Pressure Evolution
4. Methodology Validation by Comparing Simulations and Experiments of a Deuterium-Steel System (without Pb-Li)
4.1. Simulating a Deuterium Pressure Decrease Curve in the VST Upper Chamber
4.2. Experiments with the VST Upper Chamber
4.3. Applying Curve-Match to Obtain Dissolution Coefficients for the VST’s 316L Steel
- the first one shows a faster pressure decrease and lasts for only a fraction of the total experiment time (roughly: 15 h for the experiment at 100 °C, and less than 1 h for the others);
- the second one shows an apparent linear (and slower) pressure decrease (after the first phase ends).
- a larger volume decreases the pressure calculated at each time step, which reduces the Coupled BCs experienced by the inner surfaces, thus reducing the surface density of escaping molecular flows; but,
- larger inner surfaces increase the total escaping molecular flows.
5. Simulation of Future VST Experiments with Pb-Li Using Literature-Averaged Dissolution Parameters
5.1. Simulating the VST Upper Chamber + Pb-Li System with Literature-Averaged Dissolution Parameters for Pb-Li
- the calculated curve for the diffusivity of deuterium in Pb-Li is roughly three orders of magnitude higher than in steel;
- the calculated curve for the Sieverts’ constant of deuterium in steel is roughly one order of magnitude higher than in Pb-Li.
5.2. Sensitivity Analysis with Diffusivities and Sieverts’ Constants for Pb-Li Taken from Literature
- the time required by the system to reach dissolution equilibrium; and
- the minimum amount of gas to be absorbed by the liquid metal.
- time-related properties do not depend exclusively on the diffusivities; and,
- the relative difference between initial and final pressures does not depend exclusively on the Sieverts’ constants.
6. Summary and Outlook
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Abbreviations & Notation
EU-DEMO | European Demonstration Power Plant |
FPP | Fusion Power Plant |
BB | Breeding Blanket |
NMM | Neutron Multiplier Material |
Pb-Li | Liquid Lead-Lithium in eutectic proportions |
R&D | Research & Development |
WCLL | Water-Cooled Liquid-Lithium |
VST | Vacuum Sieve Tray (facility) |
TLK | Tritium Laboratory Karlsruhe |
Diffusivity of atom X in metal M | |
Sieverts’ constant of gas X2 in metal M | |
M | Metal |
X2 | Diatomic gas |
Concentration of atom X in a medium | |
Sieverts’ concentration (vide Figure 4) | |
Q2 | Isotopologue of hydrogen molecule |
D2 | Deuterium molecule |
BC | Boundary Condition |
UC | Upper Chamber (of the VST setup) |
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316L | ||||
() | () | () | () | () |
max | [44] | [45] | [12] | [12] |
avg | (all) | (all) | (all) | (all) |
min | [45] | [12] | [14] | [45] |
316L | ||||
() | () | () | () | () |
100 °C | ||||
350 °C | ||||
400 °C |
Pb-Li | ||||
() | () | () | () | () |
max | [18] | [19] | [23] | [23] |
avg | (all) | (all) | (all) | (all) |
min | [10] | [10] | [22] | [30] |
Simulation | Simulation | (%) | (mol) | ||||
avg | Aiello [29] | 63.96 | 90.00 | 96.74 | 98.94 | 99.79 | |
Edao [20] | avg | 73.19 | 87.78 | 93.43 | 96.80 | 99.10 | |
avg | avg | 71.26 | 86.88 | 92.77 | 96.40 | 98.97 | |
Shibuya [10] | avg | 55.54 | 83.50 | 92.35 | 96.45 | 99.00 | |
avg | Feuerstein [35] | 95.71 | 99.64 | 99.82 | 99.92 | 99.98 | |
(%) | 10 | 30 | 50 | 17 | 90 | 100 | |
Time t (h) | 7.2 | 21.6 | 36 | 50.4 | 64.8 | = 72 |
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Share and Cite
Pomella Lobo, T.; Diaz-Alvarez, E.; Frances, L. A Model to Simulate Gas Dissolution into/through Metals and Its Application to Deuterium in a 316L Steel Chamber with Pb-Li in a Quasi-2D Geometry. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 2523. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12052523
Pomella Lobo T, Diaz-Alvarez E, Frances L. A Model to Simulate Gas Dissolution into/through Metals and Its Application to Deuterium in a 316L Steel Chamber with Pb-Li in a Quasi-2D Geometry. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(5):2523. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12052523
Chicago/Turabian StylePomella Lobo, Tiago, Ester Diaz-Alvarez, and Laëtitia Frances. 2022. "A Model to Simulate Gas Dissolution into/through Metals and Its Application to Deuterium in a 316L Steel Chamber with Pb-Li in a Quasi-2D Geometry" Applied Sciences 12, no. 5: 2523. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12052523
APA StylePomella Lobo, T., Diaz-Alvarez, E., & Frances, L. (2022). A Model to Simulate Gas Dissolution into/through Metals and Its Application to Deuterium in a 316L Steel Chamber with Pb-Li in a Quasi-2D Geometry. Applied Sciences, 12(5), 2523. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12052523