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Injury Prevention for B-Boys and B-Girls in Breaking via Time-Motion Analysis

Alberto Pérez-Portela
Adrián Paramés-González
Iván Prieto-Lage
Juan Carlos Argibay-González
Xoana Reguera-López-de-la-Osa
2,* and
Alfonso Gutiérrez-Santiago
Observational Research Group, Faculty of Education and Sport, Universidade de Vigo, 36005 Pontevedra, Spain
Education, Physical Activity and Health Research Group (Gies10-DE3), Galicia Sur Health Research, Institute (IIS Galicia Sur), SERGAS-UVIGO, 36208 Vigo, Spain
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13(16), 9350;
Submission received: 28 May 2023 / Revised: 7 July 2023 / Accepted: 16 August 2023 / Published: 17 August 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sports Medicine and Injury Prevention)


Time-motion analysis has been used to quantify the external load of competition and as a strategy to prevent injuries. The objectives of this study were to determine the external load of competition in breaking, using time-motion analysis, and to establish a battle model to help determine training load and prevent injuries. Using observational methodology, we analysed all the battles of 56 b-boys and 56 b-girls who participated in the Red Bull BC One from 2018 to 2021 (n = 112). To obtain the results we used different analysis techniques. The significance level established was ρ ≤ 0.05. The results show that the time and sequence values have increased in recent years. The total battle time reaches 195 s for bboys and 170 s for bgirls. Men show greater strength and explosiveness, with higher values in total time and sequentiality, using more powermove. Women have higher split time values, showing greater endurance in the movements and using more footwork. The first two rounds have the longest duration for both sexes and the most used categories are also the most injurious in this discipline. Women use less powermove than men and have a lower injury rate. With these results, breaking professionals will be able to elaborate adequate training for their athletes. We conclude that there are significant differences between sexes when it comes to dancing, diminishing as the tournament progresses. We propose a model of temporal and sequential structure individualised by sex. The most damaging elements of breaking (powermove and footwork) should be taken into account when analysing the results and preparing the athletes.

1. Introduction

In breaking, the effort of the athletes and their rest are of indeterminate duration. While one artist intervenes (makes the effort), the other rests (pauses), and then the roles are exchanged. The effort time of the dancer implies the pause time of the opponent [1]. The pauses and actions performed by the athlete condition the effort and determine the movements to be performed by the opponent so fatigue depends on the number of rounds and the opponent’s strategy. Knowing all these attributes of the dancers implies a knowledge of the load of the competition, which in turn will help to determine the most appropriate training structure and load for the athlete. For this reason, numerous authors [2] have attempted to quantify these demands by determining a temporal structure, which defines the distribution of effort and recovery times. This knowledge makes it possible to create training sessions that simulate the demands athletes are subjected to during competition, minimizing the risk of injury afterwards [3].
It is not surprising that time-motion analysis has been successfully carried out in numerous disciplines: racket sports [4], combat sports [5], team sports [6], individual sports [7], etc. This type of study would allow us to know the movements and efforts made by the athletes, i.e., the competition load.
Therefore, we consider it a priority to know the competitive load of breaking, as it will allow us to conveniently adjust the workload while training. And it is even more crucial if we consider that an inadequate training load can cause a high incidence of injuries [8]. For this reason, proper control of training loads can help to minimize risks. Thus, research has studied time-motion analysis as a tool to quantify external competition load [9]. Furthermore, time-motion analysis has determined the risk of injury in sports [10] and has been presented as a strategy to prevent injuries [11].
Physical activity is very beneficial for health, but, if not performed properly, it can lead to injuries [12]. Studies on the epidemiology of injuries in breaking [13,14,15,16] show that in this discipline, athletes push their bodies to the limit, performing ballistic and potentially injurious movements [17,18]. These injuries can be caused, among many other factors, by excessive physical load [19] or poor-quality movement patterns [20]. Thus, the quality of the movement patterns is an accurate predictor of injury risk [21]. Furthermore, quantifying the load of competition is essential to developing appropriate training programmes and reducing the risk of injury [22]. Also, there are differences between the sexes when it comes to training. Men have a better response to strength and hypertrophy training while women benefit especially from aerobic training. It should be noted that the greatest differences between sexes are found in those sports disciplines that require peaks of maximal strength, explosive strength, or a combination of maximal aerobic and glycolytic-anaerobic capacity. Breaking meets all these factors [16]. Biologically, there are also differences in motor skills and abilities between sexes [23]. Knowing this, the planning and load in the training of bboys and bgirls should be individualised both by sex and by the specific skills and qualities of each performer. In terms of injuries, both men and women will benefit equally from physical preparation and strength training, improving their capabilities and reducing the risk of injury [16,17]. However, it is true that women seem to have a faster recovery capacity than men and less chance of injuring themselves when it comes to breaking [17,23]. This may have to do with one of our hypotheses about using powermoves.
Our first hypothesis is that there are significant differences between men and women when dancing. The second hypothesis of the research is that women have a lower injury rate because they use less powermove than men, which is the most damaging element of breaking [17]. Our last hypothesis is that the timing and sequences of breaking have evolved towards higher energy demands.
For all these reasons, the objectives of the present research are to specify the external load of competition in breaking using time-motion analysis, express the movements performed by these athletes and their duration, as well as to discuss their evolution in recent years.
We also want to establish a battle model for both sexes to help determine the most appropriate training load for these “sport artists” to prevent injuries in this new sport.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Design

We conducted an observational study to determine the temporal and sequential structure of b-boys and b-girls during breaking. To do so, we used observational methodology [24]. The observational design [25] employed was nomothetic (all battles/outs), follow-up (analysing behaviours in the battles throughout the championship), and unidimensional (analysing a single level of response). Several decisions about the participants, the observation and recording instruments, and the analysis procedure are derived from this observational design style.

2.2. Participants

The sample consisted of all b-boys and b-girls who had participated in four Red Bull BC One tournaments from 2018 to 2021. The year 2018 was the first year where the female modality competed separately from the male modality, a structure maintained until today. In total 112 subjects participated (n = 56 male dancers, n = 56 female dancers). In all tournaments, 16 male and 16 female dancers competed, except in 2020 where, due to COVID-19, 8 b-boys and 8 b-girls took part. A total of 104 battles were analysed (52 male and 52 female). Informed consent of the participants was not required [26] because the data were not generated by experimentation and the video material was obtained secondarily (from the official Red Bull BC One Youtube channel). The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Education and Sport Science (University of Vigo, Application 02/0320).

2.3. Instruments

To carry out this study, we developed an ad hoc observational instrument (see Table 1) that allowed us to efficiently analyse the movements of men and women in all the tournaments. This instrument consists of a comprehensive and mutually exclusive category system [24] called Observed Temporal System for Breaking v2—OTSB v2, and it is a revision of another instrument used in a pilot study [1]. The categories of the instrument were reassigned by considering Trivium, the assessment system selected for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games [27]. The construct validity of the instrument was assessed through its consistency with the theoretical framework [28] and through consultation with three experts in breaking who had to show their degree of agreement with the instrument, reaching a satisfaction rate of 95%. The data were recorded using LINCE PLUS v2.0 software [29].

2.4. Procedure

After training with the instruments described above and following the methodological recommendations of other authors [24], two expert observers performed pre-registration reliability tests with the LINCE PLUS software. To perform a rigorous recording [30] we controlled the quality of the recorded data by calculating the intra- and inter-observer agreement using Cohen’s kappa coefficient [31] calculated with the LINCE PLUS software. The calculation of the kappa coefficient was applied in concordance to all the categorical variables of the observation instrument, obtaining the mean value of all of them. This calculation was carried out with subjects who did not belong to the study sample in a number equivalent to one-third of the final sample (n = 35). First, we calculated intra-observer agreement, achieving kappa values of 0.92 and 0.94 for observers 1 and 2, respectively. Secondly, we calculated inter-observer agreement, achieving a kappa value of 0.89. After passing the reliability tests, data recording was performed by observer 2.
We looked at all the battles. The b-boys’ battles have 6 (3 per dancer) and the b-girls’ battles have 4 rounds (2 per dancer, except for the final, which has 3 rounds, and the 2020 tournament, which had 3 rounds due to fewer participants). We recorded the duration and the movements performed individually by each athlete. After analysing all the battles, we created an Excel file with the sequencing and timing of all the movements studied. The versatility of this file allowed us to carry out successive transformations for the different analyses.
Finally, knowing the study results, we elaborated a “type” model of the temporal structure of the battle in men and women. These models were built by the consensus of a breaking expert and a time-motion expert with ample experience in constructing other temporal structure models [1].

2.5. Data Analysis

For all statistical analyses, we used IBM- Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 25.0 (IBM-SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). We performed a general descriptive analysis and other stratified analyses by sex, by phase of the competition (top 16, top 8, semifinals, and finals), by rounds of the battle (rounds 1 to 6), and by competitive periods (2018–2019 and 2020–2021) for each of the variables under study, using measures of central tendency (mean and standard deviation). The normality of the sample was tested using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (with the Lilliefors correction) for variables with more than 50 cases and with Shapiro–Wilk for variables with 50 or fewer cases. To determine the existence of differences between men and women, and between both competitive periods, a t-test for independent samples (when the sample was normal) or a Mann–Whitney U-test (when the sample was non-normal) was performed. To detect differences between the different rounds (rounds 1 to 6), the Kruskall–Wallis test was used, confirming that, in this case, the sample was non-normal. The significance level was set at p ≤ 0.05. In addition, we calculated the effect size by Cohen’s d when the sample was normal and by Hedges’ g when the sample was non-normal, considering the following values: d or g < 0.2 (null), d or g = 0.2–0.49 (small), d or g = 0.5–0.80 (moderate) and d or g > 0.8 (large).

3. Results

3.1. Analysis of the Temporal and Sequential Parameters of the Breaking Battles: General Description by Sex, and Comparison between Sexes

In Table 2, we introduce a description of the temporal and sequential parameters of the breaking battles. The data are presented generically and stratified by sex, as well as with a comparison between b-boys and b-girls. When we compare both sexes (effect size in brackets), the results reveal that the overall temporal parameters show significant differences in seven variables (with higher values for men): total battle time (moderate), drop (small), spin (large), powermove (large), blowup (moderate), transition (moderate), and freeze (moderate). In the overall sequential parameters, significant differences were found in nine variables (with higher values in men): total number of elements (large), toprock (large), drop (moderate), footwork (large), spin (large), powermove (large), blowup (large), transition (moderate), and freeze (large). In the partial temporal parameters, we found significant differences in six variables (with higher values in women): single-element time (large), toprock (large), footwork (large), powermove (large), blowup (moderate), and freeze (small).

3.2. Descriptive and Comparative Analysis by Gender of the Temporal and Sequential Parameters in Breaking Battles as a Function of the Phase of the Competition

In Table 3, we introduce a description of the temporal and sequential parameters of the breaking battles as a function of gender and phase of the competition, as well as a comparison between the two sexes. When comparing both sexes in the top 16, the values are higher for men in total battle time, drop, spin, powermove, blowup, transition, and freeze, and also in all sequential parameters except acrobatics; and they are higher for women in single-element time, toprock, footwork, and powermove. In the top 8, the values are higher for men in the total time of spin, powermove, and transition, and in the total number of elements, spin, powermove, transition, and freeze; they are higher for women in single-element time, footwork, and powermove. In the semi-finals, the values are higher for men in the total time of drop and powermove, as well as in the number of elements of drop, footwork, powermove, and blowup, and higher for women in single-element time, footwork, and freeze. In the final, the values are higher for men in the total number of elements and freeze, and higher for women in single-element time and footwork.

3.3. Analysis of Temporal and Sequential Parameters in the Rounds: Description by Rounds, Comparison between Rounds, and Comparison between Sexes in Different Rounds

In Table 4, we describe the temporal and sequential parameters in the six rounds of the men’s breaking battles, as well as a comparison between rounds. When comparing the rounds, we found significant differences in total round time, toprock, and powermove. The first two rounds have the longest duration, with an average of more than 34 s. Round 4 has the lowest average of the six rounds. The toprock peaked at round 1 and 5, with an average of around 11 s. For powermove, the first two rounds are the most notable, with an average of about 5 s. There are also significant differences in the number of elements, drops, and powermoves. The highest number of elements is found in rounds 1 and 2, with an average of 15 elements. The drop elements stand out in rounds 1 and 2, with almost two elements on average. The powermove stands out in the first two rounds, with almost four elements. Finally, there are significant differences in the time of a spin, standing out in rounds 4 and 6, with 1.86 and 2.08 s on average, respectively.
In Table 5, we describe the temporal and sequential parameters in the six rounds of the women’s breaking battles, as well as a comparison between rounds. When comparing the rounds, we only found differences in two categories: in the total start time, with a higher average in the first two rounds, around 40 s; and in the number of elements, with a peak in the first two rounds reaching to about 12 elements and dropping, noticeably, to 7 elements in the sixth round, with the last dancer.
In Table 6, we show a comparison between men and women in the temporal and sequential parameters in the different rounds. There are differences between men and women in the total round time and toprock time in rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4, with higher values for women. The total footwork time shows differences in rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, with higher values for women. The total blowup time shows differences in round 3 (with higher values for women). The total transition time shows differences in round 1, with higher values for men. There are differences in the number of elements in rounds 1, 2, 3, and 6; in the number of drops in round 6; in the number of powermoves in rounds 1, 2, and 3; in the number of blowups in round 1; in the number of transitions in round 1; and the number of freezes in round 2, with higher values for men. Finally, there are differences in the time of an element in all rounds, in the time of a toprock in rounds 1, 2, 3, and 6; in the time of a drop in round 5; in the time of the footwork in all the rounds; in the time of a powermove in rounds 1, 2, 3 and 6; and in the time of a blowup in round 3 with the values being higher in women.

3.4. Comparison of Temporal and Sequential Parameters in Both Sexes between Two Competitive Periods (2018–2019 vs. 2020–2021): A Global Study of the Battle and Different Rounds

In Supplementary Material Table S1–S7, we find a comparison of two competitive periods (2018–2019 vs. 2020–2021), both in men and women, for the battle overall (Table S1) and by rounds (Tables S2–S7).
In Supplementary Material Table S1, when comparing both competitive periods (effect size in brackets), men increased, in the second period, the total transition time (large) and freeze (small), and the total number of elements (moderate) and transition (large). In the second period, women decreased in the total spin time (small) and increased the transition time (large) and the total number of transitions (large), the time of a toprock (moderate), and a transition (large).
In Supplementary Material Table S2 (round 1), we found that men, in the second competitive period, increased the total freeze time (moderate) the total number of transitions and freeze (moderate), and reduced the average time of footwork (moderate). In the second period, women reduced the total round time (moderate), footwork (large), and spin (large), but increased the total time of transition (large), and the time of a drop (large).
In Supplementary Material Table S3 (round 2), we observed that, in the second competitive period, men increased the total round time and transition (large), the total number of transitions (moderate), and the time of a toprock (moderate), but reduced the time of an acrobatic (large). Women, in the second competitive period, increased the total transition time (large) and reduced the total number of toprock and drop (moderate).
In Supplementary Material Table S4 (round 3), we found that men, in the second competitive period, increased the total transition time (moderate), the total number of elements (moderate) and transition (large), and reduced the single-element time (moderate). Women, in the second competitive period, reduced the total footwork time (large) and increased the transition time (large), reduced the total number of footwork (moderate) and increased the acrobatic (moderate), and increased the time of a transition (moderate).
In Supplementary Material Table S5 (round 4), we observe that in men there are no differences between the two competitive periods. The women, in the second competitive period, increased the total transition time (moderate), and reduced the freeze time (moderate), and increased the total number of powermoves (moderate), and the time of a drop (moderate).
In Supplementary Material Table S6 (round 5) we observed that men, in the second competitive period, decreased the total footwork time (small) and increased the transition time (moderate) and freeze time (large), decreased the total amount of footwork (moderate), and increased the number of transitions and freeze (moderate). Women reduced the total footwork time (large) in the second period.
In Supplementary Material Table S7 (round 6), we observed that men, in the second competitive period, increased the total round time (moderate) and the total number of elements (moderate), and reduced the time of a powermove (moderate). Women showed no significant differences between the two competitive periods.

4. Discussion

4.1. Discussion of the Results

Time-motion analysis has allowed us to find significant differences between men and women when dancing (which confirms our first hypothesis) and to define the temporal and sequential structure of a breaking battle in both sexes, while specifying the evolution undergone in recent years. This will allow coaches and athletes to determine the appropriate training load to prevent injuries.
Regarding the overall battle data, b-boys have three rounds and b-girls have two, so it is not surprising that the values of most of the study variables are higher in men. The average duration of an engagement is about 194 s for b-boys and 170 s for b-girls, with about 78 elements per battle versus 50, respectively. However, the fact that powermove is more pronounced in men could be related to a better response to explosiveness and dynamic strength, especially in the upper body [1]. The powermove has the highest injury rate [17]. Low levels of strength and explosiveness are associated with higher injury rates, so athletes must condition their bodies through strength training [16] and proper preparation [13].
The collective imagination associates acrobatics with breaking [32], which is why we are surprised by the low relevance of the acrobatic category in both sexes. Women perform movements with a cardiovascular component for longer periods, such as footwork and toprock; probably because they have a greater capacity to sustain effort for a prolonged period of time [1]. Therefore, b-girls perform more elements that do not depend so much on explosive strength (powermove), making it easier for them to control fatigue, and decreasing the risk of injury [17].
The differences between the sexes diminish as the tournament progresses until they almost disappear in the final. The men’s top 16 concentrates on increased use of blowup, powermove, and spin. The freeze is usually used as a pause at the end of each powermove, blowup, or spin combo [1]. Transition and drop values remain high, aiming for precise execution [33]. From the top 16 to the final, b-girls take advantage of their endurance to introduce footwork as a structural pillar and common denominator [18]. This behaviour is at the heart of breaking [1] and cannot be underestimated, as it has the second highest injury rate [17], due to constant and rapid postural changes, extreme degrees of joint mobility [34], and many squatting, bending and twisting knee actions, which can induce serious injuries [16]. Phase by phase, both sexes are subjected to a progressively overwhelming workload.
B-boys show a longer total duration in the first two rounds, a small valley in the second two rounds, and a slight rebound in the last two rounds, not exceeding the 30 s threshold. This oscillation shows a strong onset and closure [1]. The toprock peaked at rounds 1 and 5, having been used strategically to manage fatigue [1]. In powermove, we found more peaks of maximal strength. Taking into account its frequency in men and that it is the most injurious type of movement [17], care must be taken in situations of greater physical and mental fatigue (the last rounds and last phases of the competition), as we would have the perfect cocktail for injury. In the first two rounds, we detected more time and a greater number of powermoves. The sequentiality decreases as we advance in the battle, with some small sudden peaks that may indicate an adaptive response to the opponent [33].
B-girls exhibit a predilection towards footwork. Their total round time and the total number of elements are key factors. In descending order, the first two rounds have the longest duration. The total round time is around 40 s on average and we see higher values of the sequential parameters in rounds 1 and 2. The values of the partial temporal parameters are very high; this resistance in specific movements [23] lengthens the round volume, increasing the total time. The neutrality of some partial time parameters indicates a temporal and structural stability that remains similar throughout the confrontation, focusing, again, on a strong opening and ending.
When comparing men and women in the different rounds, the time values are higher in b-girls. Footwork is reaffirmed as its pillar [1] as it stands out in 5 out of 6 rounds. This element requires a powerful lower body, which supports impact and load on the knees, and a strong core that adequately anticipates the contraction of the lower body. A weak trunk is associated with more knee injuries in female dancers [16]. Women have better joint mobility than men due to greater elasticity in tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue [23], resulting in lower injury rates than in boys [35]. However, strength and stability should be worked on in all possible ranges that can be extrapolated to breaking, as it is key to injury prevention [16].
Grosso modo, temporal parameters are higher in women and sequential parameters are higher in men in rounds 1, 2, 3, and 6, using a greater number of elements per battle in shorter but more intense rounds [1]. Considering that less powermove use implies less chance of injury in both sexes [35], and knowing that our results show less powermove use in b-girls, we can affirm that b-girls are less likely to be injured than b-boys, confirming our second hypothesis.
The comparison of the competitive periods (Supplementary Material Tables S1–S7) indicates that in 2020–2021 the parameters increased in both sexes, demanding greater physical and artistic load, confirming our last hypothesis. Therefore, this will require in the future the better preparation of athletes, taking into account sex and abilities. Recent years have accentuated the duration and frequency of transitions in b-boys and b-girls, something fundamental to generating fluidity, harmony, and cohesion [27]. Freezes increase in men, involving more pauses in the temporal structure. If placed appropriately, they can catch their breath for a few moments while embellishing the execution of the next movement and maintaining the jury’s attention. In the second period, the female time structure also changes, decreasing the total round time, footwork, and spin to give more total time to the transitions, suggesting more dynamism and variety in the rounds by concentrating their aerobic capacity towards more connectivity between categories. The greater use of drop denotes more attention to changes between levels. In the second period, there is a greater frequency of freeze and a reduction in footwork values, economising the movement in the last bars. It happens in both sexes, predictably due to fatigue and as an energetic prioritisation, as in other sports [36]. It is probably also since the last round is sometimes more important than the first one [33]. In powermove, b-boys’s total and sequential temporal values increase in the second period and their partial temporality decreases. This is not arbitrary, as their increase in total time is given by a higher frequency of use, giving relevance to content variety versus stamina. In the second period, we find more increases than decreases in the values of the movements. The artistic component gains prominence over the physical-technical component. The permanence of certain categories in both sexes denotes transcendence, through invariance over time [1]. Given the imminent professionalisation of breaking and its continuous evolution, new strategies are needed to avoid unnecessary damage. Knowing the dancers’ behaviours and temporality is decisive in preventing injuries [15].

4.2. Study Limitations

Some factors are very difficult to quantify: psychology, adrenaline, nutrition, supplementation or medication, training hours and method, rest and recovery, nerves, sleep quality and circadian hygiene, jetlag, athlete habits, injuries, treatments or operations, etc. [17,19,34,35,37]. The lack of objective understanding of these factors limits the analysis. We have the impression that these actors could influence the direction of the battle. Therefore, the results should be used with caution, so as not to extrapolate them to the whole community.

4.3. Practical Applications

With our results, as there are clear differences between b-boys and b-girls, we have developed a model of the temporal structure of the battle individualised by sex, considering the evolution of breaking in recent years. In addition to the model proposed in Table 7, we recommend, like other authors [38], the use the standard deviation values to increase or decrease the training loads, individualising them for each athlete.

5. Conclusions

Time and sequence have increased in recent years in both sexes, with an average total battle time of 195 s for b-boys and 170 s for b-girls. Dancers prioritise the economisation of movement and the balance between the physical and the artistic parts, giving more importance to the overall round and aesthetics. The differences between the sexes become smaller as the phases of the competition progress. B-boys show higher total and sequential time values (more explosiveness and strength). B-girls have higher partial time values (more endurance in movements). For both sexes, breaking rounds are strenuous with little recovery between rounds, which quickly demands anaerobic energy. The first two rounds have the longest duration for both sexes. B-boys dominantly use the powermove element in their rounds and b-girls the footwork. These elements are the most injurious elements of breaking and must be taken into account in training and conditioning to prevent injuries. Strength and stability (especially core strength in b-girls) are imperative. B-girls use less powermove than b-boys, implying a lower risk of injury. Strategically, the freeze evolves towards the recovery effort by controlling pauses. The same goes for the toprock, which proves to be a key element for catching one’s breath between bursts of power.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at Table S1: Descriptive analysis (by sex and by competitive periods), comparison of the competitive periods, and effect size of the sequential and temporal parameters of the breaking battles; Tables S2–S7: Descriptive analysis (by sex and by competitive periods), comparison of the competitive periods, and effect size of the sequential and temporal parameters of round 1 to round 6.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.C.A.-G., A.P.-P., A.P.-G. and X.R.-L.-d.-l.-O.; methodology, A.G.-S. and I.P.-L.; software, J.C.A.-G. and I.P.-L.; validation, A.G.-S. and I.P.-L.; formal analysis, A.G.-S. and I.P.-L.; investigation, J.C.A.-G., A.P.-G., X.R.-L.-d.-l.-O. and I.P.-L.; resources, A.P.-P. and A.P.-G.; data curation, J.C.A.-G.; writing—original draft preparation, A.G.-S., A.P.-P. and I.P.-L.; writing—review and editing, A.G.-S., A.P.-P. and I.P.-L.; visualization, A.P.-P.; supervision, A.G.-S. and I.P.-L.; project administration, A.G.-S. and I.P.-L.; funding acquisition, A.G.-S. and I.P.-L. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Spanish government Project Integración entre datos observacionales y datos provenientes de sensores externos: Evolución del software LINCE PLUS y desarrollo de la aplicación móvil para la optimización del deporte y la actividad física beneficiosa para la salud [EXP_74847] (2023). Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, Consejo Superior de Deporte and European Union.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Education and Sport Science (University of Vigo, Application 02/0320).

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent of the participants was not required (American Psychological Association, 2002) because the data were not generated by experimentation and the video material was obtained secondarily (from the official Red Bull BC One Youtube channel).

Data Availability Statement

All the data are contained within the article and Supplementary Material.


The authors would like to thank all the breaking professionals who collaborated in this study, with special thanks to Juan de la Torre (Spain), Graciel Stenio (Spain), and Amir Zakirov (Kazakhstan).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Table 1. Observational instrument. Observed Temporal System for Breaking v2 (OTSB v2).
Table 1. Observational instrument. Observed Temporal System for Breaking v2 (OTSB v2).
TOPROCK TRIt encompasses any movement executed while standing to keep up with the rhythm of the music or the beats that the song marks. It usually marks the beginning of a round.
DOWNROCKDropDA short transition that involves changing from toprock to another move (usually within downrock) and is used to reach the floor originally. Usually, it follows the beat.
FootworkFW Movements on the floor using feet and hands as support. It can follow the beat directly or not, and it has multiple levels and approaches. It is not essential to be constantly touching the floor with an extremity. Floorrock is one of the common levels of footwork, movements that are in direct touch with the floor, on the back, chest, shoulders, etc.
SpinSEvery spin with a minimum of 360 degrees while on the floor is considered a spin. When the breaker spins several times in the same move, it becomes part of the family of powermoves.
PowermovePMAn explosive and complex set of fine movements using centrifugal power and dynamic balance. They have more than one axis of action (sagittal, longitudinal, and transversal) and often lead to a circle. All those movements of 1 to 4 support have the possibility of an aerial phase and a reception while moving. They can follow the beat or not, and they can be linked in combos that we will register as several powermoves in a row.
BlowupBUCombinations of fast and unexpected movements that surprise within the set of the dancer. They can contain freezes, powermoves, or flips.
AcrobaticACIt includes all movements without floor contact and has a well-defined aerial phase. Flips and gymnastic stunts are a strictly within this definition. It can follow the beat or not.
TransitionTThe main function of these movements is to link between different categories. It depends on the imagination of the dancer, adding originality and creativity to the round.
FREEZE FRPoses in which the dancer stops moving completely in the middle of a set. It provides control and pace to a dancer´s round. Inside the freezes, there can be tricks or combos that we register as several freezes in a row. They can follow the beat or not.
Table 2. Analysis of the temporal and sequential parameters of the breaking battles: general description (Total), by sex (men and women), comparison between sexes, and effect size.
Table 2. Analysis of the temporal and sequential parameters of the breaking battles: general description (Total), by sex (men and women), comparison between sexes, and effect size.
Study VariablesNorTotalMenWomenComparisonCohen’s d
or Hedges’ g
nMeanSDCI-LowCI-UpnMeanSDCI-LowCI-UpnMeanSDCI-LowCI-Upt or Upd or g
Battle TimeYes104182.5234.24175.86189.1852194.9832.85185.84204.1352170.0631.17161.38178.743.9690.0000.778
Toprock TimeNo10458.4318.5054.8462.035258.8521.0053.0064.695258.0215.8153.6262.421305.5000.762
Drop TimeNo1047.283.076.687.88528.
Footwork TimeYes10467.3820.3063.4471.335266.1923.1159.7672.635268.5817.1863.7973.36−0.5970.552
Spin TimeNo824.293.893.445.15465.704.434.387.01362.501.961.843.16401.0000.0000.887
Powermove TimeNo10114.789.4212.9216.645218.6210.4115.7221.514910.716.098.9712.46652.5000.0000.913
Blowup TimeNo817.704.826.648.77498.925.277.4010.43325.843.334.647.05507.0000.0070.661
Acrobatic TimeNo452.602.061.983.22272.892.311.983.80182.171.581.382.95205.5000.365
Transition TimeNo10410.606.299.3711.825212.426.3510.6614.19528.775.737.1710.37884.0000.0020.600
Freeze TimeNo10414.146.2912.9215.375216.176.5714.3418.005212.125.3310.6313.60812.5000.0000.673
Number of elementsYes10464.1518.3460.5967.725277.9813.0974.3481.625250.3310.8847.3053.3611.7180.0002.281
Number of ToprockNo1048.442.667.928.96529.582.618.8510.30527.312.206.697.92708.0000.0000.932
Number of DropNo1047.312.916.747.87528.213.177.339.09526.402.315.767.05861.5000.0010.647
Number of FootworkNo10414.994.5414.1115.875217.124.8615.7618.475212.872.9612.0413.69607.0000.0001.049
Number of SpinNo822.872.062.413.32463.652.183.004.30361.861.361.402.32346.5000.0000.951
Number of PowermoveNo10110.387.258.9511.815214.067.7411.9016.21496.473.945.347.60465.5000.0001.216
Number of BlowupNo812.461.522.122.79493.041.592.583.50321.560.801.271.85364.0000.0001.093
Number of AcrobaticNo451.621.191.261.98271.781.311.262.30181.390.980.901.88196.0000.191
Number of TransitionNo1048.384.487.519.26529.944.678.6411.24526.833.715.797.86803.0000.0000.733
Number of FreezeNo10410.084.069.2910.875212.064.0410.9313.18528.102.997.268.93548.5000.0001.107
Element TimeNo1043.040.822.883.20522.580.642.402.75523.500.733.303.70510.0000.000−1.340
Toprock TimeNo1047.432.616.937.94526.372.245.746.99528.502.527.809.20711.5000.000−0.888
Drop TimeNo1041.
Footwork TimeNo1044.701.444.424.98523.961.153.644.28525.441.325.075.81529.5000.000−1.186
Spin TimeNo821.520.971.311.74461.591.021.281.89361.440.911.141.75762.5000.456
Powermove TimeNo1011.510.771.361.67521.210.411.101.33491.840.921.572.10704.5000.000−0.879
Blowup TimeNo813.381.782.993.78493.041.582.593.49323.911.963.204.61553.5000.022−0.493
Acrobatic TimeNo451.560.891.291.82271.591.051.182.01181.500.621.191.81228.5000.696
Transition TimeNo1041.180.391.111.26521.130.341.041.23521.230.431.111.351222.0000.207
Freeze TimeNo1041.390.551.291.50521.270.451.141.39521.520.611.351.691071.0000.030−0.464
Nor = Normality; CI = Confidence interval; GTP = Global Temporal Parameters; GSP = Global Sequential Parameters; PTP = Partial Temporal Parameters.
Table 3. Descriptive and comparative analysis by gender of the temporal and sequential parameters of the breaking battles as a function of the phase of the competition.
Table 3. Descriptive and comparative analysis by gender of the temporal and sequential parameters of the breaking battles as a function of the phase of the competition.
Study VariablesNorTOP16ComparisonTOP8ComparisonSFComparisonFINALComparison
MenWomenU or t MenWomenU or t MenWomenU or t MenWomenU or t
nMeanSDnMeanSDpd or gnMeanSDnMeanSDpd or gnMeanSDnMeanSDpd or gnMeanSDnMeanSDpd or g
Battle TimeYes24196.1734.9424159.4222.410.0001.25216196.3837.8016172.8840.210.099 8188.7516.358182.3825.110.557 4194.7533.064198.0026.850.884
Toprock TimeNo2457.7524.562455.5414.390.910 1664.8117.301657.9416.210.242 856.1316.37864.6319.490.430 447.0018.51460.0016.990.309
Drop TimeNo248.083.31246.002.190.0130.731167.132.68167.503.740.775 89.633.5085.881.810.0331.27248.000.8247.254.571.000
Footwork TimeYes2467.5025.192463.3312.860.474 1661.0023.491668.7517.770.301 867.2516.30870.2515.090.708 477.0022.85496.0020.220.259
Spin TimeNo225.003.66152.531.850.0150.786146.935.82122.251.540.0261.02776.004.1253.603.580.214 34.333.2141.750.500.079
Powermove TimeNo2418.6711.922310.875.830.0130.8111618.889.981410.936.550.0170.903817.886.27810.384.840.0091.267418.7512.6949.7510.050.248
Blowup TimeNo2310.006.11135.853.510.0420.761148.644.40106.203.790.141 86.503.6665.332.940.558 48.505.5135.673.210.593
Acrobatic TimeNo133.772.8071.711.250.064 82.001.3182.001.070.823 62.171.6024.503.540.229 0 12.00
Transition TimeNo2412.216.98248.506.200.0470.5531612.946.44169.195.970.0450.589811.756.0989.754.800.672 413.003.7446.754.790.083
Freeze TimeNo2416.046.842410.673.740.0040.9601616.757.121613.386.820.084 813.504.54814.006.140.958 420.005.72412.004.550.081
Number of elementsYes2479.9612.902447.338.630.0002.9731673.0013.691651.6312.560.0001.627880.0014.06854.3813.970.0031.828482.006.38455.006.680.0015.713
Number of ToprockNo249.792.80246.752.090.0001.212168.812.83167.192.140.158 810.631.8588.501.930.055 49.251.2648.752.870.304
Number of DropNo248.173.45245.922.210.0150.765167.192.79166.691.740.445 810.133.0486.251.910.0201.44248.751.8948.504.650.561
Number of FootworkNo2418.005.402412.172.680.0001.3461614.503.741613.252.740.363 818.632.67813.003.780.0081.625419.256.02415.253.200.384
Number of SpinNo223.411.65151.731.160.0011.111144.073.12121.831.190.0120.88974.001.8352.602.510.218 32.671.1541.500.580.115
Number of PowermoveNo2413.968.33236.043.380.0001.2151614.258.00146.934.600.0061.073813.385.2986.883.180.0101.408415.259.9146.506.810.146
Number of BlowupNo233.301.72131.620.870.0041.120142.711.64101.700.820.125 83.001.4161.500.840.0481.16342.751.2631.000.000.076
Number of AcrobaticNo132.311.7071.140.380.072 81.500.5381.250.460.317 61.000.0023.002.830.083 0 11.00
Number of TransitionNo2410.005.49246.753.990.0360.6661610.134.21166.813.580.0080.82689.384.0087.883.720.393 410.003.5645.253.100.108
Number of FreezeNo2412.504.55247.672.410.0001.3061611.443.69168.563.930.0250.735810.633.3888.383.110.203 414.752.2248.252.220.0202.549
Element TimeNo242.500.59243.420.650.000−1.448162.880.62163.500.730.016−0.90082.380.7483.631.060.009−1.29042.250.5043.750.500.022−2.609
Toprock TimeNo245.922.34248.792.260.000−1.228167.751.81168.562.900.424 85.381.6088.132.900.056 45.502.3847.252.060.245
Drop TimeNo241.000.00241.080.280.153 161.130.34161.130.341.000 81.000.0081.130.350.317 41.000.0041.250.500.317
Footwork TimeNo243.961.30245.331.090.000−1.127164.191.05165.191.280.028−0.83583.501.0785.751.910.015−1.37544.000.8246.501.290.028−2.013
Spin TimeNo221.500.86151.601.120.911 141.791.42121.330.890.291 71.430.7951.400.550.845 31.670.5841.250.500.307
Powermove TimeNo241.290.46231.961.020.002−0.830161.130.34141.860.950.008−1.02781.250.4681.500.530.317 41.000.0041.750.960.131
Blowup TimeNo233.001.45133.621.260.103 143.712.02103.701.570.609 82.130.8364.003.030.104 42.750.9635.673.210.271
Acrobatic TimeNo131.540.9771.430.790.883 81.250.4681.500.530.317 62.171.6021.500.710.721 0 12.00
Transition TimeNo241.130.34241.170.380.686 161.130.34161.440.510.053 81.130.3581.000.000.317 41.250.5041.250.501.000
Freeze TimeNo241.210.41241.380.580.304 161.440.51161.560.730.764 81.000.0081.880.350.001−3.30941.500.5841.500.581.000
Nor = Normality; CI = Confidence interval; GTP = Global Temporal Parameters; GSP = Global Sequential Parameters; PTP = Partial Temporal Parameters.
Table 4. Analysis of the temporal and sequential parameters of the rounds in the men’s battles: description by rounds and comparison between rounds.
Table 4. Analysis of the temporal and sequential parameters of the rounds in the men’s battles: description by rounds and comparison between rounds.
Study VariablesNorRound1Round2Round3Round4Round5Round6Kruskal–Wallis
Round TimeNo5237.259.945234.107.145231.199.165229.566.055233.069.445229.876.2035.20950.000
Toprock TimeNo5211.355.315110.865.01499.205.36499.085.045110.926.24528.945.2913.01650.023
Drop TimeNo431.770.87431.810.88411.660.91441.450.87461.701.07421.760.968.11150.150
Footwork TimeNo5212.066.825010.744.985111.985.245111.104.725011.345.825010.705.001.71950.887
Spin TimeNo242.251.96252.041.86171.821.19142.291.54162.061.24242.542.451.93450.858
Powermove TimeNo394.902.72435.143.05344.152.51393.492.22364.192.61373.762.2411.32050.045
Blowup TimeNo203.702.13173.711.96242.831.52224.052.84223.591.84193.211.693.48950.625
Acrobatic TimeNo92.221.56101.801.3271.861.8641.500.5861.500.8452.001.001.51150.912
Transition TimeNo472.961.84452.561.45452.531.83392.331.42422.832.37332.241.464.10650.534
Freeze TimeNo503.382.16443.272.06453.131.84452.801.74452.892.24403.432.144.37550.497
Number of elementsNo5215.274.935214.623.555212.523.525211.273.645212.423.765211.883.8835.54950.000
Number of ToprockNo521.791.04511.731.08491.470.74491.490.74511.750.84521.600.696.43650.266
Number of DropNo431.881.03431.840.81411.660.79441.320.52461.610.80421.600.5913.17450.022
Number of FootworkNo523.041.40502.941.28512.981.16512.821.26502.821.04502.961.181.01750.961
Number of SpinNo241.460.78251.400.76171.470.72141.360.93161.500.89241.250.612.89450.716
Number of PowermoveNo393.722.38433.932.20343.211.95392.621.79362.861.85372.781.6514.19050.014
Number of BlowupNo201.400.60171.290.47241.080.28221.090.29221.180.39191.210.427.83950.165
Number of AcrobaticNo91.220.67101.400.7071.000.0041.000.0061.000.0051.200.455.30550.380
Number of TransitionNo472.471.30452.091.04451.891.07391.770.71422.191.31331.851.0610.12450.072
Number of FreezeNo502.541.33442.551.35452.381.48452.071.32452.021.25402.431.398.89150.114
Element TimeNo522.711.21522.480.73522.711.07522.901.11522.830.94522.831.286.13250.294
Toprock TimeNo517.334.26517.574.16497.024.91496.713.69517.003.90506.244.184.21950.518
Drop TimeNo431.090.29431.090.29411.150.53441.070.25461.130.50421.290.862.86150.721
Footwork TimeNo524.673.14503.841.66514.673.51514.412.41504.301.97503.762.004.06350.540
Spin TimeNo241.541.44251.521.64171.240.56141.861.23161.500.89242.081.8412.16050.033
Powermove TimeNo391.490.72431.230.48341.290.52391.561.37361.691.53371.511.283.95050.557
Blowup TimeNo202.651.50172.881.41242.631.41223.862.87223.181.74192.791.273.56550.614
Acrobatic TimeNo91.891.45101.300.4871.861.8641.500.5861.500.8451.801.100.81250.976
Transition TimeNo471.210.55451.220.47451.360.86391.410.55421.240.48331.240.445.99250.307
Freeze TimeNo501.260.53441.300.46451.400.58451.440.62451.531.04401.631.374.20950.520
Nor = Normality; GTP = Global Temporal Parameters; GSP = Global Sequential Parameters; PTP = Partial Temporal Parameters.
Table 5. Analysis of the temporal and sequential parameters of the rounds in women’s battles: description by rounds and comparison between rounds.
Table 5. Analysis of the temporal and sequential parameters of the rounds in women’s battles: description by rounds and comparison between rounds.
Study VariablesNorRound1Round2Round3Round4Round5Round6Kruskal–Wallis
Round TimeNo5241.198.395239.858.435238.778.685236.488.051038.4010.961033.706.7712.93050.024
Toprock TimeNo5213.715.325214.065.035213.717.105112.085.001012.906.301011.206.294.68150.456
Drop TimeNo451.710.73491.730.95491.780.80451.600.8192.111.2791.220.446.39850.269
Footwork TimeNo5216.625.965216.155.085215.195.955215.194.951013.703.861014.903.075.08650.405
Spin TimeNo151.600.74141.641.28102.001.15151.330.6214.00 12.00 7.21650.205
Powermove TimeNo374.222.54314.062.05273.562.28293.481.8464.671.7543.751.714.00850.548
Blowup TimeNo102.701.5793.001.12145.072.5685.002.7824.502.1234.332.3110.10250.072
Acrobatic TimeNo91.890.7841.250.5052.001.2213.00 12.00 12.00 4.53550.475
Transition TimeNo472.341.81392.741.48392.621.90422.451.5683.502.8862.331.034.54250.474
Freeze TimeNo483.292.10492.691.50502.781.64483.251.6493.441.8845.002.717.63850.177
Number of elementsNo5212.133.525212.374.265211.123.735211.174.021011.103.63107.303.1315.08550.010
Number of ToprockNo521.730.89521.750.88521.600.72511.730.87101.500.71101.200.424.82050.438
Number of DropNo451.710.79491.650.75491.650.86451.600.7891.440.7391.000.008.84550.115
Number of FootworkNo522.961.20523.371.39522.751.19522.901.36102.400.97102.201.0310.70950.057
Number of SpinNo151.200.41141.070.27101.400.70151.130.3512.00 11.00 7.07550.215
Number of PowermoveNo372.161.62312.651.40272.331.62292.311.3163.001.5541.750.506.48750.262
Number of BlowupNo101.000.0091.000.00141.210.4381.130.3521.000.0031.000.005.17550.395
Number of AcrobaticNo91.110.3341.000.0051.200.4513.00 11.00 11.00 8.14850.148
Number of TransitionNo471.720.97392.361.20392.001.12421.861.0582.001.7761.670.529.66050.085
Number of FreezeNo482.311.17491.921.06501.860.99481.980.9192.220.8342.001.415.90750.315
Element TimeNo523.621.17523.441.26523.851.46523.581.41103.701.49105.803.437.81550.167
Toprock TimeNo529.173.90509.364.26529.735.51528.214.58109.605.02109.504.993.58250.611
Drop TimeNo451.200.46491.240.69491.220.42451.200.4691.560.7391.220.444.35850.499
Footwork TimeNo526.122.64525.522.88526.213.31525.922.46106.302.95109.106.356.07050.299
Spin TimeNo151.330.49141.571.28101.500.97151.130.3512.00 12.00 6.32050.276
Powermove TimeNo372.301.58311.680.70271.780.85291.550.6961.500.8442.250.965.70450.336
Blowup TimeNo102.701.5793.001.12144.292.0584.502.5124.502.1234.332.317.03050.218
Acrobatic TimeNo91.670.7141.250.5051.600.5511.00 12.00 12.00 3.70250.593
Freeze TimeNo481.460.74491.551.00501.520.58481.881.3591.440.5343.002.454.71350.452
Nor = Normality; GTP = Global Temporal Parameters; GSP = Global Sequential Parameters; PTP = Partial Temporal Parameters.
Table 6. Comparison between men and women of time and sequence parameters in the different rounds.
Table 6. Comparison between men and women of time and sequence parameters in the different rounds.
Study VariablesNorRound1Round2Round3Round4Round5Round6
U TestHedges’ gU TestHedges’ gU TestHedges’ gU TestHedges’ gU TestHedges’ gU TestHedges’ g
Round TimeNo916.0000.005−0.425832.5000.001−0.731662.5000.000−0.843687.5000.000−0.965177.0000.112 167.0000.075
Toprock TimeNo1001.0000.022−0.442838.5000.001−0.632714.5000.000−0.708793.5000.002−0.593193.5000.230 191.5000.189
Drop TimeNo963.5000.971 978.0000.520 885.0000.291 836.0000.140 158.0000.217 121.5000.065
Footwork TimeNo745.0000.000−0.706595.0000.000−1.068851.0000.002−0.568726.0000.000−0.840158.5000.068 126.0000.014−0.872
Spin TimeNo170.0000.750 154.5000.483 75.0000.586 70.5000.083 1.5000.157 11.0000.884
Powermove TimeNo600.0000.201 526.5000.122 401.0000.395 538.5000.734 85.0000.402 70.0000.859
Blowup TimeNo75.0000.264 62.5000.440 74.0000.004−119.00065.0000.272 15.5000.488 19.0000.338
Acrobatic TimeNo39.5000.926 16.0000.507 13.0000.411 0.0000.136 1.5000.403 2.5001.000
Transition TimeNo848.5000.0460.335809.5000.531 846.0000.769 801.5000.864 151.0000.641 84.0000.541
Freeze TimeNo1167.5000.814 927.0000.235 997.0000.329 882.0000.121 155.5000.264 46.5000.165
Number of elementsNo805.0000.0000.727893.5000.0030.5701045.0000.0450.3841303.5000.752 204.0000.282 91.5000.0011.198
Number of ToprockNo1329.0000.871 1244.5000.555 1125.5000.250 1049.5000.122 214.5000.388 181.0000.087
Number of DropNo897.0000.526 921.0000.260 981.5000.837 804.0000.074 185.0000.571 85.5000.0031.092
Number of FootworkNo1329.5000.880 1095.5000.159 1143.5000.209 1323.5000.986 197.5000.276 160.0000.066
Number of SpinNo153.0000.321 137.5000.118 80.5000.786 102.0000.827 3.5000.278 10.0000.664
Number of PowermoveNo380.0000.0000.751421.5000.0060.667326.5000.0490.476534.5000.691 97.5000.699 50.5000.289
Number of BlowupNo65.0000.0360.79054.0000.076 146.0000.256 85.0000.787 18.0000.518 22.5000.391
Number of AcrobaticNo40.0000.936 14.0000.237 14.0000.237 0.0000.046None3.0001.000 2.0000.655
Number of TransitionNo710.5000.0020.644776.5000.343 825.0000.615 799.5000.842 136.0000.372 98.0000.966
Number of FreezeNo1096.5000.445 781.0000.0170.515919.5000.106 1024.0000.648 162.5000.327 63.0000.468
Element TimeNo691.0000.000−0.753687.0000.000−0.928635.5000.000−0.879962.5000.008−0.528163.0000.049−0.82590.5000.001−1.654
Toprock TimeNo956.0000.014−0.447954.5000.029−0.422822.5000.002−0.5141044.5000.117 173.0000.108 148.0000.042−0.745
Drop TimeNo883.5000.239 975.5000.296 882.5000.126 880.0000.114 133.5000.006−0.776180.5000.751
Footwork TimeNo844.0000.001−0.493803.0000.001−0.706819.5000.001−0.449807.0000.001−0.615121.0000.009−0.91784.0000.001−1.699
Spin TimeNo162.5000.507 170.5000.852 74.0000.447 70.0000.052 3.5000.278 9.5000.710
Powermove TimeNo517.5000.020−0.659431.0000.002−0.755310.0000.013−0.697477.5000.195 108.0001.000 35.0000.037−0.573
Blowup TimeNo94.5000.803 70.0000.715 85.5000.011−0.97362.0000.212 11.5000.253 14.0000.148
Acrobatic TimeNo38.0000.807 19.0000.857 13.5000.459 1.0000.414 1.5000.403 2.0000.752
Transition TimeNo967.0000.157 872.0000.944 877.0000.995 773.5000.606 133.0000.214 86.0000.505
Freeze TimeNo1037.5000.143 952.5000.245 993.0000.256 903.0000.127 192.5000.785 56.0000.253
Nor = Normality; GTP = Global Temporal Parameters; GSP = Global Sequential Parameters; PTP = Partial Temporal Parameters.
Table 7. “Type” time structure for a battle in men and women.
Table 7. “Type” time structure for a battle in men and women.
Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6
(bboy 1)(bboy 2)(bboy 1)(bboy 2)(bboy 1)(bboy 2)
PM31.56FW24T21.23 T21.32AC11
FW33.36FR21.37BU12.38 BU12.88FW33.73
Round 1Round 2Round 3Round 4Round 5Round 6
(bgirl 1)(bgirl 2)(bgirl 1)(bgirl 2)(bgirl 1)(bgirl 2)
Cond = Conduct; Abbreviations in Table 1.
Disclaimer/Publisher’s Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

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MDPI and ACS Style

Pérez-Portela, A.; Paramés-González, A.; Prieto-Lage, I.; Argibay-González, J.C.; Reguera-López-de-la-Osa, X.; Gutiérrez-Santiago, A. Injury Prevention for B-Boys and B-Girls in Breaking via Time-Motion Analysis. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 9350.

AMA Style

Pérez-Portela A, Paramés-González A, Prieto-Lage I, Argibay-González JC, Reguera-López-de-la-Osa X, Gutiérrez-Santiago A. Injury Prevention for B-Boys and B-Girls in Breaking via Time-Motion Analysis. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(16):9350.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Pérez-Portela, Alberto, Adrián Paramés-González, Iván Prieto-Lage, Juan Carlos Argibay-González, Xoana Reguera-López-de-la-Osa, and Alfonso Gutiérrez-Santiago. 2023. "Injury Prevention for B-Boys and B-Girls in Breaking via Time-Motion Analysis" Applied Sciences 13, no. 16: 9350.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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