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Arrangement Order Effects of Neuromuscular Training on the Physical Fitness of Youth Soccer Players

Center for Sports Science in Chungbuk, Cheongju 28644, Republic of Korea
Department of Leisure Sports, Seowon University, Cheongju 28644, Republic of Korea
Department of Sports Medicine, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju 27469, Republic of Korea
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(11), 4748;
Submission received: 17 May 2024 / Revised: 28 May 2024 / Accepted: 29 May 2024 / Published: 31 May 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sports Medicine, Exercise, and Health: Latest Advances and Prospects)


Knowledge is limited regarding how neuromuscular training, conducted before and after soccer training, affects the fitness levels of youth soccer players. In this study, we aimed to analyze the effects of an eight-week neuromuscular training (NMT) program implemented before or after a soccer session on physical fitness in youth soccer players. Thirty-two youth soccer players were categorized into two groups—namely, NMT before soccer-specific training (NBS; n = 15) and NMT after soccer-specific training (NAS; n = 17). NMT comprised integrated resistance, dynamic stability, core, and plyometric training three times weekly and was conducted for 8 weeks. Before and after the exercise intervention, the counter-movement jump (CMJ) and 10 and 20 m sprint were analyzed, and the results of the T-agility test, Illinois change of direction test (ICDT), and Y-balance test were assessed for all participants. In terms of the interaction between the effects of the time of observation and group, both groups showed improvement in the results of the 10 m sprint and T-agility and Y-balance tests. Regarding the difference in the time of observation, the NBS group showed positive improvements in the results of the CMJ, 10 and 20 m sprints, and T-agility test after the exercise intervention, and the NAS group showed positive improvements in the results of the CMJ, 10 m sprint, T-agility test, and ICDT after the exercise intervention. These findings suggest that neuromuscular training has the potential to improve the 10 m sprint ability and T-agility test results of youth soccer players, regardless of the training sequence.

1. Introduction

Maintaining high levels of physical fitness throughout the season is a key factor in achieving consistent performance, and the foundations of these individual fitness components are established during adolescence [1]. The development of physical fitness during childhood is influenced by several factors, including training. In particular, speed and power are essential for youth players to succeed as soccer players, and sprint and jump ability, agility, and balance determine the performance of youth and elite soccer players [2]. Therefore, youth players should undergo appropriate training to improve physical fitness and become skilled soccer players [3]. Overall, training that is suitable for the development of physical fitness during adolescence may be the basis for the successful growth of competent soccer players.
Adolescence is a sensitive period for motor skill learning and development. At this stage, the nervous system is particularly sensitive to stimuli and is readily stimulated [4]. Moreover, brain plasticity declines gradually during childhood. Therefore, during adolescence, an increase in myelination of the motor pathway is necessary to improve motor performance, as it reduces reaction times and increases motor speed. Different forms of exercise can effectively enhance neural adaptations in adolescents, including increased motor unit activation, synchronization, and recruitment and excitation frequency [4,5]. In particular, the development of neural and physical fitness in youth soccer players is important to determine whether they will successfully adapt to high levels of play in the future [6].
Neuromuscular training (NMT) is an effective method for improving sport and motor skill performance because it integrates strength, movement, and conditioning exercises (resistance, balance, speed, agility, and plyometrics) for the muscles specifically required in sports [7]. According to a previous study, NMT performed in a physical education class improved health-related physical fitness factors in a 7-year-old child [8]. NMT favorably affects the strength, speed, and agility of youth soccer players [9]. In addition, Menezes et al. [10] reported that in youth soccer players approximately eight years of age, NMT conducted for 12 weeks improved balance, flexibility, and vertical jump ability.
Consensus regarding the positive effects of NMT is lacking. Moreover, disagreements exist regarding training sequencing [11]. Little research exists on the habitual training practices of youth soccer players and the effectiveness of resulting exercise interventions, and no studies have investigated the sequencing of NMT and sport-specific training in youth soccer. In addition, whether the order of conducting NMT is an important factor in training programs for youth soccer players is a debatable point. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of different NMT sequences on several physical fitness variables in youth soccer players.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Participants

G*POWER was used to estimate the number of participants required for the study using the following settings: a power of 0.9, an effect size of 0.25, and a significance level of 0.05; thereby, we estimated that 30 participants were required. Considering a dropout rate of 20%, 36 participants were recruited. The participants were male youth soccer players from the Anseong-si and Cheongju-si regions, who were classified into two groups according to their region—namely, NMT before soccer-specific training (NBS; n = 15; age = 14.5 ± 0.51; height = 168.4 ± 6.58 cm; weight = 53.4 ± 7.17 kg; body mass index [BMI] = 18.7 ± 1.67) and NMT after soccer-specific training (NAS; n = 17; age = 14.4 ± 0.51; height = 169 ± 7.68 cm; weight = 56.6 ± 6.9 kg; BMI = 19.7 ± 1.35), respectively. The selection criteria were as follows: (1) more than three years of experience as a soccer player, (2) continuous soccer training for six months, (3) no musculoskeletal disease within six months, (4) no lower extremity surgery within two years, and (5) no participation in structured resistance training in the past one year. The exclusion criteria were as follows: (1) those who attended less than 80% of the 8-week exercise and (2) those who wanted to give up participation during the exercise. The experiment started on 13 December 2022 and ended on 6 March 2023. All participants signed a consent form, and the study design was approved by the Korea National University of Transportation Ethics Committee (approval number: KNUT IRB 2022-60). This study was registered with the Clinical Research Information Service (Trial registration number: KCT0008271).

2.2. Study Design

The participants performed the counter-movement jump (CMJ), 10 and 20 m sprints, T-agility test, Illinois change of direction test (ICDT), and Y-balance test using the same method before and after the training intervention; the results were assessed by the same person. The tests were conducted at soccer-specific stadiums located in the cities of Anseong-si and Cheongju-si. After the participants put on sportswear and sports shoes, all the tests proceeded in the same order. All participants and legal guardians were informed of the prohibitions and practices a day before measurements. Information was provided equally in measurements before and after the exercise intervention, which were as follows: (a) avoid strenuous physical activity, including soccer, before the measurements; (b) have a good night’s sleep of approximately 7 h before the measurement; (c) eat a carbohydrate-rich diet and drink plenty of fluids. Before taking the measurements, the participants were informed of the measurement methods and procedures. All variables were measured twice, and the highest scores were recorded. A break of at least 5 min was allowed between the measurements for different variables. Dynamic stretching was performed for 15 min before the measurements and static stretching for 15 min after the measurements.
The intervention program was conducted for both groups. The sequence of training undergone by the NBS and NAS groups was warm-up exercises (10 min), NMT (30 min), soccer-specific training (30 min), and cool-down exercises (10 min). The training was conducted three times a week for eight weeks. Soccer-specific training was conducted at a moderate intensity, with a perceived exertion rating of 3–4 (Borg Category-Ratio scale; 0–10) for both groups [12]. The study design is illustrated in Figure 1.

2.3. Measurement of Physical Fitness

Body composition was measured using a bioelectrical impedance analyzer (Inbody-720; Biospace Co., Seoul, Republic of Korea) to determine height (cm), weight (kg), and BMI (kg/m2).
A vertical jump-measuring instrument (TKK 5414; Takei Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd., Niigata, Japan) was used to evaluate the jumping distance of the participants during the CMJ, and the highest value observed between the two trials was recorded. Each player had 45 s of passive recovery in between the 2 trials. Measurements were performed by straightening the hips, knees, and ankles immediately after the knee angle reached 90°, with the participants jumping as high as possible [13]. The relative vertical jump formula (relative vertical jump = vertical jump height (cm)/body weight (kg)) was used for measuring CMJ, considering the effect on body weight. The relative vertical jump used the relative strength formula (Relative strength = absolute strength (1RM))/body weight (kg)).
The sprint was measured using an electronic timing gate (Brower Timing Systems, Salt Lake City, UT, USA) connected wirelessly to a timer. Sprint measurements were taken on 10 and 20 m long straight tracks. Each player had at least 2 min of passive recovery in between the 2 trials. Timing gates were installed at the starting lines of the 10 and 20 m long tracks. The starting posture was the standing position, and the highest score observed between the two measurements was noted [14].
The T-agility test [15] and ICDT [16] were conducted to determine the agility of youth soccer players. The tests were conducted twice, and the lowest values observed were recorded. Each player had at least 2 min of passive recovery in between the 2 trials.
The Y-balance test was performed using a Y-balance test kit. After placing the lower limb on the central fixation plate, the participants pushed the marker as far as possible in the anterior (AN), posteromedial (PM), and posterolateral (PL) directions using the opposite lower limb. Three practice opportunities were provided before each measurement, and the highest value observed between the two measurements was recorded. Each player had at least 2 min of passive recovery in between the 2 trials. The participants were barefoot, and both hands were placed on the iliac crest during the measurement. If the marker was pushed off, the unsupported leg touched the floor, or the supported leg lost balance, re-measurements were conducted after a 3 min break. For the measured values, a composite score was obtained using the following formula: composite score = (anterior + posteromedial + posterolateral)/(3 × limb length). The length from the anterior superior iliac spine to the medial malleolus was measured to determine the participants’ lower limb length [17].

2.4. Exercise Program

An NMT program was designed for youth soccer players based on a method used in previous studies [9,11,18]. The core objective of neuromuscular training is to strengthen and integrate the biomotor abilities required for playing soccer by integrating strength training exercises such as resistance, dynamic stability, core, and plyometric training into the exercise regimen. The training time was 50 min and the training wasconducted three times weekly for eight weeks. The participants were trained to perform precise movements for two days, and the exercise intensity was adjusted by considering the training volume, speed, and set for each week. Before NMT, athletes performed a standardized warm-up (dynamic Stretching) protocol consisting of low to moderate intensity running exercises such as forward and backward kicking, forward/backward movements, side walking, carioca, leg marches, forward lunges with opposite arm reach, and trunk rotations. This is typically performed before training to prepare the muscles and joints for the specific demands of NMT. Balance training consisted of two-leg balance training and one-leg balance training with a balance tool. Gradually, athletes performed ball lifts on a balance tool. Plyometric training consisted of 2–4 sets of 6–8 repetitions, including box jumps, drop landing, MB throws, CMJ, MB throws, 1/2 ankle jumps, DJs (20 cm), MB throws, leg box hopping, MB throws with lateral bounds and stabilization, hurdle jumps (60 cm), and DJs (40 cm). Each set and repetition were interspersed with 60 s and at least 15 s of recovery, respectively. For progressive exercise intensity, the exercise program was set differently for each of the two weeks. Resistance training consisted of 2–4 sets of 8–12 repetitions including squats, planks, lunges and side lunges, single-leg Romanian deadlifts, supermans and dead-bug exercises. For progressive exercise intensity, the exercise program had a different weight, second, set, and speed for each of the two weeks. After NMT, athletes focused on static stretching (cool-down) the major muscle groups used in soccer, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors, and groin. They held each stretch for 15–30 s without bouncing or applying too much force. The progressive overload principle used in training programs was added to the program by increasing the weights, sets, repetitions, and speed and varying the complexity of the exercises. Table 1 presents the neuromuscular training program programs.

2.5. Statistical Analysis

The collected data were statistically analyzed using SPSS (version 23.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The Shapiro–Wilk and Kolmogorov–Smirnov tests were used for normality tests. After eight weeks, a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to determine the interaction between the effects of the time of observation and groups, and a paired t-test was conducted to analyze the main effect of time. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.

3. Results

Of the 36 participants, 32 completed the training program and attended all the training sessions. Among the dropouts, three did not complete 80% of the exercise regimen, and one wished to give up on exercise participation. Table 2 shows the results obtained before and after the exercise intervention.

3.1. Changes in Counter-Movement Jump (CMJ) Ability

The results for CMJ (F = 0.140; p = 0.711) ability did not show an interaction between the effects of the time of observation and group. Regarding the main effect of the time of observation, the scores of the NBS (T = −2.522; p = 0.024) and NAS (T = −2.260; p = 0.038) groups obtained after the exercise intervention were significantly different compared to those obtained before the exercise intervention, respectively.

3.2. Changes in 10 and 20 m Sprint Ability

The results of the 10 m sprint (F = 23.773; p < 0.001) showed an interaction between the effects of the time of observation and group. Regarding the main effect of the time of observation, the scores of the NBS (T = 60.162; p < 0.001) and NAS (T = 4.007; p < 0.01) groups obtained after the exercise intervention were significantly different compared to those obtained before the exercise intervention, respectively. The 20 m sprint results (F = 4.181; p = 0.05) showed no interaction between the effects of the time of observation and group. With respect to the main effect of the time of observation, the scores of the NBS group (T = 5.880; p < 0.001) obtained before and after the exercise intervention were significantly different.

3.3. Changes in T-Agility Test and Illinois Change of Direction Test (ICDT)

The T-agility test results (F = 4.362; p = 0.045) showed an interaction between the effects of the time of observation and group. With respect to the main effect of the time of observation, the scores of the NBS (T = 4.427; p < 0.01) and NAS (T = 1.360; p = 0.193) groups obtained after the exercise intervention were significantly different compared to those obtained before the exercise intervention, respectively.
The ICDT results (F = 3.173; p = 0.085) did not show an interaction between the effects of the time of observation and group. With respect to the main effect of the time of observation, the scores of the NAS group (T = 2.198; p = 0.043) obtained before and after the exercise intervention were significantly different.

3.4. Changes in Y-Balance Test Results

The composite scores of the Y-balance test (F = 12.691; p < 0.01) showed an interaction between the effects of the time of observation and group. With respect to the main effect of the time of observation, a significant difference was found in the scores of the NBS group (T = −5.868; p < 0.001) before and after the exercise intervention.

4. Discussion

To our knowledge, this is the first study conducted to investigate the benefits of NMT before and after soccer-related exercise in youth soccer players. The main finding of this study was that undergoing 8 weeks of NMT after soccer-specific training in 12- to 13-year-old elite male soccer players resulted in a similar level of performance improvement compared with soccer-specific training before NMT. The specific results of this study are as follows: first, neuromuscular training improved 10 m sprint and T-agility test performance regardless of the order of exercise, and the Y-balance test results showed a positive effect of NMT on the NBS group. Second, the NBS group showed improvement in CMJ and 20 m sprint performance after the exercise intervention, and the NAS group showed improvement in CMJ and ICDT performance after the exercise intervention.
A soccer player’s vertical jump ability is an important prerequisite for achieving the best performance during a game at any age [19]. This can affect a player’s career as an international, professional, or amateur athlete during adulthood and is used to evaluate and predict the explosive power of the lower extremities [20,21]. Therefore, numerous studies have recommended improving the vertical jump ability of young athletes using various training methods. Specifically, resistance and high-intensity exercises performed before soccer training have a positive effect on CMJ improvement in 8- to 9-year-old soccer players [22]. Stabilization training positively improved the squat jump (SJ) and CMJ abilities in 12- to 13-year-old soccer players [23]. In addition, plyometric and optimum power load training conducted before soccer-specific training improved SJ and CMJ abilities in 18.4 ± 0.49-year-olds after seven weeks of training [24]. The reason for the CMJ improvement is that NMT increased the neural drive to the agonist muscles, intermuscular coordination, and the synchronization of body segments [11]. Additionally, plyometrics included in NMT are effective in training the muscles, connective tissue, and nervous system to effectively perform stretch-shortening cycles [25], while strength training improves the activation, coordination, recruitment, and firing of motor units [26], which may have resulted in improved CMJ. We conducted NMT after soccer-specific exercises, and as a result, CMJ performance improved after the exercise intervention. In general, training before soccer-specific exercises or independent training is effective in improving vertical jump ability. This is because the movements generated during soccer-specific training cause fatigue and glycogen depletion, which can limit rapid muscle contraction and negatively affect protein anabolic signaling responses [27]. However, Ramirez-Campillo [28] reported that applying plyometric training before and after soccer-specific training for 15–17-year-olds resulted in positive improvements in standing long jump and CMJ abilities. In other words, although a direct causal relationship was not established in this study, youth soccer players have higher resistance to fatigue and faster recovery than adult soccer players, so the application of NMT after soccer-specific training would have had a positive effect.
Most NMT training programs for youth athletes focus on preventing injuries in these athletes. Evidence from recent studies supports the fact that NMT, which effectively integrates multiple components such as dynamic stability, strength, plyometrics, speed, and fatigue resistance training, is effective in improving athletes’ performance while preventing injury [18]. Arede et al. [29] reported that the sprint ability and agility of 11.2 ± 0.7-year-old youth athletes improved after neuromuscular control training for six weeks. Panagoulis et al. [9] reported that the sprint and coordination abilities of 11.4 ± 0.57-year-old youth soccer players improved because of NMT conducted before soccer-specific training for eight weeks. However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of NMT conducted following soccer-specific training. We conducted this experiment during the off-season to create an environment conducive to NMT after soccer-specific training, and in both groups, the soccer-specific training intensity was limited to a Borg rating of perceived exertion (RPE) level of 13 or less [28]. In this study, NMT was performed for eight weeks by the participants of both groups before and after soccer-specific exercises, and sprint ability and agility were improved in both groups. According to Al Attar et al. [30], implementation of a FIFA11+ program (similar to the NMT) after soccer-specific training had a positive effect on injury reduction, which was related to improvements in the neuromuscular system and muscle strength. The NMT program included a combination of lower body strengthening exercises and plyometric exercises. These exercises induce substantial muscular recruitment and the activation of the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal group musculature in young athletes [31]. Additionally, the included exercises involved the strong use of stretch-shortening, and thus may increase impulse production, the rate of force development, and the stiffness of muscles, which are associated with sprint and agility performance [32]. There would have been a potential to improve sprint and agility performance by providing greater nerve stimulation, resulting in better intramuscular and intermuscular coordination. In a study whose design was similar to our experimental design, the application of NMT along with tennis-specific exercises was effective in improving sprint ability and agility in youth tennis players [32]. In particular, plyometric training has been found to be effective for youth players aged 15–17 years, even when applied after soccer-specific training [28]. The effectiveness of NMT depends on several factors such as the coach’s plan, technical and tactical training, athletes’ schedules, and training facilities [28]. Therefore, NMT can be applied to youth soccer players at various time-points under the condition that the intensity of the soccer-specific training should be adjusted during the off-season.
NMT should be performed after gaining a complete understanding of body movements through the execution of appropriate exercises. It helps in maintaining postural control when the core and lower extremities are used to balance external loads. A dynamic balance is required to maintain the center of mass at different speeds over unexpected support surfaces during the movement of body parts [33,34]. Additionally, the NMT program includes multiple movements in various directions, which is effective for central nervous system adaptations and peripheral improvement, increasing proprioception in the lower joints [35]. In particular, since decreases in the neuromuscular control of the trunk have a negative effect on the stability of the lower extremities during high speed movements, MNT containing core stability should be applied to prevent ankle or knee instability [36]. Moreover, previous studies have shown that dynamic balance can lead to high-speed performance in youth soccer players. Many studies have demonstrated that exercise conducted to improve physical performance before training for a specific sport has a positive effect on balance ability. However, several studies have reported that exercise sequences applied before and after sport-specific exercises do not result in significant changes in balance ability [37,38]. In this study, the Y-balance test performance of the NBS group showed a positive improvement. We predicted that neuromuscular exercises performed after soccer-specific exercises would not burden the functions mediating postural control, including muscles involved in postural control and proprioception [39], and observed that NMT applied after soccer-specific exercises was not effective in improving dynamic balance ability. Muscle fatigue, especially trunk muscle fatigue, decreases the loss of balance control and the dynamic stability of the trunk [40]. As a result, displacement of the limbs and trunk increases and dynamic balance decreases, which may cause injuries to the lower extremities such as knees and ankles [41]. Behm et al. [42] reported that balance training should be performed before high-intensity exercises for improving exercise performance and preventing injuries, as adolescents have immature motor skills related to balance and coordination abilities [43]. Therefore, in future studies, it will be necessary to comprehensively review the effects of fatigue-related metabolic byproducts on the training of youth soccer players, along with an analysis of the training sequence, intensity of soccer training, sex, age, and career.
This study has the following limitations: (a) the grounds used in the discussion were not directly identified; (b) the training was conducted during the off-season; (c) soccer-specific training programs were not controlled; (d) soccer-specific training was limited to a medium-intensity level; (e) fatigue variables were not controlled; (f) no guidelines were provided for types of carbohydrate intake and diet; and (g) ratings of perceived exertion such as sleep quality and warm lighting were not considered. Additionally, we recommend that future research be conducted considering the following characteristics of MNT to encourage practical application by parents, athletes, coaches, and staff: (a) controlling soccer-specific training programs and intensity, (b) in-season training; (c) randomized controlled trials; (d) fatigue-related effects (analysis of lactic acid and electromyography); and (e) age (U-12, U-15, U-18) and gender.

5. Conclusions

Most youth soccer players are recommended to train for two hours per day for 3–4 days per week [44,45]. Within a limited training period, game-specific skills, tactical flexibility, and various biological factors must be improved via the technical, tactical, and psychological development of youth players. In addition, changing the training environment calls for a progressive outside-the-box approach. Therefore, according to the training time and environment required by youth players, coaches must efficiently organize training methods and sequences. In conclusion, in our study, eight weeks of neuromuscular training applied during the off-season resulted in a significant improvement in the sprint ability and agility of youth soccer players, irrespective of the order of conducting the exercises—for instance, before or after performing the soccer-specific exercises.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, K.-J.L., S.-Y.S. and K.-O.A.; methodology, K.-J.L. and S.-Y.S.; software, K.-J.L. and S.-Y.S.; validation, K.-J.L., S.-Y.S. and K.-O.A.; formal analysis, K.-J.L. and K.-O.A.; investigation, K.-J.L., S.-Y.S. and K.-O.A.; resources, K.-J.L.; data curation, K.-J.L. and K.-O.A.; writing—original draft preparation, K.-J.L.; writing—review and editing, K.-O.A.; visualization, S.-Y.S.; supervision, K.-O.A.; project administration, K.-J.L., S.-Y.S. and K.-O.A.; funding acquisition, K.-J.L., S.-Y.S. and K.-O.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Korea National University of Transportation (KNUT IRB 2022-60).

Informed Consent Statement

Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.

Data Availability Statement

The data presented in this study are available upon request from the corresponding author.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Study design.
Figure 1. Study design.
Applsci 14 04748 g001
Table 1. Neuromuscular training program.
Table 1. Neuromuscular training program.
(10 min)
dynamic Stretching 3 times a week
for 8 weeks
Main exercise
(30 min)
- stability ball, rocker board, and Bosu instrument:
two leg → one leg (lifting using ball)
5 min
- 1–2 weeks: box jump, drop landing, MB throws
- 3–4 weeks: CMJ, MB throws, 1/2 ankle jumps
- 5–6 weeks: DJ (20 cm), MB throws, leg box hoping
- 7–8 weeks: MB throws with lateral bounds + stabilization,
hurdle jumps (60 cm), DJ (40 cm)
2 sets × 6 reps
3 sets × 6 reps
3 sets × 8 reps
3 sets × 8 reps
- squats
- planks
- lunges and side lunges
- single-leg Romanian deadlifts
- supermans and dead bugs
- 1–2 weeks: slow t + bodyweight
- 3–4 weeks: slow t + MB 2 KG
- 5–6 weeks: moderate t + 2 KG
- 7–8 weeks fast t + bodyweight
3 sets × 8 reps
3 sets × 8 reps
3 sets × 10 reps
4 sets × 12 reps
(10 min)
static stretching
MB: medicine ball; CMJ: count movement jump; DJ: drop jump; slow t: slow tempo; moderate t: moderate tempo; fast t: fast tempo.
Table 2. Changes in physical fitness.
Table 2. Changes in physical fitness.
Variable ANOVAPaired t-Test
PrePostFp-ValueEffect SizeTp-Value
Mean (SD)Mean (SD)
CMJ (kg)NBS0.90 (0.13)0.92 (0.11)0.1400.7110.005−2.5220.024 *
NAS0.80 (0.15)0.84 (0.17)−2.2600.038 *
10 m sprint (s)NBS2.25 (0.14)1.95 (0.12)23.773<0.001 ***0.44260.162<0.001 ***
NAS2.01 (0.22)1.94 (0.22)4.007<0.01 **
20 m sprint (s)NBS3.77 (0.24)3.44 (0.32)4.1810.0500.1225.880<0.001 ***
NAS3.33 (0.24)3.21 (0.35)1.3600.193
T-agility test (s)NBS11.18 (0.89)10.62 (0.80)4.3620.045 *0.1274.427<0.01 **
NAS10.29 (0.68)9.39 (0.05)8.651<0.001 ***
ICDT (s)NBS15.93 (0.56)15.96 (0.49)3.1730.0850.096−0.2870.779
NAS15.97 (0.99)15.74 (0.69)2.1980.043 *
Composite (score)NBS86.46 (7.83)93.79 (6.37)12.691<0.01 **0.297−5.868<0.001 ***
NAS93.90 (6.53)95.35 (6.07)−1.3421.983
Means ± SD: means and standard deviation; CMJ: count movement jump; ICDT: Illinois Change of Direction Test; NBS: neuromuscular before soccer-specific training group; NAS: neuromuscular after soccer-specific training group; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Lee, K.-J.; Seon, S.-Y.; An, K.-O. Arrangement Order Effects of Neuromuscular Training on the Physical Fitness of Youth Soccer Players. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 4748.

AMA Style

Lee K-J, Seon S-Y, An K-O. Arrangement Order Effects of Neuromuscular Training on the Physical Fitness of Youth Soccer Players. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(11):4748.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Lee, Kwang-Jin, Se-Young Seon, and Keun-Ok An. 2024. "Arrangement Order Effects of Neuromuscular Training on the Physical Fitness of Youth Soccer Players" Applied Sciences 14, no. 11: 4748.

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