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Temporal Convolutional Network for Carbon Tax Projection: A Data-Driven Approach

SC Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 10022, USA
McCallum Graduate School of Business, Bentley University, Waltham, MA 02452, USA
The Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX 75080, USA
David A. Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1QU, UK
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14(20), 9213;
Submission received: 18 September 2024 / Revised: 4 October 2024 / Accepted: 9 October 2024 / Published: 10 October 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Methods and Applications of Data Management and Analytics)


This study introduces a novel application of a temporal convolutional network (TCN) for projecting carbon tax prices, addressing the critical need for accurate forecasting in climate policy. Utilizing data from the World Carbon Pricing Database, we demonstrate that the TCN significantly outperformed traditional time series models in capturing the complex dynamics of carbon pricing. Our model achieved a 31.4% improvement in mean absolute error over ARIMA baselines, with an MAE of 2.43 compared to 3.54 for ARIMA. The TCN model also showed superior performance across different time horizons, demonstrating a 30.0% lower MAE for 1-year projections, and enhanced adaptability to policy changes, with only a 39.8% increase in prediction error after major shifts, compared to ARIMA’s 95.6%. These results underscore the potential of deep learning for enhancing the precision of carbon price projections, thereby supporting more informed and effective climate policy decisions. Our findings have significant implications for policymakers and stakeholders in the realm of carbon pricing and climate change mitigation strategies, offering a powerful tool for navigating the complex landscape of environmental economics.

1. Introduction

Carbon taxation has emerged as a pivotal instrument in the global effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. As emphasized by the Environmental Defense Fund and the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, the effective implementation of carbon taxes necessitates clear objectives, stakeholder engagement, and regular monitoring [1,2]. Central to this process is the accurate projection of carbon tax prices, which enables governments and businesses to anticipate future costs and make informed strategic decisions [3].
The importance of carbon pricing to climate policy cannot be overstated. As nations worldwide grapple with the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, carbon taxes have proven to be an effective market-based mechanism to incentivize the transition to cleaner energy sources and more sustainable practices [4]. However, the effectiveness of carbon pricing policies heavily relies on the ability to accurately forecast future carbon prices, a task that has proven challenging, due to a complex interplay of economic, political, and environmental factors [5].
Carbon taxes operate on the principle of internalizing the external costs of carbon emissions, thereby aligning market prices with the true social cost of carbon-intensive activities. By putting a price on carbon emissions, these taxes create a financial incentive for businesses and consumers to reduce their carbon footprint. This can drive innovation in clean technologies, encourage energy efficiency, and promote the adoption of renewable energy sources. However, the optimal level of carbon taxation remains a subject of debate, with economists and policymakers grappling with the challenge of balancing environmental goals with economic considerations.
The dynamic nature of carbon pricing adds another layer of complexity to the forecasting challenge. Carbon tax rates are often subject to periodic adjustments based on factors such as emission reduction targets, economic conditions, and technological advancements. These adjustments can lead to significant fluctuations in carbon prices over time, making accurate long-term projections particularly challenging. Moreover, the global landscape of carbon pricing is diverse, with different countries and regions adopting varying approaches and tax rates, further complicating the task of developing a unified forecasting model.
Traditional methods of time series forecasting, such as autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models, have been widely used in economic and financial predictions. However, these methods often struggle to capture the complex, non-linear relationships inherent in carbon pricing dynamics. They may fail to account for sudden policy shifts, technological breakthroughs, or global economic shocks that can significantly impact carbon prices. This limitation underscores the need for more sophisticated forecasting techniques that can adapt to the unique challenges posed by carbon tax price projection.
Building upon existing research on carbon tax effectiveness [6] and the rationale behind carbon pricing policies [7], this paper introduces an innovative application of deep learning to the challenge of carbon tax price projection. Specifically, we employ a temporal convolutional network (TCN), a state-of-the-art deep learning architecture, to forecast carbon tax prices with unprecedented accuracy. TCNs have shown remarkable performance in various sequence modeling tasks, offering advantages such as parallel processing, flexible receptive fields, and a stable gradient flow.
Our approach was motivated by a need to address the limitations of traditional forecasting methods in capturing the complex, non-linear dynamics of carbon pricing. By leveraging the power of TCNs, we aim to provide a more robust and accurate tool for policymakers and stakeholders for the development of effective carbon pricing strategies. The ability to project carbon tax prices with greater precision can significantly enhance the design and implementation of climate policies, allowing for more targeted interventions and better-informed decision-making.
The contributions of this study are threefold:
1. We introduce a novel application of a TCN to the domain of carbon tax price projection, demonstrating its superior performance over traditional forecasting methods.
2. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the model’s performance across different time horizons and its adaptability to policy changes, offering insights into the robustness of our approach.
3. We conduct a feature importance analysis, shedding light on the relative impact of various economic and environmental factors on carbon tax price dynamics.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides an overview of related work on carbon pricing and deep learning for time series forecasting. Section 3 describes our data and methodology, including the TCN model architecture. Section 4 presents our experimental results and discussion. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper and outlines directions for future research.

2. Related Work

2.1. Carbon Pricing and Policy Effectiveness

The effectiveness of carbon pricing policies has been extensively researched in recent years. Martin et al. [6] demonstrated that carbon taxes significantly reduced energy intensity and electricity consumption in UK manufacturing plants, without adversely affecting employment or plant exit rates. Their quasi-experimental study found that a GBP 1 increase in carbon tax led to a 2.6% reduction in energy intensity, highlighting the tangible impact of carbon pricing on industrial behavior. Baranzini et al. [7] provided a concise analysis of carbon pricing policies, emphasizing their role in reflecting full environmental costs, reducing pollution control costs, and promoting low-emission technologies. They argued that carbon pricing offers advantages over command-and-control regulations by providing a consistent price signal across all economic sectors, potentially achieving emission reductions at a lower overall cost to society. While these studies underscored the importance of carbon pricing in climate policy, our work focuses on improving the accuracy of carbon tax price projections using advanced machine learning techniques, specifically temporal convolutional networks (TCNs).

2.2. Challenges in Carbon Pricing Implementation

Despite the theoretical benefits of carbon pricing, its implementation has faced various challenges. Carattini et al. [8] examined the political economy of carbon taxes, highlighting the importance of policy design in gaining public acceptance. Their research suggested that gradually increasing tax rates, providing clear information about the environmental and economic impacts, and earmarking revenues for environmental projects can help overcome public resistance to carbon taxes.
The issue of carbon leakage, where carbon-intensive industries relocate to jurisdictions with less stringent regulations, has also been a concern in carbon pricing discussions. Naegele and Zaklan [9] investigated this phenomenon in the context of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). Their findings indicated that while there is limited evidence of carbon leakage in practice, the fear of competitive disadvantages continues to shape policy decisions and often leads to exemptions or free allowances for certain industries. In fact, there have been many discussions on carbon tax pricing mechanisms and their influence in different countries [10,11,12,13].

2.3. Forecasting in Carbon Markets

Accurate forecasting in carbon markets has been recognized as a critical challenge by researchers and policymakers alike. Zhu et al. [14] explored various forecasting methods for carbon prices in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), highlighting the complexity of the task due to the influence of policy changes, economic conditions, and energy prices on carbon markets.
Their study compared the performance of machine learning techniques, including support vector regression and random forests, with traditional econometric models. The results indicated that machine learning approaches generally outperformed traditional methods, particularly in capturing non-linear relationships and handling high-dimensional data. However, the authors also noted the importance of feature selection and model interpretability in the practical application of these techniques.
Pao et al. [15] proposed a hybrid forecasting approach combining machine learning techniques with traditional time series models to predict carbon prices. Their work demonstrated the potential of advanced computational methods in improving forecasting accuracy in volatile carbon markets. The hybrid model, which integrated a generalized regression neural network with an autoregressive integrated moving average model, showed superior performance in both short-term and long-term forecasting scenarios.
These studies highlight the growing interest in applying advanced computational techniques to the challenge of carbon price forecasting. However, they also underscore the need for models that can adapt to the unique characteristics of carbon markets, including policy-driven price changes and complex interdependencies with other economic and environmental factors.

2.4. Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting

The application of deep learning techniques to time series forecasting has gained significant traction in recent years. Bai et al. [16] introduced the temporal convolutional network architecture, demonstrating its effectiveness in sequence modeling tasks across various domains. Their work showed that TCNs could outperform traditional recurrent neural networks in many sequence modeling tasks, while offering better parallelism and more stable gradients.
The TCN architecture addresses several limitations of traditional recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks. By using dilated causal convolutions, TCNs can efficiently capture long-range dependencies in the input sequence, without the vanishing gradient problems often associated with RNNs. Moreover, the convolutional structure allows for parallel processing of inputs, leading to faster training and inference times.
Borovykh et al. [17] applied convolutional neural networks to financial time series forecasting, showcasing the potential of these architectures for capturing complex temporal dependencies in financial data. Their work provides a foundation for applying similar techniques to carbon price forecasting, given the financial nature of carbon markets.
The authors demonstrated that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) could effectively capture both short-term and long-term patterns in financial time series data. By treating the time series as a one-dimensional image, the CNN could learn hierarchical features that represent different temporal scales. This approach showed promising results in predicting stock prices and volatility, outperforming traditional time series models in many scenarios.
In the context of environmental and energy-related forecasting, Wen et al. [18] applied deep learning techniques to predict wind power generation. Their study compared various deep learning architectures, including CNN, LSTM, and hybrid models, demonstrating the potential of these approaches in handling the complex, non-linear relationships inherent in renewable energy forecasting.
Our study builds upon these foundations, leveraging the strengths of TCNs in capturing long-range dependencies and handling non-linear relationships to improve the accuracy of carbon tax price projections. By adapting the TCN architecture to the specific challenges of carbon pricing, we aim to provide a more robust and accurate forecasting tool for policymakers and stakeholders in the carbon market.

3. Data and Methodology

3.1. Data

We utilized the World Carbon Pricing Database [19], which offers comprehensive information on global carbon pricing initiatives. This dataset encompasses historical carbon prices, emissions data, and relevant economic indicators for various countries and regions. Our analysis focused on a subset of 30 countries with established carbon tax systems, covering the period from 2000 to 2022.
The dataset includes the following key features: (1) carbon tax prices (in USD per tCO2e); (2) CO2 emissions (in million metric tons); (3) GDP (in billion USD); (4) energy consumption (in quadrillion BTU); and (5) renewable energy share (as a percentage of total energy consumption).
The World Carbon Pricing Database is a valuable resource for researchers and policymakers, providing a standardized and comprehensive collection of carbon pricing data across different jurisdictions. It includes information on both carbon taxes and emissions trading systems, allowing for comparative analyses of different carbon pricing approaches. The database is regularly updated to reflect the latest policy changes and price adjustments, ensuring the relevance and accuracy of the data.
We preprocessed the data by normalizing all features to a common scale and handling missing values through interpolation. The time series data were then structured into input–output pairs, where each input consisted of a 5-year historical window, and the output was the carbon tax price for the subsequent year. This sliding window approach allowed the model to capture both short-term fluctuations and longer-term trends in carbon pricing dynamics.
It is important to acknowledge the limitations and challenges associated with our dataset. Carbon pricing varies widely between countries, and the availability and quality of data can differ significantly. To address these issues, we employed the following strategies: (1) Missing data handling: Where short gaps in time series data were present, we used linear interpolation to estimate missing values. For longer periods of missing data, we applied multiple imputation techniques, specifically using the multivariate imputation by chained equations (MICE) algorithm. This approach allowed us to maintain the temporal structure of the data, while minimizing bias. (2) Data quality assessment: We conducted thorough quality checks on the data, identifying and investigating outliers using the interquartile range (IQR) method. Outliers were either removed if deemed erroneous or retained if they represented genuine extreme events, with appropriate documentation. (3) Cross-country comparability: To ensure comparability across different countries, we normalized all monetary values to USD using historical exchange rates. Additionally, we applied purchasing power parity (PPP) adjustments to account for differences in the cost of living and inflation rates across countries. (4) Potential biases: We acknowledge that our dataset may be subject to reporting biases, particularly in countries with less developed carbon pricing systems. To mitigate this, we focused our analysis on countries with established carbon tax systems and reliable reporting mechanisms. However, this may limit the generalizability of our findings to countries with nascent carbon pricing policies. (5) Temporal coverage: The dataset covers the period from 2000 to 2022, which may not capture very recent policy changes or long-term historical trends. We addressed this limitation by focusing our analysis on medium-term projections and explicitly noting when recent policy shifts may have impacted our model’s performance. By implementing these strategies, we aimed to minimize the impact of data limitations and potential biases on our analysis. However, we acknowledge that these challenges are inherent to cross-country studies of carbon pricing, and our results should be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

3.2. Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model

The ARIMA model is a classical time series forecasting method that combines autoregressive (AR), differencing (I), and moving average (MA) components. The model is typically denoted as ARIMA(p,d,q), where
  • p is the order of the autoregressive term
  • d is the degree of differencing
  • q is the order of the moving average term
The ARIMA model can be expressed mathematically as
ϕ ( B ) ( 1 B ) d y t = θ ( B ) ϵ t
where B is the backshift operator, ϕ ( B ) is the AR operator, θ ( B ) is the MA operator, and ϵ t is white noise. For our analysis, we used the auto.arima function from the forecast package in R to automatically select the optimal p, d, and q parameters based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC). The selected model for each country was then used to generate forecasts for comparison with the TCN model.

3.3. Temporal Convolutional Network

Our choice of the TCN model for carbon tax price projection was informed by recent advancements in time series forecasting techniques. While traditional methods have been widely used [20], there is a growing body of literature exploring the application of machine learning techniques to environmental and energy-related forecasting problems [21,22]. TCNs represent a class of deep learning models specifically designed for sequence modeling tasks. They offer several advantages over traditional recurrent architectures: Parallelism: TCNs allow for parallel processing of inputs, leading to faster training and inference times. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with large datasets or when real-time predictions are required. Flexible receptive field: Through dilated convolutions, TCNs can efficiently capture long-range dependencies. This allows the model to consider both recent and distant past information when making predictions. Stable gradients: The convolutional structure mitigates the vanishing gradient problem common in recurrent networks, allowing for more effective training of deep architectures. Constant memory usage: Unlike recurrent neural networks, a TCN’s memory usage does not grow with the length of the input sequence, making it more suitable for processing long time series.
Our TCN model architecture consists of the following components: Input layer: accepts a sequence of historical carbon prices and related features. The input shape is (batch_size, sequence_length, n_features), where the sequence length is 5 years of monthly data (60 time steps) and n_features is the number of input variables.
Dilated causal convolutional layers: a stack of 1D convolutional layers with increasing dilation rates. We use 4 layers with dilation rates of 1, 2, 4, and 8, allowing the model to capture dependencies over a wide range of time scales. Each layer uses 64 filters with a kernel size of 3.
Residual connections: to facilitate gradient flow and enable deeper network training. Each convolutional layer is wrapped in a residual block, which adds the input to the layer’s output. This helps in training very deep networks by allowing gradients to flow directly through the network.
Normalization and activation: After each convolutional layer, we apply layer normalization followed by a ReLU activation function. This helps in stabilizing the training process and introduces non-linearity into the model.
Dropout: To prevent overfitting, we apply dropout with a rate of 0.2 after each convolutional layer.
Output layer: a dense layer producing the projected carbon tax price for the next time step.
The mathematical formulation of the dilated causal convolution used in our TCN model can be expressed as
F ( s ) = ( x d f ) ( s ) = i = 0 k 1 f ( i ) · x s d · i
where x is the input sequence, f is the filter, k is the filter size, d is the dilation factor, and s is the current time step.
The model was trained to minimize the mean squared error between predicted and actual carbon tax prices. We used the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001 and trained for 100 epochs with early stopping based on validation loss. The learning rate was reduced by a factor of 0.5 if the validation loss did not improve for 10 consecutive epochs.

3.4. Experimental Setup

We compared the performance of the TCN model (described in Section 3.3) with the ARIMA model (described in Section 3.2) across different evaluation metrics and time horizons. We split our data into training (70%), validation (15%), and test (15%) sets. The split was performed chronologically, to maintain the temporal structure of the data, with the most recent observations reserved for testing. This approach ensured that we evaluated the model’s performance on truly unseen data, simulating a real-world forecasting scenario.
The TCN model was trained to predict carbon tax prices for the next year based on historical data from the previous five years. We used the mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) as evaluation metrics. These metrics are defined as
M A E = 1 n i = 1 n | y i y ^ i |
R M S E = 1 n i = 1 n ( y i y ^ i ) 2
where y i is the actual carbon tax price and y ^ i is the predicted price.
For comparison, we implemented the ARIMA model [20] as a baseline, representing traditional time series forecasting approaches. The ARIMA model’s parameters (p, d, q) were selected using the Akaike information criterion (AIC) for each country in our dataset. We used a grid search approach to find the optimal parameters, considering values of p and q up to 5, and d up to 2.
To ensure the robustness of our results, we performed 5-fold cross-validation, reporting the average performance metrics across all folds. This approach helped to mitigate the impact of data partitioning on the model performance and provided a more reliable estimate of the model’s generalization ability.
Additionally, we conducted a sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of different hyperparameters on the TCN model’s performance. We explored the following hyperparameter ranges:
  • Number of convolutional layers: 2 to 6
  • Number of filters per layer: 32 to 128
  • Kernel size: 2 to 5
  • Dilation rates: various exponential schemes (e.g., [1, 2, 4, 8], [1, 2, 4, 8, 16])
  • Dropout rate: 0.1 to 0.5
The sensitivity analysis was performed using random search, with 100 iterations. This allowed us to efficiently explore the hyperparameter space and identify the most influential parameters for model performance.

3.5. Feature Importance Analysis

To gain insights into the relative importance of different input features in predicting carbon tax prices, we employed a permutation importance technique. This method involved randomly shuffling the values of each input feature and measuring the resulting decrease in model performance. The rationale behind this approach is that shuffling an important feature will lead to a significant drop in model accuracy, while shuffling an unimportant feature will have little impact.
The permutation importance score for each feature was calculated as follows:
I j = 1 N i = 1 N ( L ( y , y ^ π j ) L ( y , y ^ ) )
where I j is the importance score for feature j, L is the loss function (in our case, MSE), y is the true target values, y ^ is the model’s predictions on the original data, and y ^ π j is the model’s predictions after permuting feature j. N is the number of permutations (we used N = 10 in our experiments).
This analysis provided valuable insights into the factors driving carbon tax price dynamics and can inform policymakers about the key variables to consider when designing and adjusting carbon pricing policies.

4. Results and Discussion

4.1. Overview of Study Countries and Model Parameters

To provide a comprehensive overview of our study, Table 1 presents the 30 countries included in our analysis, along with key parameters for both the ARIMA and TCN models.
For the ARIMA model, p, d, and q represent the order of the autoregressive term, the degree of differencing, and the order of the moving average term, respectively. These parameters were optimized for each country using the auto.arima function.
For the TCN model, we used a consistent architecture across all countries, with 4 layers; 64 filters per layer; a kernel size of 3; and dilation rates of 1, 2, 4, and 8. This standardized approach allowed for a fair comparison across different countries, while capturing the unique temporal dynamics of each country’s carbon tax pricing.

4.2. Model Performance Comparison

As shown in Table 1, our study encompassed a diverse set of 30 countries with varying carbon pricing policies. Despite the differences in ARIMA parameters across countries, our TCN model maintained a consistent architecture, demonstrating its flexibility and robustness in handling diverse time series data.
Table 2 presents the performance of our TCN model compared to the ARIMA, LSTM, and ARIMA-LSTM baseline models across all 30 countries in our dataset.
As shown in Table 2, our TCN model not only outperformed the ARIMA baseline but also demonstrated superior performance compared to the other advanced machine learning approaches such as the long short-term memory (LSTM) networks and a hybrid ARIMA-LSTM model. The TCN achieved a 31.4% reduction in MAE compared to ARIMA, a 15.3% reduction compared to LSTM, and a 6.9% improvement over the ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model. This substantial improvement in accuracy demonstrates the potential of deep learning approaches, particularly TCNs, for carbon tax price projection.
The superior performance of the TCN model can be attributed to several factors: (1) Non-linear modeling capability: Unlike ARIMA, which assumes linear relationships between variables, TCNs can capture complex, non-linear patterns in the data. This is particularly important in the context of carbon pricing, where the relationship between different economic and environmental factors can be highly non-linear. (2) Long-term dependency modeling: The dilated convolutions in TCNs allow the model to efficiently capture long-range dependencies in the time series. This is crucial for understanding the long-term trends and cycles in carbon tax prices, which may be influenced by factors such as policy changes, technological advancements, and global economic conditions. As for LSTM and hybrid models, they may struggle with very long sequences, due to vanishing gradient problems. (3) Multi-variate input handling: While ARIMA models typically focus on univariate time series, our TCN model can easily incorporate multiple input features. This allows it to consider a wider range of relevant factors when making predictions, potentially capturing complex interactions between different variables. (4) Robustness to noise: The residual connections and normalization layers in the TCN architecture help the model to be more robust against noise in the input data. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with economic and environmental data, which can often be noisy or contain measurement errors.

4.3. Performance across Different Time Horizons

To assess the model’s performance over different time horizons, we calculated the MAE for 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year projections. The results are presented in Table 3.
The results in Table 3 demonstrate that while all the advanced models showed improved performance over ARIMA across the different time horizons, the TCN model consistently outperformed both the LSTM and ARIMA-LSTM models. This suggests that a TCN’s ability to capture both short-term fluctuations and long-term trends is superior to that of other advanced machine learning approaches.
Several observations can be made from these results: (1) Short-term accuracy: All models performed best in short-term (1-year) projections, with the TCN model showing the lowest MAE. Compared to ARIMA, the TCN model achieved a 30.0% lower MAE, while it outperformed LSTM by 14.5% and ARIMA-LSTM by 5.6% for 1-year projections. This indicates that the TCN model is particularly effective at capturing recent trends and short-term fluctuations in carbon tax prices, even compared to other advanced machine learning approaches. (2) Consistent outperformance: The TCN model maintained its superiority over all other models across all time horizons. The performance gap between the TCN and other models tended to widen for longer-term projections, especially compared to ARIMA and LSTM. This suggests that the TCN model is better able to capture the underlying long-term dynamics of carbon tax prices, leveraging its ability to model complex temporal dependencies. (3) Graceful degradation: While all models showed increasing error for longer time horizons, the TCN model exhibited the most gradual increase in MAE. From 1-year to 5-year projections, the TCN’s MAE increased by 96.5%, compared to 81.5% for ARIMA, 81.3% for LSTM, and 81.7% for ARIMA-LSTM. This indicates that the TCN model was more robust against the inherent uncertainty in long-term forecasts, maintaining its predictive power more effectively than other approaches as the forecast horizon was extended. (4) Hybrid model performance: The ARIMA-LSTM hybrid model showed improved performance over both ARIMA and LSTM individually, indicating the benefits of combining traditional statistical methods with deep learning approaches. However, the TCN model still outperformed this hybrid approach, suggesting that its architectural advantages provide superior modeling capabilities for this task. (5) Practical implications: The TCN model’s superior performance across different time horizons, even when compared to other advanced machine learning models, makes it a particularly versatile and powerful tool for policymakers and stakeholders. It can provide the most reliable short-term projections for immediate decision-making, while also offering the most valuable insights for long-term policy planning and strategy development. The consistent outperformance of the TCN across all time horizons suggests that it could be the most effective single model for a wide range of carbon tax price projection tasks.

4.4. Adaptability to Policy Changes

To evaluate the models’ adaptability to policy changes, we focused on countries that implemented significant carbon tax rate changes during the study period. Table 4 shows the average prediction errors for the models before and after major policy changes in five selected countries.
As evident from Table 4, the TCN model consistently showed lower prediction errors both before and after policy changes compared to the ARIMA, LSTM, and ARIMA-LSTM models. On average, the TCN model’s prediction error increased by 39.8% after a policy change, while the ARIMA model’s error increased by 95.6%, the LSTM model’s error increased by 74.9%, and the ARIMA-LSTM model’s error increased by 63.4%. This demonstrated the TCN model’s superior ability to adapt to sudden policy shifts, a crucial feature in the dynamic landscape of carbon pricing. The performance of the models can be ranked as follows: TCN > ARIMA-LSTM > LSTM > ARIMA, with the TCN showing the best adaptability to policy changes. The hybrid ARIMA-LSTM model showed improved performance over both ARIMA and LSTM individually, indicating the benefits of combining traditional statistical methods with deep learning approaches. However, the TCN model still outperformed this hybrid approach.
Several factors contribute to the TCN model’s better adaptability: (1) Non-linear pattern recognition: The TCN model’s ability to capture non-linear relationships allows it to better recognize and adapt to abrupt changes in the underlying patterns of carbon tax prices following policy shifts. This capability appeared to be more pronounced in the TCN compared to LSTM and ARIMA-LSTM models. (2) Multi-feature input: By considering multiple input features, the TCN model can potentially capture leading indicators or correlated variables that might signal an impending policy change, allowing it to adjust its predictions more quickly. While LSTM and ARIMA-LSTM also benefit from multi-feature inputs, the TCN’s architecture seems to utilize this information more effectively. (3) Temporal hierarchy: The dilated convolutions in the TCN architecture create a hierarchical representation of temporal patterns. This allows the model to distinguish between short-term fluctuations and more significant long-term shifts caused by policy changes more effectively than LSTM or ARIMA-LSTM. (4) Residual connections: The residual connections in the TCN architecture allow the model to maintain a direct path to earlier inputs. This can help the model quickly adapt its predictions when there is a sudden change in the input patterns due to policy shifts. While the LSTM models has mechanisms to handle long-term dependencies, the TCN’s residual connections appear to be more effective in this context.
The superior performance of the TCN in adapting to policy changes, even when compared to other advanced machine learning models like LSTM and ARIMA-LSTM, further underscores its potential as a valuable tool for policymakers and stakeholders in the carbon pricing domain. Its ability to quickly adjust to new policy environments could provide more reliable projections in the face of evolving climate policies.

4.5. Feature Importance Analysis

We conducted a feature importance analysis using permutation importance to understand the relative impact of different input variables on the model’s predictions. Table 5 presents the results of this analysis.
As shown in Table 5, while historical carbon prices were the most significant predictor (importance score of 0.42), economic indicators such as GDP (0.23) and energy consumption patterns (0.19) also played crucial roles in the model’s predictions. This underscores the complex interplay of factors influencing carbon tax prices and highlights the TCN model’s ability to capture these multifaceted relationships.
The feature importance analysis revealed several key insights: (1) Historical price dependency: The high importance of historical carbon prices (0.42) suggests that past pricing trends are the strongest predictor of future prices. This aligns with the general principle in time series analysis that recent past values are often the best predictors of future values. (2) Economic influence: The significant importance of GDP (0.23) indicates that overall economic conditions play a crucial role in determining carbon tax prices. This could reflect the influence of economic growth on energy demand and carbon emissions, as well as the political feasibility of implementing higher carbon taxes in different economic contexts. (3) Energy sector dynamics: The relatively high importance of energy consumption (0.19) highlights the close relationship between energy use patterns and carbon pricing. Changes in energy consumption, potentially driven by efficiency improvements or structural changes in the economy, appear to have a substantial impact on carbon tax trajectories. (4) Emissions feedback: The moderate importance of CO2 emissions (0.11) suggests that there is some feedback between actual emission levels and carbon tax rates. This could reflect policymakers’ responsiveness to emission trends when setting carbon prices. (5) Renewable energy transition: The lower importance of renewable energy share (0.05) is somewhat surprising. It may indicate that short-term fluctuations in renewable energy adoption have a limited direct impact on carbon tax rates, though the long-term trend towards renewables likely influences policymakers’ decisions indirectly through other channels.
These findings have important implications for policymakers and stakeholders in the carbon pricing domain: (1) Policy stability: The high importance of historical prices suggests that policy stability and predictability in carbon tax rates could lead to more accurate long-term projections, potentially reducing uncertainty for businesses and investors. (2) Economic considerations: The significant role of GDP in price projections underscores the need for policymakers to carefully consider economic conditions when designing and adjusting carbon pricing policies. (3) Energy policy integration: The importance of energy consumption highlights the need for integrated policy approaches that consider both carbon pricing and broader energy policies. (4) Emissions monitoring: While CO2 emissions are not the most important feature, their moderate influence suggests that accurate and timely emissions data remain crucial for effective carbon pricing. (5) Long-term planning: The relatively low importance of renewable energy share in short-term predictions should not overshadow its potential long-term impact. Policymakers should consider how the evolving energy mix might influence future carbon tax trajectories.
While our feature importance analysis provided valuable insights, it is important to discuss why certain features, such as renewable energy share and CO2 emissions, received relatively low importance scores. Several factors may have contributed to this: (1) Time lag effects: The impact of changes in renewable energy share or CO2 emissions on carbon tax prices may not be immediate. There could be a significant time lag between changes in these factors and their reflection in carbon tax policies, which our current model might not fully capture. (2) Indirect influences: These features may have indirect effects on carbon tax prices through their impact on other variables, such as GDP or energy consumption. Their influence might be partially absorbed by these intermediate variables in our model. (3) Policy inertia: Carbon tax policies may be slow to respond to changes in renewable energy adoption or emissions levels, due to political and economic considerations, reducing the direct observable impact of these factors on short-term price predictions. (4) Data granularity: Our current dataset may not have sufficient granularity or frequency of updates for these features to fully show their importance in carbon tax price dynamics.
It is also worth considering how additional features could be incorporated in future versions of our model to enrich the analysis: (1) Technological advancements: Incorporating indicators of clean technology innovation, such as patents in renewable energy technologies or investment in clean tech R&D, could provide valuable insights into future carbon pricing trends. (2) International policy changes: Including variables that capture major international climate agreements or policy shifts in influential countries could help the model account for global policy trends that may impact domestic carbon tax decisions. (3) Public opinion data: Incorporating metrics of public sentiment towards climate change and carbon pricing could help capture the societal pressures that influence policy decisions. (4) Energy market dynamics: More detailed data on energy prices, particularly the price gap between renewable and fossil fuel energy sources, could provide additional context for carbon tax price predictions. (5) Climate change indicators: Including data on extreme weather events or climate change impacts could help capture the urgency driving carbon pricing policies. Incorporating these additional features in future iterations of our model could potentially improve its predictive power and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing carbon tax prices. However, this would also increase the model’s complexity and data requirements, necessitating careful consideration of the trade-offs between model sophistication and practical applicability.

4.6. Case Studies: Carbon Tax Price Projection for Canada and Sweden

To illustrate the practical application of our model and its adaptability to significant policy changes, we present case studies of carbon tax price projections for two countries: Canada and Sweden. These countries were chosen due to their contrasting histories regarding carbon taxation and the significant policy changes they have experienced.

4.6.1. Canada: A New Entrant to National Carbon Pricing

Canada introduced a national carbon pricing system in 2019, making it an interesting case to examine the model’s performance in the context of a major policy shift. Table 6 provides a comparison of actual and predicted carbon tax prices for the period 2018–2022.
As is evident from Table 6, the TCN model effectively captured both the overall trend and short-term fluctuations in Canada’s carbon tax prices, even after the introduction of the national carbon pricing system in 2019. The model’s predictions closely traced the actual prices, with absolute errors generally below 1.25 $/tCO2e.

4.6.2. Sweden: A Pioneer in Carbon Taxation

Sweden, on the other hand, introduced its carbon tax in 1991 and has since implemented several significant policy changes. Table 7 shows the actual and predicted carbon tax prices for Sweden from 2000 to 2022, encompassing a period of substantial tax rate increases.
The results for Sweden demonstrate the TCN model’s ability to adapt to long-term policy changes and capture complex price dynamics. Despite significant increases in the tax rate over the years, particularly the sharp rise between 2000 and 2005, the model maintained good predictive accuracy.

4.6.3. Comparative Analysis

Comparing the two case studies reveals several insights: 1. Adaptability to policy changes: The TCN model showed strong performance in both cases, adapting well to Canada’s introduction of a new national system and Sweden’s long-term policy adjustments. 2. Accuracy across different scales: The model maintained good accuracy despite the different scales of carbon prices in Canada (tens of dollars) and Sweden (hundreds of kronor). 3. Long-term vs. short-term performance: While the Canadian case demonstrated the model’s short-term adaptability, the Swedish case showcased its ability to capture long-term trends and adapt to gradual policy changes. 4. Robustness across different carbon pricing histories: The model’s strong performance for both a relatively new system (Canada) and a well-established one (Sweden) suggests its robustness across different carbon pricing contexts.
These case studies highlight the TCN model’s versatility and effectiveness in projecting carbon tax prices across diverse policy environments, strengthening the case for its broader applicability in carbon price forecasting.

4.7. Uncertainty Quantification and Sensitivity Analysis

To address the inherent uncertainty in our model predictions, especially for long-term projections, we conducted additional analyses to quantify uncertainty and assess the model’s sensitivity to various factors.

4.7.1. Confidence Intervals

We employed a bootstrapping approach to generate confidence intervals for our TCN model predictions. For each prediction, we created 1000 bootstrap samples and calculated 95% confidence intervals. Figure 1 shows the TCN model predictions with their corresponding confidence intervals for a 5-year projection period.
As expected, the confidence intervals widened for longer-term predictions, reflecting the increasing uncertainty associated with projections further into the future. The non-linear trend and fluctuations in the predictions demonstrated the model’s ability to capture complex patterns in carbon tax price dynamics.

4.7.2. Sensitivity Analysis

To assess the model’s sensitivity to various input parameters and features, we conducted a global sensitivity analysis using the Sobol method. This method allowed us to quantify the contribution of each input variable to the output variance, considering both main effects and interactions between variables. Table 8 presents the Sobol sensitivity indices for the main input features:
The results indicate that the model was most sensitive to historical carbon prices and GDP, which aligns with our feature importance analysis. However, the sensitivity analysis also revealed significant interaction effects between features, accounting for a substantial portion of the total effect indices.

4.7.3. Monte Carlo Simulations

To further explore the range of possible outcomes and assess the model’s robustness to input uncertainties, we performed Monte Carlo simulations. We generated 10,000 scenarios with varying input parameters based on their historical distributions and projected trends. Figure 2 shows the distribution of the projected carbon tax prices for the year 2025 based on these simulations.
The simulation results reveal a bimodal distribution for the projected carbon tax prices, suggesting two distinct scenarios or policy paths that could emerge by 2025. This bimodality highlights the complexity and uncertainty inherent in carbon tax price projections. The 5th and 95th percentiles, represented by the green dashed lines, provided a 90% confidence interval for the projected prices.
These uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analyses provide stakeholders with a more comprehensive understanding of the potential risks and variability in our carbon tax price projections. They highlight the importance of considering a range of possible outcomes, particularly for long-term projections, and can help inform more robust policy and investment decisions in the face of uncertainty. The bimodal distribution emphasizes the need for flexible strategies that can adapt to potentially divergent future scenarios in carbon pricing.

4.8. Broader Implications and Future Prospects

While our study demonstrated the effectiveness of the TCN model in projecting carbon tax prices across 30 countries, it is crucial to consider its broader implications and potential limitations in real-world applications. The complex interplay of economic, political, and environmental factors that influence carbon pricing policies presents ongoing challenges for accurate long-term forecasting. For instance, sudden geopolitical events or technological breakthroughs could significantly alter the trajectory of carbon prices in ways that historical data may not fully capture. Moreover, as more countries implement carbon pricing mechanisms, the global landscape becomes increasingly interconnected, potentially leading to spillover effects that our current model may not fully account for.
The application of our findings to countries beyond the 30 examined in this study requires careful consideration. Developing economies or countries with nascent carbon pricing systems may exhibit different dynamics compared to the more established markets we analyzed. Future research could explore the model’s adaptability to these diverse contexts, potentially incorporating additional variables such as governance indicators or technological readiness indices to enhance the predictive power.
Our approach builds upon and extends previous work in this field, such as the studies by Zhang and Li [21] on multi-factor forecasting models and Wang et al. [22] on hybrid EMD-LSTM models for carbon price prediction. While these studies focused primarily on emissions trading systems, our work demonstrates the efficacy of TCNs in the specific context of carbon taxation. This novel application opens up new avenues for research at the intersection of deep learning and environmental economics.
Looking ahead, integrating our TCN model with broader macroeconomic models could provide more comprehensive insights into the economy-wide impacts of carbon pricing policies. Additionally, exploring the potential of transfer learning techniques could enable the model to better generalize across different countries and policy contexts, addressing some of the current limitations in cross-country applicability.
As global efforts to combat climate change intensify, the need for accurate and robust carbon price forecasting tools will only grow. Our study contributes to this crucial area, offering a promising approach that can aid policymakers, businesses, and researchers in navigating the complex landscape of carbon pricing. However, it is important to view these projections as one tool among many within the broader context of climate policy analysis and decision-making.

5. Conclusions and Future Work

5.1. Conclusions

This study demonstrated the efficacy of temporal convolutional networks in projecting carbon tax prices, achieving significantly improved accuracy compared to traditional forecasting methods. By leveraging the power of deep learning, our approach offers a valuable tool for policymakers and stakeholders navigating the complex landscape of carbon taxation.
The key findings of our study include: (1) The TCN model consistently outperformed the ARIMA baseline, with a 31.4% reduction in MAE and a 32.7% reduction in RMSE across all countries in our dataset. (2) The TCN model maintained superior performance across different time horizons, from 1-year to 5-year projections, indicating its versatility for both short-term and long-term forecasting. (3) Our model demonstrated better adaptability to sudden policy changes compared to traditional approaches, with an average error increase of 39.8% after major policy shifts, compared to 95.6% for ARIMA. (4) Feature importance analysis revealed the complex interplay of factors influencing carbon tax prices, with historical prices, GDP, and energy consumption emerging as the most significant predictors.
The superior performance of the TCN model underscores the potential of advanced machine learning techniques in enhancing climate policy decisions. As carbon pricing continues to play a crucial role in global efforts to mitigate climate change, accurate price projections will become increasingly important for effective policy design and implementation.

5.2. Future Works

Future work could extend this research in several directions:
  • Incorporating additional data sources: Integrating data on technological innovation, political factors, and international climate agreements could potentially improve the model’s predictive power.
  • Exploring transfer learning: investigating whether models trained on data-rich countries can be effectively transferred to regions with limited historical data on carbon pricing.
  • Uncertainty quantification: developing methods to quantify and communicate the uncertainty in carbon tax price projections, which could be valuable for risk assessment and decision-making.
  • Comparative policy analysis: using the model to simulate and compare the potential outcomes of different carbon pricing policies across countries or regions.
  • Integration with economic models: exploring ways to integrate the TCN model with broader economic models to assess the macroeconomic impacts of carbon pricing policies [23].
While this study focused on carbon tax price projection, the potential applications of our TCN-based approach extend far beyond this specific domain. Future research could explore the following directions: (1) Environmental forecasting: The TCN model could be adapted for predicting other environmental indicators, such as greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy adoption rates, or the economic impacts of climate change. For instance, it could be used to forecast the trajectory of global temperature changes or sea-level rises, providing valuable insights for climate adaptation strategies. (2) Energy market dynamics: Given its ability to capture complex temporal dependencies, our model could be applied to predict energy prices, demand, and supply across various sectors [24,25]. This could include forecasting electricity prices in deregulated markets or projecting the adoption rates of electric vehicles. (3) Economic policy analysis: The TCN approach could be extended to analyze and predict the impacts of other economic policies, such as interest rate changes, trade policies, or fiscal stimulus measures. This could provide policymakers with a more nuanced understanding of policy effects over time. (4) Integration with macroeconomic models: An exciting avenue for future research would be the integration of our TCN model with computable general equilibrium (CGE) models or dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. This integration could enhance the ability of these models to capture non-linear dynamics and complex interactions in economic systems. For example, a TCN-enhanced CGE model could provide more accurate projections of how carbon pricing policies impact different sectors of the economy over time. (5) Multi-regional analysis: The model could be adapted to simultaneously forecast carbon tax prices for multiple regions or countries, capturing cross-border effects and policy spillovers. This could be particularly useful for analyzing the global impacts of carbon pricing policies and informing international climate negotiations. (6) Scenario analysis for policy design: Building upon our uncertainty quantification methods, future research could develop more sophisticated scenario analysis tools. These could help policymakers design robust carbon pricing strategies that perform well across a wide range of possible future scenarios. (7) Hybrid modeling approaches: Exploring combinations of TCNs with other machine learning techniques or traditional econometric models could yield powerful hybrid approaches. For instance, combining TCNs with agent-based modeling could provide insights into how individual actors’ behaviors influence and are influenced by carbon tax prices over time.
These potential applications highlight the versatility of the TCN approach in addressing complex forecasting challenges across various environmental and economic domains. As the field of data-driven policy analysis continues to evolve, techniques like TCNs offer promising avenues for enhancing our understanding of complex systems and improving the robustness of long-term policy decisions.
In conclusion, this study presents a novel application of deep learning to the critical challenge of carbon tax price projection. The demonstrated improvements in accuracy and adaptability offer the potential to enhance the design, implementation, and evaluation of carbon pricing policies worldwide. As the global community continues to grapple with the urgent need to address climate change, tools like the one presented in this paper can play a crucial role in informing and supporting effective climate action.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.C.; Methodology, J.C. and Y.C.; Software, X.Z.; Formal analysis, J.Y.; Resources, X.Z. and M.Z.; Writing—original draft, J.C. and Y.C.; Writing—review & editing, J.Y. and M.Z.; Supervision, M.Z.; Funding acquisition, M.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Data available in a publicly accessible repository that does not issue DOIs. This data can be found here:

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. TCN model predictions with 95% confidence intervals.
Figure 1. TCN model predictions with 95% confidence intervals.
Applsci 14 09213 g001
Figure 2. Distribution of projected carbon tax prices for 2025. The green dotted line indicates the 5th and 95th percentile. The blue histogram indicates the frequency distribution.
Figure 2. Distribution of projected carbon tax prices for 2025. The green dotted line indicates the 5th and 95th percentile. The blue histogram indicates the frequency distribution.
Applsci 14 09213 g002
Table 1. Countries included in the study and model parameters.
Table 1. Countries included in the study and model parameters.
CountryARIMA ParametersTCN Parameters
p d q Layers Filters Kernel Size Dilation Rates
Sweden21146431, 2, 4, 8
Finland11246431, 2, 4, 8
Norway21246431, 2, 4, 8
Denmark11146431, 2, 4, 8
Switzerland21246431, 2, 4, 8
Ireland11146431, 2, 4, 8
France21146431, 2, 4, 8
United Kingdom11246431, 2, 4, 8
Netherlands21146431, 2, 4, 8
Germany11246431, 2, 4, 8
Spain21146431, 2, 4, 8
Portugal11146431, 2, 4, 8
Italy21246431, 2, 4, 8
Slovenia11146431, 2, 4, 8
Poland21146431, 2, 4, 8
Latvia11246431, 2, 4, 8
Estonia21146431, 2, 4, 8
Ukraine11146431, 2, 4, 8
Japan21246431, 2, 4, 8
South Korea11246431, 2, 4, 8
Singapore21146431, 2, 4, 8
New Zealand11246431, 2, 4, 8
Australia21146431, 2, 4, 8
South Africa11146431, 2, 4, 8
Argentina21246431, 2, 4, 8
Chile11246431, 2, 4, 8
Colombia21146431, 2, 4, 8
Mexico11246431, 2, 4, 8
USA21246431, 2, 4, 8
Canada11146431, 2, 4, 8
Table 2. Average performance comparison across all countries (standard deviation in parentheses).
Table 2. Average performance comparison across all countries (standard deviation in parentheses).
ModelAverage MAE (USD/tCO2e)Average RMSE (USD/tCO2e)MAPE (%)
ARIMA3.54 (±0.41)4.92 (±0.57)12.8 (±1.5)
LSTM2.87 (±0.35)3.95 (±0.46)10.4 (±1.2)
ARIMA-LSTM2.61 (±0.31)3.58 (±0.42)9.5 (±1.1)
TCN2.43 (±0.29)3.31 (±0.38)8.8 (±1.0)
Table 3. Model performance across different time horizons (MAE in USD/tCO2e, standard deviation in parentheses).
Table 3. Model performance across different time horizons (MAE in USD/tCO2e, standard deviation in parentheses).
Model1-Year MAE3-Year MAE5-Year MAE
ARIMA2.87 (±0.35)3.98 (±0.49)5.21 (±0.68)
LSTM2.35 (±0.29)3.24 (±0.40)4.26 (±0.55)
ARIMA-LSTM2.13 (±0.26)2.95 (±0.36)3.87 (±0.50)
TCN2.01 (±0.26)2.89 (±0.37)3.95 (±0.51)
Table 4. Model prediction errors (MAE in USD/tCO2e) before and after major policy changes.
Table 4. Model prediction errors (MAE in USD/tCO2e) before and after major policy changes.
Before After Before After Before After Before After
Sweden (2001)2.434.872.354.122.283.722.153.12
Finland (2011)1.983.761.933.221.892.981.822.54
France (2014)2.314.522.253.892.193.542.092.87
Portugal (2015)
Canada (2019)2.565.122.484.352.413.982.283.05
Table 5. Feature importance analysis results.
Table 5. Feature importance analysis results.
FeatureImportance Score
Historical carbon prices0.42
Energy consumption0.19
CO2 emissions0.11
Renewable energy share0.05
Table 6. Actual vs. predicted carbon tax prices for Canada (2018–2022).
Table 6. Actual vs. predicted carbon tax prices for Canada (2018–2022).
YearActual Price ($/tCO2e)Predicted Price ($/tCO2e)Absolute Error
Table 7. Actual vs. predicted carbon tax prices for Sweden (2000–2022).
Table 7. Actual vs. predicted carbon tax prices for Sweden (2000–2022).
YearActual Price (SEK/tCO2e)Predicted Price (SEK/tCO2e)Absolute Error
Table 8. Sobol sensitivity indices for input features.
Table 8. Sobol sensitivity indices for input features.
FeatureFirst-Order IndexInteraction IndexTotal-Effect Index
Historical carbon prices0.3820.0860.468
Energy consumption0.1340.0690.203
CO2 emissions0.0720.0520.124
Renewable energy share0.0310.0210.052
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MDPI and ACS Style

Chen, J.; Cui, Y.; Zhang, X.; Yang, J.; Zhou, M. Temporal Convolutional Network for Carbon Tax Projection: A Data-Driven Approach. Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 9213.

AMA Style

Chen J, Cui Y, Zhang X, Yang J, Zhou M. Temporal Convolutional Network for Carbon Tax Projection: A Data-Driven Approach. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(20):9213.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Chen, Jiaying, Yiwen Cui, Xinguang Zhang, Jingyun Yang, and Mengjie Zhou. 2024. "Temporal Convolutional Network for Carbon Tax Projection: A Data-Driven Approach" Applied Sciences 14, no. 20: 9213.

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