A Comprehensive Survey of Accurate and Efficient Aggregation Modeling for High Penetration of Large-Scale Wind Farms in Smart Grid
:1. Introduction
2. Wind Speed Modeling
2.1. Probability Distribution Model
2.1.1. Parameter Distribution Model
2.1.2. Non-Parameter Distribution Model
2.2. Data-Based Black Box Model
2.3. Component Model
3. Wind Turbine Generator Model
3.1. Types of Wind Turbine Generator
3.2. Single WTG Aggregation Model
3.3. Multi-WTG Aggregation Model
3.3.1. Aggregation of Wind Turbines
3.3.2. Aggregation of Generators
4. Wind Turbine Generator Transmission Aggregation Model
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
WTG | wind turbine generator |
AIMSE | asymptotic integrated mean squared error |
SCIG | squirrel-cage induction generator |
DFIG | doubly-fed induction generator |
D-PMSG | direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous generator |
AR | autoregressive |
MA | moving average |
ARMA | autoregressive moving average |
ARIMA | autoregressive integrated moving average |
DSMC | discrete-state Markov chain |
AGC | automatic generation control |
PCC | point of common coupling |
SVC | support vector clustering |
SVM | support vector machine |
Appendix A
Model Type | ARMA | DSMC |
Schematic | | |
Expression | where x(k) is the output sequence; a(k) is the zero mean white noise; αi and βj are the autoregressive coefficient and moving average coefficient, respectively; and n and m are autoregressive and moving average order number, respectively. | where Nij and Ti are the number of transitions from state i to j and remaining time in state i, respectively. In the Markov model, the time remaining in each state follows the exponential distribution. |
Characteristic |
Component | Description | Schematic |
Basic wind (Average wind speed) | where A is the scale parameter of the Weibull distribution; K is the shape parameter; and Γ is the gamma function. | |
Gust wind (Sudden change) | where t1 and T are the start time and the period, respectively; and Vmax is the maximum value of the gust wind. | |
Gradient wind (Gradual change) | where t1 and t2 are the start time and the terminal time, respectively; and Vr max is the maximum value of the gradient wind. | |
Random wind (Random fluctuation) | where ϕi are the random variables; and KN, F, μ, N, and ωi are the coefficient of surface roughness, the range of disturbance, the average wind speed of relative height, the number of sampling points, and the frequency of each frequency band, respectively. | |
Model | Four-Component Model | Two-Component Model |
Complexity | ■ | ■■ |
Simulation efficiency | ■■■ | ■■■ |
Accuracy |
Applicability |
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Liu, F.; Ma, J.; Zhang, W.; Wu, M. A Comprehensive Survey of Accurate and Efficient Aggregation Modeling for High Penetration of Large-Scale Wind Farms in Smart Grid. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 769. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9040769
Liu F, Ma J, Zhang W, Wu M. A Comprehensive Survey of Accurate and Efficient Aggregation Modeling for High Penetration of Large-Scale Wind Farms in Smart Grid. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(4):769. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9040769
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Fang, Junjie Ma, Wendan Zhang, and Min Wu. 2019. "A Comprehensive Survey of Accurate and Efficient Aggregation Modeling for High Penetration of Large-Scale Wind Farms in Smart Grid" Applied Sciences 9, no. 4: 769. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9040769
APA StyleLiu, F., Ma, J., Zhang, W., & Wu, M. (2019). A Comprehensive Survey of Accurate and Efficient Aggregation Modeling for High Penetration of Large-Scale Wind Farms in Smart Grid. Applied Sciences, 9(4), 769. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9040769