Investigation of the Influence of the Oxygen Flow Rate on the Mechanical, Structural and Operational Properties of 86WC-10Co-4Cr Coatings, as Determined Using the High-Velocity Oxyfuel Spraying Method
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Coatings Code Example | 86WC-10Co-4Cr (A1) | 86WC-10Co-4Cr (A2) | 86WC-10Co-4Cr (A3) | |
Application Process Parameters | ||||
Propane flow rate, L/min | 35 | |||
Oxygen flow rate, L/min | 150 | 170 | 190 | |
Spraying distance, mm | 300 | |||
Powder feed rate, g/min | 100 | |||
Propane pressure | 0.39 MPa | |||
Oxygen pressure | 0.88 MPa | |||
Nitrogen pressure | 0.5 MPa |
Sample | Detected Phases | Phase Content, wt% | Lattice Parameters, (Å) | CSR Size, nm | Δd/d × 10−3 |
A1 coating | WC | 53 | a = 2.9005 c = 2.8330 | 35 | 0.61 |
W2C | 4 | a = 2.9614 c = 4.6884 | 15 | 2.364 | |
CoO | 43 | a = 4.2507 | 10 | 3.504 | |
A2 coating | WC | 50 | a = 2.9011 c = 2.8328 | 38 | 0.482 |
W2C | 4 | a = 2.9554 c = 4.6641 | 27 | 7.302 | |
CoO | 46 | a = 4.2451 | 13 | 6.518 | |
A3 coating | WC | 53 | a = 2.9027 c = 2.8345 | 30 | 1.02 |
W2C | 7 | a = 2.9624 c = 4.6924 | 13 | 0.894 | |
CoO | 40 | a = 4.2506 | 10 | 1.682 |
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Share and Cite
Rakhadilov, B.; Muktanova, N.; Seitkhanova, A.; Kakimzhanov, D.; Dautbekov, M. Investigation of the Influence of the Oxygen Flow Rate on the Mechanical, Structural and Operational Properties of 86WC-10Co-4Cr Coatings, as Determined Using the High-Velocity Oxyfuel Spraying Method. Coatings 2024, 14, 1275.
Rakhadilov B, Muktanova N, Seitkhanova A, Kakimzhanov D, Dautbekov M. Investigation of the Influence of the Oxygen Flow Rate on the Mechanical, Structural and Operational Properties of 86WC-10Co-4Cr Coatings, as Determined Using the High-Velocity Oxyfuel Spraying Method. Coatings. 2024; 14(10):1275.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRakhadilov, Bauyrzhan, Nazerke Muktanova, Ainur Seitkhanova, Dauir Kakimzhanov, and Merkhat Dautbekov. 2024. "Investigation of the Influence of the Oxygen Flow Rate on the Mechanical, Structural and Operational Properties of 86WC-10Co-4Cr Coatings, as Determined Using the High-Velocity Oxyfuel Spraying Method" Coatings 14, no. 10: 1275.
APA StyleRakhadilov, B., Muktanova, N., Seitkhanova, A., Kakimzhanov, D., & Dautbekov, M. (2024). Investigation of the Influence of the Oxygen Flow Rate on the Mechanical, Structural and Operational Properties of 86WC-10Co-4Cr Coatings, as Determined Using the High-Velocity Oxyfuel Spraying Method. Coatings, 14(10), 1275.