1. Introduction
The advent of general relativity [
2], a geometric theory of gravity, essentially based on Riemann geometry [
3], had a profound effect, not only on gravitational physics but also on various branches of mathematics, and especially on differential geometry. The developments in mathematics also deeply influenced the understanding and the approaches for the description of gravity, thus leading to a creative and dynamic interplay between mathematics and physics, the two fundamental sciences offering together the most fundamental tools for the investigation of natural phenomena. The Riemann geometry, used by Einstein and Hilbert to build general relativity, is metric, with the metric tensor
satisfying the condition
, where
is the covariant derivative defined with the help of the Levi-Civita connection.
A few years after the field equations of general relativity were obtained, Weyl [
6] proposed an extension of Riemann geometry in which the metric condition is abandoned and a new geometric concept, the non-metricity
, is introduced. Weyl geometry is non-metric, with the metric tensor satisfying the condition
, where
is the covariant derivative defined with respect to the Weyl connection
The generalizations and applications of Weyl geometry, and of the related idea of conformal invariance, were considered by Dirac [
8], and by Penrose [
10]. An interesting approach to non-metric geometries was developed by Schrödinger [
12], in which the length of vectors is conserved under autoparallel transport. For the physical applications of Schrödinger geometry, see [
14]. The role of Weyl geometry in physics, astrophysics, and cosmology has been intensively investigated. In particular, it represents the mathematical foundation of the
-type generalized gravity theories, and of its extensions [
19]. For a recent review of
theories, see [
Another remarkable development in mathematics, closely related to general relativity, was the introduction of the concept of torsion by Cartan [
24]. Cartan introduced torsion as the antisymmetric part of an asymmetric affine connection, so that
. He also realized the tensor character of the torsion, and he developed the differential geometric formalism necessary to describe it.
Cartan proposed a physical interpretation of the torsion of space–time, suggesting that it may be related to the intrinsic angular momentum (spin) of matter, and that it vanishes in the matter-free regions of space–time. Cartan’s ideas were forgotten later on, but they were reconsidered and extended in the 1960s, leading to the formulation of the so-called Einstein–Cartan theory (see [
25] for a detailed review of the early developments in this field), in which the spin of matter couples to a non-Riemannian geometric structure, namely, the torsion tensor. For discussions on the cosmological applications and mathematical foundations of the Einstein–Cartan theory, see [
From a cosmological point of view, one of the attractive features of the Einstein–Cartan theory is the absence of the initial singularity, and the possibility of inflation in the early stages of the evolution of the Universe.
A theory of gravity with a propagating massive vector field arising from a quadratic curvature invariant, in which the Einstein–Cartan formalism and a partial suppression of torsion lead to the absence of ghost and strong-coupling problems, was considered in [
29]. By assuming a propagating torsion vector, one arrives at a purely gravitational origin of the Einstein–Proca models, and one could also constrain their parameter space. The reflection and transmission problem for a beam travelling across a spin-polarized target was considered in the non-relativistic limit in [
30]. Deviations in the spin polarizations on the reflected and transmitted beams could distinguish Einstein–Cartan from general relativity, and, if detected, they would represent strong evidence for a non-trivial space–time torsion.
In the development of the physically related mathematical concepts, an important role is played by the Weitzenböck spaces [
31]. A Weitzenböck space is characterized by the geometric properties
, and
, respectively, where
is the Riemann curvature tensor.
Weitzenböck-type geometries were used by Einstein [
32] for the unification of the electromagnetic and the gravitational fields in the framework of a teleparallel theory. As the basic geometric quantity in the teleparallel formulation of gravity, the torsion tensor, generated by the tetrad fields, is adopted, with the curvature being replaced by the torsion. This description of the gravitational interaction is called the Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity (TEGR), and it was developed initially in [
TEGR is also known as the theory of gravity, where T is the torsion scalar. The basic property of the type theories of gravity is that torsion exactly cancels curvature, and therefore the curved space–time of general relativity reduces to a flat manifold. Moreover, instead of the metric, the basic dynamical variables are the tetrad fields, and the gravitational Lagrangian density is constructed from the torsion scalar T only. The corrections corresponding to higher energy scales can be represented with the help of the higher-order terms in torsion.
theory has been extensively used in cosmology, for the explanation of inflation [
36], of the late-time cosmic acceleration [
37], and for obtaining the exact charged black hole solution, which contains, together with the monopole term, a quadrupole term, having its origin in the quadratic form
38]. Matter and geometry couplings were considered in [
39]. The
gravity theories have the major advantage that the gravitational field equations are of second order. For an in-depth description of teleparallel theories and their applications, see [
Gravitational theories in a Weyl–Cartan space–time, in which the Weitzenböck condition of the vanishing of the sum of the curvature and torsion scalar is also imposed, were considered in [
44], with a kinetic term for the torsion also included in the gravitational action. The field equations of the theory, obtained by varying the action with respect to the metric tensor, lead to a complete description of the gravitational field in terms of two fields, the Weyl vector and the torsion, respectively. Within this theory, a large variety of dynamic evolutions can be obtained, ranging from inflationary/accelerated expansions to non-inflationary behaviors.
In 1924, at around the same time Cartan was developing the concept of torsion, by also considering its applications to general relativity, Friedmann and Schouten [
45] introduced a new geometrical concept, the semi-symmetric transport, in which they assumed that
, where
, and
. Friedmann and Schouten did not mention in their work the previous investigations by Cartan, or the concept of torsion. In their work, they also mentioned that a connection can be completely characterized by the so-called covariant differential quotient (nowadays known as non-metricity) and the covariant antisymmetric parameters (nowadays known as the components of torsion). This characterization in modern terminology is known as the post-Riemannian decomposition. Although mostly of mathematical interest, they also obtained autoparallel equations of a semi-symmetric connection. As for physical applications, they considered a special affine connection with semi-symmetric type of torsion and claimed it could perhaps incorporate electromagnetism into the geometric framework, although this was not explicitly shown in the article.
The connection introduced by Friedmann and Schouten, one hundred years ago, achieved prominent mathematical applications. The work of Hayden [
46], in which he studied submanifolds with torsion, raised interest in finding submanifolds with semi-symmetric metric connections. Such submanifolds were found and presented for the first time in [
47]. The foundational work of Kentaro Yano [
48], in which he computed, for the first time, the curvature tensors of the semi-symmetric metric connection in a coordinate-free manner, raised the interest of mathematicians for this connection. Since then, many studies have been conducted, both assuming metric compatibility [
52] and metric incompatibility [
53] on statistical manifolds [
54]. Non-metric semi-symmetric connections have also been lifted to the tangent bundle [
55], giving preliminary steps for the application of semi-symmetric connections in Finsler geometry, whose central object is the slit tangent bundle
. It is still an open problem to find a complex structure on a Kähler manifold with respect to a newly constructed connection from a semi-symmetric metric connection [
General relativity is an extremely successful physical theory, which gives an almost perfect description of the gravitational physics at the level of the Solar System. However, presently the theory of general relativity faces a number of important challenges. First of all, from a fundamental theoretical point of view, it cannot explain the quantum properties of the gravitational interaction, or provide a consistent view on the gravitational effects at a quantum scale. Secondly, gravitational collapse can result in the formation of singularities, due to the geodesic incompleteness, and under some specific assumptions on the matter energy–momentum tensor. An important consequence of these results is the appearance of cosmological singularities during the Big Bang and the existence of black holes.
An important challenge for general relativity did appear after the discovery of the late-time cosmic accelerated expansion of the Universe. Important evidence provided by the observations of type Ia supernovae (SN Ia) [
59], large-scale structure observations, as well as the determinations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) [
60], and by the Planck satellite [
61], strongly highlighted the limitation of general relativity’s theoretical potential to describe and understand the evolution of the Universe at cosmological scales during its recent phases. To explain the accelerating expansion of the Universe, inferred from the observations of the luminosity distance of the SN Ia, one must extend general relativity by adding new terms in the Einstein field equations, representing either a cosmological constant or a dark energy. The combination of the Planck satellite observations with the SN Ia data has led to different predictions on the present-day numerical values of the basic cosmological parameters.
The failure of general relativity when confronted with the latest observations led to the necessity of exploring alternative theories of gravity, and of introducing new terms or physical components into the gravitational field equations, such as dark energy and dark matter, or the addition of a cosmological constant
in the Hilbert–Einstein action. To explain the observations within a theoretical framework, the
Cold Dark Matter (
CDM) model was developed, which is based on the reconsideration in the gravitational field equations of the cosmological term
, proposed by Einstein in 1917 [
62] to obtain a static cosmological model of the Universe. After the discovery of the expansion of the Universe, Einstein rejected the possibility of the existence of
and suggested its removal from the gravitational field equations.
The CDM Model provides a very good description of the observational data at low redshifts, and thus it has been adopted as the standard cosmological paradigm of present times. Nevertheless, the CDM Model is confronted with an important problem associated with its basis. No satisfactory explanation of the physical or geometrical nature of is presently known, and thus the theoretical foundations of the CDM Model are rather questionable.
CDM Model is also faced with several other challenges, which follow from the increase in the accuracy of cosmological measurements and observations. An important problem present-day cosmology faces is the significant difference between the expansion rate of the Universe as determined from the Planck satellite observations and the numerical values obtained from the local determinations [
63]. This discrepancy is usually known as Hubble tension [
65]. As measured by the Planck satellite, the Hubble constant (
) has the numerical value of
km/s/Mpc [
66]. From the SH0ES collaboration, the value of
km/s/Mpc [
66] is obtained for
. There is a difference of more than 3
66] between these values. If indeed the Hubble tension does exist, it strongly highlights the demand for investigating alternative gravitational theories and generalizing, or even completely superseding, the
CDM model.
The CDM paradigm naturally incorporates the Big Bang concept, which is based on three fundamental observational facts: the Hubble expansion of the Universe, the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), and the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). Because of the precise determinations of the baryon-to-photon ratio obtained from the studies of the anisotropies of CMBR, the standard BBN is a parameter-free theory. The theoretically computed abundances of light elements formed during primordial nucleosynthesis and those determined from observations are in good agreement throughout a range of nine orders of magnitude.
However, there is still an important disparity between theory and observation in the
7Li abundance, which is overestimated by a factor of ∼2.5 when calculated theoretically. This problem is called the cosmological lithium problem [
67]. In order to solve it, going beyond the standard model of cosmology may be necessary [
The late-time cosmic acceleration, as well as other observational evidence including the problem of the structure formation, has led to the question of whether or not general relativity is the correct relativistic theory of gravitation. Presently, general relativity is facing many challenges, like, for example, the difficulty of explaining a large number of observations, the incompatibility with quantum mechanics, and the lack of uniqueness.
These observational/theoretical facts naturally point towards the necessity for new gravitational physics, and for the formulation of a new fundamental theory of gravity.
An ideal testing ground for general relativity is represented by cosmology, through the investigation of the cause and characteristics of the recent cosmic acceleration. A promising approach to solve this problem is to consider that at large, astrophysical or cosmological scales, general relativity breaks down, and a more general theory describes the gravitational interaction.
The physical or mathematical motivations for the extension of general relativity also include the possibility of a realistic description of gravitational physics near curvature singularities, as well as obtaining some simple first-order effective approximations for the elusive quantum theory of gravitational fields. Hence, by taking into account the present-day situation in gravitational physics, one needs to consider, or reconsider, alternative approaches to gravity, which could at least give a better description of the observational data.
It is the goal of the present work to consider in detail the general physical, astrophysical, and cosmological implications of Friedmann–Schouten geometry [
45], which was considered for the first time in a gravitational context in [
69]. After a brief review of the mathematical formalism, the gravitational field equations are presented. They generalize the standard Einstein equations through the inclusion of the contributions of the torsion vector.
The Newtonian limit of the theory leads to the generalized Poisson equation, which explicitly includes the effects of the torsion and allows us to obtain the corrections to the Newtonian potential, and to the Newtonian force. The applications of these results to the solution of the dark-matter problem are also briefly discussed.
The cosmological implications of the theory are investigated in detail, for a flat and homogeneous geometry. After obtaining the Friedmann equations in a general form, we consider the cosmological tests of the theory by analyzing two specific models, obtained by imposing two particular equations of state on the effective dark energy and pressure, which appear as an extra contribution in the Friedmann equations. The theoretical predictions are then compared to a set of Cosmic Chronometer (CC), supernovae, and Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements. We also discuss in detail the behavior of the cosmographic parameters, and a full comparison with the predictions of the standard CDM Model is also provided.
Our results suggest that the Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity (SSMG) cosmology has the potential of explaining cosmological dynamics without the need of introducing a cosmological constant in the theory, by means of a geometrically generated dark energy term.
The present paper is organized as follows. The field equations of the theory, the conservation equation, the Newtonian limit, and the thermodynamic interpretation of the matter non-conservation are discussed in
Section 2. Two particular cosmological models, as well as their cosmological tests, are presented in
Section 3. Finally, we discuss and conclude our results in
Section 4.
3. Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity Cosmology
In the framework of Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity, the late-time acceleration could be explained through cosmological models, which do not directly involve the cosmological constant. The accelerated expansion is entirely due to the presence of torsion, and hence has a geometric origin. To present these models, let us assume an isotropic, homogeneous, and spatially flat FLRW metric,
means that
are spatial indices, i.e., they take values in the set
The matter in the universe is assumed to be composed of a perfect fluid, which appears in the Einstein equations in the form
where the four-velocity in a frame is given by
In accordance with the cosmological principle, as pointed out by Tsamparlis [
80], the torsion vector reads
The Friedmann equations of Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity contain additional, torsion-dependent terms [
where we have introduced the Hubble parameter
respectively, while
In this theory, as previously pointed out, the energy–momentum tensor is generally not conserved, leading to the modified continuity equation
which can be rewritten in the equivalent form
As an indicator of the accelerating/decelerating nature of the cosmological evolution, we consider the deceleration parameter
q, defined according to
, Equation (
87) can be reformulated as
where the particle creation rate
is given by
The thermodynamic condition
imposes on the cosmological quantities the constraint
, which gives, for the cosmological quantities of the models, the restriction
In terms of the deceleration parameter, we obtain the restriction
As for the creation pressure, we obtain the general expression
3.1. Specific Cosmological Models
In the following, we will consider two simple cosmological models in the Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity theory, obtained by imposing an equation of state on the effective dark geometric pressure. With this assumption, the set of the cosmological field equations can be closed, and their solution can be obtained using numerical methods.
However, as the purpose of the cosmological models is to compare with observational data, let us rewrite the Friedmann equations in two steps, first in dimensionless variables then in redshift variables. We introduce dimensionless parameters as
With the help of these, we can rewrite the Friedmann equations in the form
while the effective energy density and pressure become
The redshift parametrization is defined by
, which directly implies
Hence, in the redshift parametrization, the Friedmann equations are given by
3.1.1. Linear Cosmological Model
So far, the torsion field
is not provided with dynamics. To provide dynamics to the field, we assume two equations of state, one for the ordinary matter and one for the effective components. As a first cosmological model, we assume
, that is, ordinary matter is a pressureless dust. For the effective components, an equation of state of the form
is proposed. Given these, the system of differential equations governing the evolution of the Universe in redshift representation is given by
The system of equations has to be solved with initial conditions
. Then, from the closure relation, the matter density can be obtained as
Estimating the matter density at the present time gives
Hence, the present-day value of the torsion vector is fully determined by the present-day value of the matter density.
3.1.2. Polytropic Cosmological Model
As a second cosmological model, we keep the assumption of
but consider a different equation of state for the effective components, namely, a polytropic EoS,
K is a constant and
n is the polytropic index. It is important to note that, for matter, we still consider it a pressureless dust, and we impose the polytropic equation of state only for the effective components. In this model, the evolution equations in the redshift representation take the form
They have to be integrated with the initial conditions
. In this particular case, the polytropic index is chosen to be
. The first Friedmann equation again yields the expression for the matter density:
3.2. Observational Constraints
In this study, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach to estimate the optimal parameters of the proposed cosmological models. The Hubble parameter is derived from a system of differential equations in both cases: in the linear case, this system is explicitly (
104), while in the polytropic case, the system is given by (
The numerical solutions are obtained using the
solve_ivp function from SciPy [
97]. We apply the Radau method [
98], a fifth-order implicit Runge–Kutta technique, particularly suited for the stiff differential equations that frequently occur in cosmological modeling due to the wide range of scales and rapid variations across different epochs. The Radau method ensures numerical stability, especially over large redshift intervals, where the equations exhibit stiff behavior.
To balance computational efficiency and accuracy, we set the relative tolerance to
and absolute tolerance to
. These tolerance levels allow stable and accurate integration across the redshift range
, guaranteeing that the solution captures both large and small variations in the variables. Having obtained the numerical solutions, in terms of the model parameters, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to estimate the best-fit values of the parameters, with respect to several datasets [
99]. The MCMC algorithm explores the parameter space by sampling from the posterior distribution,
is the posterior probability of the parameters
given the data
is the likelihood of the data given the parameters,
represents the prior distribution, and
is the evidence, acting as a normalization constant.
It is important to note that the MCMC method not only identifies the most probable or optimal parameters but also takes into account the uncertainties in the model (this is not the case here) and in the data.
Data Description
To find the optimal parameters, the following datasets were used: a set of 31 Cosmic Chronometer (CC) observations; Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) data without SHOES calibration; and Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) measurements from observations of galaxies, quasars, and Lyman- tracers. This includes data from the first year of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and the completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey. Additionally, the Hubble constant, as estimated by the SH0ES team, is . In the following, we briefly describe each dataset, together with the corresponding likelihoods used in our analysis.
Cosmic Chronometer (CC). The 31 Cosmic Chronometer (CC) measurements cover a redshift range of approximately
. These measurements were obtained using the differential age method [
100], which involves passively evolving galaxies observed at small redshift intervals. This technique allows for the direct calculation of the Hubble parameter by measuring the rate of change of redshift with respect to cosmic time,
. By focusing on galaxies that are not actively forming stars, this method provides a model-independent estimate of the Universe’s expansion rate at different epochs. In this study, we incorporate 31 data points from various independent sources, as outlined in Table 1 of [
101]. For our MCMC analysis, we evaluate the goodness-of-fit using the
is the vector of residuals, defined as
. Here,
is the vector of theoretical Hubble parameter values at redshifts
for the model parameters
, and
is the vector of observed Hubble parameter values.
is the covariance matrix of the observational data, with diagonal elements representing the variances
of the observed Hubble parameters. Since the data points are assumed to be uncorrelated, the covariance matrix is diagonal.
is the inverse of the covariance matrix, used to account for the measurement uncertainties.
Type Ia supernova (SNe Ia). The Pantheon+ dataset includes light curves for 1701 Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) from 1550 distinct supernovae, spanning a redshift range of
102]. The observable quantity for SNe Ia is the apparent magnitude,
denotes the absolute magnitude of SNe Ia. The luminosity distance
in a flat Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) Universe is given by [
c representing the speed of light in km/s. For SNe Ia, the
statistic is computed using
combines the statistical and systematic covariance matrices, and
is the vector of 1701 SNe Ia distance moduli, calculated as
Here, is the distance modulus of SNe Ia.
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO). The BAO scale is determined by the sound horizon at the drag epoch
, which marks the decoupling of photons and baryons. This scale is defined by the integral
In this context, the speed of sound in the baryon-photon fluid,
, is approximated by
are the baryon and photon densities, respectively [
103]. The function
is defined as the product of
and the present-day Hubble parameter
, incorporating cosmological model parameters. The drag epoch, when baryons decouple from photons, occurs at approximately
. In a flat
CDM cosmology, [
61] estimates the sound horizon at drag as
. In [
104], the value
is obtained.
Additionally, [
105] employs binning and Gaussian methods on 2D BAO and supernova data to estimate the absolute BAO scale, finding ranges of
(binning) and
(Gaussian). Furthermore, independent of CMB data, [
106] finds
), while [
107] reports
In the present analysis, we remove the
prior from the CMB Planck satellite data and set
as a free parameter. This approach provides the advantage of model-independence by avoiding specific assumptions about the early Universe and recombination processes [
We then determine the transverse distance
for each model, defined as follows,
c is the speed of light in vacuum,
is the present-day Hubble constant, and
is the numerical solution of the differential equation obtained using the initial conditions. We also calculate the co-moving angular diameter distance
, which depends on the expansion history and curvature, as
Here, the line-of-sight co-moving distance
is given by
The function
is defined as
For a flat Universe (as considered by us), the curvature parameter vanishes, i.e.,
, and the function
simplifies to
Thus, the formula for the co-moving angular diameter distance
in a flat Universe takes the simplified form
The value of
can be determined by constraining the ratios
. We also consider the spherically averaged distance
, defined as
Additionally, we constrain the quantity
. In this expression, the exponent
accounts for the radial dimensions, while the factor
z ensures conventional normalization. To compute the
function for the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data, we use the following equations,
is the inverse covariance matrix corresponding to each
The inverse covariance matrix,
, is computed by inverting the covariance matrix
, which is typically constructed by incorporating the observational uncertainties,
, along the diagonal, i.e.,
. The BAO chi-square is defined as
In our analysis, we incorporate the latest Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Year 1 observations, as detailed in Table 1 of [
112]. Additionally, we include data from the completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, presented in Table 3 of Section 4 in [
Hubble Constant Measurements. We also incorporate the Hubble constant value (
), as estimated by the SHOES collaboration [
114]. The SHOES collaboration reports a Hubble constant value of
115]. Using Type Ia supernovae as standard candles, the SHOES collaboration infers distances to galaxies, providing a robust estimate of the Hubble constant.
We employ the R22 prior to demonstrate the tension between our model and the observed value. To incorporate the R22 prior, we define the
statistic as
Here, , is the theoretical Hubble constant value computed for each model using a numerical analysis and is the error associated with .
To incorporate all the information from each dataset, we define the total chi-squared statistic,
, as the sum of the individual chi-squared contributions from each dataset:
When we consider the combination of CC + SNe Ia + BAO, we label it as (JOINT). When the R22 prior is included, we refer to it as (JOINT + R22). The MCMC analysis is performed using the
emcee library [
For visualizing and plotting the results, we use the publicly available
GetDist package [
117], which offers a comprehensive toolkit for generating 1D and 2D posterior distribution plots.
3.3. Analysis of the Cosmological Models Using the MCMC-Inferred Optimal Parameters
Having obtained the optimal parameter values from the MCMC algorithm, we compare our cosmological models with both the observational data (in the figures, only the 31 CC are considered) and the standard CDM Model. We do this in several steps, comparing the Hubble parameters, distance moduli, and several key cosmographic quantities.
3.3.1. Comparative Evolution of the Hubble Parameter
For the
CDM Model, we use the expression
and the present-day Hubble constant
km/s/Mpc, as derived from the MCMC analysis using the joint data.
In our differential equation system analysis, we obtain the model parameter by numerically integrating the system of differential equations using appropriate initial conditions. Once the solution is obtained, we interpolate it using ‘interp1d’ to determine the values of at specific redshift points corresponding to the observational data.
Finally, we scale the interpolated solution by the present-day Hubble constant to compute the model Hubble parameter , which is then compared with the observational data.
3.3.2. Comparative Evolution of the Hubble Difference
After obtaining the Hubble parameter from our model, we compute a quantity called the Hubble difference, denoted as . This is given by the formula , where is the Hubble parameter predicted by our model and is the Hubble parameter predicted by the standard CDM Model. To calculate for the CDM Model itself, we need to take the difference between the observed Hubble parameter and at the corresponding redshift points. This provides a measure of how much the model’s predictions deviate from the standard CDM predictions and from the observed data.
3.3.3. Comparative Evolution of the Distance Modulus
The calculation of involves several steps: First, we calculate the co-moving distance as a function of redshift z. The co-moving distance is given by the integral , where c is the speed of light and is the Hubble parameter at a given redshift . This integral is evaluated from the present time () to the redshift z of the object. Next, we compute the luminosity distance, , which is related to the co-moving distance by .
The factor accounts for the redshift of the light as it travels from the source to the observer, with represents the co-moving distance to the object. Finally, the distance modulus , which relates the luminosity distance to the observed magnitude, is computed using the formula . Here, is expressed in megaparsecs (Mpc).
Using the best-fit values obtained from the MCMC algorithm, we calibrated and and plotted them against the dataset of 1701 Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia).
3.4. Cosmographic Analysis
As there are many modified gravitational theories, which could reproduce the observational data of the Hubble parameter, cosmography [
121] is used to differentiate between these models. Even if a model fits the Hubble observational data, the derived quantities, usually expressed in terms of series expansions of the Hubble parameter, could differentiate between the models. Such derived quantities include the deceleration, jerk, and snap parameters. These go beyond measuring the expansion rate and offer insights into the dynamics and variations in the Universe’s evolution over time. In the following, we briefly describe these derived quantities.
3.4.1. Deceleration Parameter
The deceleration parameter
is essentially used to decide whether the expansion of the Universe is accelerating or decelerating at a particular redshift. When
is negative, it indicates that the Universe is accelerating, while a positive value means the expansion is slowing down. Formally, it is defined as
where the term
represents the rate of change of the Hubble parameter with respect to redshift. Since the sign of
describes the accelerating/decelerating phases of the cosmic evolution, a change of sign in
signals a transition between two phases. In the decelerating phase, matter dominates, while the accelerating phase is usually driven by dark energy (or the cosmological constant), but in our models, this is entirely due to the presence of torsion.
3.4.2. Jerk Parameter
The jerk parameter
122] measures the rate of change of the acceleration over redshift. It essentially tells us whether the acceleration is increasing, decreasing, or staying the same. Mathematically, it can be expressed as
In the CDM Model, a key feature is that the jerk parameter is a constant value, namely , throughout the Universe’s evolution. This constancy is a distinctive characteristic of CDM, helping to differentiate it from other cosmological models where the jerk parameter might vary due to different underlying physics (as also happens in our models).
3.4.3. Snap Parameter
The snap parameter
122] could differentiate between modified gravity models, in which the first two derivatives of the Hubble parameter agree. Essentially, it is related to the third derivative of the Hubble function, or formally,
From the second equality, we can see that it could be expressed through the jerk and deceleration parameters in a quite simple form.
Though the snap parameter is less commonly referenced than the deceleration or jerk parameters, it plays a crucial role when testing more complex or modified cosmological models that may go beyond the standard CDM framework.
In the CDM Model, one of the defining features is that the snap parameter takes the constant value 0, indicating that the rate of acceleration remains stable over redshift. This constancy of the snap parameter in CDM helps distinguish it from other models that predict different dynamics.
3.5. Diagnostic
To compare Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity models with the standard
CDM Model, we also use a key diagnostic tool known as the
diagnostic [
126]. This diagnostic is particularly useful for distinguishing between different cosmological models, which have quintessence-like, phantom-like evolutions.
diagnostic is defined as
For the CDM Model, is constant and equal to the present-day matter density, . This constancy reflects the model’s predictable and steady evolution. However, in alternative gravity theories that differ from CDM, may evolve over redshift.
A changing can reveal different types of cosmic behavior, as we mentioned before: if increases with redshift (positive slope), it suggests a phantom-like evolution, where dark energy becomes increasingly dominant.
On the other hand, if decreases over time (negative slope), it indicates quintessence-like dynamics, where dark energy is less dominant, and the Universe’s expansion may slow down. If there are periods in which the slope is positive, then it becomes negative; this indicates a transition from a phantom-like to a quintessence-like evolution.
3.6. Matter Density and the Torsion Vector
The dimensionless matter density represents an important cosmological parameter that allows a powerful check of the consistency of the cosmological models.
In the present approach, matter is considered together in both its forms (baryonic and dark), and its present-day value determines the initial conditions for the cosmological evolution. In this sense, the models do not predict the present-day matter density but give a description of its evolution in the earlier stages of the evolution of the Universe.
The torsion vector is a basic geometrical (and physical) component of the present models, and its cosmological evolution provides important hints regarding the nature of the torsion, and of the overall geometry of the Universe, as well as on the way it has evolved.
3.7. Particle Creation Rate and Creation Pressure
When the energy–momentum tensor is not conserved, as mentioned earlier, the particle number can vary. In our concrete case, the creation/annihilation processes are mostly influenced by the presence of the torsion vector.
The quantities and provide consistency conditions for the proposed models as, if the particle creation pressure would be positive, the models would not be consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. Thus, for a model to be valid, it must hold that and throughout the entire cosmic evolution.
3.8. Statistical Analysis
To differentiate between various models in the Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity framework relative to the reference CDM Model, we begin by examining the minimum chi-squared values, , which quantify the fit quality for each model.
The reduced chi-squared,
, is a statistical measure used to assess the goodness of fit for a model compared to the observed data. It is defined as
is the total chi-squared value and DOF (degrees of freedom) is the number of data points minus the number of fitted parameters. A value of
suggests a good fit between the model and the data. If
, it might suggest overfitting. If
, it indicates a poor fit, meaning the model does not describe the data well. In addition to
, we use statistical metrics derived from log-likelihood values to further evaluate the models.
The maximum log-likelihood,
, is obtained from the log-probability values and represents the maximum likelihood of the data being considered. In this analysis, the full dataset is used without incorporating the R22 prior. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) [
132] is then calculated as
represents the number of free parameters in the model. The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) [
133] is computed using
being the total number of data points. To assess the relative performance of each model, we calculate the differences in AIC and BIC with respect to the
CDM Model:
Additionally, the chi-squared value is derived from the log-probability values as . According to Jeffreys’ scales, if , the models are considered comparable; if , the model with the higher AIC is less favored. For BIC, indicates weak disfavor, indicates strong disfavor, and indicates very strong disfavor. A negative value of and indicates that the model is preferred over the CDM Model.
3.9. Results
Description of best-fit values and triangle plot. Figure 1 and
Figure 2 show the triangle plot, also known as a corner plot, which is a visualization tool frequently used in Bayesian statistics. These plots correspond to the
CDM, Linear, and Polytropic Models, respectively. They provide a compact way to display the posterior distributions of multiple parameters and their correlations.
The Diagonal Elements (1D Histograms) are the marginalized posterior distributions for individual parameters. They provide insights into the spread and peak of the distribution, indicating the most probable values for each parameter. The Off-Diagonal Element (2D Contours) plots represent the joint probability distributions between pairs of parameters. The contours visualize the correlation between two parameters, showing how the uncertainty in one parameter might influence the other.
Table 1 presents a comparative analysis of the optimal values for cosmological parameters within the framework of Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity across two models: the Linear Model and the Polytropic Model.
A key focus is on the Hubble constant
and the sound horizon at drag epoch
, as these parameters are critical in understanding the Universe’s expansion rate and the scale of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO). In the
CDM framework, the estimated values of the Hubble constant
and the sound horizon
are aligned with those reported by Planck 2018 [
When incorporating the R22 prior for
, the fit gives
, which is consistent with the value reported by the SH0ES collaboration [
115]. This model also estimates the sound horizon as
, which is lower than the Planck value. The Linear Model predicts
, closely matching the Planck estimate. It also yields
, consistent with values reported in studies such as [
When the R22 prior is included, the Linear Model’s Hubble constant shifts to
, again aligning with the SH0ES result. However, the corresponding sound horizon decreases to
, differing from the Planck prediction. Similarly, the Polytropic Model, without the R22 prior, finds
, in agreement with the Planck value. It estimates the sound horizon at
, consistent with previous studies, including [
When the R22 prior is added, the numerical value of the Hubble constant increases to , aligning with the SH0ES measurement, while the sound horizon decreases to , further diverging from the Planck value. These results highlight the persistent tension between early- and late-Universe measurements of and .
The values of inferred from models using the R22 prior align with local measurements by SH0ES but deviate from the Planck-based inference, which relies on early-Universe observations.
Conversely, the corresponding estimates of in models incorporating R22 are systematically smaller than the Planck values, further reinforcing the discrepancy between early- and late-Universe cosmological parameters.
The Linear and Polytropic Models use as the initial condition for their differential equation systems. For the Linear Model, is estimated to be , while for the Polytropic Model is estimated to be . In the Linear Model, the free parameter is estimated to be , while in the Polytropic Model the parameter K is estimated to be . The absolute magnitude of Type Ia supernovae, , remains consistent across all models, with values ranging from to .
Hubble Parameter . The comparative analysis between the
CDM paradigm and each model against the CC data is presented in
Figure 3. The
CDM Model is shown as a black line, the Linear Model as a red line, and the Polytropic Model as a blue line. The CC measurements are represented by blue dots with magenta error bars. Notably, for redshifts
, a clear deviation between the models emerges.
Although these deviations are not substantial for low redshifts, they become apparent as redshift increases. However, for lower redshifts, , all models exhibit close agreement with each other and the observational data.
Hubble difference . Figure 4 shows the Hubble difference
between the Linear, Polytropic, and
CDM Models compared to cosmic chronometer (CC) measurements. The plot illustrates the deviations of both models from the
CDM Model at redshifts
. These deviations are relatively minor, and as the redshift decreases to
the deviations become less pronounced, and all models align more closely with the observational data in this regime.
Distance Modulus . Figure 5 illustrates the evolution of
as a function of redshift. Both models exhibit close agreement with the Type Ia supernova (SNe Ia) measurements and the
CDM Model. Although the differences are subtle and may not be immediately apparent due to the large number of data points, we have included an additional figure to highlight the variations more clearly. This additional figure demonstrates the deviations between the
CDM, Linear, and Polytropic Models, allowing for a more detailed comparison of their respective evolutions.
Cosmographic results. Figure 6 illustrates the evolution of the deceleration parameter
. At high redshifts, the
CDM, Linear, and Polytropic Models show similar behavior. As redshift decreases toward the present-day (
), the
CDM Model predicts
, the Linear Model
, and the Polytropic Model
. The redshift
, where
, represents the point at which the expansion of the Universe transitions from decelerating to accelerating. The
CDM Model predicts this transition at
, implying that this shift occurred relatively recently. In contrast, the Linear Model predicts a later transition at
, while the Polytropic Model forecasts an even later transition at
Figure 7 shows the redshift variation of the jerk parameter
with respect to redshift
z. At high redshifts, the
CDM, Linear, and Polytropic Models align closely, all exhibiting a value of
, which means that the jerk parameter of our models asymptotically tends to the constant value of 1, but for lower redshifts we have different dynamics. The
CDM Model predicts
throughout the entire evolution, including at
. In comparison, the Linear Model predicts
, while the Polytropic Model predicts
. The value of
is particularly important because it characterizes the present-day cosmic expansion. The fact that the
CDM Model maintains
reinforces its consistency with a Universe dominated by a cosmological constant, while the deviation of
in the other models suggests alternative dynamics in the current expansion rate, driven by torsion.
Figure 8 depicts the dependence of the snap parameter
on redshift
z. At high redshifts, the
CDM and Polytropic Models are closely aligned, both exhibiting
. In contrast, the Linear Model shows a slight deviation, with
at high redshifts. Although this deviation is minor, it is still noticeable. At lower redshifts, particularly at
, the present-day value of the snap parameter,
, is of particular interest as it characterizes the current cosmic expansion. The
CDM Model predicts
, reflecting its consistent behavior throughout the evolution of the Universe. In contrast, the Linear Model predicts
, while the Polytropic Model predicts
Diagnostic. Figure 9 presents the evolution of the
diagnostic as a function of the redshift. In both the Linear and Polytropic Models,
exhibits a monotonic decrease with increasing redshift. This behavior is characteristic of a quintessence-like evolution.
Variation of matter density and of the torsion vector. Figure 10 and
Figure 11 depict the evolution of
as a function of redshift. In both models, the matter density predictions align with those of the
Model up to
. However, at higher redshifts both models (Linear and Polytropic) predict a lower matter density compared to the standard
Model. Notably, the Polytropic Model predicts a higher matter density than the Linear Model at these higher redshifts. On the other hand, in both models the torsion vector decreases monotonically as the redshift increases.
Particle creation rate and Creation Pressure . In
Figure 12, the dimensionless particle creation rate
is illustrated for the two proposed cosmological models. In both cases, the creation rate is positive and monotonically decreasing as a function of redshift throughout the evolution. The numerical values of
for the two models are close to each other for small redshifts,
, and a more substantial difference can only be observed at higher redshifts.
As the creation rate does not cross zero for either of the models, particle annihilation processes do not take place. This is in accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, and with the fact that the creation pressure, as depicted in
Figure 13, takes negative values throughout the evolution. The pressure of the created particles is also monotonically decreasing as a function of
z, hence reaching its maximum value at
The Polytropic Model shows a tendency to converge to a constant negative creation pressure for large redshifts (, while in the Linear Model the pressure keeps heavily decreasing.
Statistical results. Table 2 offers a detailed comparison of the
CDM Model, the Linear Model, and the Polytropic Model based on several key metrics: minimum chi-squared (
), reduced chi-squared (
), Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), and their respective differences (
The () values for the models are 1801.11 for the CDM Model, 1790.07 for the Linear Model, and 1787.79 for the Polytropic Model. The reduced chi-squared () values, which account for the degrees of freedom, are quite similar across the models: 1.026 for CDM, 1.021 for Linear, and 1.019 for Polytropic. Since all the values are close to 1, this suggests that each model fits the data reasonably well.
The Polytropic Model, with the lowest value, indicates a slightly better fit compared to the others, though the difference is minimal. All models show reduced chi-squared values close to 1, indicating that they fit the data reasonably well, with the Polytropic Model having the smallest reduced chi-squared value, suggesting a marginally better fit among the three. The AIC values are 1809.11 for the CDM Model, 1800.07 for the Linear Model, and 1797.79 for the Polytropic Model. The differences in AIC () relative to the CDM Model are −9.04 for the Linear Model and −11.32 for the Polytropic Model. Negative values of indicate that both the Linear and Polytropic Models are preferred over the CDM Model according to AIC, with the Polytropic Model being the most favored.
The BIC values are 1831.00 for the CDM Model, 1827.43 for the Linear Model, and 1825.15 for the Polytropic Model. The differences in BIC () relative to the CDM Model are −3.57 for the Linear Model and −5.85 for the Polytropic Model. According to BIC, the Polytropic Model is again preferred over the Linear and CDM Models, with the largest suggesting the strongest support for the Polytropic Model.
While all three models exhibit similar reduced chi-squared values, indicating similar goodness of fit, the AIC and BIC metrics reveal a preference for the Linear and Polytropic Models over the CDM Model. Among these, the Polytropic Model shows the most favorable results in both AIC and BIC, suggesting that it provides the best balance between fit quality and model complexity. The Linear Model also performs well but is slightly less favored compared to the Polytropic Model according to both criteria.
4. Discussions and Final Remarks
In the present paper, we have briefly reviewed an interesting geometric extension of general relativity, based on a concept of torsion that was introduced one hundred years ago in mathematics by Friedmann and Schouten [
45]. In this approach, torsion is essentially a vectorial quantity, and it is described by a single four-vector
, a description that significantly reduces the number of the torsion components to four. Moreover, the torsion tensor takes the very simple and elegant form of Equation (
6), which also leads to a significant decrease in the calculation complexity of the geometry, and of the physical models. By analogy with the Einstein equations, we have postulated a set of field equations, in which the Einstein tensor, constructed in semi-symmetric geometry, is proportional to the matter energy–momentum tensor. In this way, we obtain a set of gravitational field equations in which the torsion tensor, as well as its derivatives, explicitly appear as a geometric contribution, expressed in terms of a single vector field. The extra terms thus generated geometrically can be interpreted physically as corresponding to dark energy, dark matter, or both. In the present investigation, we have considered that the extra geometric part of the field equations can be interpreted only as dark energy, and we have assumed the existence of a single matter component, consisting of both dark and baryonic matter.
The Newtonian limit of the relativistic gravitational models offers not only the possibility of comparing the theory with the Newtonian gravity but also provides some important possibilities of testing its predictions. We have obtained the corrections to the Newtonian potential induced by the presence of the torsion, as well as the corrections to Newton’s law of force in the presence of a torsion vector having only a radial non-zero component . The terms in Newton’s law are corrected by a term proportional to and by a term of the form , respectively. A term proportional to , as well as one proportional to , also appears in the gravitational force equation. These terms could induce some physical effects at the Solar System level that could allow the testing of the presence of torsion in the Universe. However, the role of these terms may be dominant at the galactic level, and they could provide an explanation for the behavior of the galactic rotation curves without any need for the presence of a dark-matter component.
We have also investigated in detail the cosmological implications of the Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity models by considering two simple models obtained by imposing some specific equations of state for the effective geometric dark pressure. The presence of the torsion naturally generates supplementary terms in the cosmological Friedmann equations, which can be interpreted as an effective dark energy and pressure. By imposing some relations between these two quantities, representing a specific equation of state, we can build consistent cosmological models, which can well describe the observational data, at least in the redshift range . All models describe an initially decelerating phase, followed by a transition to an accelerated one.
The possible presence of torsion in the Universe has been extensively investigated in various theoretical frameworks. In particular, the Einstein–Cartan-type theories [
27] have attracted significant attention. In the Einstein–Cartan theory, torsion is directly related to a physical property of matter, with the torsion proportional to the spin tensor. Hence, in these models, rotation is the source of the torsion. On the other hand, in the present approach of the Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity, torsion is interpreted as an intrinsic property of space–time, coexisting together with the metric as an independent variable.
Of particular interest in the Friedmann–Schouten geometry is the form of the torsion tensor, which is purely vectorial. This leads to a significant simplification of the mathematical formalism, with the field equations taking a (relatively) easily tractable form. This form of the torsion does appear naturally (in its specific mathematical framework), and it is not related to any particular condition imposed on the tensor
. For example, in [
134], it was shown that the torsion tensor can be decomposed as
, where
is the four-velocity and
. The generalized Friedmann equations of the Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity theory contain the extra contributions coming from the torsion vector, and they naturally lead to the possibility of building dark energy models that could provide a good description of the observational data.
One of the interesting features of the present theory is that it does not introduce novel coupling parameters and arbitrary coefficients. The dynamical evolution of the Universe is determined only by the present-day values of the torsion vector, fully determined by the matter density, which is known from observations. Hence, the entire cosmological dynamics can be described with the help of a single parameter, the value at of the dimensionless function r.
In our analysis, we have restricted our investigations to the case of flat FLRW geometry. Curvature effects may play an important theoretical role in the cosmological evolution of the considered models. The effect of the spatial curvature
k in the evolution of the Universe is described by the curvature density parameter
, defined according to
can take positive, zero, or negative values, depending on the values of
, corresponding to open, flat, or closed geometries.
The cosmic curvature density parameter
has been constrained in [
135], independently of any background cosmological model, by adopting nonparametric Gaussian processes, with the only assumption that the Universe is homogeneous and isotropic, and described by the FLRW metric. The results of the investigations in [
135] show that a spatially flat Universe is consistent in 2
within the redshift range
for the background data. By also taking into account the Redshift Distorsion (RSD) data, the results are consistent with a spatially flat Universe mostly within 2
, and always within 3
in the redshift range
. These results indicate that the assumption of the geometric flatness, implemented via the
CDM Model, is well supported by the observational data.
Since the models we have considered are very close to the CDM paradigm, and even reproducing it almost exactly for a specific range of model parameter values, the effects of the curvature density parameter can be ignored in our analysis, which also extends only to the redshift range .
On the other hand, at higher redshifts, curvature effects may have a more important impact on the overall cosmological evolution, even that the inflationary evolution is expected to drastically reduce the presence of curvature.
The analysis of the cosmological models of the Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity theory has been performed under the simplifying assumption of a Universe filled with a perfect cosmological fluid. But in many astrophysical and cosmological configurations the idealized perfect fluid model of matter may not be suitable, especially in the case of matter at very high densities and pressures.
Such possible situations are the classical description of the (quantum) particle production phase, quark and gluon plasma viscosity, mixtures of cosmic elementary particles, evolution of cosmic strings due interaction with matter, relativistic transport of photons, interaction between matter and radiation, etc. (see [
136] and references therein).
There are two basic theories of bulk viscosity: the Eckart and the Israel–Stewart theories [
137]. The bulk viscosity effects can be generally described by means of an effective pressure
, which can be formally added to the thermodynamic pressure to generate an effective pressure
137], leading to an effective energy–momentum tensor with components
In the simplest approach to bulk viscous phenomena, the Eckart theory, and in the cosmological context, the bulk viscous pressure is assumed to have the form , where is the coefficient of the bulk viscosity. Hence, in the case of matter creation in the presence of bulk viscosity, in the co-moving frame the energy–momentum tensor has the components , , . As one can see from the form of the energy–momentum tensor, the bulk viscous pressure acts as a creation pressure, with the opposite interpretation also possible, the creation pressure being related to an effective viscosity of the medium in which particle creation takes place.
As for the energy balance equation for a viscous fluid, and in the presence of matter creation, it takes the form
showing again that the bulk viscous term can also be interpreted as describing an effective particle creation process, even in the absence of the creation pressure introduced via the thermodynamics of irreversible processes.
In the present approach, we have considered that the newly created matter behaves as an ideal fluid, and we have neglected the viscous effects. This assumption is physically motivated by the fact that we expect the particle creation effects to generate matter at a very low density and pressure, and thus the bulk viscous effects can be considered as negligibly small.
Another possible application of Semi-Symmetric Metric Gravity would be to consider inflation in the presence of torsion, an approach that could lead to a novel perspective on the cosmological, gravitational, and astrophysical processes that significantly influenced and modeled the early dynamics of the Universe after the Big Bang.
Consequently, the predictions of the present model could introduce major differences, as compared to those of standard general relativity, or its extensions and generalizations, which ignore the role of torsion. These differences could also have a significant impact on several current areas of present-day physics, which are being intensively investigated, including astrophysics, cosmology, the study of gravitational collapse, and the properties of the gravitational waves.
To conclude, in the present investigation we have introduced a novel torsion-based gravitational theory, and we have explicitly shown its theoretical and observational consistency. This novel approach also encourages, and strongly motivates, the theoretical investigation of further extensions of the families of gravitational theories that go beyond the framework of the standard Riemannian geometry.