Understanding Emotions: Origins and Roles of the Amygdala
:1. Introduction
2. Classical Theories of Emotion
2.1. Contemporary Theories of Emotions
2.1.1. Somatic Marker Hypothesis—Interoceptive Theory of Emotions
2.1.2. Theory of Constructed Emotion
2.1.3. Higher-Order Theory of Consciousness and Fear Conditioning
3. The Structure of the Amygdala
3.1. The Lateral Nucleus (LA)
3.2. The Basolateral Nucleus (BLA)
3.3. The Basomedial Nucleus (BM)
3.4. The Amygdalohippocampal Area
3.5. The Paralaminar Nucleus (PL)
3.6. The Intercalated Neurons (IN)
3.7. The Central Nucleus (CE)
3.8. The Medial Nucleus (ME)
3.9. The Cortical Nucleus (Co)
3.10. The Periamygdaloid (Prepiriform) Cortex
4. Connections of the Amygdala
5. Fetal Development of the Amygdala in Human
6. Damage to the Amygdala and Klüver–Bucy Syndrome
7. Emergence of Individual Emotions in the Amygdala
7.1. Aggression
7.2. Fear
8. The Amygdala and Anxiety Disorders
8.1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
8.2. Social Phobias
8.3. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
8.4. Panic Disorder
9. The Role of the Amygdala in Consumption and Negative Effects of Alcohol
10. The Influence of the Amygdala on the Brain Reward System
11. Short Description of Clinical Cases Presenting with Disturbed Emotional Experience and Behavior
12. The Role of the Amygdala in Sensation Seeking, Psychosis, Major Depression and Other Psychiatric Disorders
13. Decision-Making and Interdependence of Emotion and Cognition
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
A (AMY)—amygdala |
5-HT—5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) |
ACC—anterior cingulate cortex |
AMPAR—α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors |
ANS—autonomic nervous system |
AP-1—transcription factor activating protein 1 |
ATP/Ado—adenosine triphosphate/adenosine |
BA—Brodmann’s area |
BF—basal forebrain |
BLA—basolateral nucleus of amygdala |
BNST—bed nucleus of stria terminalis |
BPD—borderline personality disorder |
CE—central nucleus of amygdala |
CN—caudate nucleus |
CNS—central nervous system |
Co—cortical nucleus of amygdala |
CPRN—caudal pontine reticular nucleus |
CRH/CRF—corticotropin releasing hormone/factor |
CS—conditioned stimulus |
DA—dopamine |
dlPFC—dorsolateral prefrontal cortex |
dmPFC—dorsomedial prefrontal cortex |
DRN—dorsal raphe nucleus |
DSM-5—Diagnostic and Statistica Manual of mental disorders, 5th revision |
DTN—dorsal tegmental nucleus |
EC—entorhinal cortex |
EEG—electroencephalogram |
FLAIR—fluid attenuated inversion recovery MRI sequence |
fMRI—functional magnetic resonance imaging |
GABA—gamma (γ) aminobutyric acid |
GAD—generalized anxiety disorder |
H—hippocampus |
HF—hippocampal formation |
IN—intercalated neurons of the amygdala |
ICD-10—International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision |
LA—lateral nucleus of amygdala |
LC—locus coeruleus |
LH—lateral hypothalamus |
lPFC—lateral prefrontal cortex |
LTD—long-term depression |
LTP—long-term potentiation |
MDD—major depressive disorder |
MDMA—3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy) |
ME—medial nucleus of amygdala |
MGN—medial geniculate nucleus of thalamus |
mPFC—medial prefrontal cortex |
NAc—nucleus accumbens septi |
NAc MNS—medium spiny neurons of NAc |
N. V—trigeminal nerve |
N. VII—facial nerve |
NMDAR—N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors |
OFC—orbitofrontal cortex |
OXT—oxytocin |
P—putamen |
PAG—periaqueductal gray |
PBN—parabrachial nuclei |
PCC—posterior cingulate cortex |
PL—paralaminar nucleus |
PNS—peripheral nervous system |
PTSD—post-traumatic stress disorder |
PVN—periventricular nucleus |
rmPFC—rostromedial prefrontal cortex |
RMTg—rostromedial tegmental nucleus |
BDNF—brain-derived neurotrophic factor |
DTI—diffusion tensor imaging |
SNc—substantia nigra, pars compacta |
TBI—traumatic brain injury |
UC—unconditioned stimulus |
vlPFC—ventrolateral prefrontal cortex |
vmPFC—ventromedial prefrontal cortex |
VPL—ventroposterolateral nucleus of thalamus |
VPM—ventroposteromedial nucleus of thalamus |
VTA—ventral tegmental area |
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Aggression Type | Characteristics | Conditions in which It Occurs | The Role of the Amygdala |
Impulsive (reactive) | Unplanned, caused by increased arousal to a provocation or a threat, accompanied by a feeling of anger; primary intention is to destroy the victim (usually the provocateur) | Intermittent explosive disorder, autism, impulsive type of emotionally unstable personality, post-TBI disorders, PTSD | Increased activity, especially of the amygdala in the right hemisphere, with decreased control of the amygdala via PFC (decreased PFC activity); increased activity of the ANS, which includes increased reactivity of the “threat system” (medial part of the amygdala, hypothalamus, PAG) |
Planned (proactive, instrumental) | Planned in advance, associated with a reduced degree of compassion (empathy); intention is to achieve a certain goal (usually some personal benefit) | Antisocial (DSM5)/dissocial (ICD-10) personality disorder | Decreased volume of amygdala and its activity, especially in tasks involving compassion; decreased amygdala functional connectivity with vmPFC, OFC, and posterior cingulate cerebral cortex, decreased OFC activation to provocation |
Case | Basic Neuropathological Findings | Altered Behavior | Reference(s) No. |
Phineas Gage | Bilateral damage of the frontal lobe, especially vmPFC, including the extensive damage to the white matter of the frontal lobe as well as the anterior parts of temporal lobe and amygdala (amygdala disconnected from the frontal lobes) | Careful and reliable person before the injury after the injury became emotionally unstable, impulsive, unpredictable, dishonest, capricious, reckless, having disturbed social skills and difficulties in making decisions (“no longer Gage”) | [270,271,272,273] |
Patient S.M. | Bilateral calcification of the amygdala and periamygdaloid gyrus due to the Urbach–Wiethe disease | Patient S.M. had highly specialized impairment associated with the emotion of fear: she could not experience fear nor she could recognize facial expressions showing fear | [61,274,275] |
Boy B.W. | Congenital ventromedial prefrontal cortex malformation involving Brodmann areas 11, 12, 25 and 32, clusters of dysplastic neurons in the left amygdaloid nucleus | Throughout his childhood, this boy with a relatively normal cognitive performance on standard neurophychological tests displayed incremental emotional instability, impulsivity, lack of empathy, hypersexuality, and had been manipulative and aggressive towards others, including his own parents | [276] |
Patient B. | Bilateral destruction mainly of the insula due to Herpes simplex infection, but to a lesser extent also of the orbitofrontal and temporal cortex, anterior part of the ACC, hippocampus, EC, amygdala and a part of basal telencephalon | Severe global amnesia, dense impairment of retrograde memory and shallow mental content, but, except for taste and olfaction, all aspects of feeling were intact | [183] |
Patient Roger | Bilateral damage to insula, ACC, and amygdala due to Herpes simplex infection | Major deficits included global amnesia, anosmia (the inability to percieve smell/odor), and ageusia (the inability to taste), while his experience of pain was intact, at times even excessive | [184] |
Patient A.P. | Selective bilateral damage to the amygdala due to the Urbach–Wiethe disease | A pleasant, cheerful young woman notable for her tendency to be somewhat coquetting and disinhibited, e.g., she had been quick to become friendly with examiners, and had often made mildly innapropriate sexual remarks. She had also suffered from a significant defect in visual, nonverbal memory, executive control manifesting with innapropriate social behaviors, and had deficits on tests of category formation, cognitive flexibility, and abstract reasoning | [277,278] |
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Šimić, G.; Tkalčić, M.; Vukić, V.; Mulc, D.; Španić, E.; Šagud, M.; Olucha-Bordonau, F.E.; Vukšić, M.; R. Hof, P. Understanding Emotions: Origins and Roles of the Amygdala. Biomolecules 2021, 11, 823. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom11060823
Šimić G, Tkalčić M, Vukić V, Mulc D, Španić E, Šagud M, Olucha-Bordonau FE, Vukšić M, R. Hof P. Understanding Emotions: Origins and Roles of the Amygdala. Biomolecules. 2021; 11(6):823. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom11060823
Chicago/Turabian StyleŠimić, Goran, Mladenka Tkalčić, Vana Vukić, Damir Mulc, Ena Španić, Marina Šagud, Francisco E. Olucha-Bordonau, Mario Vukšić, and Patrick R. Hof. 2021. "Understanding Emotions: Origins and Roles of the Amygdala" Biomolecules 11, no. 6: 823. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom11060823
APA StyleŠimić, G., Tkalčić, M., Vukić, V., Mulc, D., Španić, E., Šagud, M., Olucha-Bordonau, F. E., Vukšić, M., & R. Hof, P. (2021). Understanding Emotions: Origins and Roles of the Amygdala. Biomolecules, 11(6), 823. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom11060823