Pleiotropic Effects of Grm7/GRM7 in Shaping Neurodevelopmental Pathways and the Neural Substrate of Complex Behaviors and Disorders
:1. Introduction
1.1. Review of Grm7
1.1.1. Metabotropic Glutamatergic Receptors
1.1.2. Dopamine System
2. Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Search Resources
2.3. On Components of the Review: Grm7/GRM7 Contribution to “Neurological Condition” and “Neurological Disease”
3. Neurodevelopment
3.1. Brain Development, Neuroprotection and Apoptosis
3.2. Human GRM7 Gene Mutations and Consequences for Neurodevelopment and Behavioral Disorders
Developmental Delay/Intellectual Disability (DD/ID), Seizure
4. Neurological Conditions
4.1. Genetic Preclinical Models
4.1.1. Grm7 Pleiotropy in Preclinical Alcohol Drinking
The Recombinant QTL (Quantitative Trait Locus) Introgression (RQI) Approach and Identification of Grm7 as a QTG (Quantitative Trait Gene) in Alcohol-Drinking Preferences
Grm2 in Alcohol-Drinking Preference and Interaction with Grm7
The Grm7 Pleiotropy Hypothesis
Roles of the mGlu7 Receptor in Responses to Psychostimulants and Opioids
Monogenic View of the Role of Grm7 in Alcohol-Drinking Preference
4.1.2. Other Grm7-Associated Phenotypes in Preclinical Models
Defensive Behavior, Depression, and Anxiety
4.1.3. The Role of Grm7 in Cocaine, Opioid, Nicotine, and Methamphetamine Abuse
4.2. GRM7 in Human Neurological Conditions
4.2.1. Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
4.2.2. Mood Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
4.2.3. Age-Related Hearing Impairment (ARHI) (Presbycusis)
4.2.4. GRM7 Natural Variants in Human Physiology and Behavior
5. Neurological Disorders
5.1. Association of GRM7 with Other Human Phenotypes: General Cognitive Ability, Alzheimer’s Disease
5.2. Hypertension
5.3. Cancer
6. Psychiatric Disorders
Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Genes in Schizophrenia (SCZ)
7. Conclusions
7.1. Basic Studies
7.2. Clinical Studies
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Gyetvai, B.M.; Vadasz, C. Pleiotropic Effects of Grm7/GRM7 in Shaping Neurodevelopmental Pathways and the Neural Substrate of Complex Behaviors and Disorders. Biomolecules 2025, 15, 392.
Gyetvai BM, Vadasz C. Pleiotropic Effects of Grm7/GRM7 in Shaping Neurodevelopmental Pathways and the Neural Substrate of Complex Behaviors and Disorders. Biomolecules. 2025; 15(3):392.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGyetvai, Beatrix M., and Csaba Vadasz. 2025. "Pleiotropic Effects of Grm7/GRM7 in Shaping Neurodevelopmental Pathways and the Neural Substrate of Complex Behaviors and Disorders" Biomolecules 15, no. 3: 392.
APA StyleGyetvai, B. M., & Vadasz, C. (2025). Pleiotropic Effects of Grm7/GRM7 in Shaping Neurodevelopmental Pathways and the Neural Substrate of Complex Behaviors and Disorders. Biomolecules, 15(3), 392.