Effects of Climate Change and Drought Tolerance on Maize Growth
:1. Introduction
2. Effects of Climate Change on Maize Growth
2.1. Drought Stress
2.2. Heat Stress
2.3. Moisture Stress and Precipitation Variability
3. Effects of Drought and Heat Stress on Maize Yields
4. Application of Biotechnological Tools Breeding for Drought Tolerance in Maize
4.1. Transgenic Research to Develop Drought-Tolerant Maize
4.2. QTL Mapping for Drought Tolerance in Maize
4.3. Impact of Transcriptome Analysis for Drought Tolerance in Maize
4.4. Genome Editing: Genetic Improvement of Drought Tolerance in Maize
5. Future Prospects of Maize Breeding Research in Response to Climate Change
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Target Gene | Technique | Comments | Reference |
ZmNF-YB16 | Agrobacterium-mediated method | ZmNF-YB16 overexpression: maintains higher photosynthesis, improves drought stress resistance, and increases grain yield under drought stress conditions | [77] |
nced, rpk | Agrobacterium-mediated method | Development of drought-resistant maize by introducing two genes involved in the ABA pathway and manipulating ABA signaling | [78] |
betA | Agrobacterium-mediated method | Enhanced Glycine Betaine Accumulation: Improved osmotic/drought stress tolerance in transgenic maize | [79] |
ZmSDD1 | Agrobacterium-mediated method | Overexpression of ZmSDD1: reduced stomatal density and transpiration rate, improved drought tolerance | [80] |
Population | Trait | QTL | Reference |
Ac7643 x Ac7729/TZSRW RIL | Leaf elongation rate in correspondence with ASI | 5 | [86] |
Ac7643 x Ac7729/TZSRW RIL | Seedling root traits in PEG solution | 13 | [87] |
Ac7643S5 x Ac7729/TZSRWS5 F2 families | Flowering parameters, ASI | 7 | [53] |
Zong3 x 87-1 RIL | LTD, RSDW, ESFW | 9 | [88] |
Lo964 x Lo1016 NIL F3:4 families | Root trait and yield | 1 (root-yield-1.06) | [89] |
X178 x B73 F2:3 families | Yield and ASI | 2 | [90] |
SD34 x SD35 F3 families | Yield, plant height, days to silking, ear number | 5 | [91] |
CML444 x MALAWI RIL, CML440 x CML504 F2:3 families, CML444 x CML441 F2:3 families | GY and ASI | GY: 83, ASI: 62 | [92] |
Os420 (high L-ABA) x IABO78 (low L-ABA) F3:4 families | L-ABA | 16 | [93] |
Os420 (high L-ABA) x IABO78 (low L-ABA) F4 families | L-ABA and yield | 17 | [94] |
H082183 (drought-tolerant) x Lv28 (drought sensitive) | Yield | 2 (qEL4s, qKW4s) | [95] |
Huangzaosi x Mo17 RIL F7 families | Flowering time: DTA | 2 (qDTA3-3, qDTA10) | [96] |
Han21 (drought-tolerant) x Ye478 (drought sensitive) BC3F6 families | GY, ESP, ASI | 2 (qWS-GY3-1, qWS-ESP3-1) | [97] |
Technique | Comments | Reference |
CRISPR/Cas9 system to edit ARGOS8 Delivery: particle bombardment | Flowering: Increases grain yield by 2–3% Grain ripening: Does not increase grain yield | [117,121] |
Transgenic maize with homologous ZmNF-YB2 | Increased grain yield by 50% | [75] |
Transgenic maize preserves RNA stability and translation of cold shock protein B | Maintain cell function under water stress conditions | [122] |
Gene knockout using CRISPR/Cas9 | Generating abh2-CRISPR knockout drought-tolerant maize: i1, d2, and d35 | [120] |
Gene knockout using CRISPR/Cas9 Delivery: Agrobacterium | Generating ZmSRL5-CRISPR knockout maize: KO1, KO2 ZmSRL5 is involved in drought tolerance by maintaining waxy structures in maize | [118] |
CRISPR/Cas9 Delivery: Agrobacterium | Generating zmslac1-2 and zmcpk37 mutant-maize ZmSLAC1: stomatal closure in maize ZmCPK35 and ZmCPK37: improve drought tolerance and reduce yield loss under drought stress | [119] |
Factors | Description | References |
High-temperature tolerance |
| [125,126,127,128,129,130,131] |
Drought tolerance |
| [132,133,134,135] |
Response to low precipitation |
| [136,137,138,139,140,141] |
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Kim, K.-H.; Lee, B.-M. Effects of Climate Change and Drought Tolerance on Maize Growth. Plants 2023, 12, 3548. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12203548
Kim K-H, Lee B-M. Effects of Climate Change and Drought Tolerance on Maize Growth. Plants. 2023; 12(20):3548. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12203548
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Kyung-Hee, and Byung-Moo Lee. 2023. "Effects of Climate Change and Drought Tolerance on Maize Growth" Plants 12, no. 20: 3548. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12203548
APA StyleKim, K.-H., & Lee, B.-M. (2023). Effects of Climate Change and Drought Tolerance on Maize Growth. Plants, 12(20), 3548. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12203548