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Comparative Analysis of Microbial Diversity and Metabolic Profiles during the Spontaneous Fermentation of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Juice

Biotechnology Institute, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, China
Agricultural Product Storage and Processing Research Institute, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Plants 2024, 13(19), 2782;
Submission received: 23 July 2024 / Revised: 29 September 2024 / Accepted: 1 October 2024 / Published: 4 October 2024
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Application of Plant Extracts in the Food Industry)


Jerusalem artichoke juice is valued for its nutritional content and health benefits. Spontaneous fermentation enhances its flavor, quality, and functional components through microbial metabolic activities. This study used high-throughput sequencing to analyze microbial community changes, and LC–MS and GC–MS to detect secondary metabolites and flavor compounds during fermentation. During natural fermentation, beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and Pediococcus increased, promoting lactic acid production and inhibiting harmful bacteria, while environmental bacteria decreased. Similarly, fungi shifted from environmental types like Geosmithia and Alternaria to fermentation-associated Pichia and Penicillium. A total of 1666 secondary metabolites were identified, with 595 upregulated and 497 downregulated. Key metabolic pathways included phenylpropanoid biosynthesis, with significant increases in phenylalanine, tryptophan, and related metabolites. Lipid and nucleotide metabolism also showed significant changes. Flavor compounds, including 134 identified alcohols, esters, acids, and ketones, mostly increased in content after fermentation. Notable increases were seen in Phenylethyl Alcohol, Ethyl Benzenepropanoate, 3-Methylbutyl Butanoate, Ethyl 4-Methylpentanoate, 5-Ethyl-3-Hydroxy-4-Methyl-2(5H)-Furanone, Ethyl Decanoate, Hexanoic Acid, and 1-Octanol. γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and other functional components enhanced the health value of the juice. This study provides insights into microbial and metabolic changes during fermentation, aiding in optimizing processes and improving the quality of fermented Jerusalem artichoke juice for functional food development.

1. Introduction

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) tubers are widely recognized for their high inulin content [1,2]. Inulin, which constitutes 10–25% of the fresh tuber weight, is a functional dietary fiber that acts as a prebiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, and thereby improving gut health [3,4]. Inulin significantly reduces blood glucose levels in diabetic patients and enhances insulin sensitivity [2,5]. Its hydrolysis product, fructose, does not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, making it suitable for diabetic patients and those requiring glycemic control [6,7,8]. Additionally, inulin aids in the absorption of minerals like calcium and magnesium, promoting bone health, and playing a crucial role in preventing and treating osteoporosis [9,10,11,12,13].
Jerusalem artichoke tubers are also rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which protect body cells by reducing oxidative stress and inhibiting inflammatory responses [14,15,16,17]. The high content of polyphenolic compounds and vitamins C and E in the tubers helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer [15,18]. Furthermore, Jerusalem artichoke extracts can be used in fermented fruit and vegetable juices to boost probiotic content and functionality [15,18,19]. Jerusalem artichoke tubers improve the moisture retention and texture of fermented bread, increasing dietary fiber content and catering to health-conscious consumers [20,21,22,23]. The components of Jerusalem artichoke juice, rich in inulin and other fermentable sugars, serve as substrates for microbial metabolism, leading to the production of various primary and secondary metabolites [24].
Spontaneous fermentation is an effective food processing method that utilizes natural microbial communities from raw materials, equipment, and the environment [25,26]. This method preserves the original flavor of the ingredients while producing beneficial metabolites through microbial activity, thereby enhancing the nutritional and health value of the food [27,28]. Secondary metabolites play crucial roles in fermentation. Phenolic acids, flavonoids, and alkaloids exhibit antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anticancer properties. For example, flavonoids have strong antioxidant activity, protecting cells from oxidative stress [29,30]. Phenolic acids like chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, enhancing food preservation and safety [31,32,33]. Additionally, alkaloids produced during fermentation, such as biotin and pyridoxine, improve the nutritional value of the food and enhance its health benefits [34,35]. Studies have shown that adding inulin to spontaneously fermented products like yogurt, kimchi, and fermented fruit and vegetable juices increases probiotic content and enhances health benefits. Inulin addition significantly improves the survival rate of probiotics and sensory properties in yogurt. During fermentation, inulin is metabolized by lactic acid bacteria, producing organic acids (e.g., lactic and acetic acids) and other metabolites that enhance the taste and nutritional value of yogurt [36,37,38,39,40].
The flavor of spontaneously fermented foods primarily arises from the various metabolites produced by microbes during fermentation. Through metabolic pathways, different microorganisms generate a variety of volatile compounds, such as alcohols, esters, aldehydes, ketones, and organic acids, creating complex and unique flavors and aromas. In the early stages of fermenting beer, sauerkraut, cocoa beans, carrot juice, and kimchi, common enterobacteria metabolize carbohydrates to produce various organic acids and alcohols, forming distinctive flavors [25,41,42]. Spontaneously fermented foods, free from artificial additives or industrial starter cultures, are more natural and pure, so are increasingly favored by consumers. Jerusalem artichoke tubers show broad application potential in spontaneously fermented foods, preserving the original flavor of the ingredients while generating various beneficial metabolites through microbial activity. With the growing demand for healthy and natural foods, the application prospects of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in spontaneously fermented foods are promising [43]. However, research on the microbial diversity and metabolic characteristics of spontaneously fermented Jerusalem artichoke juice remains limited.
In-depth studies on these characteristics are essential for understanding the dynamic changes in microbial communities and the mechanisms of metabolite production during the spontaneous fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke juice. This study aims to systematically analyze the structural and functional changes in microbial communities during the spontaneous fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke juice, elucidating the metabolic pathways of key microbes and their impacts on product flavor and nutritional value. This will help optimize fermentation processes, thus improving the quality and functionality of fermented Jerusalem artichoke products. Additionally, by investigating the secondary metabolites produced during spontaneous fermentation, including phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and alkaloids, we can better understand their health benefits and application potential in foods. Given the rich nutritional value and health benefits of Jerusalem artichoke tubers, this study will provide a scientific basis for developing high-value-added fermented products and promote the application and development of the Jerusalem artichoke in functional foods.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Sample Preparation

Fresh Jerusalem artichoke tubers of the cultivar “Lanyu No. 1” were sourced from the Yuzhong Experimental Station of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China (35°56′ N, 104°09′ E, 1750 m above sea level). The tubers were thoroughly washed with tap water, chopped into small pieces, and blended with distilled water at a ratio of 1:2 (w/v, 1 kg tuber to 2 L water) to obtain a homogenized slurry. The slurry was then filtered through an 80-mesh sieve to remove solid impurities. For each liter of juice, 50 g of white sugar was added. The juice was transferred into 2 L sterilized Erlenmeyer flasks, sealed with fermentation locks to allow CO2 to escape while preventing oxygen ingress, and incubated at 25 °C without agitation for 30 days to ensure sufficient fermentation time for the JASF samples. Unfermented juice samples served as control groups for comparative analysis (CK). Samples were collected, flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at −80 °C for further analysis [44].

2.2. Determination of Microbial Diversity

To assess microbial diversity in the fermented juice, the samples were pretreated, and total microbial DNA was extracted. Samples (0.5 mL) were quickly thawed, placed in 2 mL centrifuge tubes with extraction lysis solution, and homogenized using a TissueLyser II (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) at 60 Hz. Total DNA was extracted using the OMEGA Soil DNA Kit (M5635-02) (Omega Bio-Tek, Norcross, GA, USA), following the manufacturer’s protocol. The quality of the extracted DNA was assessed using a NanoDrop ND-2000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) and 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis.
The V3–V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene was amplified using primers 338F and 806R. For fungi, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region was amplified using primers ITS5 and ITS2. Each 25 μL PCR reaction contained 5 μL of 5× buffer, 0.25 μL of Fast Pfu DNA polymerase (5 U/μL), 2 μL of 2.5 mM dNTPs, 1 μL of each primer (10 μM), 1 μL of DNA template, and 14.75 μL of double-distilled H2O. Thermal cycling conditions for bacterial amplification were as follows: initial denaturation at 98 °C for 5 min; 25 cycles of denaturation at 98 °C for 30 s, annealing at 53 °C for 30 s, and extension at 72 °C for 45 s; with a final extension at 72 °C for 5 min. For fungal amplification, the annealing temperature was 55 °C, and the number of cycles was increased to 30 [45].
PCR products were purified using Vazyme VAHTS DNA Clean Beads (Vazyme, Nanjing, China) and quantified with a Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA assay kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Equimolar amounts of purified amplicons were pooled, and paired-end 2 × 250 bp sequencing was performed on the Illumina NovaSeq platform at Shanghai Bioprofile Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China.

2.3. Analysis of Secondary Metabolites

Samples were thawed and vortexed, and 100 μL of each sample was mixed with 100 μL of 70% methanol containing the internal standard, 2-chlorophenylalanine, at a concentration of 1 mg/L. The mixture was vortexed briefly and then incubated for 15 min at 4 °C, followed by centrifugation. The supernatant was filtered through a 0.22 μm membrane and stored for subsequent LC–MS/MS analysis. Samples were analyzed using an ACQUITY Premier HSS T3 column with a gradient of solvent A (0.1% formic acid in water) and solvent B (0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile) for the LC component, while the MS analysis was conducted in both positive and negative ion modes. The gradient conditions and parameters were optimized to ensure comprehensive metabolite detection. Mass spectrometry was conducted on an Agilent 6545A QTOF (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA), with specific ion source parameters set for each mode.

2.4. Analysis of the Volatile Flavor Compounds Using HS–SPME–GC–MS

Each sample (1 mL) was mixed with a saturated NaCl solution and 20 μL of internal standard (10 μg/mL 3-Hexanone-2,2,4,4-d4) and extracted using HS–SPME for GC–MS analysis. GC–MS analysis was performed on an Agilent 8890-7000D system equipped with a DB-5MS column. Headspace extraction was conducted at 60 °C for 15 min using a 120 µm DVB/CWR/PDMS fiber, followed by desorption at 250 °C for 5 min. High-purity helium was used as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 1.2 mL/min. The temperature program started at 40 °C (held for 3.5 min), ramped to 100 °C at 10 °C/min, then to 180 °C at 7 °C/min, and finally to 280 °C at 25 °C/min, where it was held for 5 min. Mass spectrometry was conducted in electron impact ionization (EI) mode. Metabolites were identified and quantified using a custom database, with accuracy ensured through retention time and selective ion monitoring (SIM).

2.5. Statistical Analysis

Sequence data were processed using QIIME2 (version 2022.11) with taxonomic classification against the SILVA 132 database for bacteria and the UNITE 8.0 database for fungi. Alpha and beta diversity metrics were calculated and visualized using QIIME2 and R software (version 4.0.2), with differences in microbial communities assessed using PERMANOVA. Metabolomic data were processed with XCMS for peak detection, alignment, and retention time correction; metabolites were identified using public databases, such as HMDB and METLIN. Differential metabolites were analyzed using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS–DA) with SIMCA-P 14.0. Volatile compound data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD), and statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0, with significance set at p < 0.05. All experiments included at least three biological replicates.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Changes in Microbial Diversity during Fermentation

3.1.1. Bacterial Diversity

A comprehensive analysis of the microbial communities in Jerusalem artichoke juice before (CK group) and after fermentation (JASF group) revealed significant shifts in microbial diversity (Figure 1A). The Chao1, observed species, and post-fermentation Faith_PD indices showed a marked reduction in diversity. Specifically, Chao1 decreased from approximately 483 to 314, observed species dropped from 443 to 307, and Faith_PD fell from 35 to 19. This suggests a dominance of certain microbial taxa during fermentation, resulting in decreased species richness. In contrast, the Simpson and Shannon indices, which reflect diversity and evenness, displayed an increase, with the Simpson index rising from 0.26 to 0.57 and the Shannon index from 1.5 to 2.3, indicating that, despite the reduction in species richness, the microbial community in the JASF group exhibited greater evenness, likely due to a more balanced distribution of dominant species. This observation was further supported by the Pielou_e index, which showed improved species evenness in the JASF group (0.28) compared to the CK group (0.17). Additionally, the Good’s coverage index, approaching 1.000 in both groups, confirmed that the sequencing depth was sufficient to capture the microbial diversity present. These findings suggest that, while fermentation reduced overall species richness, it promoted a more balanced and even microbial community structure, likely driven by changes in substrate availability and microbial competition, indicating a shift in the microbial ecosystem dynamics throughout the fermentation process.
Heatmap analysis (Figure 1B) further highlighted significant differences in microbial community structures between the CK and JASF groups. During the natural fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke tuber juice, the microbial community structure underwent substantial changes. Prior to fermentation, environmental bacteria, such as Flavobacterium, Sphingomonas, and Luteimonas, predominated, participating in the initial degradation of organic matter in the tuber juice. After fermentation, beneficial bacteria like Lactobacillus and Pediococcus increased significantly, promoting lactic acid production, lowering pH, and thereby inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and stabilizing the fermentation environment [46]. Enterobacter and Bacillus also proliferated during fermentation, and while the former includes some potential pathogens, the latter are mostly beneficial, although certain species like Bacillus cereus may cause food poisoning. Therefore, understanding the dynamic changes of beneficial and pathogenic bacteria during fermentation is crucial for ensuring the safety of the fermented product and optimizing the process.
The species diversity and abundance of bacteria at the phylum and genus levels during the spontaneous fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke tubers are displayed in Figure 1C. CK and JASF represent unique bacterial communities specific to each fermentation stage, while CK-JASF represents the bacterial species shared between both groups, highlighting overlapping metabolic activities during fermentation. The microbial community is highly diverse, involving multiple phyla and genera, which is essential for a balanced fermentation process, contributing to the development of flavors, textures, and possibly health benefits of the fermented product. Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum in the CK group, indicating its significant role before fermentation, while Firmicutes became more prominent in the JASF group, suggesting their increased activity during fermentation. However, Proteobacteria in the CK group might include potential pathogens that start to decrease as fermentation progresses, suggesting the need to control such pathogens during natural fermentation. Firmicutes are notable in the JASF condition, suggesting their involvement in breaking down complex carbohydrates and producing fermentation end products like lactic acid. Genera such as Lactobacillus, Gluconobacter, Lysinibacillus, and Pediococcus in JASF are important for lactic acid production and crucial for lowering pH and inhibiting spoilage organisms [47,48,49]. Differences in microbial composition across CK, JASF, and CK-JASF highlight the impact of environmental factors and fermentation stages on microbial dynamics.

3.1.2. Fungal Diversity

The α-diversity index analysis of fungi (Figure 2A) shows significant changes in fungal community structure during fermentation. The Chao1 index indicates a significant decrease in fungal richness, from approximately 150 in the CK group to about 32 in the JASF group (p = 0.0039). The Shannon index reveals a decrease in diversity and evenness, dropping from about 4.0 in the CK group to 3.3 in the JASF group (p = 0.0039), while Pielou’s evenness index increases from 0.56 to 0.68 (p = 0.0039). The Simpson index remains similar between groups at around 0.86 (p = 0.87), suggesting little change in the dominance of fungal communities. The number of observed species decreases significantly from about 148 to 30 (p = 0.0039), consistent with the Chao1 results. The Good’s coverage index, nearly 1.000 for both groups (p = 0.52), indicates sufficient sequencing depth. Overall, while fungal richness decreases after fermentation, evenness increases, leading to a more uniform community structure.
Heatmap analysis reveals distinct fungal community structures before (CK group) and after (JASF group) fermentation (Figure 2B). During the natural fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke tuber juice, significant changes in the fungal community structure were observed. Before fermentation (CK group), environmental fungi such as Geosmithia, Paecilomyces, Brunneochlamydosporium, Alternaria, and Cladosporium dominated, participating in the initial degradation of organic matter. After fermentation, there was a notable increase in Pichia and Penicillium. Pichia proliferated significantly during fermentation, contributing to the stability and flavor development of the product. However, the increase in Penicillium raises potential safety concerns due to possible mycotoxin production, which warrants further investigation to ensure product safety [50,51]. Given that certain Penicillium species can produce mycotoxins, it is essential to monitor and control their presence during fermentation to ensure the safety of the final product. The fermentation process, characterized by lower pH, organic acid production, and reduced oxygen levels, favored the growth of specific yeasts and molds while inhibiting plant pathogens like Fusarium and Alternaria. This dynamic shift not only ensures the safety of the fermented product, but also enhances its flavor and quality.
Figure 2C shows the species diversity and abundance of fungi at both the phylum and genus levels across two main groups, CK and JASF, with CK-JASF representing the shared fungal species between both groups. At the phylum level, Ascomycota was dominant in all conditions, particularly in CK and CK-JASF, highlighting its critical role during fermentation. This phylum is known for its ability to produce enzymes and secondary metabolites that break down complex carbohydrates and contribute to flavor development [52]. Basidiomycota was more abundant in CK but showed a significant reduction in JASF, possibly due to competition from Ascomycota species that thrive in acidic fermentation environments. Mortierellomycota was present in trace amounts, suggesting a minimal role in the fermentation process. At the genus level, Saccharomyces was highly abundant in both CK and CK-JASF, playing a crucial role in fermentation due to its capabilities in ethanol production and flavor enhancement. In contrast, genera such as Tetracladium and Pseudogymnoascus were more prominent in CK but became less abundant in JASF, implying their involvement in the early stages of fermentation but reduced activity later. Pichia and Penicillium showed increased abundance in JASF, suggesting their importance in the later stages of fermentation. Pichia is recognized for its ability to ferment a wide range of sugars and produce aromatic compounds, while Penicillium can break down complex organic materials and potentially produce antimicrobial compounds that inhibit spoilage organisms. Other genera, such as Cephalotrichum, Pleospora, Neocallimastix, Alternaria, and Tausonia, contributed to the overall fungal diversity. Cephalotrichum and Pleospora may assist in plant material degradation, while Neocallimastix is typically found in the rumens of herbivores and specializes in degrading fibrous plant material; its detection in our samples may suggest contamination or a transient presence, and its role in the fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke juice requires further investigation. Alternaria and Tausonia can produce various metabolites that may influence the flavor profile of the fermented juice [53,54]. These results highlight the dynamic changes in fungal community composition during fermentation, influenced by pH and substrate availability. The CK-JASF overlap suggests shared metabolic activities, while the differences in CK and JASF reflect distinct microbial processes at different fermentation stages.

3.2. Dynamic Changes in Secondary Metabolites during Fermentation

The volcano plot (Figure 3A) illustrates the relative abundance differences of metabolites between the CK and JASF groups and the statistical significance of these differences. In this plot, 595 metabolites are significantly upregulated in the experimental group, 497 metabolites are significantly downregulated, and 574 metabolites show no significant difference. The size of the dots indicates the VIP (variable importance in projection) score, with larger dots representing higher VIP scores and suggesting greater importance in distinguishing between the two groups (Table S1). The OPLS–DA S–plot (Figure 3B) provides a visual representation of the metabolites that contribute most significantly to the differences between the CK and JASF groups. Metabolites located closer to the top right and bottom left corners exhibit more significant differences and have VIP values greater than 1, indicating that they are key biomarkers for the fermentation process. These metabolites play a critical role in distinguishing between the CK and JASF groups. Although metabolites with smaller VIP values contribute less to differentiating the two groups, they still affect the overall metabolic profile and may interact with key metabolites.
To further expand on the analysis and discussion of Figure 3C, it is crucial to delve deeper into the implications of the observed shifts in secondary metabolites between the CK and JASF groups. The heatmap clearly indicates that the metabolic landscape of Jerusalem artichoke juice undergoes significant changes during fermentation, with distinct metabolites contributing to different stages of the process [55]. The prominence of amino acids and their derivatives in the CK group suggests that these compounds are vital substrates in the early stages, as they may support the growth of specific microbial communities and facilitate initial microbial proliferation. The subsequent decrease in amino acid levels in the JASF group suggests their consumption during fermentation, either for microbial metabolism or for the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites like alkaloids and terpenoids. Organic acids, such as citric, lactic, and succinic acids, are also essential metabolic intermediates, particularly in maintaining pH balance, which directly affects microbial diversity and enzyme activity. The elevated levels of organic acids in the CK group, followed by their reduction in the JASF group, suggest that these acids are metabolized by microorganisms during fermentation, potentially being converted into alcohols and esters that contribute to flavor development. Additionally, phenolic acids, which are abundant in the CK group, play a protective role against oxidative damage and microbial invasion during the initial stages because of their antioxidant properties. However, as fermentation progresses, phenolic acids may be metabolized or transformed into more complex secondary metabolites, such as flavonoids and alkaloids, which exhibit enhanced bioactivity. A notable increase in alkaloids and terpenoids in the JASF group points to a shift in microbial metabolism under more competitive conditions. These metabolites, often associated with stress responses in both plants and microbes, may help shape the microbial community by inhibiting certain microorganisms and promoting the growth of others. Moreover, heterocyclic compounds and flavonoids, which are more abundant in the JASF group, further support the microbial balance and antioxidant mechanisms. Heterocyclic compounds are involved in microbial signaling pathways, while flavonoids, known for their antioxidant activity, may be synthesized in greater amounts during the later stages of fermentation to protect the matrix from oxidative stress and enhance product stability.
The KEGG pathway enrichment analysis highlights significant metabolic pathway changes between the CK and JASF groups during the natural fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke tuber juice (Figure 3D). Phenylalanine metabolism, galactose metabolism, and tryptophan metabolism pathways are notably enriched, reflecting substantial gene expression changes in these areas. The biosynthesis pathway of phenylpropanoids is also significantly enriched, indicating an increase in secondary metabolites that contribute to flavor and antioxidant properties. The enrichment of drug metabolism via cytochrome P450 and fructose and mannose metabolism pathways underscores active microbial metabolism throughout fermentation. Enhanced degradation pathways for compounds, including aminobenzoate and caprolactam, suggest increased organic compound breakdown and transformation. Additionally, the biosynthesis of various plant secondary metabolites and changes in taste transduction pathways highlight the complexity of biochemical reactions. The metabolism of 2-oxocarboxylic acids and aromatic compounds further emphasizes the dynamic nature of metabolic activities occurring during fermentation. These enriched pathways illustrate the intricate microbial interactions and metabolic processes during fermentation. They enhance the flavor, improve the nutritional value, and contribute to the safety of the fermented product.

3.3. Dynamic Changes in Volatile Flavor Compounds

During the spontaneous fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke juice, significant and diverse changes were observed in alcohol compounds, reflecting complex biochemical reactions and microbial metabolic activities during fermentation (Table 1). For example, the content of 3-Undecanol increased from 0.68 μg/L before fermentation to 24.29 μg/L after fermentation, and 1-Octanol increased from 3.79 μg/L to 170.37 μg/L. These significant increases indicate the microbial breakdown and utilization of sugars and other organic substances in Jerusalem artichoke juice during fermentation. Phenylethyl Alcohol showed a particularly significant increase from 113.08 μg/L to 15,675.14 μg/L, with its relative odor activity value (rOAV) also rising markedly. This increase suggests that Phenylethyl Alcohol, associated with floral and fruity aromas, contributes significantly to the post-fermentation product’s fragrance, likely making the juice more appealing to consumers. This change could be attributed to the metabolic activities of yeasts and other microbes, which produce a large amount of secondary metabolites, including alcohols and esters, during sugar breakdown. The total alcohol content increased from 552.14 μg/L to 17,155.1 μg/L post-fermentation, indicating the significant role of fermentation in enhancing the flavor complexity and aroma of Jerusalem artichoke juice. This substantial change reflects vigorous microbial metabolic activity, leading to the generation of numerous new compounds and significant improvements in sensory properties.
During the spontaneous fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke juice, aldehydes showed significant changes, reflecting complex biochemical reactions and microbial metabolic activities. Comparing the data before and after fermentation, 23 aldehyde compounds exhibited notable changes. The content of 10-Undecenal increased from 1.15 μg/L before fermentation to 15.20 μg/L after fermentation, (E,E)-2,4-Nonadienal increased from 10.71 μg/L to 59.63 μg/L, and 2,5-Dimethylbenzaldehyde increased from 21.22 μg/L to 118.21 μg/L. These significant increases indicate the microbial transformation and utilization of precursor substances in Jerusalem artichoke juice during fermentation. In contrast, Benzeneacetaldehyde decreased from 98.40 μg/L to 36.35 μg/L, suggesting a different metabolic pathway or consumption during the fermentation process. The fermentation process led to an overall increase in aldehyde content from 865.39 μg/L to 1172.78 μg/L, highlighting its role in enhancing the flavor complexity and aroma of Jerusalem artichoke juice.
During the spontaneous fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke juice, acid compounds also showed significant changes, demonstrating the impact of microbial metabolic activity and diversity on flavor substances. Analyzing the changes in five major acid compounds provides deeper insights into their contributions to post-fermentation flavor. Hexanoic acid increased from 0.23 μg/L before fermentation to 177.36 μg/L after fermentation, with its rOAV increasing from 0 to 0.06. This significant increase could be due to yeast breaking down fatty acids during fermentation. Hexanoic acid, a common fatty acid with strong fatty and fruity aromas, is often found in fermented beverages. 9-Decenoic acid increased from 0.64 μg/L to 43.76 μg/L. This acid, known for its unique spicy and fruity aromas, may result from the microbial conversion of unsaturated fatty acids. 4-Aminobutanoic acid (γ-aminobutyric acid) increased from 17.57 μg/L to 78.55 μg/L. γ-Aminobutyric acid, an important neurotransmitter with multiple health benefits, is possibly produced through microbial amino acid metabolism, significantly enhancing the product’s health value and flavor. The total acid content increased from 33.27 μg/L to 382.24 μg/L, not only enhancing the sourness and overall flavor, but also potentially improving the product’s antioxidant activity and health benefits.
Ketone compounds showed notable changes during fermentation, highlighting microbial metabolism’s role in flavor development. Analyzing the changes in 24 ketone compounds, we found that Acetophenone increased from 1.28 μg/L before fermentation to 86.86 μg/L after fermentation, with its contribution to flavor becoming more significant. 5-Ethyl-3-Hydroxy-4-Methyl-2(5H)-Furanone increased significantly from 4.13 μg/L to 303.74 μg/L, a highly significant increase, with strong caramel and fruity aromas forming an important aroma substance during fermentation. 2-Methylcyclohexanone increased from 3.56 μg/L to 41.88 μg/L, reflecting its role in the post-fermentation flavor profile. 1-Nonen-3-one increased from 8.76 μg/L to 216.16 μg/L, contributing its unique metallic and sweet aromas, which are commonly found in fruits and vegetables. 4-Undecanone increased from 28.48 μg/L to 170.27 μg/L, further enhancing the flavor profile. In contrast, 3-Methyl-4-Heptanone and 6-Methyl-3,5-Heptadien-2-one decreased from 170.38 μg/L to 72.88 μg/L and from 214.76 μg/L to 167.15 μg/L, respectively. Overall, most ketone compounds significantly increased during fermentation, with the total ketone content rising from 926.95 μg/L to 2195.82 μg/L. This significant increase mainly results from the microbial conversion and metabolic activity of precursor substances in Jerusalem artichoke juice during fermentation. Statistical analysis showed that 20 out of 24 ketone compounds had statistically significant changes (p < 0.05), reflecting active microbial metabolism during fermentation and further demonstrating the key role of microbes in flavor substance formation.
Similarly, esters displayed significant alterations, emphasizing the impact of microbial activity on the formation of flavor compounds. Analyzing the changes in 61 ester compounds, various esters showed significant changes before and after fermentation. Ethyl Decanoate increased from 0.06 μg/L before fermentation to 162.31 μg/L after fermentation, contributing significantly to post-fermentation flavor. Ethyl Hexanoate increased from 0.10 μg/L to 160.55 μg/L, enhancing the fruity and sweet aromas of the juice. Octyl Acetate increased from 0.35 μg/L to 61.37 μg/L, adding to the overall fruity aroma. 1-Methylbutyl Butanoate increased from 0.38 μg/L to 69.98 μg/L, and Ethyl Hexadecanoate increased from 0.56 μg/L to 67.52 μg/L, both contributing to the complex aroma profile. Ethyl Benzenepropanoate saw a significant increase from 0.86 μg/L to 2088.29 μg/L, with its floral and sweet aromas enhancing the overall flavor. Ethyl 4-Methylpentanoate increased from 0.59 μg/L to 492.01 μg/L, adding significantly to the fruity aroma. Geranyl Formate increased from 1.16 μg/L to 138.01 μg/L, known for its strong fruity aromas. Pentyl butanoate increased from 1.22 μg/L to 279.13 μg/L, adding banana and fruit aromas to the juice. 1-Isothiocyanato-2-Butene increased from 2.56 μg/L to 311.28 μg/L, and Butyl Butanoate increased from 12.14 μg/L to 233.19 μg/L, both significantly enhancing the aroma. 3-Methylbutyl Butanoate increased from 12.74 μg/L to 1406.55 μg/L, adding to the rich, fruity, and sweet aromas. Ethyl Butanoate increased from 189.73 μg/L to 1056.87 μg/L, contributing to the rich aroma profile. In contrast, some ester compounds showed a decrease during fermentation. (E)-Methyl 3-Hexenoate, Ethyl Tiglate, and Methyl 2-Octynoate saw reductions in their concentrations, indicating changes in the microbial metabolic pathways during fermentation and affecting the overall flavor profile. Most ester compounds significantly increased during fermentation, with the total ester content rising from 1190.37 μg/L to 10,850.27 μg/L. The substantial increase in ester compounds results from microbial esterification processes during fermentation, during which microbes convert alcohols and acids into esters, enhancing the juice’s fruity aroma. Significance analysis showed that most of the 61 ester compounds had statistically significant changes (p < 0.05), reflecting active microbial metabolism during fermentation and further demonstrating the key role of microbes in flavor substance formation. High-content ester compounds formed during fermentation, such as hexyl acetate and ethyl decanoate, contributed significantly to the overall aroma and flavor of the fermented product.
During the spontaneous fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke juice, significant changes in various compounds were observed, reflecting complex biochemical reactions and microbial activities. Microbial diversity played a crucial role, with initial stages dominated by Flavobacterium, Sphingomonas, and Luteimonas breaking down complex substances like inulin, leading to flavor development [56]. As fermentation progressed, Lactobacillus and Pediococcus became dominant, consuming organic acids and synthesizing flavor compounds [57,58]. Fungal shifts from Geosmithia and Alternaria to Pichia and Penicillium also contributed significantly, particularly in producing alcohols and esters [59]. Alcohols like phenylethyl alcohol, which showed a dramatic increase, are produced by yeast through the Ehrlich pathway, which converts amino acids to alcohols, while aldehydes like 10-undecenal and 2,5-dimethylbenzaldehyde result from the microbial oxidation of alcohols and amino acids. Acids such as Hexanoic acid and 4-Aminobutanoic acid increase through microbial fermentation, enhancing the juice’s health benefits and antioxidant activity [60]. Ketones, including 5-Ethyl-3-hydroxy-4-methylfuran-2(5H)-one, form via microbial metabolism of fatty acids and amino acids, while esters like Ethyl Decanoate and Ethyl Hexanoate result from microbial esterification, contributing fruity and sweet aromas [61]. The significant role of inulin, a prebiotic, selectively promotes specific microbes, influencing community dynamics and metabolic activities, while reducing sugars are efficiently utilized by Saccharomyces and Pichia, enhancing the fruity and floral aromas [62]. These findings highlight the critical role of microbial diversity in the development of complex flavor profiles, alongside metabolic pathways and substrate utilization, providing insights for optimizing fermentation processes and improving the quality and flavor of fermented Jerusalem artichoke juice.

4. Conclusions

This study revealed the shifts in microbial communities, metabolic transformations, and flavor characteristics during the spontaneous fermentation of Jerusalem artichoke juice. The dominant microbial groups transitioned from environmental bacteria, such as Flavobacterium and Sphingomonas, to beneficial families like Lactobacillaceae and Acetobacteraceae during fermentation, with notable post-fermentation increases in Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Secondary metabolites involved in phenylalanine and tryptophan pathways were enriched and lipid and nucleotide metabolic activities were heightened, indicating increased metabolic activity. The increase in phenylpropanoid and aromatic amino acid metabolites emphasizes their role in enhancing the flavor and potential health benefits of fermented Jerusalem artichoke juice. Flavor analysis showed significant increases in alcohols, esters, acids, and ketones, contributing to the unique aroma and health benefits of fermented Jerusalem artichoke juice.
The main advantage of spontaneous fermentation is its ability to preserve the natural flavor and nutritional components of the raw materials without the need for exogenous strains while producing a rich variety of secondary metabolites. The changes in microbial populations are closely linked to metabolic activities during fermentation, with Lactobacillaceae and Acetobacteraceae playing pivotal roles in the later stages, significantly influencing the flavor and quality of the juice.
However, spontaneous fermentation is sensitive to environmental factors, leading to challenges in controlling microbial community composition and metabolic pathways, which can result in inconsistencies in product quality. Implementing controlled fermentation with selected starter cultures may help mitigate these issues. Future studies should focus on identifying and utilizing beneficial microbial strains to enhance product consistency and safety. These findings provide a foundation for optimizing fermentation processes by controlling environmental conditions and potentially introducing selected starter cultures to enhance the quality and consistency of fermented Jerusalem artichoke products.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Table S1. Differential Metabolite Screening Results.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, T.Z.; methodology, T.Z; software, Z.L.; validation, Z.L. and T.Z.; formal analysis, X.L.; investigation, C.C. and X.L.; resources, C.C.; data curation, T.Z.; writing—original draft preparation, T.Z.; writing—review and editing, Y.M.; visualization, C.C.; supervision, Y.M.; project administration, Y.M.; funding acquisition, T.Z. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was supported by the Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Scientific Research Conditions Construction and Achievement Transformation Project (2022GAAS50) and the Science & Technology Project of Gansu Agricultural and Rural Affairs Department (GNKJ-2020-4).

Data Availability Statement

Data are contained within the article or Supplementary Material.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Composition and diversity of bacterial communities during spontaneous fermentation. α-diversity index analysis of bacteria (A). Heatmap of genus-level species composition for co-clustering (B). Species diversity and abundance of bacteria at the phylum and genus levels (C). Statistical significance is indicated by ** (p < 0.01).
Figure 1. Composition and diversity of bacterial communities during spontaneous fermentation. α-diversity index analysis of bacteria (A). Heatmap of genus-level species composition for co-clustering (B). Species diversity and abundance of bacteria at the phylum and genus levels (C). Statistical significance is indicated by ** (p < 0.01).
Plants 13 02782 g001aPlants 13 02782 g001b
Figure 2. Composition and diversity of fungal communities during spontaneous fermentation. α-diversity index analysis of fungi (A). Heatmap of genus-level species composition for co-clustering (B). Species diversity and abundance of fungi at the phylum and genus levels (C). Statistical significance is indicated by ** (p < 0.01).
Figure 2. Composition and diversity of fungal communities during spontaneous fermentation. α-diversity index analysis of fungi (A). Heatmap of genus-level species composition for co-clustering (B). Species diversity and abundance of fungi at the phylum and genus levels (C). Statistical significance is indicated by ** (p < 0.01).
Plants 13 02782 g002aPlants 13 02782 g002b
Figure 3. Dynamic changes in secondary metabolites during fermentation. Volcano plot (A). The OPLS–DA S−plot (B). Heatmap of the differential secondary metabolites (C). Enrichment of the differential secondary metabolites (D).
Figure 3. Dynamic changes in secondary metabolites during fermentation. Volcano plot (A). The OPLS–DA S−plot (B). Heatmap of the differential secondary metabolites (C). Enrichment of the differential secondary metabolites (D).
Plants 13 02782 g003aPlants 13 02782 g003bPlants 13 02782 g003c
Table 1. Changes in volatile flavor compounds during spontaneous fermentation.
Table 1. Changes in volatile flavor compounds during spontaneous fermentation.
Volatile CompoundsRICASrOAVContent(μg/L)p-Value
1cis-2-Furanmethanol, 5-Ethenyltetrahydro-α,α,5-Trimethyl10745989-33-30–10–10.28 ± 0.025.30 ± 0.600.0142
23-Undecanol14006929-08-40–1>1 0.68 ± 0.0224.29 ± 0.300.0002
32,3-Dimethyl-2-Butanol720594-60-50–10–11.36 ± 0.057.58 ± 0.570.0097
44,4-Dimethyl-2-Pentanol8126144-93-00–10–11.36 ± 0.037.58 ± 0.500.0058
5α,α,4-Trimethyl-3-Cyclohexene-1-Methanethiol128371159-90-5>1>12.83 ± 0.1215.75 ± 1.090.0056
62-Ethyl-1-Hexanol1029104-76-70–10–13.59 ± 0.2420.01 ± 1.180.0058
71-Octanol1070111-87-50–1>1 3.79 ± 0.06170.37 ± 14.040.0070
81-Undecanol1371112-42-50–10–14.13 ± 0.117.73 ± 0.400.0188
92-Mercaptoethanol72360-24-20–10–16.70 ± 0.3837.32 ± 1.460.0035
101-Decanol1272112-30-10–1>18.36 ± 0.6046.58 ± 3.680.0119
116-Undecanol128123708-56-70–1>1 8.43 ± 0.4946.95 ± 2.600.0030
122-Nonanol1099628-99-90–10–110.32 ± 0.604.20 ± 0.210.0045
133-Methyl-4-Heptanol9971838-73-90–1>114.79 ± 0.59207.21 ± 9.490.0027
145-Hexen-1-ol868821-41-00–10–117.70 ± 0.8515.85 ± 0.930.4025
152-Butoxyethanol905111-76-20–10–118.04 ± 0.76100.47 ± 5.980.0044
162-Heptanol900543-49-70–1>123.58 ± 1.58131.35 ± 13.450.0189
176-Ethenyltetrahydro-2,2,6-Trimethyl-2H-Pyran-3-ol117314049-11-70–10–125.69 ± 0.26154.34 ± 13.490.0112
182-Undecanol13011653-30-1>1>127.97 ± 1.81155.82 ± 12.670.0081
19trans,cis-2,6-Nonadien-1-ol117028069-72-9>1>131.48 ± 1.00126.11 ± 9.140.0078
20Phenylethyl Alcohol111660-12-80–1>1113.08 ± 10.1715675.14 ± 834.640.0028
21Hotrienol110620053-88-7>1>1227.97 ± 7.85195.16 ± 9.530.1997
223-Cyclohexene-1-Carboxaldehyde958100-50-50–10–10.39 ± 0.022.16 ± 0.010.0002
23(Z)-3-Phenylacrylaldehyde121957194-69-10–10–10.50 ± 0.022.79 ± 0.050.0002
245-Methyl-2-Thiophenecarboxaldehyde111813679-70-40–1>10.99 ± 0.055.49 ± 0.170.0014
2510-Undecenal1297112-45-80–1>11.15 ± 0.0315.20 ± 0.460.0011
26(Z,Z)-3,6-Nonadienal110021944-83-2>1>1 1.18 ± 0.136.60 ± 0.270.0029
272-Ethyl-2-Hexenal999645-62-50–10–11.97 ± 0.102.59 ± 0.090.0450
28Glutaraldehyde895111-30-8>1>14.65 ± 0.3425.91 ± 0.480.0001
29Piperonal1334120-57-00–10–15.07 ± 0.223.17 ± 0.220.0020
30(E)-4-Decenal119865405-70-10–1>16.00 ± 0.3039.83 ± 4.790.0177
313-Methylbenzaldehyde1070620-23-50–10–19.27 ± 0.7351.65 ± 0.220.0005
32Heptanal901111-71-7>1>19.50 ± 0.4352.90 ± 3.140.0067
332-Nonenal11612463-53-8>1>110.29 ± 0.7157.32 ± 3.670.0056
34(E,E)-2,4-Octadienal111530361-28-50–10–110.71 ± 0.8059.63 ± 4.570.0096
354-(1-Methylethenyl)-1-Cyclohexene-1-Carboxaldehyde12742111-75-30–1>111.52 ± 0.7564.19 ± 3.760.0063
36(Z)-6-Nonenal11042277-19-2>1>114.56 ± 0.337.88 ± 0.670.0056
372,5-Dimethylbenzaldehyde11545779-94-20–10–117.47 ± 0.293.89 ± 0.360.0002
38(E,E)-2,4-Nonadienal12165910-87-2>1>121.22 ± 1.28118.21 ± 11.230.0161
39Tridecanal151310486-19-80–10–145.38 ± 2.9053.60 ± 0.370.0887
40(S)-4-(1-Methylethenyl)-1-Cyclohexene-1-Carboxaldehyde124318031-40-8>1>149.49 ± 2.3634.55 ± 0.130.0240
41Benzeneacetaldehyde1046122-78-1>1>198.40 ± 2.1436.35 ± 1.200.0026
42Nonanal1105124-19-6>1>1117.08 ± 2.4690.79 ± 4.020.0526
43(Z)-2-Decenal12522497-25-8>1>1170.39 ± 13.31128.60 ± 2.420.0627
444-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)benzenepropanal152118127-01-0>1>1258.20 ± 14.06309.48 ± 23.630.2868
45Hexanoic Acid987142-62-10–10–10.23 ± 0.01177.36 ± 8.390.0022
469-Decenoic Acid136014436-32-90–10–10.64 ± 0.0643.76 ± 4.640.0111
474-Methyloctanoic Acid123254947-74-90–10–12.35 ± 0.0313.06 ± 0.810.0054
48(E)-2-Hexenoic Acid104513419-69-70–10–112.48 ± 0.9569.51 ± 1.080.0001
494-Aminobutanoic Acid119056-12-20–10–117.57 ± 1.8878.55 ± 2.820.0010
502-Undecanone1295112-12-90–1>10.58 ± 0.0310.70 ± 0.420.0020
51Isophorone112378-59-10–10–11.24 ± 0.106.92 ± 0.390.0029
521-(4-Methylphenyl)ethanone1183122-00-90–10–11.25 ± 0.056.00 ± 0.090.0001
53Acetophenone106898-86-20–1>11.28 ± 0.1386.86 ± 10.040.0131
542-Dodecanone13956175-49-10–10–11.47 ± 0.104.93 ± 0.230.0022
55(E,E)-3,5-Octadien-2-one107330086-02-3>1>12.31 ± 0.0412.87 ± 1.300.0150
56(E)-5,9-Undecadien-2-one, 6,10-Dimethyl14533796-70-10–10–13.35 ± 0.112.62 ± 0.060.0502
572-Octanone991111-13-70–10–13.50 ± 0.2819.48 ± 1.150.0030
582-Methylcyclohexanone953583-60-80–10–13.56 ± 0.0941.88 ± 2.230.0036
595-Ethyl-3-Hydroxy-4-Methyl-2(5H)-Furanone1195698-10-2>1>14.13 ± 0.33303.74 ± 23.360.0060
601-(4,5-Dihydro-2-Thiazolyl)ethanone110629926-41-8>1>14.64 ± 0.0625.86 ± 2.120.0096
613-Butylisobenzofuran-1(3H)-one16566066-49-50–10–15.33 ± 0.393.17 ± 0.210.0427
621-Nonen-3-one107624415-26-7>1>18.76 ± 0.79216.16 ± 8.620.0015
633-Octen-2-one10161669-44-9>1>1 11.08 ± 0.2861.71 ± 4.260.0079
643-Decanone1187928-80-30–1>1 13.10 ± 0.3272.95 ± 2.820.0022
654-(2,6,6-Trimethylcyclohexa-1,3-Dienyl)but-3-en-2-one14851203-08-3>1>114.06 ± 1.516.96 ± 0.060.0403
661-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-1,3-Cyclohexadien-1-yl)-2-Buten-1-one136223696-85-7>1>117.67 ± 0.3317.37 ± 1.110.8407
671-(2-Thienyl)ethanone109288-15-3>1>117.95 ± 0.8843.99 ± 0.520.0010
684-Undecanone120814476-37-00–1>128.48 ± 2.43170.27 ± 9.340.0024
692-Sec-Butylcyclohexanone122014765-30-10–1>175.95 ± 3.34423.10 ± 13.080.0022
702-Hydroxy-3,4-Dimethyl-2-Cyclopenten-1-one107521835-00-7>1>1141.02 ± 4.04136.87 ± 10.860.8055
713-Methyl-4-Heptanone92815726-15-5>1>1170.38 ± 17.8472.88 ± 1.210.0287
723,4-Dimethyl-1,2-Cyclopentadione110913494-06-9>1>1181.10 ± 9.76281.39 ± 4.420.0192
736-Methyl-3,5-Heptadien-2-one11071604-28-0>1>1214.76 ± 8.41167.15 ± 14.820.1383
74Ethyl Decanoate1396110-38-30–1>10.06 ± 0.00162.31 ± 13.540.0069
75Ethyl Hexanoate999123-66-00–1>10.10 ± 0.01160.55 ± 3.850.0006
76Octyl Acetate1210112-14-10–10–10.35 ± 0.0561.37 ± 5.290.0074
771-Methylbutyl Butanoate97060415-61-40–1>10.38 ± 0.0269.98 ± 5.370.0059
78Ethyl Hexadecanoate1993628-97-70–10–10.56 ± 0.0167.52 ± 4.040.0036
79Ethyl 4-Methylpentanoate96925415-67-20–1>10.59 ± 0.05492.01 ± 27.890.0032
801-Methylpropyl 2-Methylbutanoate971869-08-90–10–10.78 ± 0.054.32 ± 0.120.0021
81Ethyl Benzenepropanoate13532021-28-50–1>10.86 ± 0.052088.29 ± 67.400.0010
824-tert-Butylcyclohexyl Acetate136832210-23-40–10–10.90 ± 0.0823.44 ± 1.300.0037
83Ethyl 9-Decenoate138867233-91-40–10–11.00 ± 0.0034.92 ± 3.260.0091
842-Ethylhexyl Acrylate1220103-11-70–10–11.14 ± 0.0814.04 ± 0.530.0019
85Geranyl Formate1301105-86-20–10–11.16 ± 0.09138.01 ± 2.150.0002
86Pentyl Butanoate1077540-18-10–10–11.22 ± 0.07279.13 ± 7.960.0008
87Hexyl Acetate1013142-92-70–10–11.24 ± 0.066.90 ± 0.090.0002
88Pentyl 2-Methylbutanoate114268039-26-90–1>11.25 ± 0.0624.67 ± 1.290.0028
89Methyl 4-Methoxybenzoate1373121-98-20–10–11.58 ± 0.083.45 ± 0.110.0096
90trans-3-Methyl-4-Octanolide128839638-67-00–10–11.86 ± 0.070.41 ± 0.020.0034
91Methyl Anthranilate1349134-20-30–1>11.92 ± 0.12100.47 ± 0.930.0001
92Butyl 2-Hydroxybenzoate14362052-14-40–10–11.93 ± 0.112.13 ± 0.130.4387
93Hexyl 2-Methylbutanoate123610032-15-20–10–12.00 ± 0.111.62 ± 0.040.0323
941,2-Ethanediol, Diacetate991111-55-70–10–12.03 ± 0.1411.28 ± 1.060.0145
952-Ethylhexyl Methacrylate1296688-84-60–10–12.15 ± 0.1728.94 ± 1.300.0029
961-Isothiocyanato-2-Butene10702253-93-20–10–12.56 ± 0.03311.28 ± 18.030.0034
97Phenyl Acetate1062122-79-20–10–12.61 ± 0.1210.34 ± 0.860.0091
982-Ethylhexyl Acetate1185103-09-30–10–12.94 ± 0.1116.37 ± 0.500.0009
991-Ethylpropyl Acetate793620-11-10–1>13.10 ± 0.34194.85 ± 4.870.0006
100δ-Dodecalactone1720713-95-10–10–13.45 ± 0.174.04 ± 0.040.0464
101Methyl Heptanoate1024106-73-00–1>13.56 ± 0.1219.85 ± 0.980.0044
102Ethyl Dodecanoate1595106-33-20–10–14.27 ± 0.2023.78 ± 1.750.0095
1033-Phenylpropyl Acetate1373122-72-50–10–14.28 ± 0.076.10 ± 0.560.0701
1043-Methylphenylmethyl Butanoate1396103-38-80–1>15.49 ± 0.5030.60 ± 1.680.0027
105cis-2-Methyl-5-(1-Methylethenyl)-2-Cyclohexen-1-ol Acetate13621205-42-10–1>15.63 ± 0.2431.37 ± 5.710.0463
106Butyl Hexanoate1189626-82-40–10–16.39 ± 0.3032.25 ± 0.620.0004
107Pentyl Acetate916628-63-70–10–16.69 ± 0.3237.27 ± 2.740.0072
1084-Methylphenyl Acetate1171140-39-60–1>18.00 ± 0.3336.87 ± 1.790.0051
1093-Methylbutyl Butanoate1046109-19-30–10–18.41 ± 0.4546.84 ± 1.050.0015
110Ethyl Nonanoate1295123-29-50–1>19.00 ± 0.5850.16 ± 2.230.0038
111Methyl Thiocyanate702556-64-90–1>19.51 ± 0.9252.95 ± 1.390.0026
112Ethyl 3-Methylpentanoate9605870-68-8>1>19.52 ± 0.93295.96 ± 2.070.0000
113Tetrahydro-6-Pentyl-2H-Pyran-2-one1502705-86-20–10–110.89 ± 0.3643.16 ± 2.440.0069
114Methyl Decanoate1326110-42-9>1>111.03 ± 0.3017.51 ± 0.570.0172
1152-Methylbutyl 2-Methylbutanoate11052445-78-50–1>111.63 ± 1.03148.48 ± 6.080.0023
1162-Phenylethyl 3-Methylbutanoate1491140-26-1>1>1 11.65 ± 1.1664.87 ± 3.290.0043
117Butyl Butanoate996109-21-70–1>112.14 ± 0.26233.19 ± 15.590.0049
118Ethyl Pentanoate902539-82-20–1>112.16 ± 0.1867.76 ± 3.270.0033
119Ethyl Benzeneacetate1247101-97-30–10–112.52 ± 1.4471.91 ± 3.060.0016
120Dihydro-5-Propyl-2(3H)-Furanone1156105-21-50–10–112.71 ± 0.4670.78 ± 3.500.0028
1213-Methylbutyl Butanoate1056106-27-40–1>112.74 ± 0.121406.55 ± 18.280.0002
122n-Amyl Isovalerate111025415-62-70–10–118.84 ± 0.91473.98 ± 30.740.0044
123Isothiocyanatoethane796542-85-80–10–120.83 ± 0.96205.69 ± 30.540.0247
124Propyl Propanoate810106-36-50–1>122.72 ± 0.54126.54 ± 7.700.0051
1253-Methyl-1-Butanol Acetate878123-92-2>1>1 24.93 ± 0.67471.94 ± 35.830.0066
126Propyl Butanoate899105-66-8>1>130.20 ± 0.85168.23 ± 4.580.0010
127(E)-Methyl 3-Hexenoate92013894-61-60–10–134.56 ± 1.437.70 ± 0.670.0009
128n-Butyl Tiglate11347785-66-2>1>151.65 ± 2.22287.71 ± 2.480.0001
129Isopentyl Hexanoate12502198-61-00–10–159.91 ± 1.0139.01 ± 0.710.0023
130Butyl Acetate815123-86-4>1>199.48 ± 5.70554.18 ± 17.650.0017
1312-Butoxyethyl Acetate1090112-07-20–10–1102.40 ± 4.71199.72 ± 6.110.0118
132Ethyl Tiglate9395837-78-5>1>1150.65 ± 11.4566.08 ± 2.190.0223
133Methyl 2-Octynoate1202111-12-6>1>1156.55 ± 12.8191.76 ± 6.520.0758
134Ethyl Butanoate802105-54-4>1>1189.73 ± 15.801056.87 ± 79.690.0109
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MDPI and ACS Style

Zhu, T.; Li, Z.; Liu, X.; Chen, C.; Mu, Y. Comparative Analysis of Microbial Diversity and Metabolic Profiles during the Spontaneous Fermentation of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Juice. Plants 2024, 13, 2782.

AMA Style

Zhu T, Li Z, Liu X, Chen C, Mu Y. Comparative Analysis of Microbial Diversity and Metabolic Profiles during the Spontaneous Fermentation of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Juice. Plants. 2024; 13(19):2782.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zhu, Tiandi, Zhongwang Li, Xinxing Liu, Chen Chen, and Yuwen Mu. 2024. "Comparative Analysis of Microbial Diversity and Metabolic Profiles during the Spontaneous Fermentation of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Juice" Plants 13, no. 19: 2782.

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