Nematicidal Amendments and Soil Remediation
:1. Introduction
2. Botanical Amendments as Substitutes for Synthetic Nematicides
3. Botanical Amendments as Substitutes for Synthetic Fertilizers
4. Botanical Amendment Type 1: Biofumigation Using Cover Crop Rotation and Incorporation
4.1. Plant Protection Properties Based on Chemical Factors
4.2. Plant Protection Properties Based on Other Factors
4.3. Secondary Beneficial Properties on Soil Microbes and Saprophytic Nematodes
5. Botanical Amendment Type 2: Recycling Wastes for Use as Chars and Composts
5.1. Plant Protection Properties
5.2. Soil Enhancement Properties
6. Botanical Amendment Type 3: Other Products
6.1. Plant Protection Properties
6.2. Bio-Fertilizer Properties
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Botanical Amendment Type | Categories | Plant Species/Type of Waste | Effect | References |
Biofumigation, cover-crop rotation, and incorporation | Brassicaceae species | Brassica oleracea, Brassica napus, Brassica rapa, Brassica juncea, Eruca sativa, Raphanus sativus, Sinapis alba | Release of isothiocyanates, ionic isothiocyanate, organic cyanides, and nitriles increase the nematode-trapping fungi or parasitic fungi, or other nematode antagonists (e.g., mites) | [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] |
Asteraceae species | Tagetes erecta, Tagetes minuta, Tagetes sp. | Increase of nematode-trapping fungi or parasitic fungi, activity via endophytes and parasitism | [13,17,18,19,20] | |
Recycling wastes | Biochars | Biochar extracts, wood biochar, bitter leaves biochar | Inhibition of survival of root knot nematodes, reduced plant susceptibility, and egg hatchability | [21,22,23] |
Composts | Municipal-solid waste with extracts obtained from green composts | Increase of predatory mites and fungi or bacteria that control the nematodes | [24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44] | |
Vermicomposts | Municipal wastes | Decreased number of cysts, eggs, and juveniles of cyst nematodes | [45,46] | |
Self-made products | Dried leaves of Canabis sativa | Chemical compounds reduce RKN infection and reproduction | [47,48,49] | |
Orange peel meals | Chemical compounds decrease RKN numbers | |||
Cuphea plant, marigold, pennycress seed powder, and canola meal | Release of nematotoxic compounds that reduce cyst nematode numbers | [50] |
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Ntalli, N.; Adamski, Z.; Doula, M.; Monokrousos, N. Nematicidal Amendments and Soil Remediation. Plants 2020, 9, 429.
Ntalli N, Adamski Z, Doula M, Monokrousos N. Nematicidal Amendments and Soil Remediation. Plants. 2020; 9(4):429.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNtalli, Nikoletta, Zbigniew Adamski, Maria Doula, and Nikolaos Monokrousos. 2020. "Nematicidal Amendments and Soil Remediation" Plants 9, no. 4: 429.
APA StyleNtalli, N., Adamski, Z., Doula, M., & Monokrousos, N. (2020). Nematicidal Amendments and Soil Remediation. Plants, 9(4), 429.