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On Finsler Surfaces with Isotropic Main Scalar

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Qom, Qom 3716146611, Iran
Faculty of Business and Communications, INTI International University, Putra Nilai, Nilai 71800, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Mathematics 2024, 12(13), 2141;
Submission received: 12 March 2024 / Revised: 27 March 2024 / Accepted: 30 March 2024 / Published: 8 July 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Algebra, Geometry and Topology)


Let ( M , F ) be a Finsler surface with the isotropic main scalar I = I ( x ) . The well-known Berwald’s theorem states that F is a Berwald metric if and only if it has a constant main scalar I = c o n s t a n t . This ensures a kind of equality of two non-Riemannian quantities for Finsler surfaces. In this paper, we consider a positively curved Finsler surface and show that H = 0 if and only if I = 0 . This provides an extension of Berwald’s theorem. It follows that F has an isotropic scalar flag curvature if and only if it is Riemannian. Our results yield an infrastructural development of some equalities for two-dimensional Finsler manifolds.
53B40; 53C60

1. Introduction

By an investigation of the class of two-dimensional Finsler spaces, one can find that these spaces have special geometric properties that separate them from the spaces of higher dimensions [1,2,3,4,5]. For example, all two-dimensional Finsler metrics are C-reducible and do not need to be Randers or Kropina metrics. This fact means that the well-known conclusive theorem of Matsumoto-Hōjō does not work properly for two-dimensional Finsler spaces. Also, all two-dimensional Finsler spaces are relatively Landsberg spaces, implying that the relative rate of change in the Landsberg curvature of Finsler surfaces along geodesics is a scalar function on the tangent bundle. As another interesting subject, the study of the flag curvature of two-dimensional Finsler spaces, shows that these spaces inherently possess scalar flag curvature. Namely, the flag curvature is independent of the flag. It was Ludwig Berwald who systemically studied two-dimensional spaces and made very important pioneering works in this class of Finsler spaces [6].
Finsler surfaces have many geometric properties that are different from higher-dimensional Finsler spaces. In particular, for two-dimensional Finsler metrics, there exists a notion of the main scalar, denoted by I = I ( x , y ) , which is characterized by the following properties. The main scalar I = I ( x , y ) of the two-dimensional Finsler manifold ( M , F ) vanishes identically if and only if the metric reduces to a Riemannian metric. Among the class of two-dimensional Finsler metrics, those with an isotropic main scalar I = I ( x ) have interesting curvature properties. In [6], Berwald proved that a two-dimensional Finsler metric with an isotropic main scalar I = I ( x ) is a Berwald metric or Landsberg metric if and only if I ( x ) = c o n s t a n t . In [7], Matsumoto showed that a two-dimensional one-form metric is a Landsberg metric if and only if it is a Berwald metric. Berwald metrics are divided into two classes: either a T-Minkowskian metric or I ( x ) = c o n s t a n t . Recently, Yang-Cheng proved that a Finsler surface with an isotropic main scalar is locally conformally flat if and only if I ( x ) = c o n s t a n t [8].
In [6], Berwald studied Finsler surfaces with the isotropic main scalar I = I ( x ) and showed that all such Finsler metrics can be expressed as one of the following cases:
F = θ s γ 1 s ; ( s = s ( x ) 0 , s ( x ) 1 ) ;
F = ( θ 2 + γ 2 ) e 2 r arctan ( θ γ ) , r = r ( x ) ,
F = θ e γ θ ,
where θ = θ i ( x ) y i and γ = γ i ( x ) y i are two independent one-forms. Their main scalars are given, respectively, by
I ( x ) = ± ( 2 s ( x ) 1 ) 2 ϵ s ( x ) ( s ( x ) 1 ) ,
I ( x ) = ± 4 r ( x ) 2 1 + r ( x ) 2 ,
I = ± 2 ,
where ϵ in (4) is the index of F satisfying ϵ = 1 if s ( x ) > 1 or s ( x ) < 0 , and ϵ = 1 if 0 < s ( x ) < 1 . If the main scalar satisfies I = 0 , which is equivalent to s = 1 / 2 in (1) or r = 0 in (2), then F reduces to a Riemannian metric. Based on the classification of Finsler surfaces with an isotropic main scalar, as above, Berwald classified projectively flat Finsler surfaces with an isotropic main scalar [6]. Moreover, Berwald proved the following rigidity result.
Theorem 1
([6] Berwald Theorem). Let ( M , F ) be a Finsler surface. Suppose that F has an isotropic main scalar. Then, F is a Berwald metric if and only if it has a constant main scalar.
The E-curvature is obtained by taking a trace of the B-curvature. Also, the H-curvature is obtained by taking a horizontal derivation of the E-curvature along Finslerian geodesics.
Theorem 2.
Let ( M , F ) be a positively curved Finsler surface. Suppose that F has an isotropic main scalar. Then, H = 0 if and only if F is Riemannian. Equivalently, H = 0 if and only if F has a vanishing main scalar.
Here, we remark upon two important subjects. First, every Berwald metric satisfies H = 0 . Then, Theorem 2 implies that every positively curved Berwald surface with an isotropic main scalar is Riemannian and then I = 0 . Obviously, Theorem 2 is an extension of the Berwald Theorem for positively curved surfaces. Second, the positive-definiteness of F in Theorem 2 is necessary. For an example, see the following.
Example 1.
Consider the manifold M : = R 2 with the local coordinates ( x 1 , x 2 ) R 2 . Then, the coordinate basis ( / x i ) induces the global coordinates ( y 1 , y 2 ) T R 2 . Let us put a : = x 1 , b : = x 2 , p : = y 1 , q : = y 2 , and r : = p / q . The Berwald–Rund metric F ( x , y ) : = q ( ε + r ) 2 is a solution of the PDE: ε ε / a = ε / b , where ε = ε ( a , b ) is a given function [9]. One can see that if q 0 , then F 0 . Also, for q > 0 , F = 0 along the ray r = ε . Thus, F is a y-local Finsler metric. This shows that F is only positive and strongly convex on the upper half (and with a ray excluded) of each tangent plane T x R 2 . A simple calculation shows that F is a non-Riemannian Berwald metric. This implies that H = 0 while I = 3 / 2 .
F has an isotropic mean Berwald curvature if its mean Berwald curvature satisfies
E = n + 1 2 F κ h ,
where κ = κ ( x ) is a scalar function on M and h : = h i j d x i d x j denotes the angular metric. For y T x M , define the Landsberg curvature by L y ( u , v , w ) : = 1 / 2 g y B y ( u , v , w ) , y . The quantity L is called the Landsberg curvature. The Finsler metric F is called a relatively isotropic Landsberg metric if it satisfies
L = ν F C ,
where ν = ν ( x ) is a scalar function on M and C denotes the mean Cartan torsion of F. Also, the Finsler metric is called an isotropic Berwald metric if its Berwald curvature can be written as follows
B y ( u , v , w ) = υ F { h ( u , v ) w g y ( w , ) + h ( v , w ) u g y ( u , ) + h ( w , u ) v g y ( v , ) + 2 F C y ( u , v , w ) } ,
where υ = υ ( x ) is a scalar function on M. There is a generalization of isotropic Berwald metrics, namely, Douglas metrics.
Theorem 3.
Let ( M , F ) be Finsler surface with an isotropic main scalar. Then, the following holds:
F has a relatively isotropic Landsberg curvature and an isotropic mean Berwald curvature;
F is a Douglas metric if and only if it is an isotropic Berwald metric. In this case, F has an isotropic S-curvature.
A Finsler manifold ( M , F ) is called homogeneous if its group of isometries acts transitively on the manifold. For a homogeneous Douglas surface, we obtain the following.
Corollary 1.
Every homogeneous Douglas surface with an isotropic main scalar is Riemannian or locally Minkowskian.
Finally, we consider a regular Finsler surface with a constant main scalar and prove the following.
Corollary 2.
Every Finsler surface with a constant main scalar is Riemannian or locally Minkowskian.

2. Preliminaries

Let ( M , F ) be a Finsler metric and the following be the fundamental tensor of F:
g y ( u , v ) : = 1 2 2 s t F 2 ( y + s u + t v ) s = t = 0 , u , v T x M .
The Cartan torsion of F is defined by
C i j k : = 1 2 g i j y k .
The tensor C i j k is called the Cartan torsion.
For y T x M 0 , define I y : T x M R by
I y ( u ) = i = 1 n g i j ( y ) C y ( u , i , j ) ,
where { i } is a basis for T x M at x M . The family I : = { I y } y T M 0 is called the mean Cartan torsion. By Diecke’s theorem, a positive-definite Finsler metric F is Riemannian if and only if I y = 0 .
For a Finsler manifold ( M , F ) , its induced spray on T M is denoted by G = G ( x , y ) which, in a standard coordinate ( x i , y i ) for T M 0 , is given by G = y i / x i 2 G i ( x , y ) / y i , where
G i : = 1 4 g i l 2 F 2 x k y l y k F 2 x l ,
where G i represents the geodesic coefficients of F in the same local coordinate system.
The Busemann–Hausdorff volume form d V f : = σ F ( x ) d x 1 d x n on an n-dimensional Finsler manifold ( M , F ) can be written as follows:
σ F ( x ) : = Vol B n ( 1 ) Vol ( y i ) R n | F y i x i | x < 1 .
The S-curvature of F is given by
S ( x , y ) : = G i y i y i x i ln σ F .
The distorsion of F is given by
τ ( x , y ) = ln det g i j ( x , y ) σ ( x ) .
By definition, the distortion τ is homogeneous of a degree of one with respect to y.
For a vector y T x M 0 , the Berwald curvature B y : T x M × T x M × T x M T x M is defined by B y ( u , v , w ) : = B j k l i ( y ) u j v k w l / x i | x , where
B j k l i : = 3 G i y j y k y l .
F is called a Berwald metric if B = 0 . Every Berwald metric satisfies S = 0 (see [10]).
For y T x M , define the Landsberg curvature L y : T x M × T x M × T x M R by
L y ( u , v , w ) : = 1 2 g y B y ( u , v , w ) , y .
A Finsler metric F is called a Landsberg metric if L = 0 .
The E-curvature of F is defined by
E y ( u , v ) : = 1 2 i = 1 n g i j ( y ) g y B y ( u , v , i ) , j ,
where { i } is a basis for T x M at x M . In the local coordinates, E y ( u , v ) : = E i j ( y ) u i v j , where
E i j : = 1 2 B m i j m .
Using a horizontal derivation of the mean of the Berwald curvature E along Finslerian geodesics give us the H-curvature H = H ( x , y ) , which is defined by H y = H i j d x i d x j , where
H i j : = E i j | m y m .
The notation “|” denotes the horizontal derivation with respect to the Berwald connection.
The Douglas curvature is defined by
D j k l i : = 3 G i y j y k y l 2 n + 1 3 y j y k y l G m y m y i .
If D = 0 , then F is a Douglas metric.
For a non-zero vector y T x M 0 , the Riemann curvature is a family of linear transformations R y : T x M T x M , which is defined by R y ( u ) : = R k i ( y ) u k / x i , where
R k i ( y ) = 2 G i x k 2 G i x j y k y j + 2 G j 2 G i y j y k G i y j G j y k .
The family R : = { R y } y T M 0 is called the Riemann curvature.
The flag curvature is denoted by K = K ( y , P ) with the flag P : = s p a n { y , u } and given by
K ( x , y , P ) : = g y u , R y ( u ) g y ( y , y ) g y ( u , u ) g y ( y , u ) 2 .
F is of the scalar flag curvature K = K ( x , y ) if its Riemannian curvature satisfies the following
R j i = K F 2 h j i .
Also, F is of isotropic and constant flag curvature if K = K ( x ) and K = c o n s t a n t , respectively.
Theorem 4
([11] Akbar-Zadeh Theorem). Let F be a Finsler metric of the scalar flag curvature K = K ( x , y ) on a manifold M. Then, F has the isotropic flag curvature K = K ( x ) if and only if H = 0 .
In [12], Najafi, Shen, and Tayebi generalized the Akbar-Zadeh Theorem and proved the following.
Theorem 5
([12] Najafi–Shen–Tayebi Theorem). Let F be a Finsler metric of a scalar flag curvature on an n-dimensional manifold M. Let θ be an arbitrary one-form on M. Then
H = ( n 2 1 ) θ 2 F
if and only if F is of a weakly isotropic flag curvature
K = 3 θ F + σ ,
where σ = σ ( x ) is a scalar function on M.
Throughout this paper, we use the Berwald connection on Finsler manifolds. Let { e j } denote the local frame for π * T M . Suppose that { ω i , ω n + i } denotes the corresponding local co-frame for T ( T M 0 ) . Let the set { ω j i } denote the local Berwald connection forms with respect to { e j } . In this case, the connection forms of the Berwald connection satisfy the following structure equations:
  • Torsion freeness
    d ω i = ω j ω j i ;
  • Almost metric compatibility
    d g i j g k j ω i k g i k ω j k = 2 L i j k ω k + 2 C i j k ω n + k ,
    ω i : = d x i , ω n + k : = d y k + y j ω j k .
Then, the following holds
g i j | k = 2 L i j k , g i j , k = 2 C i j k .

3. Proof of Theorem 2

For any Minkowskian plane ( V , F ) and any vector v V with F ( v ) 0 , there is a non-zero vector w V such that it is orthogonal to v with respect to the fundamental tensor raised by the Minkowski functional F . The special and useful Berwald frame was founded and developed by L. Berwald to study Finsler surfaces [6]. It works under the assumption that the fundamental tensor is positive definite. Let ( M , F ) be a two-dimensional Finsler manifold. It is easy to see that for every y T x M , x M , there is a vector y T x M 0 such that
g y ( y , y ) = 0 , g y ( y , y ) = F ( y ) .
The pair { y , y } is called the Berwald frame at y .
Based on the Berwald frame, the Cartan torsion can be determined by a scalar function on the slit tangent bundle. Let us define
I ( y ) : = C y ( y , y , y ) F ( y ) .
One can see that I ( λ y ) = I ( y ) holds for λ > 0 and y T x M 0 . We call I the main scalar of the Finsler metric F.
In most of the literature regarding Finsler geometry, the special notion ( , m ) was used instead of { y , y } . By considering this notion, for a scalar T = T ( x , y ) , we define the horizontal scalar derivatives ( T | 1 , T | 2 ) and vertical scalar derivatives ( T , 1 , T , 2 ) as follows
T | i : = T | 1 i + T | 2 m i , F T , i : = T , 1 i + T , 2 m i ,
T | i : = T x i G i j T y j , F T , i : = F T y i
denote the horizontal and vertical derivations with respect to the Berwald connection of F.
To prove Theorem 2, we need to the explicit construction of the flag curvature of a two-dimensional Finsler manifold. Then, we prove the following.
Lemma 1.
The flag curvature of every two-dimensional Finsler manifold ( M , F ) satisfies the following
K y i + T τ y i = 0 ,
μ : = 2 I I | 1 , T ( x , y ) : = 1 4 4 K + μ 2 2 F μ | k y k .
The curvature form of the Berwald connection is given by
Ω j i = d ω j i ω j k ω k i = 1 2 R j k l i ω k ω l B j k l i ω k ω n + l .
Differentiating (15) implies that
g p j Ω i p + g i p Ω j p = 2 L i j k | s ω k ω s 2 L i j k , s ω k ω n + s 2 C i j s | k ω k ω n + s 2 C i j s Ω s 2 C i j s , k ω n + k ω n + s .
Putting (18) into (19) gives us the following
g p j B i k l p + g i p B j k l p = 2 C i j l | k + 2 L i j k , l .
By (20), we have
g p k B i j l p + g j p B i k l p = 2 C j k l | i + 2 L i j k , l ,
g p i B j k l p + g k p B i j l p = 2 C i k l | j + 2 L i j k , l .
From (20)+(21)–(22), we obtain
B j k l p = g i p C i j l | k + C i k l | j C j k l | i + L i j k , l .
On the other hand, the Cartan torsion of a Finsler manifold ( M , F ) has no components in the direction i , i.e., C i j k y i = 0 . Then, it can be written in the Berwald frame ( , m ) as follows
F C i j k = I m i m j m k .
Using a horizontal derivation of (24) implies that
F C i j k | s = I | 1 s + I | 2 m s m i m j m k .
Contracting (25) with y s yields
F L i j k = I | 1 m i m j m k .
By putting (25) and (26) in (23), we obtain
F B j k l i = 2 I | 1 i + I | 1 , 2 + I | 2 m i m j m k m l .
Let us put
I 2 : = I | 1 , 2 + I | 2 .
Thus, the Berwald curvature of Finsler surfaces is given by
B j k l i = 1 F I 2 m i 2 I | 1 i m j m k m l .
By (24) and (29), we have
B j k l i = 2 I | 1 F I C j k l y i + I 2 3 F h j k h l i + h k l h j i + h l j h k i ,
where h = h i j d x i d x j denotes the angular metric and is defined by the following
h i j = g i j F 2 y i y j .
Then, for a Finsler surface, the Berwald curvature can be written as follows
B j k l i = 1 F μ C j k l y i + λ h j k h l i + h k l h j i + h l j h k i ,
μ : = 2 I I | 1 , λ : = 1 3 I 2 .
Taking a trace of (31) yields
E i j = 3 2 λ F 1 h i j .
Contracting (31) with y i implies that
L i j k + 1 2 μ F C i j k = 0 .
For the Finsler metrics of the scalar flag curvature, the following holds
L i j k | m y m = 1 3 F 2 K · i h j k + K · j h i k + K · k h i j + 3 K C i j k
J k | m y m = 1 3 F 2 ( n + 1 ) K · k + 3 K I k .
Taking a trace of (34) implies that
J k = 1 2 μ F I k .
Taking a horizontal derivation of (37) along Finslerian geodesics yields
J k | m y m = 1 2 F μ 0 I k + μ J k = 1 4 F 2 μ 0 μ 2 F I k .
By (36), (38), and I k = τ · k , we obtain (17). □
Now, we are ready to present the key lemma that enables us to prove Theorem 2. More precisely, we prove the following.
Lemma 2.
Let ( M , F ) be a positively curved Finsler surface. Suppose that F has an isotropic main scalar. Then F has an isotropic Gaussian curvature if and only if it is Riemannian.
Let I = I ( x ) . Then, by (28) and (32), we obtain
λ = 1 3 I 2 = 1 3 I | 2 .
Equation (39) shows that if I = I ( x ) , then λ = λ ( x ) . Then, (33) and (39) imply that F has an isotropic mean Berwald curvature
E i j = 3 2 ρ F 1 h i j .
where ρ : = 1 / 3 I | 2 . Taking a horizontal derivation of (40) along Finslerian geodesics gives us
H i j = 3 2 F ρ x m ( x ) y m h i j .
Every Finsler surface has a scalar flag curvature K = K ( x , y ) . According to Theorem 5, we find that F is of a weakly isotropic flag curvature
K = 3 ρ x m ( x ) y m F + σ ,
where σ = σ ( x ) is a scalar function on M. On the other hand, by (17), we have
K y i = 1 2 F μ x k ( x ) y k K 1 4 μ 2 ( x ) τ y i .
Putting (42) in (43) gives us
K y i = 1 2 F μ x k ( x ) y k 3 F ρ x k ( x ) y k σ 1 4 μ 2 ( x ) τ y i .
If F is Riemannian, then τ · i = I i = 0 , and (44) implies that K y i = 0 . It follows that K = K ( x ) .
Conversely, suppose that K = K ( x ) . We prove that F is Riemannian. First, we show that K = σ . On the contrary, suppose that K σ . Then, by (42), we obtain
F = 3 K σ ρ x m ( x ) y m
which contradicts the positive-definiteness of the Finsler metric F. Then, ρ x m ( x ) y m = 0 , and we obtain
K = σ .
Therefore, (44) reduces to the following
1 2 F μ x k ( x ) y k σ 1 4 μ 2 ( x ) τ y i = 0 .
We claim that F is a Riemannian metric. On the contrary, suppose that F is not Riemannian. According to (47), we have two main cases as follows:
  • Case (i):  μ 2 ( x ) 4 σ . Since F is not Riemannian, there is an open subset U such that τ y i ( x , y ) 0 for any x U . Then, (47) implies that
μ x k ( x ) y k 2 σ ( x ) + 1 4 μ 2 ( x ) F = 0 ,
which is equal to
F = 2 4 σ ( x ) + μ 2 ( x ) μ x m ( x ) y m .
Equation (49) contradicts the positive-definiteness of F. Then, this case does not hold.
  • Case (ii): Suppose that μ 2 ( x ) = 4 σ . By assuming that K > 0 and by (46), we have σ > 0 . This is a contradiction. Thus, this case does not hold either. □
Proof of Theorem 2.
By Theorem 4, a Finsler metric of the scalar flag curvature K = K ( x , y ) has an isotropic flag curvature K = K ( x ) if and only if H = 0 . By assumption, we obtain K = K ( x ) . By Lemma 2, F reduces to a Riemannian metric. If F is Riemannian, then by (24), we obtain I = 0 . This completes the proof. □
Proof of Theorem 3.
Let F be a two-dimensional Finsler metric with an isotropic main scalar I = I ( x ) . We prove Theorem 3, part by part, as follows.
  • Proof of Part (i): By (32), we have
μ : = 2 I ( x ) I | 1 ( x ) , λ : = 1 3 I 2 = 1 3 I | 2 ( x ) .
In this case, (33) and (34) imply that F has an isotropic mean Berwald curvature and a relatively isotropic Landsberg curvature.
  • Proof of Part (ii): By part (i), F has an isotropic mean Berwald curvature. In [13], it is proved that every Douglas metric with an isotropic mean Berwald curvature is an isotropic Berwald metric. On the other hand, every isotropic Berwald metric is a Douglas metric. In [10], it is shown that every isotropic Berwald metric has an isotropic S-curvature. This completes the proof. □
Proof of Corollary 1.
By part (ii) of Theorem 3, F has an isotropic S-curvature, S = 3 c F , where c = c ( x ) is a scalar function on M. In [14], it is proved that every homogeneous Finsler metric with an isotropic S-curvature satisfies S = 0 , i.e., c = 0 . In this case, F reduces to a Berwald metric. By Szabó’s Theorem in [15], F is Riemannian or locally Minkowskian. □
Proof of Corollary 2.
Let F be a two-dimensional Finsler metric with a constant main scalar I = c o n s t a n t . In this case, (50) implies that λ = μ = 0 , and then, F satisfies E = 0 and L = 0 . Then, F reduces to a Berwald metric and Szabó’s Theorem completes the proof. □

Author Contributions

Writing—original draft, A.T. and W.S.K. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is not applicable to this article.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Tayebi, A.; Koh, W.S. On Finsler Surfaces with Isotropic Main Scalar. Mathematics 2024, 12, 2141.

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Tayebi A, Koh WS. On Finsler Surfaces with Isotropic Main Scalar. Mathematics. 2024; 12(13):2141.

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Tayebi, Akbar, and Wei Sin Koh. 2024. "On Finsler Surfaces with Isotropic Main Scalar" Mathematics 12, no. 13: 2141.

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