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Shear Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Deep Beams Reinforced with Fibers: A State-of-the-Art Review

Hossein Mirzaaghabeik
Nuha S. Mashaan
1,* and
Sanjay Kumar Shukla
School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University (ECU), Joondalup, Perth, WA 6027, Australia
Founding Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Research Group, School of Engineering, Edith Cowan University (ECU), Joondalup, Perth, WA 6027, Australia
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Infrastructures 2025, 10(3), 67;
Submission received: 31 January 2025 / Revised: 7 March 2025 / Accepted: 16 March 2025 / Published: 20 March 2025
(This article belongs to the Topic Advances on Structural Engineering, 3rd Edition)


Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) is considered a highly applicable composite material due to its exceptional mechanical properties, such as high compressive strength and ductility. UHPC deep beams are structural elements suitable for short spans, transfer girders, pile caps, offshore platforms, and bridge applications where they are designed to carry heavy loads. Several key factors significantly influence the shear behavior of UHPC deep beams, including the compressive strength of UHPC, the vertical web reinforcement (ρsv), horizontal web reinforcement (ρsh), and longitudinal reinforcement (ρs), as well as the shear span-to-depth ratio (λ), fiber type, fiber content (FC), and geometrical dimensions. In this paper, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to evaluate factors influencing the shear behavior of UHPC deep beams, with the aim of identifying research gaps and enhancing understanding of these influences. The findings from the literature were systematically classified and analyzed to clarify the impact and trends associated with each factor. The analyzed data highlight the effect of each factor on the shear behavior of UHPC deep beams, along with the overall trends. The findings indicate that an increase in compressive strength, FC, ρsv, ρs, and ρsh can enhance the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs by up to 63.36%, 63.24%, 38.14%, 19.02%, and 38.14%, respectively. Additionally, a reduction of 61.29% in λ resulted in a maximum increase of 49.29% in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs.

1. Introduction

Ultra-high-performance concrete has drawn significant interest from researchers due to its exceptional mechanical properties, particularly its compressive strength, toughness, and durability [1]. According to ACI 318-14, concrete is generally categorized into three types based on compressive strength: normal-strength concrete (NSC), high-strength concrete (HSC), and ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC), with compressive strengths ranging from 20 MPa to 50 MPa, 50 MPa to 120 MPa, and 120 MPa to 250 MPa, respectively [2,3,4].
Deep beams are commonly used in high-rise structures, bridges, offshore platforms, etc., to support heavy loads [5]. Notably, if the clear span of a beam (l) is less than four times its total depth (d), and a concentrated load is applied at a distance less than twice its depth, the beam can be considered a deep beam [4,6].
Researchers have reported that the compressive strength of UHPC is one of the most significant factors influencing the shear capacity of UHPC deep beams (UHPC-DBs) [7,8,9,10]. Findings indicate that increasing compressive strength can enhance the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs by up to 63.36%. Changes in vertical web reinforcement (ρsv) can influence the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. Several research findings indicate that increasing the amount of (ρsv) can enhance the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs by up to 38.14% [7,8,10,11,12,13,14]. The impact of longitudinal reinforcement (ρs) on the shear capacity (SC) of UHPC-DBs has been studied by researchers. Experimental results indicate that increasing (ρs) leads to a maximum enhancement in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs by up to 48.15% [7,9,10,15,16]. Another factor that can affect the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs is the amount of horizontal web reinforcement (ρsh). In recent years, researchers have evaluated the impact of ρsh on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. Their findings indicate that a maximum enhancement of 38.14% in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs can be achieved with a higher amount of ρsh [7,8,9,16].
Additionally, the dimensions of UHPC-DBs, particularly the shear span-to-depth ratio (λ), play a crucial role in determining their shear capacity. Research findings indicate that a maximum increase of 49.29% in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs can be achieved when λ decreases [7,9,10,13]. Incorporating fibers into UHPC mix designs is an effective solution for preventing single-crack failures in UHPC. Consequently, most UHPC mix designs include fibers, particularly steel fibers, due to their superior mechanical properties, especially tensile strength, which provides a crack-bridging effect. Fiber content (FC) is one of the most critical factors influencing the mechanical properties of UHPC, notably its compressive strength and the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs [17,18,19,20]. Research findings show that increasing steel fiber content up to a maximum of 3% can enhance both the compressive strength of UHPC and the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs [7,8,9,10].
However, the incorporation of steel fibers in UHPC mix designs may result in surface corrosion, particularly in harsh environments. As an alternative, synthetic fibers have been investigated, encouraging researchers to study their impact on the mechanical properties of UHPC [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28].
The shear behavior of UHPC deep beams differs significantly from that of their counterparts with other types of fibers due to the inclusion of fibers in the mix design. Incorporating fibers into the UHPC mix results in strain-hardening behavior under tensile loading. This behavior leads to the formation of multiple cracks after the first crack appears, subsequently resulting in higher strain [29].
This paper critically reviews the literature on the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs to analyze the influence of key factors, including compressive strength, ρsv, ρsh, ρs, λ, and FC on their shear capacity. Additionally, it aims to identify overall trends associated with each factor’s effect on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs and highlight existing research gaps in this area.

2. Shear Behavior of UHPC Deep Beams in International Standards

2.1. Minimum Shear Reinforcement

There are international standards that specify the minimum reinforcement requirements for UHPC deep beams. The following standards have been thoroughly reviewed, and the reinforcement requirements outlined in each have been summarized.

2.1.1. ACI 318-19 [30]

The minimum areas of horizontal and vertical reinforcement, Ah,min and Av,min, can be calculated using Equations (1) and (2), respectively, as follows:
Ah,min = 0.025 b Sh
Av,min = 0.025 b Sv
where Sh and Sv represent the spacing of horizontal and vertical web reinforcements, respectively. The beam width is denoted by b.

2.1.2. Eurocode 2 (EC-2) [31]

The minimum areas of vertical and horizontal web reinforcements, Av,min and Ah,min, can be calculated using Equations (3) and (4), respectively, as follows:
Av,min = 0.001 Ac
Ah,min = 0.001 Ac
where the concrete section area is represented by Ac. Notably, Sv and Sh should not exceed the smaller value of 300 mm or 2b in this case.

2.2. Recommended Shear Design Guidelines for UHPC Deep Beams

2.2.1. France Association of Civil Engineering (AFGC-13) [32]

The shear capacity of UHPC deep beams can be calculated using Equation (5), as follows:
Vd = Vc + Vfb + Vs
where Vc represents the shear strength of concrete can be calculated using Equation (6), as follows:
V c = ( 0.21 / γ c f   γ E )   k   f c   b d
where the cylindrical compressive strength of concrete is denoted by f c . Additionally, a partial safety factor on fibers and a safety coefficient are represent by γcf and γE, respectively.
Moreover, the impact of steel fiber (Vfb) on the shear capacity of UHPC deep beams can be calculated using Equation (7), as follows:
Vfb = (Afv σRd,f/tanθ)
where the fiber effect area is represented by Afv and the residual tensile strength is denoted by σRd,f, which can be calculated using the following equation:
σ = ( 1 / k   σ c , f )   ×   ( 1 / w l i m )   0 w l i m σ f w d w
where the maximum crack width is represented by wmax, and wlim is the greater value between wmax and wu. Additionally, the fiber orientation factor, k, is taken as 1.25.
The shear strength of vertical shear reinforcement, Vs, can be calculated using the following equation:
Vs = Av/sv z fyv cot θ

2.2.2. Korea Concrete Institute (KCI-2012) [33]

In this standard, the design shear strength can similarly be calculated through Equation (5). However, in this case, Vc is determined using Equation (10), as flows:
V c = φ b   0.18 f c   b d
where the member reduction factor, φb, is represented and taken as 0.77. Additionally, Vs can be calculated using the following equation:
Vs = φb (Av fyv (sin αs + cos αs)/S) d
The angle between the longitudinal beam axis and the shear reinforcement is denoted by αs.
Finally, Vfb is calculated using Equation (12), as follows:
Vfb = φb (fvd/tan βu) bz
where the angle between the beam’s axial direction and the diagonal tensile crack plane is represented by βu and is approximately greater than 30°. The design average tensile strength, which is perpendicular to the diagonal tensile crack, is denoted by fvd and can be calculated using Equation (13), as follows:
f vd = ( 1 / w v )   0 w v φ c   σ k   w d w = ( 1 / w v )   0 w v σ d   ( w ) d w
where the material reduction factor is represented by φ c and is taken as 0.8. The ultimate crack width at the peak stress on the outer fiber is denoted by wu, and wv is the maximum value between wu and 0.3 mm. The tension softening curve is also represented by σ k   w [13].

2.2.3. Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology (FHWA) [34]

This standard does not include any publication on the development length of shear reinforcement in UHPC deep beams. However, it is advised that, due to the high compressive and tensile strength of UHPC, the existing AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications [35] can be applied in this case.

3. Significance of Study

Among the 63 tested UHPC-DBs available in the literature, the percentage of studies evaluating the impact of ρsv, ρsh, λ, FC, and ρs were 23.8%, 12.7%, 20.6%, 20.6%, and 22.2%, respectively, as illustrated in Figure 1. This graph indicates that all these factors have approximately the same degree of importance in evaluating the shear capacity of UHPC deep beams.
To provide a better understanding of vertical web reinforcement (ρsv), horizontal web reinforcement (ρsh), longitudinal reinforcement (ρs), and shear span-to-depth ratio (λ), each of these factors is illustrated in Figure 2.
Since researchers have studied the influence of only certain factors, not all key factors, on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, a comprehensive state-of-the-art review is crucial. This review should analyze the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, focusing on influential factors such as compressive strength, ρsv, ρsh, ρs, λ, and FC.
Table 1 summarizes the comprehensive dataset, including the compressive strength of UHPC-DBs, beam dimensions, ρsv, ρsh, ρs, λ, FC, fiber type, fiber aspect ratio, fiber tensile strength, ultimate shear capacity with associated mid-span deflection, failure modes, finite element analysis results with percentage differences from experimental results, and loading conditions.
Table 1 illustrates the impact of various fibers, including hooked-end steel fiber, polypropylene fiber, and steel fiber, on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, as investigated by researchers [36,37,38,39].

4. Influence of Effective Factors on the Shear Capacity of UHPC-DBs

4.1. Influence of Fiber Content (FC)

The shear behavior of UHPC deep beams (UHPC-DBs) is significantly influenced by fiber content in the UHPC mix design. This enhancement is attributed to the fiber’s crack-bridging effect and increased tensile strength, resulting in up to a 35.58% improvement in shear capacity when comparing specimens without fiber to those with 1% steel fiber [40].

4.2. Influence of Vertical Web Reinforcement (ρsv)

Vertical web reinforcement enhances the shear capacity and structural integrity of UHPC deep beams (UHPC-DBs). This improvement is attributed to the concrete confinement provided by ρsv, which helps control crack propagation. The design of ρsv in UHPC-DBs can be based on the strut-tie model (STM) using FHWA-RC-24-0004 [41].

4.3. Influence of Horizontal Web Reinforcement (ρsh)

The shear capacity of UHPC-DBs can be enhanced by incorporating horizontal web reinforcements, as they help transfer tensile stress across the beam’s depth and reduce crack propagation [42].

4.4. Influence of Longitudinal Reinforcement (ρs)

Incorporating ρs into UHPC-DBs enhances their shear capacity due to its role as a tension tie in the STM. It effectively transfers tensile stresses and helps UHPC-DB resist shear forces. This reinforcement also controls crack propagation and enhances the structural integrity of UHPC-DBs [41].

4.5. Influence of Shear Span-to-Depth Ratio (λ)

According to the STM, as λ decreases, the area near the applied load positions and supports is treated as a diagonal compression strut, which effectively transfers shear forces to the support. Research findings indicate that decreasing λ from 0.9 to 0.3 enhances the shear capacity by up to 19.33% [43].

5. Effect of Compressive Strength on the Shear Capacity of UHPC Deep Beams

The compressive strength of UHPC can significantly affect the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. Chen et al. [7] evaluated the impact of various UHPC compressive strengths on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. The experimental results indicated that shear capacity increased with higher compressive strengths, as shown in Figure 3a. Specifically, for UHPC deep beams with compressive strengths of 132.3 MPa and 198.6 MPa, the shear capacities were 873.31 kN and 1407.18 kN, respectively, demonstrating a 37.9% increase in shear capacity when the compressive strength was raised by 33.38%.
In a study by Smarzewski [8], the impact of UHPC compressive strength on shear capacity was assessed experimentally. The results showed that specimens with a compressive strength of 114.2 MPa exhibited a shear capacity approximately 38% higher than those with a compressive strength of 88.1 MPa, indicating that a 22.85% increase in compressive strength resulted in a 38.14% improvement in shear capacity.
Additionally, the influence of compressive strength on the shear capacity of three different UHPC-DBs with varying dimensions was evaluated by Deng et al. [9]. Figure 3b demonstrates that for the first series of deep beams with dimensions of 800 × 150 × 300 mm, shear capacity increased by 37.9% when the compressive strength of UHPC was enhanced by 33.38%. In the second series, for the UHPC-DB with dimensions of 1800 × 200 × 400 mm, the shear capacity improved by 63.36% when the compressive strength was increased by 29%. Finally, for the third type of deep beam with dimensions of 1800 × 200 × 350 mm, shear capacity increased by 63.24% with a 29% increase in compressive strength. It is noteworthy that in the second and third series, the length and width of the UHPC-DBs are identical. However, despite the difference in their depths, which are 400 mm and 350 mm, respectively, their shear span-to-depth ratios (λ) are equal to 2. This is attributed to the varying distances between the concentrated load and the nearest beam support (a), which are 682 mm and 582 mm, respectively. Overall, it can be concluded that when all other parameters remain constant, the UHPC-DB with a smaller depth exhibits higher shear capacity compared to those with greater depth.
Moreover, in another study conducted by Ahmad et al. [10], the shear capacity of the UHPC-DB improved by 7.25% when the compressive strength of UHPC was increased by 6.66%.
The overall trend between the percentage increase in UHPC compressive strength and the percentage increase in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs approximately follows a linear relationship with a slope of 1.55, as illustrated in Figure 3c.
Figure 3a demonstrates that increasing the compressive strength of UHPC-DBs enhances their shear capacity, with a trend line exhibiting an R2 value of 0.96. Figure 3b indicates that beams measuring 1800 mm × 200 mm × 350 mm exhibit slightly higher shear capacities than those measuring 1800 mm × 200 mm × 400 mm, suggesting that beam depth influences shear performance. Finally, Figure 3c presents an overall trend line, incorporating data from various studies with differing beam dimensions and reinforcement ratios, resulting in an R2 value of 0.63. This variability underscores the impact of beam geometry and reinforcement configurations on shear capacity.

6. Effect of Vertical Web Reinforcement (ρsv) on the Shear Capacity of UHPC Deep Beams

The amount of ρsv is one of the most influential factors affecting the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs.
Chen et al. [7] assessed the influence of ρsv on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. In their study, four different ρsv regimes were evaluated: 0%, 0.15%, 0.19%, and 0.38%. The findings revealed that the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs increased by up to 24.13% when comparing UHPC-DBs reinforced with 0.38% ρsv to those without any ρsv. The increasing trend in the shear capacity of the UHPC-DBs with varying ρsv regimes is illustrated in Figure 4a.
In another study, two different ρsv regimes were considered, and their impact on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs was evaluated by Smarzewski [8]. The findings revealed a 38.14% improvement in the shear capacity of UHPC deep beams when specimens with no ρsv were reinforced with 0.6% ρsv.
Furthermore, the impact of two different ρsv regimes, including 0% and 0.78%, on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs was assessed by Abadel et al. [11]. The research findings indicated that the shear capacity of the UHPC-DBs increased by up to 11.5% when comparing specimens without ρsv to those reinforced with 0.78% ρsv.
Similarly, two different ρsv regimes, including 0% and 0.78%, were considered, and their impact on the shear capacity of UHPC-DB was evaluated by Abadel et al. [12]. Based on their findings, a 17.17% improvement in shear capacity was achieved when specimens reinforced with 0.78% ρsv were compared to those without ρsv.
Yousef et al. [13] evaluated the impact of ρsv on two series of UHPC-DBs with λ of 0.79 and 0.94. The first series, with λ = 0.79, employed two ρsv regimes (0.47% and 0.84%), while the second series, with λ = 0.94, used three regimes (0.47%, 0.84%, and 1.68%). The findings revealed a 16.03% improvement in shear capacity for the first series when comparing specimens with 0.47% and 0.84% ρsv. For the second series, a 17.82% improvement was observed when comparing specimens with 0.47% and 1.68% ρsv. The increasing trend in shear capacity for these two series, considering the increase in their compressive strength, is illustrated in Figure 4b. Additionally, Figure 4b illustrates that, under identical conditions of ρsv, the improvement in shear capacity is more pronounced in specimens with lower λ compared to those with higher λ, indicating that reducing λ can enhance the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs.
In another study, Ahmad et al. [10] investigated the impact of ρsv on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. Two different ρsv regimes, 1.4% and 2.33%, were considered for two distinct mix designs. For the first mix design, the shear capacity improved by up to 14.92% when comparing specimens reinforced with ρsv of 1.4% and 2.33%. For the second mix design, the shear capacity improvement was 5.37%. As the compressive strengths of mix designs one and two were 140 MPa and 150 MPa, respectively, it can be concluded that the influence of ρsv on the shear capacity is more pronounced in UHPC mix designs with slightly lower compressive strengths compared to those with higher compressive strengths. The increasing trend in the shear capacity of the UHPC-DBs, considering their ρsv, is illustrated in Figure 4c. Furthermore, Figure 4c shows that, under identical conditions of ρsv, specimens with higher compressive strength exhibit greater shear capacity compared to those with lower compressive strength.
Considering all previous studies [7,8,10,11,12,13] on the impact of ρsv on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, it can be concluded that the overall relationship between normalized ρsv and the corresponding normalized shear capacity exhibits an increasing trend, as illustrated in Figure 4d.
Figure 4a shows that increasing ρsv in a UHPC-DB [7] enhances its shear capacity, with an R2 value of 0.99. In another study [9], this improvement was 0.98, suggesting that ρsv significantly influences the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs.

7. Effect of Longitudinal Reinforcement (ρs) on the Shear Capacity of UHPC Deep Beams

Since ρs is another factor affecting the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, it has attracted researchers’ attention to investigate its impact. The impact of ρs with three different regimes, 3.19%, 3.35%, and 3.62%, on the shear capacity of UHPC-DB was assessed by Chen et al. [7]. Their findings revealed that the shear capacity of UHPC-DB increases with a higher amount of ρs. As illustrated in Figure 5a, an increase in ρs by 11.88% resulted in an improvement in shear capacity of up to 4.76%.
In another study by Erfan et al. [15], the impact of varying ρs on the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs was investigated. The researchers examined three different ρs values: 0.42%, 0.51%, and 0.81%. Their findings revealed that increasing ρs by 48.15% led to a 19.02% enhancement in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, as illustrated in Figure 5b.
In a study by Si et al. [16], the impact of ρs on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs was investigated. The researchers examined three different ρs values: 0.67%, 1.05%, and 1.27%. Their findings demonstrated that increasing ρs by 47.24% resulted in a 6.25% improvement in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, as illustrated in Figure 5c.
Moreover, the impact of ρs on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs with various ρs regimes, including 2.62% and 3.67%, was investigated by Ahmad et al. [10]. The study was conducted under two different compressive strengths, 140 MPa and 150 MPa. Their findings indicated that the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs improved by 5.14% for the 140 MPa beams and 3.72% for the 150 MPa beams with a 28.61% increase in ρs, suggesting that the impact of ρs on shear capacity is more pronounced in UHPC-DBs with lower compressive strength, as illustrated in Figure 5d.
Considering previous research [7,10,15,16] on the impact of ρs on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, there is a relationship indicating that an increase in ρs leads to an enhancement in shear capacity. This relationship can be represented by a linear trend line with a slope of 0.25, as illustrated in Figure 5e.
Figure 5a–c show that an increase in ρs in UHPC-DBs, as reported in three references [7,15,16], resulted in an improvement in shear capacity, with R2 values of 0.99, 0.87, and 0.92, respectively.

8. Effect of Horizontal Web Reinforcement (ρsh) on the Shear Capacity of UHPC Deep Beams

Another factor affecting the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs is ρsh. Several studies have evaluated its impact on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. For instance, Chen et al. [7] investigated various ρsh regimes, including 0.16%, 0.24%, and 0.31%. Their findings revealed that the shear capacity increased by up to 11.07% with a 48.38% increase in ρsh, as illustrated in Figure 6a.
In another study, Smarzewski et al. [8] investigated the effect of two different ρsh regimes, 0% and 0.33%, on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. Their findings revealed that reinforcing a specimen without ρsh with 0.33% ρsh increased its shear capacity by up to 38.14%.
Si et al. [16] investigated three ρsh regimes (0.25%, 0.33%, and 0.5%) to reinforce UHPC-DBs. Their findings revealed a 19.92% improvement in shear capacity when ρsh was increased by up to 50%, as illustrated in Figure 6b.
Considering all previous studies [7,8,16] on the impact of ρsh on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, the relationship between ρsh and SC generally follows an increasing trend, represented by a linear trend line with a slope of 0.45, as illustrated in Figure 6c.
As illustrated in Figure 6, an increase in ρsh in studies [7,16] led to an improvement in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, with R2 values of 0.98 and 0.90, respectively. This suggests that the increasing trends are approximately similar, with an overall R2 value of 0.91.

9. Effect of Shear Span-to-Depth Ratio (λ) on the Shear Capacity of UHPC Deep Beams

The shear span-to-depth ratio (λ) significantly affects the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. Previous research has extensively examined this relationship. Chen et al. [7] investigated the impact of λ on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs using three ratios: 0.554, 0.739, and 0.923. As shown in Figure 7a, their findings revealed that reducing λ enhances the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. Specifically, a reduction in λ of up to 39.98% led to an improvement in shear capacity by as much as 14.42%.
In a study by Yousef et al. [13], the effect of two λ, 0.79 and 0.94, was examined under two ρsv of 0.47% and 0.84%. Their findings revealed that a 15.96% reduction in λ increased the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs by 6.74% and 14.15% for ρsv values of 0.47% and 0.84%, respectively. These results emphasize that the influence of λ on shear capacity is more pronounced in specimens with higher ρsv, as illustrated in Figure 7b.
Furthermore, Deng et al. [9] investigated the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs with three different λ: 1.2, 1.8, and 3.1. Their results showed that reducing λ by up to 61.29% increased the shear capacity of UHPC-DB by as much as 49.29%, as illustrated in Figure 7c.
Considering all previous research findings, the overall relationship between λ and shear capacity exhibits a decreasing trend, indicating that as λ increases, shear capacity decreases linearly with a slope of 0.5, as illustrated in Figure 7d.
Figure 7 shows that in studies [7,9], an increase in λ leads to a decreasing trend in shear capacity, with R2 values of 0.73 and 0.93, respectively. This results in an overall decreasing trend, with R2 values of 0.75, as illustrated in Figure 7d.

10. Effect of Fiber Content (FC) on the Shear Capacity of UHPC Deep Beams

A review of the literature on the impact of fiber content on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs suggests that increasing steel fiber content up to 3% significantly enhances shear capacity. Chen et al. [7] investigated the effects of four fiber contents (0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 3%) on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. Their findings revealed that the shear capacity could increase by up to 37.93% when fiber content was raised from 0.5% to 3%, as illustrated in Figure 8a. Additionally, Smarzewski [8] investigated the effect of two fiber contents on the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs. The findings revealed a shear capacity improvement of 0.88% when deep beams were reinforced with 2% steel and 0.5% polypropylene fibers, compared to those reinforced with 1% steel and 0.25% polypropylene fibers.
In another study, Deng et al. [9] evaluated the impact of three fiber contents, 0%, 1.5%, and 2%, on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs. Their findings demonstrated that the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs could be enhanced by up to 63.24% when specimens without fiber reinforcement were compared to those reinforced with 2% steel fibers, as shown in Figure 8b. Additionally, Ahmad et al. [10] assessed the impact of two fiber content levels, 1% and 2%, under two different ρs regimes and two distinct λ values. Their findings indicated that the shear capacity could be improved by up to 16.19% when deep beams reinforced with 1% fiber were compared to those reinforced with 2%, with ρs and λ being 2.62% and 1.8, respectively. This improvement in shear capacity was reduced to 14.93% under the same λ when ρs was 3.67%, suggesting that the effect of fiber content on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs is more pronounced at lower ρs values, as illustrated in Figure 8c. The shear capacity improvement of reinforced UHPC-DBs was 10.34% when reinforced with 1% and 2% fiber content, with ρs and λ being 2.62% and 2.6, respectively. This indicates that the effect of fiber content is more significant at lower λ values, as shown in Figure 8d.
Considering all previous studies [7,8,9,10] that evaluated the impact of fiber content on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, it can be observed that increasing fibers content up to 3% enhances shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, following a linear trend with a slope of 0.5, as illustrated in Figure 8e.
An increase in fiber content in studies [7,9] resulted in an increasing trend, with R2 values of 0.89 and 0.97, respectively. This suggests that the optimal steel fiber content in UHPC mix design for enhancing the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs is 2%.

11. Finite Element Analysis of Shear Behavior in UHPC-DBs

A thorough review of the literature reveals several studies in which finite element analysis (FEA) was used to model and simulate the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs [13,15,36,37,38]. Two advanced FEA tools, ANSYS and ABAQUS, are commonly used to simulate UHPC-DBs reinforced with fibers. The literature shows only one study [15] in which ANSYS was employed to simulate the shear behavior of fiber-reinforced UHPC-DBs, with a difference of approximately 10% between the experimental and FEA results.
In contrast, several studies [13,36,37,38] utilized ABAQUS to simulate the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs, with differences of 10%, 3%, 7%, and 3%, between experimental and FEA results, as reported in [13,36,37,38], respectively.

12. Conclusions and Recommendations

This paper critically reviewed the effective factors influencing the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, including compressive strength, vertical web reinforcement (ρsv), horizontal web reinforcement (ρsh), longitudinal web reinforcement (ρs), shear span-to-depth ratio (λ), and fiber content (FC). A review of the literature indicates that an increase in compressive strength, ρsv, ρsh, ρs, and FC leads to a corresponding increase in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, following linear trends with slopes of 1.55, 0.06, 0.45, 0.25, and 186.8, respectively. Conversely, an increase in λ results in a reduction in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, following a decreasing linear trend with a slope of −0.98. The maximum influence of each factor on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs is as follows:
  • In terms of the impact of compressive strength on the shear capacity of UHPC deep beams, a 63.36% improvement, the maximum observed, occurs when compressive strength increases by up to 29%.
  • The shear capacity of UHPC-DBs can be enhanced by up to 38.14% by incorporating ρsv of 0.6, compared to those without any ρsv.
  • An increase in ρs by up to 48.15% results in a maximum improvement of 19.02% in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs.
  • A maximum improvement of 38.14% in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs can be achieved when ρsh increases by up to 0.33.
  • A reduction of 61.29% in λ resulted in a maximum increase of 49.29% in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs.
  • Incorporating steel fiber with a content of 2% resulted in a maximum improvement of 63.24% in the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs, compared to those reinforced with no fibers.
A review of the literature reveals a significant research gap in evaluating the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs reinforced with synthetic fibers, with only one study available on this topic. To address this, it is essential to investigate the impact of various factors, including compressive strength, ρsv, ρsh, ρs, λ, FC, and geometrical dimensions, to better understand the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs reinforced with synthetic fibers. Additionally, the effect of fiber aspect ratio on the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs warrants further investigation. Exploring the impact of hybrid fibers on the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs is also highly recommended. Furthermore, evaluating the simultaneous influence of two or more factors on the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs is crucial, as current standards have not adequately addressed this complexity.
In terms of finite element analysis (FEA), previous studies have predominantly modelled concrete reinforced with steel rebars without incorporating fibers as distinct elements. Modelling UHPC-DBs with integrated elements, including concrete, steel reinforcement, and fibers, could provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs reinforced with fibers.
Finally, the application of machine learning (ML) techniques, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (ANFISs), or a combination of these, offers potential for developing predictive models for the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs. Employing optimization algorithms, such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), could further enable the optimization of factors to maximize shear capacity. Notably, no research to date has explored the use of ML in predicting the shear behavior of UHPC-DBs reinforced with fibers or in optimizing the effective factors.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.M.; methodology, H.M.; software, H.M.; validation, H.M.; formal analysis, H.M.; investigation, H.M.; resources, H.M.; data curation, H.M.; writing—original draft preparation, H.M.; writing—review and editing, N.S.M., S.K.S. and H.M.; visualization, H.M.; supervision, S.K.S. and N.S.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

All data are provided in the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Percentage of studies evaluating the impact of key factors on the shear behavior of UHPC deep beams.
Figure 1. Percentage of studies evaluating the impact of key factors on the shear behavior of UHPC deep beams.
Infrastructures 10 00067 g001
Figure 2. A typical configuration of (ρsv), (ρsh), and (ρs) in a UHPC deep beam.
Figure 2. A typical configuration of (ρsv), (ρsh), and (ρs) in a UHPC deep beam.
Infrastructures 10 00067 g002
Figure 3. Influence of compressive strength on the shear capacity of three different UHPC-DBs: (a) impact of five different compressive strengths [7], (b) impact of various compressive strengths on UHPC-DBs with three different dimensions [9], and (c) overall increasing trend between compressive strength and shear capacity of UHPC-DBs [7,8,9,10].
Figure 3. Influence of compressive strength on the shear capacity of three different UHPC-DBs: (a) impact of five different compressive strengths [7], (b) impact of various compressive strengths on UHPC-DBs with three different dimensions [9], and (c) overall increasing trend between compressive strength and shear capacity of UHPC-DBs [7,8,9,10].
Infrastructures 10 00067 g003
Figure 4. Influence of vertical web reinforcement (psv) on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs: (a) effect of four different ρsv values [7], (b) effect of various psv values on shear capacity for two different λ values [13], (c) effect of two psv values on shear capacity under two different compressive strengths [10], and (d) overall relationship between normalized psv and normalized shear capacity [7,8,10,11,12,13].
Figure 4. Influence of vertical web reinforcement (psv) on the shear capacity of UHPC-DBs: (a) effect of four different ρsv values [7], (b) effect of various psv values on shear capacity for two different λ values [13], (c) effect of two psv values on shear capacity under two different compressive strengths [10], and (d) overall relationship between normalized psv and normalized shear capacity [7,8,10,11,12,13].
Infrastructures 10 00067 g004aInfrastructures 10 00067 g004b
Figure 5. Increasing trend in the shear capacity of UHPC-DB with respect to longitudinal reinforcement (ρs): (a) effect of three different ρs values [7], (b) influence of three different ρs values [15], (c) effect of three different ρs values [16], (d) influence of two ρs values under two different compressive strengths [19], and (e) the overall relationship between ρs and shear capacity [7,10,15,16].
Figure 5. Increasing trend in the shear capacity of UHPC-DB with respect to longitudinal reinforcement (ρs): (a) effect of three different ρs values [7], (b) influence of three different ρs values [15], (c) effect of three different ρs values [16], (d) influence of two ρs values under two different compressive strengths [19], and (e) the overall relationship between ρs and shear capacity [7,10,15,16].
Infrastructures 10 00067 g005aInfrastructures 10 00067 g005bInfrastructures 10 00067 g005c
Figure 6. Increasing trend in the shear capacity of UHPC-DB with respect to horizontal web reinforcement ratios (ρsh): (a) effect of three different ρsh values [7], (b) influence of three different ρsh values [16], and (c) the overall increasing trend between shear capacity and ρsh [7,8,16].
Figure 6. Increasing trend in the shear capacity of UHPC-DB with respect to horizontal web reinforcement ratios (ρsh): (a) effect of three different ρsh values [7], (b) influence of three different ρsh values [16], and (c) the overall increasing trend between shear capacity and ρsh [7,8,16].
Infrastructures 10 00067 g006
Figure 7. Decreasing trend in shear capacity of a UHPC-DB with respect to shear span-to-depth ratio (λ): (a) effect of three different λ values [7], (b) influence of two λ values under two different ρsv regimes [13], (c) effect of three λ values [9], and (d) overall trend between shear capacity and λ [7,8,13].
Figure 7. Decreasing trend in shear capacity of a UHPC-DB with respect to shear span-to-depth ratio (λ): (a) effect of three different λ values [7], (b) influence of two λ values under two different ρsv regimes [13], (c) effect of three λ values [9], and (d) overall trend between shear capacity and λ [7,8,13].
Infrastructures 10 00067 g007aInfrastructures 10 00067 g007b
Figure 8. Increasing trend in the shear capacity of UHPC-DB with respect to fiber content (FC): (a) effect of four different FC [7], (b) influence of three different FCs [9], (c) effect of two different FCs under two different ρs [10], (d) influence of two FCs under two different λ [10], and (e) the overall relationship between fiber content and shear capacity [7,8,9,10].
Figure 8. Increasing trend in the shear capacity of UHPC-DB with respect to fiber content (FC): (a) effect of four different FC [7], (b) influence of three different FCs [9], (c) effect of two different FCs under two different ρs [10], (d) influence of two FCs under two different λ [10], and (e) the overall relationship between fiber content and shear capacity [7,8,9,10].
Infrastructures 10 00067 g008aInfrastructures 10 00067 g008bInfrastructures 10 00067 g008c
Table 1. Comprehensive dataset from literature review.
Table 1. Comprehensive dataset from literature review.
ReferencesCompressive Strength (MPa)Beam Dimensions (l × w × d) (mm)ρs (%)ρsv (%)ρsh (%)λa/mmFiber TypeFiber Content (kg/m3)Fiber Aspect Ratio (Length/Diameter)Fiber Tensile Strength (MPa)Ultimate Shear Capacity (kN)Mid-span Deflection (mm)Failure ModeFEALoading Conditions
[7]86.51200 × 150 × 6003.620.190.160.923500--00----609.422.25Diagonal compression failureNThree-point loading
113.4S0.5652300873.313.25Shear compression (SC) failure
138.50.55430011409.214.45Diagonal compression failure
0.7394001411.804.60Shear compression failure
[8]114.21000 × 100 × 5003.490.60.330.8400--00----9156.1Shear compression (SC) failureNThree-point loading
[11]1391000 × 150 × 3002.01000.961250HE-1.5054.55-1345-11154.40Diagonal shear crackNFour-point loading
[15]601500 × 150 × 5000.42 (BFRP)0.60.3490.87400--00----58322Diagonal cracksAnsys software (v19): 10% difference compared to EXP resultsFour-point loading
0.51 (BFRP)65914.8Compression cracks and BFRP failure rupture
0.81 (BFRP)72013.4
0.5151114.4Flexural tension failure
[36]67750 × 150 × 4001.38%0.41900.75300-PP01-480-35085.327.79Diagonal shear crackAbaqus software: 3% difference compared to EXP resultsThree-point loading
[37]132.51900 × 80 × 4009.50.7080.2360.875350HE-1.5065-828-11403.25Diagonal shear crackAbaqus software (v6.14): 7% difference compared to EXP resultsContinuous beam
[12]1391000 × 150 × 3002.01000.961250HE-1.5054.55-1345-1104.94.35Splitting shear failureNFour-point loading
[16]73.161600 × 200 × 6000.670.330.330.1375--00----13212.51SplittingNUniform load
1.0514013.18Local pressure
[13]172.91000 × 80 × 4003.670.4700.79276.5HE-1.5025-828.3-8901.9Diagonal shear crackAbaqus software (v6.9): 10% difference compared to EXP resultsFour-point loading
[38]1502700 × 200 × 5003.440.502.71350S 2.5080-2500-71712Diagonal shear crackAbaqus software- 3% difference compared to EXP resultsThree-point loading
[39]84.631200 × 150 × 4001.05001400S-1.5065-2300-3614.03Diagonal shear crackNThree-point loading
[9]158.8800 × 150 × 3007.05001.2293.4S-20----737.52.97Shear compression failureNThree-point loading
1100 × 150 × 3001.8440.15385.00
1700 × 150 × 3003.1758.037421.59Flexural failure
126.1800 × 150 × 3001.2293.4-04342.73Diagonal compression failure
126.11100 × 150 × 3001.8440.1112.51.84Diagonal tension failure
126.11700 × 150 × 3003.1758.01735.98
160.31800 × 200 × 3507.622582S212505.56Shear compression failure
113.8-0459.52.55Diagonal compression failure
160.31800 × 200 × 4006.672682S21083.54.69Shear compression failure
113.8-03972.75Diagonal tension failure
[10]1402000 × 150 × 2252.622.3301.8328.5S-1059-2500-172.521.14Shear tension failureNFour-point loading
150218623.30Shear compression failure
1401.401147.516.10Shear tension failure
150217618.06Shear compression failure
1403.671155.517.85Shear tension failure
1502182.819.86Shear compression failure
1402.622.6474.51104.014.19Shear tension failure
1502.62211615.03Shear compression failure
[14]132.101000 × 80 × 4005.460.3500.79276.5HE-1.5-25-828.3-7602.5Shear compression failureNFour-point loading
l: length of deep beam; w: width of deep beam; d: depth of deep beam; a: distance between concentrated load and nearest beam support; Syn: synesthetic; FEA: finite element analysis; S: steel fiber; HE: hooked-end steel fiber; N: no; BFRP: basalt fiber-reinforced polymer bars.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Mirzaaghabeik, H.; Mashaan, N.S.; Shukla, S.K. Shear Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Deep Beams Reinforced with Fibers: A State-of-the-Art Review. Infrastructures 2025, 10, 67.

AMA Style

Mirzaaghabeik H, Mashaan NS, Shukla SK. Shear Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Deep Beams Reinforced with Fibers: A State-of-the-Art Review. Infrastructures. 2025; 10(3):67.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mirzaaghabeik, Hossein, Nuha S. Mashaan, and Sanjay Kumar Shukla. 2025. "Shear Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Deep Beams Reinforced with Fibers: A State-of-the-Art Review" Infrastructures 10, no. 3: 67.

APA Style

Mirzaaghabeik, H., Mashaan, N. S., & Shukla, S. K. (2025). Shear Behavior of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Deep Beams Reinforced with Fibers: A State-of-the-Art Review. Infrastructures, 10(3), 67.

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