Public Transport Accessibility and Its Effect on Mode Choice
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
Reference | Study Area | Context of Mode Choice | Methodology | Indicator for Destination Accessibility (D5) | Built Environment Dimensions Controlled | Influence on PT Use When Increasing Value for Destination Accessibility | |||||
D1 | D2 | D3 | D4 | D6 | D7 | ||||||
Mode choice of selected trips | |||||||||||
Asensio 2002 [35] | Barcelona, Spain | Suburban commuting trips | Nested MNL | PT travel time to CBD | x | x | x | Significant decrease | |||
Mattisson et al., 2018 [33] | Scania, Sweden | Commuting trips | MNL | PT travel time to work location | x | x | x | Significant decrease | |||
Lunke et al., 2021 [31] | Norway | Commuting trips | Binary Logit | PT travel time/car travel time to work location | x | x | Significant decrease | ||||
Dashtestaninejad et al., 2023 [28] | Eindhoven, Netherlands | Commuting trips | Binary Logit | PT travel time to work location | x | x | x | x | Not significant | ||
Schiebel et al., 2015 [27] | Luxembourg | Cross border commuting trips | Binary Logit | a. PT travel time to work location | x | x | x | x | x | a. Significant decrease | |
b. Direct PT connection to work location | x | x | x | x | x | b. Partly significant decrease | |||||
Ronse et al., 2015 [36] | Belgium | Shopping trips | MNL | Cumulative opportunity PT accessibility to population | x | x | Significant increase | ||||
Susilo et al., 2013 [37] | UK | Shopping trips | OLS of modal split | Cumulative opportunity PT accessibility to supermarkets | x | x | Significant increase | ||||
Papaioannou and Martinez 2015 [38] | Lisbon, Portugal | inner city trips | SEM | Gravity based PT accessibility to jobs | x | x | x | Significant increase | |||
Mode choice with consideration of special contexts | |||||||||||
Paulssen et al., 2014 [39] | Germany | Combination with preferences | Mixed Logit | PT travel time to work location | x | x | Significant decrease | ||||
Bamberg 2006 [26] | Stuttgart, Germany | After residential relocation | SEM | Qualitative assessment of PT accessibility of main station | x | Significant increase | |||||
Saxe and Denman 2017 [40] | London, UK | After introduction of new metro line | OLS of no. of PT trips | Area accessible by PT | Significant increase |
3. Research Approach
3.1. PT Service Indicators
3.2. PT Use
4. Results
4.1. Descriptive Analysis of Mode Share
4.2. Multivariate Analysis of Mode Share
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Predictors | Dependent Variable: PT Use “Yes” | |||||
(0) | (1a) | (1b) | (2) | |||
Intercept | 0.193 *** | 0.194 *** | 0.152 *** | 0.173 *** | ||
Respondent attributes | Age group | 18 to 29 | --Reference-- | |||
30 to 49 | 0.571 *** | 0.571 *** | 0.572 *** | 0.572 *** | ||
50 to 69 | 0.574 *** | 0.577 *** | 0.579 *** | 0.579 *** | ||
≥70 | 0.611 *** | 0.612 *** | 0.617 *** | 0.617 *** | ||
Gender | Male | --Reference-- | ||||
Female | 1.177 *** | 1.179 *** | 1.182 *** | 1.183 *** | ||
Economic status | Very low | 1.166 *** | 1.165 *** | 1.169 *** | 1.166 *** | |
>very low | --Reference-- | |||||
Trip attributes | Trip duration | Time in min | 1.020 *** | 1.020 *** | 1.020 *** | 1.020 *** |
Trip purpose | Work | --Reference-- | ||||
Education | 3.269 *** | 3.263 *** | 3.318 *** | 3.315 *** | ||
Shopping | 0.268 *** | 0.268 *** | 0.268 *** | 0.268 *** | ||
Private business | 0.469 *** | 0.467 *** | 0.464 *** | 0.464 *** | ||
Leisure | 0.620 *** | 0.620 *** | 0.617 *** | 0.616 *** | ||
Other | 0.559 *** | 0.560 *** | 0.555 *** | 0.555 *** | ||
Built environment attributes | RegioStaR7 (macroscopic) | 71 | --Reference-- | |||
72 | 0.582 *** | 0.587 *** | 0.555 *** | 0.555 *** | ||
73 | 0.408 *** | 0.423 *** | 0.441 *** | 0.441 *** | ||
74 | 0.329 *** | 0.366 *** | 0.382 *** | 0.381 *** | ||
75 | 0.287 *** | 0.292 *** | 0.242 *** | 0.242 *** | ||
76 | 0.233 *** | 0.241 *** | 0.229 *** | 0.230 *** | ||
77 | 0.225 *** | 0.249 *** | 0.252 *** | 0.253 *** | ||
Density (microscopic) | Population density | 1.005 *** | 1.005 *** | 1.004 *** | 1.004 *** | |
Intersection density | 1.003 *** | 1.002 *** | 1.002 *** | 1.002 *** | ||
Public transport indicators | Within center | 1.005 | 1.041 | 0.910 * | ||
Close to center | 1.026 | 1.141 *** | 0.997 | |||
Travel time ratio 1 | 0.999 *** | 0.999 *** | ||||
Accessibility ratio 1 | 1.012 *** | 1.012 *** | ||||
Quality measures | AIC | 114,593 | 114,046 | 113,837 | 113,829 | |
McFadden Pseudo R2 | 0.156 | 0.156 | 0.158 | 0.158 |
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Share and Cite
Kühnel, F.; Schrömbges, M.; Braun, N.; Kuhnimhof, T. Public Transport Accessibility and Its Effect on Mode Choice. Urban Sci. 2025, 9, 49.
Kühnel F, Schrömbges M, Braun N, Kuhnimhof T. Public Transport Accessibility and Its Effect on Mode Choice. Urban Science. 2025; 9(2):49.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKühnel, Fabian, Michael Schrömbges, Nora Braun, and Tobias Kuhnimhof. 2025. "Public Transport Accessibility and Its Effect on Mode Choice" Urban Science 9, no. 2: 49.
APA StyleKühnel, F., Schrömbges, M., Braun, N., & Kuhnimhof, T. (2025). Public Transport Accessibility and Its Effect on Mode Choice. Urban Science, 9(2), 49.