Civil Engineering
A section of Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417).
Section Information
Civil Engineering once encompassed all non-military engineering and, as such, is a very wide-ranging subject area. Today, it covers all things big—bridges, buildings, foundations, dams, rivers, water distribution networks, roads, transportation networks and a significant element of general technical management. This Section welcomes original contributions to all relevant subject areas of Applied Sciences. As there are already specialist journals in many of these areas, we particularly welcome contributions that do not easily fall into any one sub-discipline or emerging areas that do not yet have their own journals.
In recent decades, there has been a surge in computing power while the cost of electronics and sensing technologies has fallen. We particularly welcome contributions that exploit the opportunities that these developments have made possible. Download Section Flyer
Subject Areas
Structural Engineering
- Reducing the carbon footprint improving the circularity of structures
- Assessment, reliability and optimization of structures
- Strengthening and retrofitting of existing structures
- Structural dynamics
- Structural health monitoring
- Vibration Control
- Active and passive control of civil constructions
Building materials and technologies
- Building Information Modelling (BIM)
- Timber, masonry, steel and concrete, historic materials, shape memory alloys
- Eco-materials (recycled, materials from waste, bio-based materials, etc.)
- NDT and monitoring
Geotechnical Engineering
- Soil dynamics
- Engineering behaviour of soil and rock
- Slope stability; dams
- Rock engineering
- Environmental geotechnics
- Geosynthetics
- Discrete Element Modelling
- Soil/Structure Interaction
Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering
- Climate change and flood control
- Nature-based Solutions to Flooding
- Hydropower project construction
- Water resource planning and management
- Water supply and wastewater engineering
- Groundwater hydrology and hydrogeology
- Surface water hydrology
- Hydrometeorology
- Canals and inland waterways
- Harbours and coastal engineering
- Roads and highways
- Road maintenance (including pavements, asphalt and self-healing materials)
- Tunnels and underground excavations
- Air transportation
- Traffic control
- Transportation optimization
- Safety analysis
Construction engineering
- Construction Management
- Performance-based design
- Construction materials handling
- Infrastructure Production
- Ancient architecture
- Computer Applications
- Construction Pollution Control
- Floating Offshore Platforms
Earthquake engineering
- Earthquake loading foundation design
- Tectonics and seismology
- Seismic vibration control
- Seismic response of buildings and other structures
- Earthquake protection system
- Repair and strengthening
Editorial Board
Topical Advisory Panel
Special Issues
Following special issues within this section are currently open for submissions:
- Latest Research on Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 30 March 2025)
- Advances in Pavement Materials for Sustainable Construction (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- Civil Structural Health Monitoring: Techniques, Systems and Applications (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- Advances in Numerical Computation and Mathematical Modelling for Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- Infrastructure Resilience Analysis (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- Soil–Water–Plant–Atmosphere Interactions and Processes: Bioengineering of Slopes (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- New Challenges of Underground Structures in Earthquake Engineering (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- Mechanical Properties of Concrete: Advances, Applications and Challenges (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- Advances in Structural Vibration Control (Deadline: 10 April 2025)
- Advances in Tunneling and Underground Engineering (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Structural Analysis and Seismic Resilience in Civil Engineering (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Soil-Structure Interaction in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Geological Modeling and Geomechanical Characterization of Rock Masses for Civil and Mining Engineering Practice (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Advances in High-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete, Second Edition (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Fiber Optic Sensing in Civil Engineering: Recent Applications and Developments in Structural and Geotechnical Monitoring (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Mechanical and Structural Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Risk (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Wind Comfort and Action on Structures (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Reliability and Risk Analysis of Structures and Applications to Design and Optimization, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Advances in Intelligent Bridge: Maintenance and Monitoring (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Earthquake Engineering: Geological Impacts and Disaster Assessment (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Advances and Application of Construction Materials (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Contemporary Tunnel Engineering (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Seismic Resistant Design and Analysis for Building Structures and Infrastructure Systems (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics and Modeling for Hydraulic Engineering (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Novel Approaches for Optimal Design and Seismic Performance Assessment for Civil Structures (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Artificial Intelligence for Structural Health Monitoring, Inspection, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation of Civil Infrastructure (Deadline: 20 April 2025)
- Environmental Impact and Control of Geotechnical Engineering Construction (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Advanced Technologies in SHM, Performance Evaluation, and Reliabilty Analysis (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Applications (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Soil Liquefaction in Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Structural Dynamics in Civil Engineering (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Novel Timber Structures and Materials in Building Engineering (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Pavement Engineering: System, Rehabilitation, and Sustainable Strategies for Long-Term Management (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering: Implications and Sustainable Solutions for Infrastructures and the Environment (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Sustainable and Low-Carbon Building Materials in Special Areas (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Advances in Non-Destructive Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Simplified Seismic Analysis of Complex Civil Structures (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Advanced Blasting Technology for Mining (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Structural Health Monitoring for Concrete Dam (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Advanced Structural Analysis for Earthquake-Resistant Design of Buildings (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Advanced Devices and Data Analysis in Vibration Control and Structural Health Monitoring (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Sustainable Technologies and Measures for Urban and Building Rehabilitation (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Geotechnical Engineering and Infrastructure Construction (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Intelligent Construction: Advancements in Civil Engineering and Building Structures (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Enhancing Structural Sustainability: Data-Based Adaptive Solutions for the Built Environment (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Advanced Underground Construction Technologies (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Rock Mechanics in Geotechnical and Tunnel Engineering (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Smart Buildings: Integrating BIM and Artificial Intelligence for New Challenges of Design (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Advances in Structural Health Monitoring in Civil Engineering (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- State-of-the-Art Structural Health Monitoring Application (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Pavement Construction: Material Characterization and Durability Analysis, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Recent Advances: Structural Health Monitoring in Civil Construction (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Innovative Granular Materials in Civil Infrastructure: Characterization and Modeling (Deadline: 20 May 2025)
- Offshore Structures: Latest Advances and Prospects (Deadline: 21 May 2025)
- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Rock Mass Engineering (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Technical Advances in Recycled Construction Materials (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Risk Control and Performance Design of Bridge Structures (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Intelligent Prediction and Performance Optimization for Deep Underground Resource Excavation Process (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Stability Control of Underground Openings Under High Stress and Deep Mining Environment: 2nd Edition (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Progress and Challenges of Rock Engineering (Deadline: 31 May 2025)
- Building Information Modeling (BIM): Advance and Future Trends (Deadline: 10 June 2025)
- Innovative Approaches in Earthquake and Structural Engineering: Resilience, Performance, and Sustainability (Deadline: 10 June 2025)
- Advances and Challenges in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Advances in Failure Mechanism and Numerical Methods for Geomaterials (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Advances in High-Performance Construction Materials (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Cross-Scale Cracks in Rock Mass Under Multi-Phase and Multi-Field Coupling (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Study on Lightweight Concrete: Latest Advances and Prospects (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Advancements in Fire Safety Science and Engineering: From Fundamental Understanding to Practical Applications (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Recent Advances in Asphalt Materials and Their Applications (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology: New Trends and Perspectives (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Advanced Study on Diagnostics for Surfaces of Historical Buildings (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Advances and Techniques in Rock Fracture Mechanics (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Structural Pounding Risk between Buildings (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- Rock Mechanics in Mining and Tunnelling Engineering: Contributions and Challenges (Deadline: 20 June 2025)
- GIS-Based Spatial Analysis for Environmental Applications (Deadline: 23 June 2025)
- Geomaterials: Latest Advances in Materials for Construction and Engineering Applications (2nd Edition) (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Application of Building Information Modeling in Construction Management (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Behavior and Design of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Components and Structures (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Mechanical Behaviour of Unsaturated Soil (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Advances in Building Materials and Concrete, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 10 July 2025)
- Performance of Concrete with Low-Carbon Cement Supplements and Zero-Cement (Deadline: 10 July 2025)
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Rock Mechanics (Deadline: 10 July 2025)
- The Application of Machine Learning in Geotechnical Engineering, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 10 July 2025)
- Artificial Neural Network Applications for Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 10 July 2025)
- Sustainable Concrete Materials and Resilient Structures (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Advances in Disaster Prevention and Reduction for Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Infrastructure Management and Maintenance: Methods and Applications (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Structural Health Monitoring: Latest Applications and Data Analysis, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Vibration Monitoring and Control of the Built Environment (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Tunnel and Underground Engineering: Recent Advances and Challenges (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Advanced Diagnostics and Nondestructive Testing Technologies for Civil Structures (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Earthquake Prevention and Resistance in Civil Engineering (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering: Latest Advances and Prospects (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Robotics and Automation Systems in Construction: Trends and Prospects (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Technical Advances in Hydraulic Structure (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Novel Research on Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Digital Photogrammetry for Civil Engineering and Environmental Applications (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Seismic and Energy Retrofitting of Existing Buildings: 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Trends and Prospects in Rock Mechanics in Mining (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Recent Advances in Sustainable Construction Materials and Structures (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Remote Sensing Technology in Landslide and Land Subsidence—2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Utilization of Industrial Waste in Cemetitious Materials (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Safety and Risk Analysis in Underground Engineering (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Research on Properties of Novel Building Materials (Deadline: 20 July 2025)
- Advances in Solid Mechanics and Applications to Slender Structures (Deadline: 30 July 2025)
- Innovations and Applications in Tunnel Construction and Maintenance (Deadline: 30 July 2025)
- Identification and Measurement of Displacements and Deformations of Engineering Structures: 2nd Edition (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- Natural and Artificial Fibers in Geoengineering Applications (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- New Paradigms for Resilient Communities: From the Application of Resilience Concepts to the Definition of Intervention Priorities (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- Effects of Temperature on Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- AI-Assisted Building Design and Environment Control (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- Advanced Technologies in Construction and Infrastructure: Theory, Methods and Applications—2nd Edition (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- Experiments, Design and Practice Innovations in Geotechnical Engineering and Underground Space (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- Advances in the Mechanisms and Control of Underground Engineering Disasters (Deadline: 31 July 2025)
- Seismic Response and Safety Assessment of Building Structures (Deadline: 10 August 2025)
- Sustainable Decision Support for Infrastructure Management (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Novel Construction Material and Its Applications (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- The Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Management of Construction Engineering Projects (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Slope Stability and Earth Retaining Structures—2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Sediment Transport and Infrastructure Scour (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Technology and Organization Applied to Civil Engineering (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Latest Advances in Cement and Concrete Composites: 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Advanced Concrete Technology and Applications in Construction Engineering, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Machine Learning and Numerical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Emerging Technologies of Accident Analysis and Prevention in Safety Engineering (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Construction Materials: Characterization, Structure and Durability, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: Recent Progress and Future Directions (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Trends and Prospects in Tunnel and Underground Construction (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Applications of Machine Learning in Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Geotechnical Structure Analysis and Risk Assessment in Tunnel Engineering, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Advances in Engineering Soil Properties and Testing for Ground Stabilization, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Alkali- and Acid-Activated Materials: Advances and Novel Applications—2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Reinforced Concrete: Properties and Applications (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Advanced Cementing Materials and Techniques (Deadline: 20 August 2025)
- Engineering Groundwater and Groundwater Engineering—2nd Edition (Deadline: 25 August 2025)
- Computational Hydraulics: Theory, Methods and Applications (Deadline: 26 August 2025)
- Development and Application of Innovative Construction Materials (Deadline: 30 August 2025)
- Sustainable Construction Systems in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Deadline: 30 August 2025)
- Advances in BIM-Based Architecture and Civil Infrastructure Systems (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Advances in Bridge Design and Structural Performance: 2nd Edition (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Emerging Technologies of Sustainable Building Materials (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Innovative Design Solutions for Human Well-Being in Architecture and Urban Environments (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Emerging Trends in Smart Building Digitalization and Energy Optimization (Deadline: 31 August 2025)
- Advanced Technologies and Optimization for Sustainable Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 10 September 2025)
- Advances in Structural Dynamics of Construction Materials (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Advancements of 4th Industrial Revolution in Seismic Assessment, Repair and Design of Structures (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Technology and Management Applied in Construction Engineering Projects II (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Damage Monitoring and Defect Identification Based on Deep/Machine Learning (2nd Edition) (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Advanced Technology for Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Building Information Modelling: From Theories to Practices (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- New Challenges in Disaster Prevention and Control of Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Recent Advances in Rock Mass Engineering (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Innovative Building Materials: Design, Properties and Applications (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Inspection and Monitoring Techniques for Bridges and Civil Structures, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Building Information Modeling (BIM): Advanced Technology and Application (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Rock Mechanics and Mining Engineering (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Advances in Tunnel and Underground Engineering—2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Recent Advances in Foundry Engineering and Technology (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Resilience (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Sustainable Materials and Innovative Solutions for Green Construction (Deadline: 20 September 2025)
- Advanced Structural Health Monitoring in Civil Engineering (Deadline: 30 September 2025)
- New Challenges in Urban Underground Engineering (Deadline: 30 September 2025)
- The Applications and Technologies of Structural Health Monitoring in Civil Structures (Deadline: 30 September 2025)
- Innovative Approaches to Energy Efficiency in Building Design and Operation (Deadline: 30 September 2025)
- Advances in Structural Health Monitoring and Seismic Assessment of Civil Engineering Structures (Deadline: 30 September 2025)
- Safety and Sustainability in Structural Engineering and Seismic Designs (Deadline: 30 September 2025)
- Assessment and Retrofitting of Building Structures: Experimental Testing and Modelling: 2nd Edition (Deadline: 30 September 2025)
- Recent Research on Tunneling and Underground Engineering (Deadline: 20 October 2025)
- Low-Cost Seismic Base Isolation in Civil Structures (Deadline: 20 October 2025)
- Structural Dynamics and Risk Assessment of Structures (Deadline: 20 October 2025)
- Reinforcement of Interfaces Connecting Concrete Structural Members (Deadline: 20 October 2025)
- Advances in Smart Construction and Intelligent Buildings (Deadline: 20 October 2025)
- Recent Research on Sustainable Concrete and Construction Materials: Structure, Durability and Mechanical Properties (Deadline: 20 October 2025)
- Concrete Structures: Latest Advances and Prospects (Deadline: 30 October 2025)
- Structural Health Monitoring in Bridges and Infrastructure (Deadline: 31 October 2025)
- Geochemical Exploration: From Geochemical Prospecting to Data Digging (Deadline: 31 October 2025)
- Underground Space Construction and Digital Management (Deadline: 31 October 2025)
- Mining-Induced Rock Strata Damage and Mine Disaster Control (Deadline: 30 November 2025)
- New Trends in Long-Life Road Infrastructures: Materials and Structures, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 20 December 2025)
- Sustainable Research on Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 20 December 2025)
- Technical Advances in Geosynthetics (Deadline: 30 December 2025)
- Disaster Prevention and Control of Underground and Tunnel Engineering (Deadline: 30 December 2025)
- Advances in Civil Infrastructures Engineering (Deadline: 31 December 2025)
- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Technology and Application in Environmental Detection (Deadline: 31 December 2025)
- Application and Development of New Materials and Intelligent Technologies in Civil Engineering Construction (Deadline: 31 December 2025)
- In Situ and Laboratory Tests for Analysis and Application in Soil Mechanics (Deadline: 31 December 2025)
- New Trends in Slope Stability (Deadline: 31 December 2025)
- Structural Design of Buildings and Civil Engineering Constructions (Deadline: 31 December 2025)
- City Resilience to Windstorm Hazard (Deadline: 20 February 2026)
- Seepage Problems in Geotechnical Engineering (Deadline: 3 July 2026)
- Green and Low-Carbon Concrete Technology and Construction (Deadline: 3 July 2026)
Topical Collection
Following topical collection within this section is currently open for submissions: