Editorial Board
- Biomimetic Processing and Molecular Biomimetics Section
- Biomimetics of Materials and Structures Section
- Biomimetic Design, Constructions and Devices Section
- Biomimetic Surfaces and Interfaces Section
- Locomotion and Bioinspired Robotics Section
- Bioinspired Sensorics, Information Processing and Control Section
- Biological Optimisation and Management Section
- Energy Biomimetics Section
- Development of Biomimetic Methodology Section
Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.
Interests: biological attachment; functional morphology; biomechanics; biotribology; biomimetics
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: unconventional computing; fungal computing; reaction-diffusion computing; cellular automata; physarum computing; massive parallel computation; applied mathematics; collective intelligence and robotics
* Section: Bioinspired Sensorics, Information Processing and Control
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: molecular biomimetics; genetically engineered peptides for inforganics; solid binding peptides; genetically engineered materials; self-assembled peptides; peptides as molecular building blocks; structural vs functional biomimetics; genetic design of materials; bionanotechnology; bionanosensors; bio/nano soft interfaces; biomimetic wetware; biofunctionalization of solid surfaces; bionanomedicine; bioelectronics; directed evolution; next generation sequencing; deep mutation; machine intelligence; high throughput screening; high throughput experiments; big data acquisition; biomineralization; dental nanotechnology; dentomimetics
Interests: biomimetic materials; bio-inspired materials; ceramics; ceramic composites; cell-instructive surfaces
* Section: Biomimetics of Materials and Structures
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: bioinspired wettability; micro- and nanostructures; bioinspired surfaces
* Section: Biomimetic Surfaces and Interfaces
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: tribology; biomimetics; viscoelastic materials; contact mechanics; adhesion
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: marine biomaterials; biominerals; biocomposites and biomimetics
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: chemical ecology; sensory ecology; community ecology; biologically inspired design
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: silk biomaterials; adipose tissue; tissue engineering; disease models; tissue regeneration; bioreactors
Interests: fluid mechanics; biofluids; soft matter
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: charge transport through peptide molecular junctions; electron and proton transport in self-assembled peptide nanostructures; peptide templates for the formation of inorganic materials and electronic devices; the electronic behavior of peptide- inorganic interface; nanopore fabrication and use in sensing applications; field effect transistor biosensors
Interests: biological and biomimetic synthesis of functional nanomaterials; ionic liquids mediated synthesis and self-assembly of functional nano(bio)materials; multifunctional nanomaterials; structure-function relationship of nanomaterials and composites; applications of nanomaterials in biosensing, bioimaging, drug-delivery, antimicrobials, wound-healing, (photo)catalysis and flexible electronics
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: natural products; bioactivities; electrochemistry; biosensors
Interests: smart biomaterials; medical devices; bioelectronics; polymers; brain–machine interfaces
Interests: nanotechnology; bio/nanotechnology; biomimetics; bioinspired surfaces; nanotribology; AFM-based data recording; beauty care; aging in Li-ion batteries
Interests: elastin; circular dichroism; elastomeric-proteins; peptides; bioconjugation
Interests: built environment; sustainability; materials and structures design; biological materials mechanics; sustainable materials
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: smart materials; stimuli-responsive materials; bioprinting; tissue engineering; biomaterials
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: tissue engineering; scaffolds; biomimetic materials; drug delivery systems
Interests: cardiology; cardiac surgery; heart failure; cardiomyoplasty; cardiac bioassist; tissue engineering; bioartificial organs; stem cell therapy; organoids; bioartificial myocardium; cardiopatch; cardiowrap
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: interfacial microfluid and mechanism of micro-effect; flexible electronics manufacturing; bionic multifunctional surface; multi-scale micro and nano manufacturing; 4D printing
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: biomimetic material mechanics and functional surface design and manufacture
Interests: biomimetic materials; artificial cells; Pickering emulsions for biocatalysis; synthetic biology; nanomedicines for biomedical engineering; X-ray optogenetics
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: molecular hybrid nanoparticles; new methods and strategies for organic synthesis; design, synthesis, and evaluation of glycomimetic compounds
Interests: adaptive structures; smart structures; morphing; structural health monitoring; integrated vehicle health monitoring; vibroacoustic control
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: tribo-irreversible thermodynamics; biomimetic on gecko locomotion; bio-inspired lightweight structure; brain stimulation of animal moving; bio-inspired sensory
Interests: interactions of nanoscale entities with living organisms, and implications for bionanoscience; the founder of the modern conception of the ‘protein (biomolecular) corona’ responsible for the bio; bio/nano soft interfaces; bionanomedicine; microfluidics; computational modeling; nano-bio interactions; nanomedicine; nanoparticles; nanomaterials; structural properties of materials; cell biology and molecular transport mechanisms; molecular interactions; surface science and nanostructures; biological and biomimetic synthesis of functional nanomaterials; multifunctional nanomaterials; structure-function relationship of nanomaterials and composites; applications of nanomaterials in biosensing, bioimaging, drug-delivery; biomechanics; bio-inspired design and manufacturing
Interests: micro-electro-mechanical systems; microfluidics; organ-on-chip; biomimetics
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: biomimetic mineralization; hard tissue repair
Interests: biofabrication; biomaterials; tissue engineering; cartilage
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals