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3 October 2024
Journal of Clinical Medicine 2024 Editorial Board Meeting of the Section “Clinical Pediatrics” Held on 15 April 2024

The Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM, ISSN: 2077-0383) held an Editorial Board meeting for the Section “Clinical Pediatrics” on 15 April 2024. Prof. Dr. Luis Garcia-Marcos, the Section Editor-in-Chief, had an engaging conversation with the Editorial Board Members Prof. Dr. Jean-Michel Hascoët and Dr. Meir Mei-Zahav.

The meeting started with a 15-minute self-introduction of the SEiC and Editorial Board Members who attended the meeting. After that, a presentation on the development of both the journal and the “Clinical Pediatrics” Section was given. Information on the following topics was presented:

  • Journal history, publication statistics, the distribution of scholars (2018–2023), the benefits of open access, journal awards, conference sponsorship, webinars, society collaborations, and social media promotion;
  • Highly cited papers of the Section, article types, graphical abstracts/video abstracts, the geographical distribution of the Section’s Editorial Board Members, Special Issues, and Section statistics.

At this Editorial Board meeting, the EBMs had a positive discussion about Section visibility, Section advertisement in pediatric societies, the discovery of potential contributors, journal and Section promotion at relevant conferences, and the recruitment of Editorial Board Members. The meeting ended with some suggestions from our Editorial Board Members regarding the organization of a webinar involving young scholars and pediatricians from all over the world.

We would like to thank every Editorial Board Member and all contributing academics for their support. We look forward to receiving more suggestions so that we can continue our progress together.

Attendee list (in no particular order):

  • Dr. Luis Garcia-Marcos (Section Editor-in-Chief), Arrixaca Children’s University Hospital, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain;
  • Dr. Jean-Michel Hascoët, Maternité Régionale Universitaire, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France;
  • Meir Mei-Zahav, Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel, Tel Aviv University, Pulmonary Institute, Tel Aviv, Israel.

The latest official CiteScore (2023 Scopus data) for the Journal of Clinical Medicine is 5.7, ranking 80/636 (Q1) in the “General Medicine” category. The current impact factor of JCM is 3.0 (2023), ranking 58/325 (Q1) in the “Medicine, General & Internal” category.

To access more journal statistics, please click here.

To access more information about the Section, please visit the following link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jcm/sections/Clinical_Pediatrics

JCM Editorial Office

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