Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

As Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Intelligence, I am pleased to announce the winners of the J. Intell. 2022 Travel Award. The award has been granted to Dr. Tommaso Feraco, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of General Psychology, University of Padova, Italy; and Ms. Eleni Kazali, a Ph.D. student in the Hellenic Open University, Greece.

With so many high-quality applicants, the evaluation process and final decision were challenging. We would like to thank all the applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics. On behalf of the assessment committee, I would like to congratulate the winners on their accomplishments.

Prof. Dr. Andrew R. A. Conway
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Intelligence

J. Intell. 2022 Travel Award
Past Winners


Tommaso Feraco
University of Padova, Italy
Eleni Kazali
Hellenic Open University, Greece

Award Committee

Prof. Andrew Conway Chairman
Prof. Matthias Ziegler
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Prof. Gizem Hülür


Eduardo Garcia Garzon
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain


Dr Delia Fuhrmann
University of Cambridge, UK
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