Dentistry and Oral Health

A section of Medicina (ISSN 1648-9144).

Section Information

Dental research is integral to a huge field of investigations aimed at maintaining good oral health. This concept takes the research focus beyond the confines of dental disease and opens it up for cultivating general wellbeing, the emergence of new models of health care as well as tackling oral health problems and inequalities, introducing changes in policy making, and contributing to healthy societies more extensively. A wide scope of research areas covers studies addressing new developments related to dentistry and oral health, presenting advances in molecular genetics and cell biology as well as in biomedical techniques, improving the understanding of the processes laying behind dental and oral pathology, monitoring the disease patterns in populations and exploring the modern methods for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.

The Section “Dentistry and Oral Health” of the journal Medicina is aimed at the publication of top-quality science in the field of oral health, oral pathology, oral regeneration, oral rehabilitation, and translational medicine. Contributions on these and related topics are welcomed, including original research articles and full or mini-reviews, commentaries, case reports, breakthrough articles, brief communications, and invited editorials. The digital and open access format of the journal ensures quick and easy dissemination of new discoveries, facilitates globalization of research, and helps to increase the impact of research on science and society. Along with contributions from experienced and senior scientists, we also very much welcome papers from postdocs, PhD students, and young researchers.


  • dentistry
  • mesenchymal stem cells
  • regenerative medicine
  • regenerative dentistry
  • biomimetic materials
  • dental stem cells
  • tissue engineering
  • genetics in dentistry
  • oral inflammation
  • pulp pathologies
  • implantology
  • oral health
  • oral pathology

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