Topical Advisory Panel for section 'Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology'

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Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Vienna, Josef-Holaubek-Platz 2, 1090 Wien, Austria
Interests: pulmonary drug delivery; nanotechnology; tuberculosis; microbiology; pharmacokinetics of antibiotics
Institute of Environmental Biotechnology and Health (INBIAS), National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and National University of Río Cuarto (UNRC), Rio Cuarto, Argentina
Interests: nanomedicine; cell therapy; tumor microenvironment; photodynamic therapy; cell targeting
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LaMInFE-Laboratory of Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Process, University of Sorocaba, Sorocaba 18023-000, SP, Brazil
Interests: bacterial cellulose; biomolecules; biopolymer; nanomaterial; industrial microbiology
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Center of Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, Department of Bionanotechnology, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Ensenada 22860, Baja California, Mexico
Interests: nanotoxicology; bionanotechnology; biomedicine; nanomedicine; metallic nanoparticles; smart nanomaterials for therapeutics
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Department and Institute of Biological Science and Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Interests: anticancer drugs; drug delivery; nanoparticles; nanoparticulophagy; selective autophagy; cancer therapy
Faculty of Pharmacy, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs, University of Szeged, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary
Interests: nose-to-brain delivery; nanomedicine; albumin nanoparticles; polymeric micelles; freeze-drying
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University Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Administration, Semmelweis University, Hőgyes Endre Street 7-9, H-1092 Budapest, Hungary
Interests: nanotechnology; electrospinning; nano-and microfibers; core-shell type fibers; fiber-based drug delivery systems; medical devices; pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics

College of Pharmacy, Roseman University of Health Sciences, 10920 S. River Front Parkway, South Jordan, UT 84095, USA
Interests: platform technology development in the area of formulation science/drug delivery and nanotechnology for disease diagnosis and treatment; vaccine adjuvant and vaccine development; pharmacokinetics of nanotechnology-based formulations; oral delivery of poorly soluble compounds; formulation and stability studies for compounded formulations; extraction, nutraceutical, and food product development

Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Inje University, Gimhae 50834, Republic of Korea
Interests: biodegradable polymers; nanostructured drug and gene delivery system; interdisciplinary research of nano/bio; bioactive agents; therapeutics; active targeting
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RNA/Nano-Biochemistry Lab, Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Institute for Functional Materials, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, Republic of Korea
Interests: ribonuclease; small noncoding RNA; pathogen; 2D nanomaterials; antibiotic resistance; synergistic antibiotics; gene expression; biofilm; extracellular vesicles; proteomics; transcriptomics; vaccine platform
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College of Pharmacy, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul 04310, Republic of Korea
Interests: nanomedicine; liposome; drug targeting; formulation; DDS
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Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Gangwon-do 24341, Republic of Korea
Interests: cancer; infectious diseases; nanoencapsulation; nanomedicine; nanoparticles; new drug delivery systems; polymersome; theragnosis
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Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 1110 N Stonewall Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73117, USA
Interests: nanomedicine; theranostics; nanobiotechnology

1. Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, 199004 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2. Institute of Chemistry, Saint-Petersburg State University, Universitetsky pr. 26, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia
Interests: amphiphilic polymers; self-assembling; nanoparticles; biodegradation; drug delivery systems; proteins; peptides; DNA/RNA
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Intellia Therapeutics, Inc., 40 Erie St., Cambridge, MA, USA
Interests: nanomedicine; drug delivery; non-viral gene delivery; cell-based drug delivery; hydrogels; formulation science and analytical development
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Wits Advanced Drug Delivery Platform (WADDP) Research Unit, Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, School of Therapeutic Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Interests: biomaterials; drug delivery; nanomedicine; stimuli responsive polymers; regenerative medicine; tissue engineering; molecular modelling; translational neuromaterials
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Namur Nanosafety Centre, Department of Pharmacy, Namur Research Institute for Life Sciences (NARILIS), University of Namur (UNamur), 5000 Namur, Belgium
Interests: coagulation; nanoparticles; nanostructured materials; toxicity; silicon carbide
i3S—Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde and INEB-Instituto Nacional de Engehnaria Biomédica, Universidade do Porto, Rua Alfredo Allen 208, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
Interests: dendrimers; polymers; vectors; biodegradability; nanobiomaterials; multifunctionalization; targeting; nucleic acid delivery; drug delivery; gene therapy; nanomedicine; nervous system

Departamento de Farmacia, Facultad de Química, Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Exterior S/N, Del. Coyoacán, Ciudad de México 04510, Mexico
Interests: films; nanoparticles; wound healing; blood–brain barrier; skin care
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The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD 4102, Australia
Interests: tumour microenvironments; liver cancer; therapeutics; treatment response; nanomedicine; pharmacology

NICM Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Interests: nanomedicine; drug delivery; anticancer therapy; treatment for neurological disorders; blood-brain barrier; lab-on-a-chip technology
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Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven Technical University, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Interests: nanosensors; biosensors; enzymatic sensors; nanoparticles; nanomaterials; optical sensing; drug delivery; controlled release; nanomotors; chemical communication
Laboratory of Nanobiotechnology, Institute of Biological Science, University of Brasília, Brasília 70910-900, Brazil
Interests: nanomedicine; lipid nanocarriers; oral administration; metastasis prevention
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LEPABE - Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy, R. Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Interests: nanotechnology and interfacial phenomena; effects of fluorinated systems and peptides on the aggregation of amyloid beta peptide; conformational studies of proteins and peptides self-organized systems and polymer surfaces; design and production of inorganic and polymeric nano-systems for pharmaceutical and food applications
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College of Pharmacy, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
Interests: membrane-active peptides/peptidomimetics; smarted drug delivery system; microneedles; hydrogel; nanosheets; bioinspired materials; biomaterials
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Department of Pharmaceutical Physics-Biophysics, Faculty of Pharmacy, “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Pasteur 6, 400349 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Interests: magnetic nanoparticles; magnetic hyperthermia; plasmonic nanoparticles; vibrational spectroscopy; Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS); liposomes
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1. Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering, University of Naples "Federico II", Naples, Italy
2. Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Healthcare@CRIB, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Naples, Italy
Interests: rug delivery system; microencapsulation; therapeutic peptides; protein-protein interactions

LAQV, REQUIMTE, Departamento de Ciências Químicas, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal
Interests: nanomedicine; pulmonary drug delivery; macrophage-targeted therapies; infectious diseases
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Department of Chemistry and Nanotechnology, School of Engineering and Science, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon 64849, Mexico
Interests: biomaterials; nanomedicine; immunotherapy; advanced drug delivery formulations; biomedical applications; drug delivery
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