Travel Award

The Plants Travel Award was launched in 2017, and it is presented every year to encourage junior scientists to present their latest research at academic conferences in the field of plant science, which helps to increase their influence. Applications open from April to October and winners will be announced by the end of December every year.

The Prize:
– CHF 800;
– A certificate.

Number of Winners: 3

Plants Travel Award
Application deadline: 31 October 2024
Winner announcement: 31 December 2024

Eligibility and Requirements

– Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students, and plant science researchers in their first 3 years of practice;
– Plans to attend an international conference in 2025 (oral presentation or poster).

List of Documents for Application

– Information of the conference the applicant is planning to attend and the abstract that will be submitted;
– Curriculum Vitae and list of publications;
– Justification letter describing the focus of the research (max. 800 words);
– Letter of recommendation from the supervisor, research director, or department head, which also confirms the applicant’s status.

Past Winners


Edwin Hlangwani
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Mercedes Rocafort Ferrer
CRAG, Spain

Award Committee

Prof. Dilantha Fernando Chairman
University of Manitoba
Prof. Gianluca Caruso
University of Naples Federico II
Prof. Milan Stankovic
Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
Dr. Othmane Merah
University of Toulouse
Dr. Tika Adhikari
North Carolina State University


Edeline Gagnon
Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh/University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Award Committee

Prof. Milan Stankovic Chairman
Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
Dr. Beatriz Ramos
Prof. Ki Hyun Kim
Sungkyunkwan university
Dr. Hironori Kaminaka
Tottori University


Syed Shane Ali Zaidi
University of Liège
Justin Mathias
West Virginia University

Award Committee

Prof. Milan Stankovic Chairman
Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac
Dr. Beatriz Ramos
Prof. Ki Hyun Kim
Sungkyunkwan university
Dr. Hironori Kaminaka
Tottori University


Heather E. McFarlane
University of Melbourne
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