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Dust Pollution in Construction Sites in Point-Pattern Housing Development

Svetlana Manzhilevskaya
Department of Civil Engineering, Don State Technical University, 344001 Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Buildings 2024, 14(9), 2991;
Submission received: 1 July 2024 / Revised: 12 September 2024 / Accepted: 18 September 2024 / Published: 20 September 2024
(This article belongs to the Section Construction Management, and Computers & Digitization)


Construction in cities and agglomerations is one of the main sources of air pollution in most countries in the world. Fine dust particles, PM0.5–PM10, which form as a result of construction processes, are among the most dangerous pollutants. With the increase in the volume of point-pattern housing development in cities, the task of maintaining clean air and environmental conditions becomes important. This requires research, the monitoring of dust emissions throughout the entire construction period and the development of design solutions based on the results obtained. The study examines the determination of the dispersed composition of dust generated on a construction site. A graphical representation of the dispersed composition is given by constructing integral curves on a logarithmic grid and approximating them using two-link and three-link splines. The gravimetric measurement method was used to analyze the concentration of dust in the air released during construction work near residential areas. Dust analysis at the construction site revealed significant differences in particle size that cannot be explained by statistical errors alone. The reasons for this are both working conditions and climatic factors, including humidity and wind intensity. In this regard, it is preferable to use models that take into account random processes instead of traditional deterministic methods to study the dust that shapes during construction.

1. Introduction

In the process of preparing for the construction, operation and teardown of different buildings, it is necessary to follow the requirements of environmental safety, labor protection and the rational use of resources. Special attention should be paid to the control of dust emissions in order to minimize the negative impact on human health. The construction process, starting from excavation for laying the foundation and ending with the final cleaning of the territory, is inevitably associated with the formation of dust emissions, as determined by Lumens and Spee [1]. Various actions on construction sites, including soil preparation, plastering, pouring concrete, loading and unloading operations, moving building materials, mixing mixtures, as well as stonework, lead to air pollution with dust particles ranging from PM0.5 to PM10, which is especially noticeable in urban environments. These dust particles not only create problems for workers at the facilities, but also negatively affect residents whose homes are located near construction sites. The ingress of such dust into the lungs of people can cause the development of a number of respiratory diseases. In 2016, Dickerson [2] stressed that the construction site is a place of active dust formation, which is associated with many processes. Among the key actions contributing to the appearance of dust are the following: excavation, drilling, transportation and the handling of bulk materials, including their loading and unloading. Ming Hu [3] stressed that office workers and builders are equally exposed to construction-related procedures. In 2017, Jian Zuo et al. [4] showed that dust pollution has an impact on the health of workers, which requires the development of measures for its management and control. Arup Sarkar et al. [5,6] explored the emission of particle matter PM2.5 and PM10 at constructions sites during four different activities such as concrete mixing, concrete chipping, marble cutting and brick wall cutting. They determined that the concentration of PM2.5 and PM10 during brick wall cutting is 60–100 times higher than the NAAQS acceptable limit. Zezhou Wu et al. [7] laid down the prevailing dust control measures on site.
Recently, the scientific community has been paying more attention to research on the impact of construction dust on human health [8,9]. Daniel Cheriyan and Jae-ho Choi [10] focused on studying various aspects related to dust formation during construction work. Li Xu and Zhihao Pei [11] studied how the construction dust emission spreads. Hyun-jun Noh et al. [12] and Evelyn T.N. et al. [13] described the detection methods of dust emissions.
The quality of atmospheric air assessment must take into account various characteristics of dust, including its physicochemical and morphological properties, toxicity and the ability to adsorb impurities. Mweendi, P. et al. [14] indicated that the dust fallout contained Hg, As, Fe, Ni, Cr, Mn, Al and Pb occurring in varying concentrations, and the status of the pollution of the dust fallout ranged from low to severe concerning the inconsistent heavy metal. D. S. Samaradiwakara et al. [15] stressed that higher Ca, Zn and Cu concentrations in the dust samples indicate anthropogenic influences on the dust, caused by the construction industry. An improvement in the level of environmental safety in atmospheric air in cities demands the identification and estimation of the total amount of suspended matter emissions at the construction site. It is also important to develop appropriate safety measures for workers and improve the regulation of dust emissions during the construction process according to the current conditions in the legal system, as analyzed in the works of Ardon-Dryer Karin et al. [16], Kim M.-S. et al. [17] and Xing Jinding et al. [18].
Due to the increase in population level in cities and megacities and point-pattern housing development in the restrained urban conditions, the problem of preserving the environment and protecting humans from harmful effects arising during the construction process is becoming more and more urgent. The problems of dust pollution in the restrained urban conditions are of interest to scientists in different countries. Currently, scientists from various countries, including the United States, South Korea, the People’s Republic of China, the United Kingdom and the European Union have made significant progress in combating air pollution caused by dust emissions. Zhang Yisheng et al. [19] described a method that combines a wind tunnel experiment and numerical simulation to estimate the spread of construction dust from a construction site. Guowu Tao et al. [20] developed the model of efficient site layout by using the MOPSO Algorithm for minimizing dust emission. Zachary M. Klaver et al. [21] tested the effectiveness of using portable air filtration systems with HEPA PAFs to reduce indoor PM2.5 levels for elderly people living near a construction site. Bo Yu et al. [22] found that dust emissions from construction work differ in their concentration, frequency and duration of action. Sang-woo Han et al. [23] described the hybrid receptor model for dust emission control. Dietrich Matthew et al. [24] found that the content of dust particles of various fractions and chemical compositions in the air of residential and working premises causes harm to people from the construction site.
However, the research and development of methods to control these emissions in these countries face a number of economic and administrative difficulties. The rise in construction costs for dust control is the main barrier for contractors, requiring them to find ways to overcome it. When it comes to choosing investment projects, the presence of high taxes and administrative burdens forces both the customers and contractors to prefer options that avoid unexpected financial losses caused by dust control.
In 2023, the level of air pollution caused by small particles (with a diameter of 10 μm or less) in the People’s Republic of China reached 87 μg per cubic meter, exceeding the global average of 71 μg per cubic meter [25]. In Beijing, the concentration of PM2.5 particles exceeded the annual average recommended by the World Health Organization (53 μg per cubic meter) by more than 10 times. In response to this problem, China developed measures to reduce construction dust emissions [26]. These measures include organizational and technological approaches, such as the mandatory washing of vehicles before leaving the construction site, covering the ground with protective materials, limiting work in strong wind conditions, using technologies to capture dust, banning the manufacture of concrete mixtures on the construction site, increasing air humidity during dusty work, as well as equipping construction sites with live hedges as wind protection [27,28]. There are unique initiatives in the different states of the USA, the purpose of which is to minimize the spread of construction dust outside the construction area. Specialized funds play a key role in supporting construction organizations in their efforts to reduce dust emissions. These funds provide the necessary funds after receiving approval from the National Pollutant Emission Control System (NPDES), which allows companies to carry out construction work with less harm to the environment [29]. In Asia, where South Korea stands out in particular, great importance is attached to the development of social responsibility in companies [30]. In this regard, supervisory commissions are being established from among local residents, who, along with supervisory authorities, are engaged in monitoring the level of air pollution near construction sites and informing the public about the situation. In the UK and EU, construction companies use advanced technology to control the spread of construction dust. They install specialized irrigation systems that analyze atmospheric data in real time, for example, dust level, wind direction and speed, temperature and humidity—and based on these data, determine the optimal parameters for irrigation activation, thereby minimizing dust in the air in construction sites [31,32].
An analysis of the works of Russian scholars Azarov V. [33], Menzelintseva N. [34], Kaluzgina E. [35] and Sergina N. [36] who described the problems of point-pattern housing development, confirms the problems of dust emissions during construction and its impact on the air environment and the population living near the construction site in the Russian Federation. The rational organization and management of construction processes at the site, as well as the introduction of organizational and technological measures to reduce dust emissions were also not carried out systematically. It is necessary to carry out a systematic analysis of the data obtained and take the necessary measures for the long-term control of dust emission in point-pattern housing development in restrained urban conditions.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the dust emission produced from construction processes implemented in point-pattern housing development, followed by working out organizational and technological measures to control emission. The study is aimed at minimizing damage to the health of the population living near the point-pattern housing development and the air environment of the urban area where the construction site is located.

2. Materials and Methods

Existing measures, regardless of their diversity, are unable to provide absolute protection for residents from construction dust in each country, considering both technical and managerial aspects.
This paper presents an analysis of the volume and concentration of dust particles, as well as the process of collecting dust samples resulting from development on the territory of the residential complex “Yekaterininsky”, located in Rostov-on-Don. The study covered various facilities, including the construction site of the 25-storey building at Magnitogorsk 2B, the recently commissioned in operation house on Magnitogorsk 1B, where finishing work was carried out, and the house on Magnitogorsk 1/1, fully occupied more than two years ago. Details of the location of the zones where sampling was carried out are shown in Figure 1.
Sampling was performed using a Handheld 3016 particle counter by Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions, (Medford, OR, USA) feature 0.3 µm sensitivity and a PU-3E/12 electric respirator by Ximko (Moscow, Russia), designed to take air samples to determine the content of dust and aerosols by pumping a given sample volume through AFA VP type aerosol filters with a response surface of 10 cm2 in the working area and in the residential area, shown in Figure 2. Table 1 provides a description of the devices used in the study.
AFA aerosol filters were designed for the study and control of aero-disperse impurities (aerosols) contained in the air or other gases during one-time periodic sampling using electric aspirators. The material of the filter element was made on the basis of perchlorovinyl fibers. The IRA-10 filter holders by Krezol (Voronezh, Russia) were selected for the AFA filters. The WIN-SFV32 v1.0 software of the electric respirator provided calibration and validation of the received data.
The selected samples were analyzed using methods for calculating the dispersion of emissions of harmful (polluting) substances in the atmospheric air of the Russian Federation. The duration of air sampling to determine single concentrations lasted for 20 min in accordance with GOST R 58577-2019 [37] from each sampling point.
In preparation for sampling, the AFA filters were kept in open bags for a day in a desiccator with a calcium chloride desiccant. Then the filter was removed from the bag with tweezers, weighed on analytical scales with an accuracy of 0.1 mg, packed again in a paper bag and the number and weight of the filter were recorded on the bag. The prepared filters were stored in a dry room at room temperature in conditions that exclude contamination. The filter, weighted to a constant weight, was installed in the filter holder. An open filter holder was used to measure the dust content of the atmospheric air.
The filters delivered to the laboratory were kept for a day in the room where the weighing was carried out before weighing. After drying, the filters were weighed 2–3 times to a constant weight.
The dust concentration was determined by the following formula:
C = m V o ,
where m is the mass of dust trapped on the filter, determined by the gravimetric method as the difference between the weights of the dust after sampling and the clean filter before sampling, mg; Vo—the volume of the sample of air (gas) passed through the filter, m3.
The value of each sample was adjusted to normal conditions and calculated using the following formula:
V o   =   V 1   · 273 · ( P i ±   P a c ) 273 + t · 101.325 ,
where Vo is the value of the selected sample of gas emissions, m3; Pi is the atmospheric pressure during sampling, kPa; t is the gas temperature at the aspirator during sampling, °C; V1 is the value of the selected dust sample, m3; ΔPac is the vacuum at the aspirator, kPa.
Weather conditions during the experiment were as follows: wind speed of 5 m/s (summer and winter); temperature: +25 C (summer), +4 (winter); and humidity: 30–40% (summer), 70–75% (winter). Precipitation and additional sources of humidification were absent.
After sampling and weighing, filters with the selected dust were prepared for microscopic analysis. The analysis was carried out by taking an image using Adobe Photoshop 9.0. Using “SPOTEXPLORER 2018” software, which allows the digital processing of black and white images, its equivalent diameter was calculated by the amount of dust particles and the number of particles of various sizes was determined.
The graphical method of formatting the results provided for the following type of interpretation: differential size distribution curves (the abscissa axis is the particle size distribution (DP), and the ordinate axis is the density of distribution of particles of the corresponding size in percentages), each point of which shows the percentage of dust particles of larger or smaller sizes. The dispersed composition of dust was described using theoretical and experimental dependences. Studies have shown that the dispersed analysis of dust contained in the urban air environment obeys a logarithmically normal distribution. Based on simple suggestions about the nature of the process of crushing solid particles, academician A.N. Kolmogorov showed that in the process of crushing, the particle distribution asymptotically tends to a lognormal distribution [38].
The method of determining the physicochemical composition of dust, which was used in the work, was carried out on the basis of GOST R 56929-2016 [39]. It is based on measuring the size of the particles of the dust under study using a microscopic method by photographing samples magnified 200–2000 times using an MBS-10 stereoscopic microscope using a photo attachment. The processed image was uploaded to the “Dust 1” software package, which allowed us to determine the shape of dust-like particles by calculating the area occupied by the particle. The program presents the result in the form of integral functions of particle distribution over equivalent diameters in a logarithmic grid. Dust 1 software is designed to carry out a computational justification of air pollution and design means to increase the level of protection depending on the dispersed (fractional) composition of dust emitted into the atmospheric air. The most informative method for assessing the chemical state of vertical surfaces was elemental analysis, which was performed using a Versa 3D scanning electron microscope. The elemental composition of the studied samples, taken vertically from the working areas and the natural environment, was studied using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The high vacuum mode (Hi Vac) using various detectors, such as secondary, backscattered and passing electrodes (ETD, CBS, STEM), made it possible to obtain high-resolution images of dust emission material. Then, with the help of “STATISTICA 12.6” software, a graphic design of the research results was created. The verification of the subordination of the sample to the logarithmically normal distribution law was carried out using the Pearson agreement criteria and the Kolmogorov criterion [40].

3. Results

Data on the average level of air pollution with dust particles were systematized and they are presented in Table 2. It should be noted that according to the WHO recommendation, the average daily concentration of PM10 should not exceed 45 μg/m3, PM2.5—15 μg/m3 [41].
Figure 3 shows how the size of dust particles varies depending on the season—summer and winter. In addition, Figure 4 shows the collected dust samples from houses located near an active construction site.
A study on dust levels at the construction sites in the «Yekaterininsky» residential complex in Rostov-on-Don revealed interesting data:
In summer, the percentage of PM10 dust in the total amount varies between 51% and 80%, whereas in winter, this indicator is in the range of 57–70.05%.
In the winter months, the concentration of PM2.5 dust particles near construction sites increases to 3–8% of their total weight, while in summer, this figure ranges between 2–3%. For smaller particles PM1, seasonal fluctuations are observed: in summer, their level varies from 0.4% to 0.9%, whereas in winter, it rises to 1.4–4%. As for the smallest particles PM0.5, their share in the total dust amount increases in winter to 0.7–2%, while summer values remain in the range from 0.2% to 0.55%.
The microscopic analysis technique revealed details about the shape and structure of the construction dust, revealing that it consists of dark, shiny and solid fragments, similar to pieces with sharp edges, without signs of gluing into aggregates, as confirmed by Figure 5. The study revealed that in winter, in areas of cities with scattered buildings, there is a significant excess of the levels of fine particles (from PM0.5 to PM10) compared to the summer period.
The results presented in Table 3 and Table 4, which are devoted to the study of the composition of dust samples, revealed that the dominant elements in them are carbon (C), oxygen (O), silicon (Si) and calcium (Ca). The presence of elements such as sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), potassium (K), iron (Fe) and sulfur (S) turned out to be less pronounced. It follows from this that non-metallic components are predominant in the analyzed dust material.

4. Discussion

The study showed that the dispersed composition of dust can be represented through integral curves that follow a logarithmically normal particle size distribution. An approximation theory and the use of spline functions were used to accurately model complex surfaces and develop differential circuits for solving problems in multidimensional space. In the process of approximating the function describing the size distribution of dust particles, two methods were investigated: the use of splines with two or three nodes to improve the accuracy of the results. Illustrations of the results of these methods can be seen in Figure 6.
With the help of the two-link spline approximation method, the integral curve was divided into segments that correspond to all particle sizes. This division occurred in two spaces: in the first space, the particle sizes did not exceed the values of xxsp1, while the second space is xsp1x < xsp2. The space [0, xsp1] is approximated using a linear function. In the space from xsp1 to xsp2, an approximation is used using a hyperbolic function that grows and has a vertical asymptote at the level of xsp2 equal to lgxsp2.
With the help of the three-link spline approximation method, the integral curve was divided into three segments: the first space is xxsp1, the second space is xsp1x < xsp2 and the third space is xsp2x < xsp3. It was necessary to determine the three critical points xsp1, xsp2 and xsp3 by creating approximation models based on three different functions: linear, parabolic and hyperbolic.
The approximation methods of the function describing the size distribution of dust particles was used for the dust collected directly from the center of activity at the construction site, as shown in Figure 7, for example, during the foundation.
Based on the hypothesis of Kolmogorov A.N. [42], the process of diameter distribution of building dust particles asymptotically tends to a logarithmically normal distribution law, which looks like the following:
D d = 1 2 π l g σ   l g d e x p l g d l g d 50 2 2 l g 2 σ d   l g d ,
where d50 is the distribution median; lgd is the standard deviation of the logarithms of the diameters; and lgσ is the standard deviation of the logarithms of the diameters from their average value.
Dust analysis at the construction site revealed significant differences in particle sizes that cannot be explained by statistical errors alone. The reasons for this are both working conditions and climatic factors, including humidity and wind intensity. In this regard, it is preferable to use models that take into account random processes instead of traditional deterministic methods to study the dust that occurs during construction. This confirms that the observed fluctuations in particle sizes reflect natural changes, not measurement errors.
The analysis of the surrounding atmosphere in the construction area revealed that the distribution of fine particles in the air is best described as a random process. In the context of assessing atmospheric pollution by fine dust particles, it is critically important to analyze the frequency and duration of moments when dust levels exceed regulatory values.
The results show that the smallest dust particles ranging in size from 8 to 10 μm were concentrated in 60–90% of cases in the area of residential buildings. It is noted that the higher the floor is located, the smaller the dust particles were, reaching sizes up to 2.5 μm. Near the perimeter of the foundation pit, a concentration of dust particles from 0.5 to 10 μm was observed, with their largest accumulation being recorded from the downwind side. Dust particles of 7, 3, 9 and 10 μm in size predominated in sampling points No. 3 and No. 4. Thus, the surrounding area of well-maintained residential buildings was significantly exposed to PM0.5–PM10 particles at various heights.
In the process of designing a building, it is important to take into account its location perpendicular to the wind-protected sides of existing residential buildings, based on the characteristic wind directions in a given area. A particularly high level of dust pollution is observed in residential buildings where repair and construction work is carried out, and this is most noticeable on the upper floors. In addition, dust particles of less than 2.5 μm in size are able to penetrate even into residential premises, causing significant harm to the health of residents.
The confirmation of this fact was found in the analysis of dust particles from a sample (see Figure 4) collected in the kitchen of a finished apartment on the 25th floor of a residential building, the windows of which overlooked the construction site.
The analytical study examined the issue of accuracy in measuring atmospheric dust particles from urban construction sites, revealing the advantages of a three-link spline over a two-link one. It gives results with fewer errors—18% more accurate. However, despite the increased accuracy, the complexity of using a three-link spline increases the complexity of the process. In situations where the ultimate accuracy of determining the size of the dust particles is not so important, it is preferable to opt for a two-link spline, which will facilitate calculations without sacrificing data quality.
For the study carried out at a construction site in an urban area, a gravitational measurement method with dust analysis was used, which is relevant for all types of construction processes in addition to the considered foundation. This study used a logarithmic grid for the submission of collected data on the size of dust particles, which ranged from 0.1 to 100 μm. This made it possible to form complex functions describing the dynamics of the dust concentration in the air in different seasons and provided valuable information about the distribution of dust particles in construction areas, thereby improving the understanding of working conditions on construction sites.
In the process of studying dust particle samples from the work area, complex methods were used to visualize particle concentration levels by their size. For a more detailed assessment of the dust distribution in sizes from 0.1 to 100 μm, a logarithmic grid was used, which reflects the data collected during various seasons. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to more effectively assess and imagine how dust particles were distributed in the air in work areas.
The analysis assessed the distribution of dust particles of different sizes, from PM0.5 to PM10, in the atmosphere near the places where construction was underway. It was found that in areas adjacent to the construction sites, the level of air pollution with PM10 dust particles varied depending on how close the source of construction activity was. An interesting trend was observed: when the amount of dust emitted during construction work decreased and the total amount of dust in the air increased, the overall level of dust pollution increased. At the same time, the proportion of large dust particles in the atmosphere did not change.
This study focused on the analysis of dust emission produced from construction processes to minimize damage to the health of the population living near point-pattern housing development and the air environment in the urban area where the construction site is located. Analyzing previous studies in the field of dust emission formation at the construction site showed there are similarities and differences between our findings and similar studies.
Firstly, unlike the works on the determination of the chemical composition of construction dust [14,15], in our study, we also consider the dispersed composition. The interpretation of the results of the dispersed dust composition using integral curves, followed by approximation using the two-link and three-link spline method, proved that the mass distribution of construction dust particles obeys a logarithmically normal distribution. Compared with other common dust emission determination methods in the construction conducted previously [13,19,20,26], this method of analysis, followed by the approximation, gives the minimum values of errors in determining the characteristics of dust particles prevailing at the construction site, specifically in point-pattern construction.
Secondly, the conducted studies of dust emissions from construction work cover the measurement of the concentration, not only of each specific construction process [5,6,7], but also the values of the dust content of objects of varying degrees of readiness in the residential zone of point development, which determines the diffusion of emissions from numerous sources that determine the total concentration.
The research in this article also has certain limitations. If we consider the dust pollution at a construction site, it must be emphasized that silica dust is also crucial because the danger of the dust directly depends on the silica content in it. The study of this substance is also one of the directions of the study of dust emissions from construction work, but at the moment, the presented data were focused on PM.

5. Conclusions

A study of atmospheric conditions at a construction site found that most of the dust is concentrated around the areas where the workers are located. These dust concentrations spread over the entire construction site. Construction procedures, including excavation and drilling, as well as poor weather conditions, were the main factors that increased the level of air pollution. At the same time, the study emphasized that the analyses related to the initial stage of construction provided the most data on the level of pollution. In addition, atmospheric measurements showed that PM10 particles were present in the air of the working area, with small particles less than 10 microns in size accounting for 80–95% of their total number.
Based on the data obtained during the study, we can recommend new approaches for dust control in construction sites, which will be a good addition to existing methods. Firstly, it is proposed to introduce low-cost dust barriers treated with a special composition of chemical components. These screens are capable of collecting dust on their surface, after which it can be easily removed. It is noted that such screens are much cheaper than the current versions made of polymer materials or metal grids and are currently undergoing testing. In addition, it is proposed to use irrigation systems with magnetic water, which are able to effectively capture and condense up to 90% of fine dust in the air.
The application of certain strategies at the construction site of the residential complex “Yekaterininsky” contributes to a significant reduction in dust in the atmosphere, making the work areas at the construction site less dusty, up to a fivefold reduction. To further improve air quality and minimize the cost of protecting the surrounding houses from dust, the introduction of improved dust collection systems on the construction site is becoming relevant.
Monitoring and studying the emission of dust particles during construction work are key factors for reducing the level of air pollution by solid elements, which is especially important for rapidly developing urban areas. Attention to the problem of environmental degradation due to dust pollution has reached a high level both at the national and global levels of the scientific community. These studies play an important role in the planning and development of new buildings in order to maintain an environmentally friendly environment. The impact of dust pollution extends over the entire life cycle of buildings, from their construction to the demolition of the building.


This research received no external funding.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article, further inquiries can be directed to the author.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


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Figure 1. Schemes of the research site: (A) construction site, (B) 25-storey residential building, (C) 20-storey residential building with repair and construction works; 1–4—sampling points at the construction site.
Figure 1. Schemes of the research site: (A) construction site, (B) 25-storey residential building, (C) 20-storey residential building with repair and construction works; 1–4—sampling points at the construction site.
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Figure 2. Devices used in sampling: (a) Handheld 3016 particle counter; (b) PU-3E/12 electric respirator; (c) AFA aerosol filters by Krezol (Voronezh, Russia); (d) MBS-10 stereoscopic microscope by LZOS (Moscow, Russia); and (e) Versa 3D DualBeam electron-ion (bi-beam) microscope by FEI Company (Hillsboro, OR, USA).
Figure 2. Devices used in sampling: (a) Handheld 3016 particle counter; (b) PU-3E/12 electric respirator; (c) AFA aerosol filters by Krezol (Voronezh, Russia); (d) MBS-10 stereoscopic microscope by LZOS (Moscow, Russia); and (e) Versa 3D DualBeam electron-ion (bi-beam) microscope by FEI Company (Hillsboro, OR, USA).
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Figure 3. Results of the study of dust samples in the zone of spot development: (a) 20-storey residential building with repair and construction work (summer) (2, 6, 11, 16, 20—floors); (b) 25-storey residential building (summer) (2, 25—floors); (c) a construction site (summer) (1–4—sampling points); (d) 20-storey residential building with repair and construction work (summer) (3, 7, 11, 16, 20—floors); (e) 25-storey residential building (summer) (2, 6, 11, 16, 21, 25—floors); and (f) construction site (summer) (1–4—sampling points).
Figure 3. Results of the study of dust samples in the zone of spot development: (a) 20-storey residential building with repair and construction work (summer) (2, 6, 11, 16, 20—floors); (b) 25-storey residential building (summer) (2, 25—floors); (c) a construction site (summer) (1–4—sampling points); (d) 20-storey residential building with repair and construction work (summer) (3, 7, 11, 16, 20—floors); (e) 25-storey residential building (summer) (2, 6, 11, 16, 21, 25—floors); and (f) construction site (summer) (1–4—sampling points).
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Figure 4. Dust sample from a residential area with windows opening onto a construction site.
Figure 4. Dust sample from a residential area with windows opening onto a construction site.
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Figure 5. Micrographs of dust collected in the work area at the construction site: (a) particles with a diameter of more than 100 microns; (b) particles with a diameter of less than 10 microns.
Figure 5. Micrographs of dust collected in the work area at the construction site: (a) particles with a diameter of more than 100 microns; (b) particles with a diameter of less than 10 microns.
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Figure 6. Approximation of integral functions: (a) two-link spline; (b) three-link spline.
Figure 6. Approximation of integral functions: (a) two-link spline; (b) three-link spline.
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Figure 7. Construction site in Rostov-on-Don, Magnitogorsk str. 2B.
Figure 7. Construction site in Rostov-on-Don, Magnitogorsk str. 2B.
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Table 1. Specification of the devices and equipment used in the study.
Table 1. Specification of the devices and equipment used in the study.
Devices and EquipmentSpecification
Handheld 3016
particle counter
Handheld 3016: 0.3–25 µm, 0.1 CFM (2.83 LPM) flow rate
View 6 particle sizes simultaneously
Approximate mass concentration in µg/m3
Memory for storing data (3000 samples)
Concentration limit—4,000,000/ft3
50-record configurable recipe database
200 user-defined alphanumeric location labels open Architecture Connectivity with OPC Server
Operating: 50–104 °F (10–40 °C)/20–95% non-condensing
PU-3E/12 electric
Metrological support—the device is included in the Russian State Register No. 14531-13
Installation and stabilization of flow through channels (40–150 L/min per channel), setting the sampling time (min), indication of the selected volume through the channel (L), air humidity, temperature, atmospheric pressure, battery voltage are displayed, the history of completed selections is maintained
The volume of the air sample is measured by the built-in electronic volume meter
The number of parallel samples is from 1 to 3
The filter resistance is not more than 2 kPa
A total air consumption of at least 200 L/min
The limit of the basic relative error of measuring the sample volume is ±5%
The duration of sampling in the range from 2 to 60 min
Operating: relative humidity up to 98% at 25 °C; ambient temperature from 263 to 313 K (−10–+40 °C); atmospheric pressure is 84–106.7 kPa (630–800 mmHg).
Sampling AFA aerosol filters
AFA VP-10 aerosol filtersDesigned for gravimetric method
The material used in the fibers of the fabric is perchlorovinyl
The working surface area of the filter is 10 cm2
The permissible air load on the filter is 70 L/min
MBS-10 stereoscopic
Magnification in the range 4–100 times
Linear field of vision in the range 39–2.4 mm,
Operating distance is no less 95 mm, lens f = 90 mm
Illumination source is halogen lamp 12 V/20 W
The change in the interpupillary distance is from 56 to 72 mm, rounded magnification values: 7, 4, 2, 1 and 0.6 times
Versa 3D DualBeam FEI
electron-ion (bi-beam)
High-resolution field emission SEM column optimized for high-brightness/high-current, Schottky thermal field emitter
60-degree objective lens geometry with through-the-lens differential pumping
Accelerating voltage: 200 V–30 kV; landing voltage range: standard—200 V–30 kV; beam deceleration—50 V–30 kV
Probe current: up to 200 nA—continuously adjustable
Magnification 30×–1280k× in “quad” mode
Pump-down time (high vacuum): <6 × 10−4 Pa
Low vacuum: 10–200 Pa, ESEM vacuum: 10–4000 Pa
Extended vacuum range to 4000 Pa
Table 2. Indicators of the total concentration of dust emissions of the studied objects.
Table 2. Indicators of the total concentration of dust emissions of the studied objects.
Object of the StudySampling Location, Floor/Sampling PointConcentration, mug/m3
25-storey residential building next to the construction site21825
Construction site1312
20-storey house with repair and construction works21696
Table 3. The elemental composition of dust with particles with a diameter of more than 100 microns, selected from the work area at the construction site.
Table 3. The elemental composition of dust with particles with a diameter of more than 100 microns, selected from the work area at the construction site.
ElementWeight Fraction, %Atomic Fraction, %Imprecision, %
Table 4. The elemental composition of dust with particles less than 10 microns in diameter.
Table 4. The elemental composition of dust with particles less than 10 microns in diameter.
ElementWeight Fraction, %Atomic Fraction, %Imprecision, %
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MDPI and ACS Style

Manzhilevskaya, S. Dust Pollution in Construction Sites in Point-Pattern Housing Development. Buildings 2024, 14, 2991.

AMA Style

Manzhilevskaya S. Dust Pollution in Construction Sites in Point-Pattern Housing Development. Buildings. 2024; 14(9):2991.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Manzhilevskaya, Svetlana. 2024. "Dust Pollution in Construction Sites in Point-Pattern Housing Development" Buildings 14, no. 9: 2991.

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