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Proceeding Paper

Use of Nearpod in Reducing Word Usage Errors in Chinese Lessons †

Chinese Department, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta 11480, Indonesia
School of Liberal Arts, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Presented at the 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data, Taipei, Taiwan, 19–21 April 2024.
Eng. Proc. 2024, 74(1), 63;
Published: 18 September 2024


Nearpod is a learning platform that allows interactions between students in online learning so that students can have the opportunity to provide ideas and answers to questions given directly. We used qualitative methods to analyze the differences between students’ understanding of learning material before and after using Nearpod. The objects were 30 students who studied teaching materials for three months. The test material was used for students to study. In 40−60% of learning, the materials were used. An examination was conducted by composing sentences and making sentences. The change in the increase in student’s errors showed a significant difference. In conversation-solving questions, correct answers increased from 33 to 74%, and in sentence construction, that increased from 30 to 67%. This result presented students’ positive responses to Nearpod with a satisfaction rate of 80%. Students who used Nearpod improved word memory but needed to pay attention to the choice of words when typing using pinyin input.

1. Introduction

Nowadays, in teaching Mandarin, PowerPoint materials are widely used. Interactive teaching supports are used more than before apart from using books and materials. Third-party applications provide a fun learning experience for students. Learning Mandarin is different from learning other foreign languages. Learning Mandarin requires an understanding of the characteristics of the Mandarin language, so this challenges learners [1].
Online learning demands collaboration between teachers and students. Nearpod can be useful for foreign students as they have challenges in using Mandarin every day. Students view online education as having a big impact. Student participation is essential to engage in the learning environment [2]. Student participation is crucial to enhancing the learning outcome [3]. The quality of online education needs to be improved to be at a similar level to traditional face-to-face classroom-based education [4].

2. Conceptual Background

2.1. Online Learning Platform

Electronic media is difficult to use but valuable in motivating students and the teacher to understand content, students, and technology [5,6]. It enables an integrated learning management for Chinese as a foreign language learning in Indonesia. It is necessary to continuously evaluate e-learning to ensure higher-quality teaching and learning [7]. A lack of collaboration between students negatively impacts this [8]. Learning through mobile devices allows students to search for data and communicate with material related to the available databases and the interactive environment in learning to increase learning interactions between participants [9,10].

2.2. Nearpod Platform Learning

Nearpod can be used to make presentations, provide instructors with knowledge, and engage students in a variety of ways. It also provides real-time assessments to make students learn in class actively [11,12,13,14]. Distance learning enhances effective learning and improves collaboration and interactions in teaching, including providing high-level cognitive tasks [15,16,17]. This Nearpod application also makes it easier for teachers to design online-learning, owing to its features. Using e-modules on science materials, “energy and change” can be available for students. Nearpod can be used in a teaching and learning process that is interactive, motivating, and interesting [14,18,19]. Nearpod is also used to explore content and activities and improve academic performance and student participation in educational resources [20,21].

2.3. Relationship between Technology and Learning

Game-based learning positively influences students. The effect of gamification stimulates students’ cognitive processes and learning experiences [22]. Student learning engagement is lower in problem-based learning in writing classes with Augmented Reality than in traditional teacher-centered learning, partly due to the need for student involvement in learning [23]. There are other factors, such as limited resources and inappropriate administrative structure, which affect learning outcomes [24]. In mobile learning, techniques and learning theories are used to meet shifting demands [25]. Overall, technology can increase the learning effect and restore the essence of learning [26].

3. Research Method

A qualitative approach research method was used for 31 students to determine the effects of Nearpod before and after its use. The framework of this research is presented in Figure 1.

3.1. Nearpod

3.1.1. Main Function

Nearpod’s interactive screen provides pages about lessons, profiles, reports, and sub-plans. Users are only given a quota of 100 Mb/account for a free account (Figure 2). The types of interactive media presented vary, ranging from video learning, VR field trips, matching pairs, wall-climb games, and others.

3.1.2. Interaction Function

The functions of Nearpod allow users to answer on their respective boards, and the teacher can monitor what the students are wiring them in real-time (Figure 3).
The answers for Figure 3a, 因为路上发生了事故 (Because there is accident in the street); 当时有一个(起)事故 (there is a accident at that time); Figure 3b 我们都去北京玩儿 (we go to Beijing to have fun).

4. Result and Discussion

4.1. Errors in Learning

Questions are given to students about the types of vocabulary and the review of the exercises on Nearpod (Table 1). Learners are asked to complete the sentences and make sentences using the words given (Table 1).
Wrong answers from students included grammatical errors, including word order errors (syntax) and word meanings (semantics), and class errors in writing words, including words with the same meaning (Table 2).
Errors in hand-writing words were dominated by the wrong arrangement and mistakes in choosing words in a sentence (Table 3).
Errors were found in grammar, word order and syntax, and sentence meaning. Meanwhile, in writing words, errors occurred in using correct words. For example, mistakes in writing the word 吗 become 马, and 评 became 枰. Students were unable to write the Chinese characters, for example, the letters “蔬菜”, which were written as “shucai” (Figure 4).
There were other errors in that students could not order words correctly and use correct words in a sentence (Figure 5).
Most students made the mistakes of not filling in sentences/answers and of grammar in writing Chinese characters (Figure 6).
There is a significant difference in the use of Nearpod in vocabulary mastery, where students using Nearpod expressed more ideas. The error rate in grammar was higher than in handwriting. Most students used Nearpod when they did not know the correct answers. Figure 7 shows the number of errors before and after using Nearpod.

4.2. Student Interview

The interview with students showed that Nearpod significantly influenced students’ learning abilities (Table 4).
Students using Nearpod were more active in learning vocabulary. However, there are still questions on the usage of Nearpod (Table 5).
“Do you agree that all teachers should use Nearpod? Why?”
21 students (70%) answered that it was necessary, but several disagreed with the following reasons.
  • No, when drawing Mandarin characters, the pen does not work well and often makes errors.
  • Not so, because it is complicated and lagging.
  • Yes, you must improve Internet constraints, and Nearpod is easier to run on specific devices, for example, laptops. If you want to use Nearpod for learning activities, it can be provided so students are okay with bringing things.
“What is your suggestion for Nearpod?”
  • It is good for learning activities, but I do not like how it works because it is hard to edit and run.
  • That loading is accelerated, and the draw feature is improved so that you can write more efficiently.
  • It needs to be more exciting with more tools.

5. Conclusions

Nearpod has a good effect in learning, especially in minimizing errors in the use of Mandarin vocabulary. However, Nearpod also gives students a challenge, especially for answering questions and feeling embarrassed if the teacher sees their answers. Students complained about Nearpod‘s memory use in devices causing lag. The results of this study showed that Nearpod affected learning Mandarin. As only 30 students participated in this study, further research is necessary to include more students and applications.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.R.C.; methodology, M.R.C.; formal analysis, M.R.C. and Q.K.; writing—original draft preparation, M.R.C.; writing—review and editing, Q.K.; visualization, M.R.C.; supervision, M.R.C.; project administration, M.R.C.; funding acquisition, M.R.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Bina Nusantara University, grant number IDR001009.

Data Availability Statement

The further inquiries about the data can be directed to the corresponding author.


The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present research is supported by BINA NUSANTARA University.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Framework of this research.
Figure 1. Framework of this research.
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Figure 2. Main function of Nearpod.
Figure 2. Main function of Nearpod.
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Figure 3. (a) Interactive wall and (b) answers on it.
Figure 3. (a) Interactive wall and (b) answers on it.
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Figure 4. Errors in writing 吗 and 评.
Figure 4. Errors in writing 吗 and 评.
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Figure 5. Students’ errors in word order and meaning.
Figure 5. Students’ errors in word order and meaning.
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Figure 6. Students’ errors in not filling sentence and grammar.
Figure 6. Students’ errors in not filling sentence and grammar.
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Figure 7. Difference in results of students before (in red) and after using Nearpod (in green).
Figure 7. Difference in results of students before (in red) and after using Nearpod (in green).
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Table 1. Nearpod questions.
Table 1. Nearpod questions.
Complete the Dialogue:
1. A: 一大早怎么会堵车呢? (How could there be a traffic jam so early in the morning)
 B:       。 (事故) (Accident)
2. A:       . (把) 。(Preposition)
 B: 好的,我马上送过去。 (Okay, I’ll send it over right away)
3. A:       . (以前) (A long time ago)
 B: 真的假的? 看不出来哦。 (Is that true or not? I can’t tell.)
4. A: 这道题怎么会填错呢? (How could this question be answered incorrectly?)
 B:       。 (马虎) (careless)
5. A: 你这周末都去哪儿玩了? (Where did you go this weekend?)
 B:       . (都) (all)
Making Sentences: 以前, 被, 什么… 也 …, 每隔, 送给 (a long time ago, auxiliary, whatever… also, every period, give)
Table 2. Correct and wrong answers.
Table 2. Correct and wrong answers.
WordsUsing NearpodRatio
Complete DialogueRight Answers
事故 shìgu (accident)50%87%+37%
把 bǎ (preposition)43%76%+33%
以前 yǐqián (a long time ago)23%76%+53%
马虎 mǎhu (careless)13%87%+74%
都 dōu (all)53%87%+34%
Make Sentences
以前 yǐqián (a long time ago)23%90%+67%
被 bèi (auxiliary)23%90%+67%
什么 … 也 … shénme … yě (whatever… also)40%70%+30%
每隔 měigé (every… period)16%70%+54%
送给 sònggěi (give)53%93%+40%
Table 3. Word errors in handwriting.
Table 3. Word errors in handwriting.
(No answer)2-12-14182
Table 4. Errors of students with Nearpod.
Table 4. Errors of students with Nearpod.
No answer2453233572
Table 5. Questions and answers of students using Nearpod.
Table 5. Questions and answers of students using Nearpod.
1. I am satisfied with the teaching system settings on Nearpod17148
2. I am satisfied with the way teachers explain on Nearpod-61311
3. Nearpod teaching with the addition of multimedia makes me feel satisfied.110910
4. Learning with Nearpod makes me able to remember longer.31512
5. Nearpod is easy to run.7716
6. Teaching with Nearpod can improve language skills.11514
7. Do you agree that all teachers should use Nearpod? Why?
8. What are your suggestions for the Nearpod App?
(A*: Very satisfied; B*: Satisfied; C*: Unsure; D*: Not Satisfied).
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MDPI and ACS Style

Chandra, M.R.; Kun, Q. Use of Nearpod in Reducing Word Usage Errors in Chinese Lessons. Eng. Proc. 2024, 74, 63.

AMA Style

Chandra MR, Kun Q. Use of Nearpod in Reducing Word Usage Errors in Chinese Lessons. Engineering Proceedings. 2024; 74(1):63.

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Chandra, Mei Rianto, and Qian Kun. 2024. "Use of Nearpod in Reducing Word Usage Errors in Chinese Lessons" Engineering Proceedings 74, no. 1: 63.

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