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Nanoenergy Adv., Volume 3, Issue 3 (September 2023) – 6 articles

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11 pages, 2381 KiB  
Suspended-Load Backpacks to Reduce the Cost of Carrying Loads with Energy Scavenging Potential—Part 2: Bio-Inspired Pre-Rotation Design
by Maoyi Zhang, Liang Guo, Jihai Hu, Xingquan Wang, Ya Yang and Yewang Su
Nanoenergy Adv. 2023, 3(3), 271-281; - 4 Sep 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2324
Backpack transportation is everywhere in daily life. Suspended-load backpacks (SUSBs) based on forced vibration have attracted lots of attention because of their ability to effectively reduce the cost on the body during motion. The smaller the natural frequency of SUSBs, the better the [...] Read more.
Backpack transportation is everywhere in daily life. Suspended-load backpacks (SUSBs) based on forced vibration have attracted lots of attention because of their ability to effectively reduce the cost on the body during motion. The smaller the natural frequency of SUSBs, the better the cost reduction. The natural frequency is determined by the elastic components of SUSBs. It is currently common to use rubber ropes and pulleys as elastic components. In the first part of this paper, we propose a pre-compression design for SUSBs, which has a simple structure and breaks through the limitation of rubber material. To make the natural frequency small enough, rubber ropes and compression springs require sufficient space. This leads to the current SUSBs being large and, therefore, not suitable for children to carry. Inspired by biology, here we propose a new design strategy of pre-rotation with pre-rotation spiral springs as elastic components. The pre-rotation design not only has the advantages of avoiding the inconvenience of material aging and the ability to adjust the downward sliding distance of the backpack but also greatly saves the space occupied by the elastic components, which can be adopted by small SUSBs. We have developed a theoretical model of the pre-rotation SUSBs and experimentally confirmed the performance of the pre-rotation SUSBs. This work provides a unique design approach for small SUSBs and small suspended-load devices. And the relative motion between the components inside the SUSB has a huge potential to be used by triboelectric nanogenerators for energy scavenging. Full article
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12 pages, 2946 KiB  
Suspended-Load Backpacks to Reduce the Cost of Carrying Loads with Energy Scavenging Potential—Part 1: Pre-Compression Design
by Maoyi Zhang, Liang Guo, Jihai Hu, Xingquan Wang, Ya Yang and Yewang Su
Nanoenergy Adv. 2023, 3(3), 259-270; - 4 Sep 2023
Viewed by 2123
Backpack transportation is commonly used in daily life. Reducing the cost of the backpack on the human body is a widely researched subject. Suspended-load backpacks (SUSBs) based on forced vibration can effectively reduce the cost during movement. The intrinsic frequency of the SUSB [...] Read more.
Backpack transportation is commonly used in daily life. Reducing the cost of the backpack on the human body is a widely researched subject. Suspended-load backpacks (SUSBs) based on forced vibration can effectively reduce the cost during movement. The intrinsic frequency of the SUSB is determined by the elastic components of the SUSB. Previous researchers used pulleys and rubber ropes as the elastic components. We propose a pre-compression design strategy based on pre-compression springs. Compared with previous studies, the use of pre-compression springs as elastic elements improves the reliability of the SUSB structure, avoids the inconvenience of nonlinearity and material aging, and adds the ability to flexibly adjust the sliding distance of the backpack. Moreover, previous studies utilized the relative motion between the carrying part and the backpack part to scavenge the vibration energy. We propose that the vibration energy can also be scavenged by the relative motion between the elastic components. A theoretical model is developed for the pre-compression SUSB. We experimentally confirm the performance of the pre-compression SUSB. This work provides new design ideas for SUSBs with reduced energy costs. In Part 2, we propose a bio-inspired pre-rotation design that has the advantage of occupying less space. Full article
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12 pages, 2628 KiB  
Multi-Charge Storage Layer Model of High-Charge-Density Triboelectric Nanogenerator
by Xin Cui, Yaming Zhang and Yan Zhang
Nanoenergy Adv. 2023, 3(3), 247-258; - 31 Aug 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2015
Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) are key technologies for the Internet of Things with energy harvesting. To improve energy conversion efficiency and convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, high charge density in TENGs plays a crucial role in the design of triboelectric materials and device [...] Read more.
Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) are key technologies for the Internet of Things with energy harvesting. To improve energy conversion efficiency and convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, high charge density in TENGs plays a crucial role in the design of triboelectric materials and device structures. This paper proposes mechanisms and strategies to increase TENGs’ charge density through multi-charge storage layers. We also discuss the realization of higher charge densities through material and structure design. The implementation of novel charge storage strategies holds the potential for significant improvements in charge density. Full article
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11 pages, 4544 KiB  
A Double-Electrode-Layer Wind-Driven Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Low Frictional Resistance and High Mechanical Energy Conversion Efficiency of 10.3%
by Dongyang Fang, Guangqin Gu, Wenhe Zhang, Guangxiang Gu, Cong Wang, Bao Zhang, Gang Cheng and Zuliang Du
Nanoenergy Adv. 2023, 3(3), 236-246; - 8 Aug 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1850
As a new technology for harvesting distributed energy, the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) has been widely used in harvesting wind energy. However, the wind-driven TENG (WD-TENG) faces the problems of high frictional resistance and low mechanical energy conversion efficiency. Here, based on optimizing the [...] Read more.
As a new technology for harvesting distributed energy, the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) has been widely used in harvesting wind energy. However, the wind-driven TENG (WD-TENG) faces the problems of high frictional resistance and low mechanical energy conversion efficiency. Here, based on optimizing the structure of the wind turbine, a rotational double-electrode-layer WD-TENG (DEL-WD-TENG) is developed. When the rotational speed is less than 400 round per minute (rpm), the dielectric triboelectric layer rubs with the inner electrode layer under its gravity; when the rotational speed is higher than 400 rpm, the dielectric triboelectric layer rubs with the outer electrode layer under the centrifugal force. The double-electrode-layer structure avoids the energy loss caused by other forces except gravity, centrifugal, and electrostatic adsorption, which improves the mechanical energy conversion efficiency and prolongs the working life of the DEL-WD-TENG. The conversion efficiency from mechanical energy to electricity of the DEL-WD-TENG can reach 10.3%. After 7 million cycles, the transferred charge of the DEL-WD-TENG is reduced by about 5.0%, and the mass loss of dielectric triboelectric layer is only 5.6%. The DEL-WD-TENG with low frictional resistance and high energy conversion efficiency has important application prospects in wind energy harvesting and self-powered sensing systems. Full article
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16 pages, 7663 KiB  
Correlation between the Dimensions and Piezoelectric Properties of ZnO Nanowires Grown by PLI-MOCVD with Different Flow Rates
by Quang Chieu Bui, Vincent Consonni, Carmen Jiménez, Hervé Roussel, Xavier Mescot, Bassem Salem and Gustavo Ardila
Nanoenergy Adv. 2023, 3(3), 220-235; - 2 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1661
Zinc oxide nanowires (ZnO NWs) have gained considerable attention in the field of piezoelectricity in the past two decades. However, the impact of growth-process conditions on their dimensions and polarity, as well as the piezoelectric properties, has not been fully explored, specifically when [...] Read more.
Zinc oxide nanowires (ZnO NWs) have gained considerable attention in the field of piezoelectricity in the past two decades. However, the impact of growth-process conditions on their dimensions and polarity, as well as the piezoelectric properties, has not been fully explored, specifically when using pulsed-liquid injection metal–organic chemical vapor deposition (PLI-MOCVD). In this study, we investigate the influence of the O2 gas and DEZn solution flow rates on the formation process of ZnO NWs and their related piezoelectric properties. While the length and diameter of ZnO NWs were varied by adjusting the flow-rate conditions through different growth regimes limited either by the O2 gas or DEZn reactants, their polarity was consistently Zn-polar, as revealed by piezoresponse force microscopy. Moreover, the piezoelectric coefficient of ZnO NWs exhibits a strong correlation with their length and diameter. The highest mean piezoelectric coefficient of 3.7 pm/V was measured on the ZnO NW array with the length above 800 nm and the diameter below 65 nm. These results demonstrate the ability of the PLI-MOCVD system to modify the dimensions of ZnO NWs, as well as their piezoelectric properties. Full article
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50 pages, 34709 KiB  
Rotating Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Energy Harvesting and Their Applications
by Apostolos Segkos and Christos Tsamis
Nanoenergy Adv. 2023, 3(3), 170-219; - 5 Jul 2023
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 3941
Addressing the increasing development of IoT networks and the associated energy requirements, rotating triboelectric nanogenerators (R-TENGs) are proving to be strong candidates in the field of energy harvesting, as well as to that of self-powered devices and autonomous sensors. In this work, we [...] Read more.
Addressing the increasing development of IoT networks and the associated energy requirements, rotating triboelectric nanogenerators (R-TENGs) are proving to be strong candidates in the field of energy harvesting, as well as to that of self-powered devices and autonomous sensors. In this work, we review the theoretical framework surrounding the operating principles and key design parameters of R-TENGs, while also associating them with their output characteristics. Furthermore, we present an overview of the core designs used by the research community in energy harvesting applications, as well as variations of these designs along with explicit solutions for the engineering and optimization of the electrical output of R-TENGs. Last but not least, a comprehensive survey of the potential applications of R-TENGs outside the energy harvesting scope is provided, showcasing the working principles of the various designs and the benefits they confer for each specific scenario. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Fabrication and Characterization of Materials for Nanoenergy)
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